diff mbox series

[v2] abspath.h file is generated by makeheaders tool

Message ID pull.1353.v2.git.git.1665679233107.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series [v2] abspath.h file is generated by makeheaders tool | expand

Commit Message

Kazuhiro Kato via GitGitGadget Oct. 13, 2022, 4:40 p.m. UTC
From: skrab-sah <skrab.sah@gmail.com>

1. We don't need to commit the file.
2. Added routin for abspath.c in Makefile.
3. Added tool support for makeheaders.

Signed-off-by: skrab-sah <skrab.sah@gmail.com>
    abspath.h file is generated by makeheaders tool
     1. We don't need to commit the file.
     2. Added routin for abspath.c in Makefile.
     3. Added tool support for makeheaders.

Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-git-1353%2Fskrab-sah%2Fmaster-v2
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-git-1353/skrab-sah/master-v2
Pull-Request: https://github.com/git/git/pull/1353

Range-diff vs v1:

 1:  9406707f5c3 ! 1:  c61cad7c8c7 abspath.h file is generated by makeheaders tool
     @@ .gitignore: Release/
       ## Makefile ##
       # The default target of this Makefile is...
     -+all:: hdr
     -+# In parallel mode things goes up and down.
     + all::
      +# compile header
      +.PHONY: hdr
     -+hdr:: makeheaders
      +hdr:: abspath.h
      +makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c
      +	$(CC) -o $@ $<
     -+abspath.h: abspath.c
     ++abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
      +	./makeheaders $<
       # Import tree-wide shared Makefile behavior and libraries
       include shared.mak
     -@@ Makefile: $(SP_OBJ): %.sp: %.c %.o
     - 	>$@
     - .PHONY: sparse
     --sparse: $(SP_OBJ)
     -+sparse: hdr $(SP_OBJ)
     +@@ Makefile: missing_compdb_dir =
     + compdb_args =
     + endif
     - EXCEPT_HDRS := $(GENERATED_H) unicode-width.h compat/% xdiff/%
     - ifndef NETTLE_SHA256
     -@@ Makefile: $(COCCI_TEST_RES_GEN): .build/contrib/coccinelle/tests/%.res : contrib/coccinell
     - .PHONY: coccicheck-test
     - coccicheck-test: $(COCCI_TEST_RES_GEN)
     +-$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir)
     ++$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir) hdr
     + 	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $*.o -c $(dep_args) $(compdb_args) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) $<
     --coccicheck: coccicheck-test
     -+coccicheck: hdr coccicheck-test
     - coccicheck: $(addsuffix .patch,$(filter-out %.pending.cocci,$(wildcard contrib/coccinelle/*.cocci)))
     + %.s: %.c GIT-CFLAGS FORCE
     +@@ Makefile: HCC = $(HCO:hco=hcc)
     + 	@echo '#include "git-compat-util.h"' >$@
     + 	@echo '#include "$<"' >>$@
     - # See contrib/coccinelle/README
     -@@ Makefile: ifneq ($(INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS),)
     - OTHER_PROGRAMS += $(shell echo *.dll t/helper/*.dll)
     - endif
     +-$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc FORCE
     ++$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc hdr FORCE
     + 	$(QUIET_HDR)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o /dev/null -c -xc $<
     -+artifacts-tar:: hdr
     - 		GIT-BUILD-OPTIONS $(TEST_PROGRAMS) $(test_bindir_programs) \
     - 		$(MOFILES)
     + .PHONY: hdr-check $(HCO)
      @@ Makefile: cocciclean:
       	$(RM) contrib/coccinelle/*.cocci.patch*
     @@ cache.h: static inline int is_absolute_path(const char *path)
       int normalize_path_copy_len(char *dst, const char *src, int *prefix_len);
       ## contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt ##
     -@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: endif()
     - #git
     - parse_makefile_for_sources(git_SOURCES "BUILTIN_OBJS")
     +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
     + #set the source directory to root of git
      +# makeheaders
     @@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: endif()
      +		makeheaders ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/abspath.c
     -+add_dependencies(libgit makeheaders abspath.h)
     - add_executable(git ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/git.c ${git_SOURCES})
     - target_link_libraries(git common-main)
     + option(USE_VCPKG "Whether or not to use vcpkg for obtaining dependencies.  Only applicable to Windows platforms" ON)
     + if(NOT WIN32)
     +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: parse_makefile_for_sources(libgit_SOURCES "LIB_OBJS")
     + add_library(libgit ${libgit_SOURCES} ${compat_SOURCES})
     ++add_dependencies(libgit abspath.h)
     + #libxdiff
     + parse_makefile_for_sources(libxdiff_SOURCES "XDIFF_OBJS")
     +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: parse_makefile_for_sources(reftable_SOURCES "REFTABLE_OBJS")
     + add_library(reftable STATIC ${reftable_SOURCES})
     ++add_dependencies(reftable abspath.h)
     + if(WIN32)
     + 	if(NOT MSVC)#use windres when compiling with gcc and clang
     +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: target_link_libraries(scalar common-main)
     + if(CURL_FOUND)
     + 	add_library(http_obj OBJECT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/http.c)
     ++	add_dependencies(http_obj abspath.h)
     + 	add_executable(git-imap-send ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/imap-send.c)
     + 	target_link_libraries(git-imap-send http_obj common-main ${CURL_LIBRARIES})
       ## tools/makeheaders.c (new) ##

