diff mbox

[v2,1/4] dt-bindings: mfd: Add Gateworks System Controller bindings

Message ID 1520287361-12569-2-git-send-email-tharvey@gateworks.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Tim Harvey March 5, 2018, 10:02 p.m. UTC
This patch adds documentation of device-tree bindings for the
Gateworks System Controller (GSC).

Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <tharvey@gateworks.com>
 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 159 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt


Rob Herring March 9, 2018, 11:14 p.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 02:02:38PM -0800, Tim Harvey wrote:
> This patch adds documentation of device-tree bindings for the
> Gateworks System Controller (GSC).
> Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <tharvey@gateworks.com>
> ---
>  Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 159 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt
> diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..fe5d114
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt
> @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
> +Gateworks System Controller multi-function device
> +
> +The GSC is a Multifunction I2C slave device with the following submodules:
> +- WDT
> +- GPIO
> +- Pushbutton controller
> +- HWMON
> +
> +Required properties:
> +- compatible : Must be "gw,gsc_v1", "gw,gsc_v2", "gw,gsc_v3"


> +- reg: I2C address of the device
> +- interrupts: interrupt triggered by GSC_IRQ# signal
> +- interrupt-parent: Interrupt controller GSC is connected to
> +- #interrupt-cells: should be <1>, index of the interrupt within the
> +  controller, in accordance with the "one cell" variant of
> +  <devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/interrupt.txt>
> +
> +Optional nodes:
> +* watchdog:
> +The GSC provides a Watchdog monitor which can power cycle the board's
> +primary power supply on most board models when tripped.
> +
> +Required properties:
> +- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-watchdog"
> +
> +* input:
> +The GSC provides an input device capable of dispatching Linux Input events

Linux details that are not relevant to the binding.

> +for user pushbutton events, tamper switch events, etc.
> +
> +Required properties:
> +- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-input"
> +
> +* hwmon:
> +The GSC provides a set of Analog to Digitcal Converter (ADC) pins used for
> +temperature and/or voltage monitoring.
> +
> +Required properties:
> +- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-hwmon"
> +
> +Example:
> +
> +	gsc: gsc@20 {
> +		compatible = "gw,gsc_v2";
> +		reg = <0x20>;
> +		interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
> +		interrupts = <4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
> +		interrupt-controller;
> +		#interrupt-cells = <1>;
> +
> +		gsc_input {

input {

> +			compatible = "gw,gsc-input";
> +		};
> +
> +		gsc_watchdog {

watchdog {

> +			compatible = "gw,gsc-watchdog";
> +		};
> +
> +		gsc_hwmon {

hwmon {

> +			compatible = "gw,gsc-hwmon";
> +			#address-cells = <1>;
> +			#size-cells = <0>;
> +
> +			hwmon@0 { /* A0: Board Temperature */
> +				type = <0>;

Not documented.

> +				reg = <0x00>;
> +				label = "temp";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@1 { /* A1: Input Voltage */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x02>;
> +				label = "Vin";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@2 { /* A2: 5P0 */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x0b>;
> +				label = "5P0";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@4 { /* A4: 0-5V input */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x14>;
> +				label = "ANL0";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@5 { /* A5: 2P5 PCIe/GigE */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x23>;
> +				label = "2P5";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@6 { /* A6: 1P8 Aud/Vid */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x1d>;
> +				label = "1P8";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@7 { /* A7: GPS */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x26>;
> +				label = "GPS";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@12 { /* A12: VDD_CORE */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x3>;
> +				label = "VDD_CORE";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@13 { /* A13: VDD_SOC */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x11>;
> +				label = "VDD_SOC";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@14 { /* A14: 1P0 PCIe SW */
> +				type = <1>;
> +				reg = <0x20>;
> +				label = "1P0";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@15 { /* fan0 */
> +				type = <2>;
> +				reg = <0x2c>;
> +				label = "fan_50p";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@16 { /* fan1 */
> +				type = <2>;
> +				reg = <0x2e>;
> +				label = "fan_60p";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@17 { /* fan2 */
> +				type = <2>;
> +				reg = <0x30>;
> +				label = "fan_70p";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@18 { /* fan3 */
> +				type = <2>;
> +				reg = <0x32>;
> +				label = "fan_80p";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@19 { /* fan4 */
> +				type = <2>;
> +				reg = <0x34>;
> +				label = "fan_90p";
> +			};
> +
> +			hwmon@20 { /* fan5 */
> +				type = <2>;
> +				reg = <0x36>;
> +				label = "fan_100p";
> +			};
> +		};
> +	};
> -- 
> 2.7.4
Fabio Estevam March 10, 2018, 1:57 p.m. UTC | #2
Hi Tim,

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Tim Harvey <tharvey@gateworks.com> wrote:

> +
> +                       hwmon@1 { /* A1: Input Voltage */
> +                               type = <1>;
> +                               reg = <0x02>;

Unit address (@1) does not match the 'reg' value.

