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Use wide-character ncurses functions.

Message ID 20190228204638.4928-1-ekohler@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series Use wide-character ncurses functions. | expand

Commit Message

Eddie Kohler Feb. 28, 2019, 8:46 p.m. UTC

QEMU is unable to display all VGA characters to console output; for
instance, the smiley (VGA character 0x01) is printed just as
\001. However, QEMU links with the wide-character ncurses library,
which can output all VGA characters (since they have Unicode
equivalents). The attached patch switches QEMU to use wide-character
functions, using the VGA character Unicode equivalents from
Wikipedia. It works for me, and I'm hoping something like it would be
acceptable for QEMU.

Thanks for any comments,
Eddie Kohler


All VGA console characters have Unicode equivalents, and most
modern terminals can display them.

Signed-off-by: Eddie Kohler <ekohler@gmail.com>
 ui/curses.c | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)


no-reply@patchew.org Feb. 28, 2019, 10:06 p.m. UTC | #1
Patchew URL: https://patchew.org/QEMU/20190228204638.4928-1-ekohler@gmail.com/


This series seems to have some coding style problems. See output below for
more information:

Message-id: 20190228204638.4928-1-ekohler@gmail.com
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] Use wide-character ncurses functions.
Type: series

git rev-parse base > /dev/null || exit 0
git config --local diff.renamelimit 0
git config --local diff.renames True
git config --local diff.algorithm histogram
./scripts/checkpatch.pl --mailback base..

Updating 3c8cf5a9c21ff8782164d1def7f44bd888713384
From https://github.com/patchew-project/qemu
 * [new tag]               patchew/20190228204638.4928-1-ekohler@gmail.com -> patchew/20190228204638.4928-1-ekohler@gmail.com
Switched to a new branch 'test'
5379fb5216 Use wide-character ncurses functions.

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#47: FILE: ui/curses.c:53:
+    // 0x0_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#53: FILE: ui/curses.c:59:
+    // 0x1_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#59: FILE: ui/curses.c:65:
+    // 0x2_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#63: FILE: ui/curses.c:69:
+    // 0x3_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#67: FILE: ui/curses.c:73:
+    // 0x4_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#71: FILE: ui/curses.c:77:
+    // 0x5_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#75: FILE: ui/curses.c:81:
+    // 0x6_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#79: FILE: ui/curses.c:85:
+    // 0x7_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#83: FILE: ui/curses.c:89:
+    // 0x8_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#89: FILE: ui/curses.c:95:
+    // 0x9_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#95: FILE: ui/curses.c:101:
+    // 0xA_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#101: FILE: ui/curses.c:107:
+    // 0xB_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#107: FILE: ui/curses.c:113:
+    // 0xC_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#113: FILE: ui/curses.c:119:
+    // 0xD_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#119: FILE: ui/curses.c:125:
+    // 0xE_

ERROR: do not use C99 // comments
#125: FILE: ui/curses.c:131:
+    // 0xF_

total: 16 errors, 0 warnings, 177 lines checked

Commit 5379fb5216b5 (Use wide-character ncurses functions.) has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
=== OUTPUT END ===

Test command exited with code: 1

The full log is available at
Email generated automatically by Patchew [http://patchew.org/].
Please send your feedback to patchew-devel@redhat.com
diff mbox series


