diff mbox

[v2,1/3] xen/arm: dt: Relax hw domain mapping attributes to p2m_mmio_direct_c

Message ID 1485436562-7312-2-git-send-email-edgar.iglesias@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Edgar E. Iglesias Jan. 26, 2017, 1:16 p.m. UTC
From: "Edgar E. Iglesias" <edgar.iglesias@xilinx.com>

Since the hardware domain is a trusted domain, we extend the
trust to include making final decisions on what attributes to
use when mapping memory regions.

For device-tree configured hardware domains, this patch relaxes
the hardware domains mapping attributes to p2m_mmio_direct_c.
This will allow the hardware domain to control the attributes
via its S1 mappings.

Signed-off-by: Edgar E. Iglesias <edgar.iglesias@xilinx.com>
 xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)


Julien Grall Jan. 31, 2017, 4:32 p.m. UTC | #1
Hi Edgar,

On 26/01/17 13:16, Edgar E. Iglesias wrote:
> From: "Edgar E. Iglesias" <edgar.iglesias@xilinx.com>
> Since the hardware domain is a trusted domain, we extend the
> trust to include making final decisions on what attributes to
> use when mapping memory regions.
> For device-tree configured hardware domains, this patch relaxes
> the hardware domains mapping attributes to p2m_mmio_direct_c.
> This will allow the hardware domain to control the attributes
> via its S1 mappings.
> Signed-off-by: Edgar E. Iglesias <edgar.iglesias@xilinx.com>

Reviewed-by: Julien Grall <julien.grall@arm.com>

diff mbox


diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c b/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c
index 63301e6..4fc467c 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c
@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@  static int handle_node(struct domain *d, struct kernel_info *kinfo,
 static int prepare_dtb(struct domain *d, struct kernel_info *kinfo)
-    const p2m_type_t default_p2mt = p2m_mmio_direct_dev;
+    const p2m_type_t default_p2mt = p2m_mmio_direct_c;
     const void *fdt;
     int new_size;
     int ret;