If someone build this example with W=1 a warning will be shown.

Same problem happens in other places of this example.
Tim Harvey March 23, 2018, 5:11 p.m. UTC | #3
On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 3:14 PM, Rob Herring <robh@kernel.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 02:02:38PM -0800, Tim Harvey wrote:
>> This patch adds documentation of device-tree bindings for the
>> Gateworks System Controller (GSC).
>> Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <tharvey@gateworks.com>
>> ---
>>  Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>  1 file changed, 159 insertions(+)
>>  create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt
>> +
>> +* hwmon:
>> +The GSC provides a set of Analog to Digitcal Converter (ADC) pins used for
>> +temperature and/or voltage monitoring.
>> +
>> +Required properties:
>> +- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-hwmon"
>> +
>> +
>> +             gsc_hwmon {
> hwmon {
>> +                     compatible = "gw,gsc-hwmon";
>> +                     #address-cells = <1>;
>> +                     #size-cells = <0>;
>> +
>> +                     hwmon@0 { /* A0: Board Temperature */
>> +                             type = <0>;
> Not documented.
>> +                             reg = <0x00>;
>> +                             label = "temp";
>> +                     };
>> +
>> +                     hwmon@1 { /* A1: Input Voltage */
>> +                             type = <1>;
>> +                             reg = <0x02>;
>> +                             label = "Vin";
>> +                     };
>> +
>> +
>> +                     hwmon@15 { /* fan0 */
>> +                             type = <2>;
>> +                             reg = <0x2c>;
>> +                             label = "fan_50p";
>> +                     };
>> +
>> +             };
>> +     };

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the review. I will roll in your changes.

I'm looking for suggestions on how to better define the child nodes of
the hwmon sub-device:

I have 4 types of hwmon child nodes supported by this device:
1. temperature in C/10 (is that called deci-celcuis?): this is a 2byte value
2. input voltage in mV: this is a 3 byte value pre-scaled by the GSC
firmware from a 10bit ADC where the
ref/bit-resolution/resistor-divider info is baked into the per-board
3. fan setpoint in C/10
4. input voltage in mV: raw 2-byte value of a 12bit ADC that needs to
be scaled based on a voltage-devider (pre-scaler), a ref voltage, and
resolution (or bit width)

The example I posted above shows use of the first three types but not
the more complicated fourth which requires the driver know more
details in order to present a cooked milivolt value. Note that the two
input types above would not both be present in any single board dts as
they represent a change in the way ADC's are reported in the overall
GSC version. A GSC typically has up to 16 different input ADC's and
the voltage rails monitored vary per board.

You mention that I don't document 'type' and your correct. I'm
thinking this is best done with a string using compatible within the
child node.

Something like:

Required properties:
- hwmon: This is the list of child nodes that specify the hwmon nodes.

hwmon required properties:
- hwmon-compatible: Must be "fan-setpoint", "temperature",
"input-raw", "input-cooked"
- reg: register offset of the node
- label: name of the input node

hwmon optional properties:
- gw,voltage-divider: an array of two integers containing the resistor
values R1 and R2 of the voltage divider in ohms
- gw,reference-voltage: the internal reference voltage of the ADC
input in milivolts
- gw,resolution: the resolution of the ADC input (ie 4096 for 12bit resolution)

hwmon {
  compatible = "gw,gsc-hwmon";
  #address-cells = <1>;
  #size-cells = <0>;

  hwmon@0 {
    compatible = "temperature";
    reg <0x00>;
    label = "temp";

  hwmon@2 {
    compatible = "fan-setpoint";
    reg <0x02>;
    label = "fan_setpoint0";

  /* this one represents the 3-byte ADC value that has been
'pre-scaled' by the GSC from a raw 10bit ADC (older GSC
version/firmware) */
  hwmon@4 {
    compatible = "input-cooked";
    reg <0x02>;
    label = "voltage1";

