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+% Intel L2 Cache Allocation Technology (L2 CAT) Feature
+% Revision 1.0
+# Basics
+---------------- ----------------------------------------------------
+ Status: **Tech Preview**
+Architecture(s): Intel x86
+ Component(s): Hypervisor, toolstack
+ Hardware: Atom codename Goldmont and beyond CPUs
+---------------- ----------------------------------------------------
+# Overview
+L2 CAT allows an OS or Hypervisor/VMM to control allocation of a
+CPU's shared L2 cache based on application priority or Class of Service
+(COS). Each CLOS is configured using capacity bitmasks (CBM) which
+represent cache capacity and indicate the degree of overlap and
+isolation between classes. Once L2 CAT is configured, the processor
+allows access to portions of L2 cache according to the established
+class of service.
+## Terminology
+* CAT Cache Allocation Technology
+* CBM Capacity BitMasks
+* CDP Code and Data Prioritization
+* COS/CLOS Class of Service
+* MSRs Machine Specific Registers
+* PSR Intel Platform Shared Resource
+* VMM Virtual Machine Monitor
+# User details
+* Feature Enabling:
+ Add "psr=cat" to boot line parameter to enable all supported level CAT
+ features.
+* xl interfaces:
+ 1. `psr-cat-show [OPTIONS] domain-id`:
+ Show domain L2 or L3 CAT CBM.
+ New option `-l` is added.
+ `-l2`: Show cbm for L2 cache.
+ `-l3`: Show cbm for L3 cache.
+ If neither `-l2` nor `-l3` is given, show both of them. If any one
+ is not supported, will print error info.
+ 2. `psr-cat-cbm-set [OPTIONS] domain-id cbm`:
+ Set domain L2 or L3 CBM.
+ New option `-l` is added.
+ `-l2`: Specify cbm for L2 cache.
+ `-l3`: Specify cbm for L3 cache.
+ If neither `-l2` nor `-l3` is given, level 3 is the default option.
+ 3. `psr-hwinfo [OPTIONS]`:
+ Show L2 & L3 CAT HW informations on every socket.
+# Technical details
+L2 CAT is a member of Intel PSR features and part of CAT, it shares
+some base PSR infrastructure in Xen.
+## Hardware perspective
+L2 CAT defines a new range MSRs to assign different L2 cache access
+patterns which are known as CBMs, each CBM is associated with a COS.
+ +----------------------------+----------------+
+ IA32_PQR_ASSOC | MSR (per socket) | Address |
+ +----+---+-------+ +----------------------------+----------------+
+ | |COS| | | IA32_L2_QOS_MASK_0 | 0xD10 |
+ +----+---+-------+ +----------------------------+----------------+
+ └-------------> | ... | ... |
+ +----------------------------+----------------+
+ | IA32_L2_QOS_MASK_n | 0xD10+n (n<64) |
+ +----------------------------+----------------+
+When context switch happens, the COS of VCPU is written to per-thread
+MSR `IA32_PQR_ASSOC`, and then hardware enforces L2 cache allocation
+according to the corresponding CBM.
+## The relationship between L2 CAT and L3 CAT/CDP
+L2 CAT is independent of L3 CAT/CDP, which means L2 CAT would be enabled
+while L3 CAT/CDP is disabled, or L2 CAT and L3 CAT/CDP are all enabled.
+L2 CAT uses a new range CBMs from 0xD10 ~ 0xD10+n (n<64), following by
+the L3 CAT/CDP CBMs, and supports setting different L2 cache accessing
+patterns from L3 cache. Like L3 CAT/CDP requirement, the bits of CBM of
+L2 CAT must be continuous too.
+N.B. L2 CAT and L3 CAT/CDP share the same COS field in the same
+associate register `IA32_PQR_ASSOC`, which means one COS associates to a
+pair of L2 CBM and L3 CBM.
+Besides, the max COS of L2 CAT may be different from L3 CAT/CDP (or
+other PSR features in future). In some cases, a VM is permitted to have a
+COS that is beyond one (or more) of PSR features but within the others.