 .gitignore                          |    2 +
 Makefile                            |   16 +-
 abspath.c                           |   10 +
 cache.h                             |   21 +-
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt |   15 +
 tools/makeheaders.c                 | 3815 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 3857 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tools/makeheaders.c

base-commit: bcd6bc478adc4951d57ec597c44b12ee74bc88fb


Skrab Sah Oct. 16, 2022, 9:44 a.m. UTC | #1
plz tell me if there are any fixes or anything I have to do in it.

and also why it gives errors in CI / win test (8) (pull_request) test.

On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 22:10, skrab-sah via GitGitGadget
<gitgitgadget@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: skrab-sah <skrab.sah@gmail.com>
> 1. We don't need to commit the file.
> 2. Added routin for abspath.c in Makefile.
> 3. Added tool support for makeheaders.
> Signed-off-by: skrab-sah <skrab.sah@gmail.com>
> ---
>     abspath.h file is generated by makeheaders tool
>      1. We don't need to commit the file.
>      2. Added routin for abspath.c in Makefile.
>      3. Added tool support for makeheaders.
> Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-git-1353%2Fskrab-sah%2Fmaster-v2
> Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-git-1353/skrab-sah/master-v2
> Pull-Request: https://github.com/git/git/pull/1353
> Range-diff vs v1:
>  1:  9406707f5c3 ! 1:  c61cad7c8c7 abspath.h file is generated by makeheaders tool
>      @@ .gitignore: Release/
>        ## Makefile ##
>       @@
>        # The default target of this Makefile is...
>      --all::
>      -+all:: hdr
>      -+
>      -+
>      -+# In parallel mode things goes up and down.
>      -+.NOTPARALLEL:
>      -+
>      + all::
>      +
>       +# compile header
>       +.PHONY: hdr
>      -+hdr:: makeheaders
>       +hdr:: abspath.h
>       +
>       +makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c
>       + $(CC) -o $@ $<
>       +
>      -+abspath.h: abspath.c
>      ++abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
>       + ./makeheaders $<
>       +
>      -
>        # Import tree-wide shared Makefile behavior and libraries
>        include shared.mak
>      -@@ Makefile: $(SP_OBJ): %.sp: %.c %.o
>      -  >$@
>      - .PHONY: sparse
>      --sparse: $(SP_OBJ)
>      -+sparse: hdr $(SP_OBJ)
>      +@@ Makefile: missing_compdb_dir =
>      + compdb_args =
>      + endif
>      - EXCEPT_HDRS := $(GENERATED_H) unicode-width.h compat/% xdiff/%
>      - ifndef NETTLE_SHA256
>      -@@ Makefile: $(COCCI_TEST_RES_GEN): .build/contrib/coccinelle/tests/%.res : contrib/coccinell
>      - .PHONY: coccicheck-test
>      - coccicheck-test: $(COCCI_TEST_RES_GEN)
>      +-$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir)
>      ++$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir) hdr
>      +  $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $*.o -c $(dep_args) $(compdb_args) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) $<
>      --coccicheck: coccicheck-test
>      -+coccicheck: hdr coccicheck-test
>      - coccicheck: $(addsuffix .patch,$(filter-out %.pending.cocci,$(wildcard contrib/coccinelle/*.cocci)))
>      + %.s: %.c GIT-CFLAGS FORCE
>      +@@ Makefile: HCC = $(HCO:hco=hcc)
>      +  @echo '#include "git-compat-util.h"' >$@
>      +  @echo '#include "$<"' >>$@
>      - # See contrib/coccinelle/README
>      -@@ Makefile: ifneq ($(INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS),)
>      - OTHER_PROGRAMS += $(shell echo *.dll t/helper/*.dll)
>      - endif
>      +-$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc FORCE
>      ++$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc hdr FORCE
>      +  $(QUIET_HDR)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o /dev/null -c -xc $<
>      -+artifacts-tar:: hdr
>      - artifacts-tar:: $(ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL) $(SCRIPT_LIB) $(OTHER_PROGRAMS) \
>      -          GIT-BUILD-OPTIONS $(TEST_PROGRAMS) $(test_bindir_programs) \
>      -          $(MOFILES)
>      + .PHONY: hdr-check $(HCO)
>       @@ Makefile: cocciclean:
>         $(RM) contrib/coccinelle/*.cocci.patch*
>      @@ cache.h: static inline int is_absolute_path(const char *path)
>        int normalize_path_copy_len(char *dst, const char *src, int *prefix_len);
>        ## contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt ##
>      -@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: endif()
>      - #git
>      - parse_makefile_for_sources(git_SOURCES "BUILTIN_OBJS")
>      +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
>      + #set the source directory to root of git
>       +
>       +# makeheaders
>      @@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: endif()
>       +         makeheaders ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/abspath.c
>       +)
>       +
>      -+add_dependencies(libgit makeheaders abspath.h)