  /* this one represents the 2-byte 12-bit ADC value that is 'raw'
from the GSC and needs to be scaled by driver (newer GSC
version/firmware) */
  hwmon@4 {
    compatible = "input-raw";
    reg <0x04>;
    label = "voltage2";
    gw,voltage-divider = <10000 10000>; /* R1=10k R2=10k div-by-2 pre-scaler */
    gw,referance-voltage = <2500>; /* 2.5V reference */
    gw,resolution = <4096>; /* 12bit resolution */

If I add a byte-size (2|3) or bit-width (16|24) I could essentially
combine the two input types.



diff mbox


diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5d114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/gsc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ 
+Gateworks System Controller multi-function device
+The GSC is a Multifunction I2C slave device with the following submodules:
+- WDT
+- Pushbutton controller
+Required properties:
+- compatible : Must be "gw,gsc_v1", "gw,gsc_v2", "gw,gsc_v3"
+- reg: I2C address of the device
+- interrupts: interrupt triggered by GSC_IRQ# signal
+- interrupt-parent: Interrupt controller GSC is connected to
+- #interrupt-cells: should be <1>, index of the interrupt within the
+  controller, in accordance with the "one cell" variant of
+  <devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/interrupt.txt>
+Optional nodes:
+* watchdog:
+The GSC provides a Watchdog monitor which can power cycle the board's
+primary power supply on most board models when tripped.
+Required properties:
+- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-watchdog"
+* input:
+The GSC provides an input device capable of dispatching Linux Input events
+for user pushbutton events, tamper switch events, etc.
+Required properties:
+- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-input"
+* hwmon:
+The GSC provides a set of Analog to Digitcal Converter (ADC) pins used for
+temperature and/or voltage monitoring.
+Required properties:
+- compatible: must be "gw,gsc-hwmon"
+	gsc: gsc@20 {
+		compatible = "gw,gsc_v2";
+		reg = <0x20>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+		interrupts = <4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		interrupt-controller;
+		#interrupt-cells = <1>;
+		gsc_input {
+			compatible = "gw,gsc-input";
+		};
+		gsc_watchdog {
+			compatible = "gw,gsc-watchdog";
+		};
+		gsc_hwmon {
+			compatible = "gw,gsc-hwmon";
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			hwmon@0 { /* A0: Board Temperature */
+				type = <0>;
+				reg = <0x00>;
+				label = "temp";
+			};
+			hwmon@1 { /* A1: Input Voltage */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x02>;
+				label = "Vin";
+			};
+			hwmon@2 { /* A2: 5P0 */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x0b>;
+				label = "5P0";
+			};
+			hwmon@4 { /* A4: 0-5V input */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x14>;
+				label = "ANL0";
+			};
+			hwmon@5 { /* A5: 2P5 PCIe/GigE */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x23>;
+				label = "2P5";
+			};
+			hwmon@6 { /* A6: 1P8 Aud/Vid */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x1d>;
+				label = "1P8";
+			};
+			hwmon@7 { /* A7: GPS */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x26>;
+				label = "GPS";
+			};
+			hwmon@12 { /* A12: VDD_CORE */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x3>;
+				label = "VDD_CORE";
+			};
+			hwmon@13 { /* A13: VDD_SOC */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x11>;
+				label = "VDD_SOC";
+			};
+			hwmon@14 { /* A14: 1P0 PCIe SW */
+				type = <1>;
+				reg = <0x20>;
+				label = "1P0";
+			};
+			hwmon@15 { /* fan0 */
+				type = <2>;
+				reg = <0x2c>;
+				label = "fan_50p";
+			};
+			hwmon@16 { /* fan1 */
+				type = <2>;
+				reg = <0x2e>;
+				label = "fan_60p";
+			};
+			hwmon@17 { /* fan2 */
+				type = <2>;
+				reg = <0x30>;
+				label = "fan_70p";
+			};
+			hwmon@18 { /* fan3 */
+				type = <2>;
+				reg = <0x32>;
+				label = "fan_80p";
+			};
+			hwmon@19 { /* fan4 */
+				type = <2>;
+				reg = <0x34>;
+				label = "fan_90p";
+			};
+			hwmon@20 { /* fan5 */
+				type = <2>;
+				reg = <0x36>;
+				label = "fan_100p";
+			};
+		};
+	};