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[OSSTEST,2/2] ts-libvirt-build: Rework to build with meson

Message ID 20220802102602.131992-3-anthony.perard@citrix.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series osstest: Fix libvirt build | expand

Commit Message

Anthony PERARD Aug. 2, 2022, 10:26 a.m. UTC
libvirt have switch build system to Meson + Ninja, there is no more
autogen.sh script.

Add missing dependency "libtirpc-dev" and "meson".

libvirt needs at least meson 0.54, the version avaiable in Debian
Buster is too old, but we can install it from backports.

In order to find out if Meson is used or not, we'll check if the
"autogen.sh" script is missing. And in the build dir, we will look for
a "Makefile".

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <anthony.perard@citrix.com>
 ts-libvirt-build  | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 ts-xen-build-prep |  8 +++++-
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)


Ian Jackson Aug. 2, 2022, 12:30 p.m. UTC | #1
Anthony PERARD writes ("[OSSTEST PATCH 2/2] ts-libvirt-build: Rework to build with meson"):
> libvirt have switch build system to Meson + Ninja, there is no more
> autogen.sh script.
> Add missing dependency "libtirpc-dev" and "meson".
> libvirt needs at least meson 0.54, the version avaiable in Debian
> Buster is too old, but we can install it from backports.

How annoying.

> In order to find out if Meson is used or not, we'll check if the
> "autogen.sh" script is missing. And in the build dir, we will look for
> a "Makefile".

That seems right to me.

>                        build-essential bin86 bcc iasl bc
> -                      flex bison cmake ninja-build
> +                      flex bison cmake ninja-build meson

*Some* version of meson is in even stretch so this is fine.

Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
diff mbox series


diff --git a/ts-libvirt-build b/ts-libvirt-build
index e799f00375f7..16b45cfd02bf 100755
--- a/ts-libvirt-build
+++ b/ts-libvirt-build
@@ -50,32 +50,56 @@  sub config() {
     die "no xen prefix" unless $xenprefix;
-    # Uses --no-git because otherwise autogen.sh will undo
-    # submodulefixup's attempts to honour
-    # revision_libvirt_gnulib. This in turn requires that we specify
-    # --gnulib-srcdir, but ./autogen.sh doesn't propagate
-    # --gnulib-srcdir to ./bootstap so we use GNULIB_SRCDIR directly.
-    my $gnulib = submodule_find($submodules, "gnulib");
-    target_cmd_build($ho, 3600, $builddir, <<END);
-        cd libvirt
-	mkdir build
-	cd build
-        CFLAGS="-g -I$xenprefix/include/" \\
-        LDFLAGS="-g -L$xenprefix/lib/ -Wl,-rpath-link=$xenprefix/lib/" \\
-        PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$xenprefix/lib/pkgconfig/" \\
-        GNULIB_SRCDIR=$builddir/libvirt/$gnulib->{Path} \\
-            ../autogen.sh --no-git \\
-                         --with-libxl --without-xen --without-xenapi --without-selinux \\
-                         --without-lxc --without-vbox --without-uml \\
-                         --without-qemu --without-openvz --without-vmware \\
-                         --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var #/
+    my $cflags = "-g -I$xenprefix/include/";
+    my $ldflags = "-g -L$xenprefix/lib/ -Wl,-rpath-link=$xenprefix/lib/";
+    my $pkg_config_path = "$xenprefix/lib/pkgconfig/";
+    if (target_file_exists($ho, "$builddir/libvirt/autogen.sh")) {
+        # Uses --no-git because otherwise autogen.sh will undo
+        # submodulefixup's attempts to honour
+        # revision_libvirt_gnulib. This in turn requires that we specify
+        # --gnulib-srcdir, but ./autogen.sh doesn't propagate
+        # --gnulib-srcdir to ./bootstap so we use GNULIB_SRCDIR directly.
+        my $gnulib = submodule_find($submodules, "gnulib");
+        target_cmd_build($ho, 3600, $builddir, <<END);
+            cd libvirt
+            mkdir build
+            cd build
+            CFLAGS="$cflags" \\
+            LDFLAGS="$ldflags" \\
+            PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$pkg_config_path" \\
+            GNULIB_SRCDIR=$builddir/libvirt/$gnulib->{Path} \\
+                ../autogen.sh --no-git \\
+                             --with-libxl --without-xen --without-xenapi --without-selinux \\
+                             --without-lxc --without-vbox --without-uml \\
+                             --without-qemu --without-openvz --without-vmware \\
+                             --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var #/
+    } else {
+        target_cmd_build($ho, 3600, $builddir, <<END);
+            cd libvirt
+            meson setup \\
+                -Dc_args='$cflags' \\
+                -Dc_link_args='$ldflags' \\
+                --pkg-config-path='$pkg_config_path' \\
+                --auto-features=disabled \\
+                -Ddriver_libxl=enabled \\
+                -Ddriver_libvirtd=enabled \\
+                -Ddriver_remote=enabled \\
+                --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \\
+                build
+    }
 sub build() {
     target_cmd_build($ho, 3600, $builddir, <<END);
         cd libvirt/build
-        (make $makeflags 2>&1 && touch ../../build-ok-stamp) |tee ../log
+        if [ -e Makefile ]; then
+            (make $makeflags 2>&1 && touch ../../build-ok-stamp) |tee ../log
+        else
+            (ninja 2>&1 && touch ../../build-ok-stamp) |tee ../log
+        fi
         test -f ../../build-ok-stamp #/
         echo ok.
@@ -85,7 +109,11 @@  sub install() {
     target_cmd_build($ho, 300, $builddir, <<END);
         mkdir -p dist
         cd libvirt/build
-        make $makeflags install DESTDIR=$builddir/dist
+        if [ -e Makefile ]; then
+            make $makeflags install DESTDIR=$builddir/dist
+        else
+            DESTDIR=$builddir/dist ninja install
+        fi
         mkdir -p $builddir/dist/etc/init.d
     target_putfilecontents_stash($ho, 60,
diff --git a/ts-xen-build-prep b/ts-xen-build-prep
index e76c0254bfd0..3ae8f215440b 100755
--- a/ts-xen-build-prep
+++ b/ts-xen-build-prep
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@  END
 sub prep () {
     my @packages = qw(mercurial rsync figlet
                       build-essential bin86 bcc iasl bc
-                      flex bison cmake ninja-build
+                      flex bison cmake ninja-build meson
                       libpci-dev libncurses5-dev libssl-dev python-dev
                       libx11-dev git-core uuid-dev gettext gawk
                       libsdl-dev libyajl-dev libaio-dev libpixman-1-dev
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@  sub prep () {
                       libdevmapper-dev libxml-xpath-perl libelf-dev
                       ccache nasm checkpolicy ebtables
 		      python3-docutils python3-dev
+                      libtirpc-dev
     if ($ho->{Suite} =~ m/squeeze|wheezy|jessie/) {
@@ -251,6 +252,11 @@  END
         target_install_packages($ho, 'libc6-dev-i386');
+    if ($ho->{Suite} =~ m/buster/) {
+        # libvirt needs a newer version of "meson"
+        target_install_packages_backport($ho, 'meson');
+    }
     some_extradebs($ho, [ 'DebianExtraPackages', 'build', $ho->{Suite} ]);