+For instance, let's assume the max COS of L2 CAT is 8 but the max COS of
+L3 CAT is 16, when a VM is assigned 9 as COS, the L3 CBM associated to
+COS 9 would be enforced, but for L2 CAT, the behavior is fully open (no
+limit) since COS 9 is beyond the max COS (8) of L2 CAT.
+## Design Overview
+* Core COS/CBM association
+ When enforcing L2 CAT, all cores of domains have the same default
+ COS (COS0) which associated to the fully open CBM (all ones bitmask)
+ to access all L2 cache. The default COS is used only in hypervisor
+ and is transparent to tool stack and user.
+ System administrator can change PSR allocation policy at runtime by
+ tool stack. Since L2 CAT share COS with L3 CAT/CDP, a COS corresponds
+ to a 2-tuple, like [L2 CBM, L3 CBM] with only-CAT enabled, when CDP
+ is enabled, one COS corresponds to a 3-tuple, like [L2 CBM,
+ L3 Code_CBM, L3 Data_CBM]. If neither L3 CAT nor L3 CDP is enabled,
+ things would be easier, one COS corresponds to one L2 CBM.
+* VCPU schedule
+ This part reuses L3 CAT COS infrastructure.
+* Multi-sockets
+ Different sockets may have different L2 CAT capability (e.g. max COS)
+ although it is consistent on the same socket. So the capability of
+ per-socket L2 CAT is specified.
+## Implementation Description
+* Hypervisor interfaces:
+ 1. Boot line parameter "psr=cat" now will enable L2 CAT and L3
+ CAT if hardware supported.
+ 2. SYSCTL:
+ - XEN_SYSCTL_PSR_CAT_get_l2_info: Get L2 CAT information.
+ 3. DOMCTL:
+ - XEN_DOMCTL_PSR_CAT_OP_GET_L2_CBM: Get L2 CBM for a domain.
+ - XEN_DOMCTL_PSR_CAT_OP_SET_L2_CBM: Set L2 CBM for a domain.
+* xl interfaces:
+ 1. psr-cat-show -l2 domain-id
+ Show L2 cbm for a domain.
+ => XEN_SYSCTL_PSR_CAT_get_l2_info /
+ 2. psr-mba-set -l2 domain-id cbm
+ Set L2 cbm for a domain.
+ 3. psr-hwinfo
+ Show PSR HW information, including L2 CAT
+ => XEN_SYSCTL_PSR_CAT_get_l2_info
+* Key data structure:
+ 1. Feature HW info
+ ```
+ struct psr_cat_hw_info {
+ unsigned int cbm_len;
+ unsigned int cos_max;
+ };
+ ```
+ - Member `cbm_len`
+ `cbm_len` is one of the hardware info of CAT.
+ - Member `cos_max`
+ `cos_max` is one of the hardware info of CAT.
+ 2. Feature list node
+ ```
+ struct feat_node {
+ enum psr_feat_type feature;
+ struct feat_ops ops;
+ struct psr_cat_hw_info info;
+ uint64_t cos_reg_val[MAX_COS_REG_NUM];
+ struct list_head list;
+ };
+ ```
+ When a PSR enforcement feature is enabled, it will be added into a
+ feature list. The head of the list is created in psr initialization.
+ - Member `feature`
+ `feature` is an integer number, to indicate which feature the list entry
+ corresponds to.
+ - Member `ops`
+ `ops` maintains a callback function list of the feature. It will be introduced
+ in details later.
+ - Member `info`
+ `info` maintains the feature HW information which can be got through
+ psr_hwinfo command.
+ - Member `cos_reg_val`
+ `cos_reg_val` is an array to maintain the value set in all COS registers of
+ the feature.
+ 3. Per-socket PSR features information structure
+ ```
+ struct psr_cat_socket_info {
+ unsigned int feat_mask;
+ unsigned int nr_feat;
+ struct list_head feat_list;
+ unsigned int cos_ref[MAX_COS_REG_NUM];
+ spinlock_t ref_lock;
+ };
+ ```
+ We collect all PSR allocation features information of a socket in
+ this `struct psr_cat_socket_info`.