>       +
>      -+
>      - add_executable(git ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/git.c ${git_SOURCES})
>      - target_link_libraries(git common-main)
>      + option(USE_VCPKG "Whether or not to use vcpkg for obtaining dependencies.  Only applicable to Windows platforms" ON)
>      + if(NOT WIN32)
>      +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: parse_makefile_for_sources(libgit_SOURCES "LIB_OBJS")
>      + add_library(libgit ${libgit_SOURCES} ${compat_SOURCES})
>      ++add_dependencies(libgit abspath.h)
>      +
>      + #libxdiff
>      + parse_makefile_for_sources(libxdiff_SOURCES "XDIFF_OBJS")
>      +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: parse_makefile_for_sources(reftable_SOURCES "REFTABLE_OBJS")
>      +
>      + add_library(reftable STATIC ${reftable_SOURCES})
>      ++add_dependencies(reftable abspath.h)
>      +
>      + if(WIN32)
>      +  if(NOT MSVC)#use windres when compiling with gcc and clang
>      +@@ contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt: target_link_libraries(scalar common-main)
>      +
>      + if(CURL_FOUND)
>      +  add_library(http_obj OBJECT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/http.c)
>      ++ add_dependencies(http_obj abspath.h)
>      +
>      +  add_executable(git-imap-send ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/imap-send.c)
>      +  target_link_libraries(git-imap-send http_obj common-main ${CURL_LIBRARIES})
>        ## tools/makeheaders.c (new) ##
>       @@
>  .gitignore                          |    2 +
>  Makefile                            |   16 +-
>  abspath.c                           |   10 +
>  cache.h                             |   21 +-
>  contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt |   15 +
>  tools/makeheaders.c                 | 3815 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  6 files changed, 3857 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 tools/makeheaders.c
> diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
> index b3dcafcb331..8bc5e53ce9d 100644
> --- a/.gitignore
> +++ b/.gitignore
> @@ -249,3 +249,5 @@ Release/
>  /git.VC.db
>  *.dSYM
>  /contrib/buildsystems/out
> +/makeheaders
> +/abspath.h
> diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
> index cac3452edb9..e1136e96283 100644
> --- a/Makefile
> +++ b/Makefile
> @@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
>  # The default target of this Makefile is...
>  all::
> +# compile header
> +.PHONY: hdr
> +hdr:: abspath.h
> +
> +makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c
> +       $(CC) -o $@ $<
> +
> +abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
> +       ./makeheaders $<
> +
>  # Import tree-wide shared Makefile behavior and libraries
>  include shared.mak
> @@ -2598,7 +2608,7 @@ missing_compdb_dir =
>  compdb_args =
>  endif
> -$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir)
> +$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir) hdr
>         $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $*.o -c $(dep_args) $(compdb_args) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) $<
>  %.s: %.c GIT-CFLAGS FORCE
> @@ -3115,7 +3125,7 @@ HCC = $(HCO:hco=hcc)
>         @echo '#include "git-compat-util.h"' >$@
>         @echo '#include "$<"' >>$@
> -$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc FORCE
> +$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc hdr FORCE
>         $(QUIET_HDR)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o /dev/null -c -xc $<
>  .PHONY: hdr-check $(HCO)
> @@ -3450,6 +3460,8 @@ cocciclean:
>         $(RM) contrib/coccinelle/*.cocci.patch*
>  clean: profile-clean coverage-clean cocciclean
> +       $(RM) -r makeheaders
> +       $(RM) -r abspath.h
>         $(RM) -r .build
>         $(RM) po/git.pot po/git-core.pot
>         $(RM) git.res
> diff --git a/abspath.c b/abspath.c
> index 39e06b58486..1c163bbe651 100644
> --- a/abspath.c
> +++ b/abspath.c
> @@ -262,6 +262,16 @@ char *absolute_pathdup(const char *path)
>         return strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
>  }
> +/*
> + * Concatenate "prefix" (if len is non-zero) and "path", with no
> + * connecting characters (so "prefix" should end with a "/").
> + * Unlike prefix_path, this should be used if the named file does
> + * not have to interact with index entry; i.e. name of a random file
> + * on the filesystem.
> + *
> + * The return value is always a newly allocated string (even if the
> + * prefix was empty).
> + */
>  char *prefix_filename(const char *pfx, const char *arg)
>  {
>         struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
> diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
> index 26ed03bd6de..e226dbcc7d5 100644
> --- a/cache.h
> +++ b/cache.h
> @@ -646,18 +646,6 @@ const char *setup_git_directory(void);
>  char *prefix_path(const char *prefix, int len, const char *path);
>  char *prefix_path_gently(const char *prefix, int len, int *remaining, const char *path);
> -/*