diff --git a/ui/curses.c b/ui/curses.c
index 6e0091c3b2..a07528770f 100644
--- a/ui/curses.c
+++ b/ui/curses.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <termios.h>
+#include <locale.h>
 #include "qapi/error.h"
 #include "qemu-common.h"
@@ -48,25 +49,106 @@  static WINDOW *screenpad = NULL;
 static int width, height, gwidth, gheight, invalidate;
 static int px, py, sminx, sminy, smaxx, smaxy;
-static chtype vga_to_curses[256];
+static const wchar_t vga_to_wchar[256] = {
+    // 0x0_
+    L' ', L'\u263A', L'\u263B', L'\u2665',
+    L'\u2666', L'\u2663', L'\u2660', L'\u2022',
+    L'\u25D8', L'\u25CB', L'\u25D9', L'\u2642',
+    L'\u2640', L'\u266A', L'\u266B', L'\u263C',
+    // 0x1_
+    L'\u25BA', L'\u25C4', L'\u2195', L'\u203C',
+    L'\u00B6', L'\u00A7', L'\u25AC', L'\u21A8',
+    L'\u2191', L'\u2193', L'\u2192', L'\u2190',
+    L'\u221F', L'\u2194', L'\u25B2', L'\u25BC',
+    // 0x2_
+    L' ', L'!', L'"', L'#', L'$', L'%', L'&', L'\'',
+    L'(', L')', L'*', L'+', L',', L'-', L'.', L'/',
+    // 0x3_
+    L'0', L'1', L'2', L'3', L'4', L'5', L'6', L'7',
+    L'8', L'9', L':', L';', L'<', L'=', L'>', L'?',
+    // 0x4_
+    L'@', L'A', L'B', L'C', L'D', L'E', L'F', L'G',
+    L'H', L'I', L'J', L'K', L'L', L'M', L'N', L'O',
+    // 0x5_
+    L'P', L'Q', L'R', L'S', L'T', L'U', L'V', L'W',
+    L'X', L'Y', L'Z', L'[', L'\\', L']', L'^', L'_',
+    // 0x6_
+    L'`', L'a', L'b', L'c', L'd', L'e', L'f', L'g',
+    L'h', L'i', L'j', L'k', L'l', L'm', L'n', L'o',
+    // 0x7_
+    L'p', L'q', L'r', L's', L't', L'u', L'v', L'w',
+    L'x', L'y', L'z', L'{', L'|', L'}', L'~', L'\u2302',
+    // 0x8_
+    L'\u00C7', L'\u00FC', L'\u00E9', L'\u00E2',
+    L'\u00E4', L'\u00E0', L'\u00E5', L'\u00E7',
+    L'\u00EA', L'\u00EB', L'\u00E8', L'\u00EF',
+    L'\u00EE', L'\u00EC', L'\u00C4', L'\u00C5',
+    // 0x9_
+    L'\u00C9', L'\u00E6', L'\u00C6', L'\u00F4',
+    L'\u00F6', L'\u00F2', L'\u00FB', L'\u00F9',
+    L'\u00FF', L'\u00D6', L'\u00DC', L'\u00A2',
+    L'\u00A3', L'\u00A5', L'\u20A7', L'\u0192',
+    // 0xA_
+    L'\u00E1', L'\u00ED', L'\u00F3', L'\u00FA',
+    L'\u00F1', L'\u00D1', L'\u00AA', L'\u00BA',
+    L'\u00BF', L'\u2310', L'\u00AC', L'\u00BD',
+    L'\u00BC', L'\u00A1', L'\u00AB', L'\u00BB',
+    // 0xB_
+    L'\u2591', L'\u2592', L'\u2593', L'\u2502',
+    L'\u2524', L'\u2561', L'\u2562', L'\u2556',
+    L'\u2555', L'\u2563', L'\u2551', L'\u2557',
+    L'\u255D', L'\u255C', L'\u255B', L'\u2510',
+    // 0xC_
+    L'\u2514', L'\u2534', L'\u252C', L'\u251C',
+    L'\u2500', L'\u253C', L'\u255E', L'\u255F',
+    L'\u255A', L'\u2554', L'\u2569', L'\u2566',
+    L'\u2560', L'\u2550', L'\u256C', L'\u2567',
+    // 0xD_
+    L'\u2568', L'\u2564', L'\u2565', L'\u2559',
+    L'\u2558', L'\u2552', L'\u2553', L'\u256B',
+    L'\u256A', L'\u2518', L'\u250C', L'\u2588',
+    L'\u2584', L'\u258C', L'\u2590', L'\u2580',
+    // 0xE_
+    L'\u03B1', L'\u00DF', L'\u0393', L'\u03C0',
+    L'\u03A3', L'\u03C3', L'\u00B5', L'\u03C4',
+    L'\u03A6', L'\u0398', L'\u03A9', L'\u03B4',
+    L'\u221E', L'\u03C6', L'\u03B5', L'\u2229',
+    // 0xF_
+    L'\u2261', L'\u00B1', L'\u2265', L'\u2264',
+    L'\u2320', L'\u2321', L'\u00F7', L'\u2248',