+ - Member `feat_mask`
+ `feat_mask` is a bitmap, to indicate which feature is enabled on
+ current socket. We define `feat_mask` bitmap as:
+ bit 0~1: L3 CAT status, [01] stands for L3 CAT only and [10]
+ stands for L3 CDP is enalbed.
+ bit 2: L2 CAT status.
+ - Member `cos_ref`
+ `cos_ref` is an array which maintains the reference of one COS.
+ If the COS is used by one domain, the reference will increase one.
+ If a domain releases the COS, the reference will decrease one. The
+ array is indexed by COS.
+ 4. Feature operation functions structure
+ ```
+ struct feat_ops {
+ void (*init_feature)(unsigned int eax, unsigned int ebx,
+ unsigned int ecx, unsigned int edx,
+ struct feat_node *feat,
+ struct psr_cat_socket_info *info);
+ int (*get_feat_info)(const struct feat_node *feat, enum cbm_type type,
+ uint32_t dat[], uint32_t array_len);
+ int (*get_val)(const struct feat_node *feat, unsigned int cos,
+ enum cbm_type type, uint64_t *val);
+ unsigned int (*get_max_cos_max)(const struct feat_node *feat);
+ unsigned int (*get_cos_num)(const struct feat_node *feat);
+ int (*get_old_val)(uint64_t val[],
+ const struct feat_node *feat,
+ unsigned int old_cos);
+ int (*set_new_val)(uint64_t val[],
+ const struct feat_node *feat,
+ unsigned int old_cos,
+ enum cbm_type type,
+ uint64_t m);
+ int (*compare_val)(const uint64_t val[], const struct feat_node *feat,
+ unsigned int cos, bool *found);
+ unsigned int (*get_cos_max_from_type)(const struct feat_node *feat,
+ enum cbm_type type);
+ unsigned int (*exceeds_cos_max)(const uint64_t val[],
+ const struct feat_node *feat,
+ unsigned int cos);
+ int (*write_msr)(unsigned int cos, const uint64_t val[],
+ struct feat_node *feat);
+ };
+ ```
+ We abstract above callback functions to encapsulate the feature specific
+ behaviors into them. Then, it is easy to add a new feature. We just need:
+ 1) Implement such ops and callback functions for every feature.
+ 2) Register the ops into `struct feat_node`.
+ 3) Add the feature into feature list during CPU initialization.
+# Limitations
+L2 CAT can only work on HW which enables it(check by CPUID). So far, there
+is no HW enables both L2 CAT and L3 CAT/CDP. But SW implementation has considered
+such scenario to enable both L2 CAT and L3 CAT/CDP.
+# Testing
+L2 CAT uses same xl interfaces as L3 CAT/CDP. So, we can execute these
+commands to verify L2 CAT and L3 CAT/CDP on different HWs support them.
+For example:
+ root@:~$ xl psr-hwinfo --cat
+ Cache Allocation Technology (CAT): L2
+ Socket ID : 0
+ Maximum COS : 3
+ CBM length : 8
+ Default CBM : 0xff
+ root@:~$ xl psr-cat-cbm-set -l2 1 0x7f
+ root@:~$ xl psr-cat-show -l2 1
+ Socket ID : 0
+ Default CBM : 0xff
+ 1 ubuntu14 0x7f
+# Areas for improvement
+# Known issues
+# References
+"INTEL® RESOURCE DIRECTOR TECHNOLOGY (INTEL® RDT) ALLOCATION FEATURES" [Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals, vol3](
+# History
+Date Revision Version Notes
+---------- -------- -------- -------------------------------------------
+2016-08-12 1.0 Xen 4.9 Design document written
+---------- -------- -------- -------------------------------------------
This patch creates L2 CAT feature document in doc/features/. It describes details of L2 CAT. Signed-off-by: Yi Sun <> --- docs/features/intel_psr_l2_cat.pandoc | 347 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 347 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/features/intel_psr_l2_cat.pandoc