+    L'\u00B0', L'\u2219', L'\u00B7', L'\u221A',
+    L'\u207F', L'\u00B2', L'\u25A0', L'\u00A0'
 static void curses_update(DisplayChangeListener *dcl,
                           int x, int y, int w, int h)
     console_ch_t *line;
-    chtype curses_line[width];
+    cchar_t curses_line[width];
     line = screen + y * width;
     for (h += y; y < h; y ++, line += width) {
         for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
-            chtype ch = line[x] & 0xff;
-            chtype at = line[x] & ~0xff;
-            if (vga_to_curses[ch]) {
-                ch = vga_to_curses[ch];
-            }
-            curses_line[x] = ch | at;
+            curses_line[x].attr = line[x] & ~0xff;
+            curses_line[x].chars[0] = vga_to_wchar[line[x] & 0xff];
+            curses_line[x].chars[1] = L'\0';
-        mvwaddchnstr(screenpad, y, 0, curses_line, width);
+        mvwadd_wchnstr(screenpad, y, 0, curses_line, width);
     pnoutrefresh(screenpad, py, px, sminy, sminx, smaxy - 1, smaxx - 1);
@@ -358,6 +440,7 @@  static void curses_setup(void)
     /* input as raw as possible, let everything be interpreted
      * by the guest system */
+    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
     initscr(); noecho(); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
     nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
     start_color(); raw(); scrollok(stdscr, FALSE);
@@ -370,48 +453,6 @@  static void curses_setup(void)
     for (i = 64; i < COLOR_PAIRS; i++) {
         init_pair(i, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
-    /*
-     * Setup mapping for vga to curses line graphics.
-     * FIXME: for better font, have to use ncursesw and setlocale()
-     */
-#if 0
-    /* FIXME: map from where? */
-    ACS_S1;
-    ACS_S3;
-    ACS_S7;
-    ACS_S9;
-    /* ACS_* is not constant. So, we can't initialize statically. */
-    vga_to_curses['\0'] = ' ';
-    vga_to_curses[0x04] = ACS_DIAMOND;
-    vga_to_curses[0x18] = ACS_UARROW;
-    vga_to_curses[0x19] = ACS_DARROW;
-    vga_to_curses[0x1a] = ACS_RARROW;
-    vga_to_curses[0x1b] = ACS_LARROW;
-    vga_to_curses[0x9c] = ACS_STERLING;
-    vga_to_curses[0xb0] = ACS_BOARD;
-    vga_to_curses[0xb1] = ACS_CKBOARD;
-    vga_to_curses[0xb3] = ACS_VLINE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xb4] = ACS_RTEE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xbf] = ACS_URCORNER;
-    vga_to_curses[0xc0] = ACS_LLCORNER;
-    vga_to_curses[0xc1] = ACS_BTEE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xc2] = ACS_TTEE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xc3] = ACS_LTEE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xc4] = ACS_HLINE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xc5] = ACS_PLUS;
-    vga_to_curses[0xce] = ACS_LANTERN;
-    vga_to_curses[0xd8] = ACS_NEQUAL;
-    vga_to_curses[0xd9] = ACS_LRCORNER;
-    vga_to_curses[0xda] = ACS_ULCORNER;
-    vga_to_curses[0xdb] = ACS_BLOCK;
-    vga_to_curses[0xe3] = ACS_PI;
-    vga_to_curses[0xf1] = ACS_PLMINUS;
-    vga_to_curses[0xf2] = ACS_GEQUAL;
-    vga_to_curses[0xf3] = ACS_LEQUAL;
-    vga_to_curses[0xf8] = ACS_DEGREE;
-    vga_to_curses[0xfe] = ACS_BULLET;
 static void curses_keyboard_setup(void)