> - * Concatenate "prefix" (if len is non-zero) and "path", with no
> - * connecting characters (so "prefix" should end with a "/").
> - * Unlike prefix_path, this should be used if the named file does
> - * not have to interact with index entry; i.e. name of a random file
> - * on the filesystem.
> - *
> - * The return value is always a newly allocated string (even if the
> - * prefix was empty).
> - */
> -char *prefix_filename(const char *prefix, const char *path);
> -
>  int check_filename(const char *prefix, const char *name);
>  void verify_filename(const char *prefix,
>                      const char *name,
> @@ -1299,14 +1287,7 @@ static inline int is_absolute_path(const char *path)
>  {
>         return is_dir_sep(path[0]) || has_dos_drive_prefix(path);
>  }
> -int is_directory(const char *);
> -char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
> -                     int die_on_error);
> -char *strbuf_realpath_forgiving(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
> -                               int die_on_error);
> -char *real_pathdup(const char *path, int die_on_error);
> -const char *absolute_path(const char *path);
> -char *absolute_pathdup(const char *path);
> +#include "abspath.h"
>  const char *remove_leading_path(const char *in, const char *prefix);
>  const char *relative_path(const char *in, const char *prefix, struct strbuf *sb);
>  int normalize_path_copy_len(char *dst, const char *src, int *prefix_len);
> diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
> index ea2a531be87..9d03aa682c9 100644
> --- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
> +++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
> @@ -52,6 +52,18 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
>  #set the source directory to root of git
> +
> +# makeheaders
> +add_executable(makeheaders ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/makeheaders.c)
> +
> +add_custom_target(abspath.h
> +       DEPENDS
> +               "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/abspath.c" "makeheaders"
> +       COMMAND
> +               makeheaders ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/abspath.c
> +)
> +
> +
>  option(USE_VCPKG "Whether or not to use vcpkg for obtaining dependencies.  Only applicable to Windows platforms" ON)
>  if(NOT WIN32)
> @@ -676,6 +688,7 @@ parse_makefile_for_sources(libgit_SOURCES "LIB_OBJS")
>  add_library(libgit ${libgit_SOURCES} ${compat_SOURCES})
> +add_dependencies(libgit abspath.h)
>  #libxdiff
>  parse_makefile_for_sources(libxdiff_SOURCES "XDIFF_OBJS")
> @@ -688,6 +701,7 @@ parse_makefile_for_sources(reftable_SOURCES "REFTABLE_OBJS")
>  add_library(reftable STATIC ${reftable_SOURCES})
> +add_dependencies(reftable abspath.h)
>  if(WIN32)
>         if(NOT MSVC)#use windres when compiling with gcc and clang
> @@ -762,6 +776,7 @@ target_link_libraries(scalar common-main)
>         add_library(http_obj OBJECT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/http.c)
> +       add_dependencies(http_obj abspath.h)
>         add_executable(git-imap-send ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/imap-send.c)
>         target_link_libraries(git-imap-send http_obj common-main ${CURL_LIBRARIES})
> diff --git a/tools/makeheaders.c b/tools/makeheaders.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 00000000000..80f646e8b32
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tools/makeheaders.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,3815 @@
> +/*
> +** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
> +** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
> +**
> +** Copyright 1993 D. Richard Hipp. All rights reserved.
> +**
> +** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
> +** without modification, are permitted provided that the following
> +** conditions are met:
> +**
> +**   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
> +**      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
> +**
> +**   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
> +**      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
> +**      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
> +**      distribution.
> +**
> +** This software is provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties,
> +** including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
> +** and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.  In no event shall
> +** the author or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
> +** special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited
> +** to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data or
> +** profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of
> +** liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
> +** negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
> +** software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
> +**
> +** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
> +** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
> +*/
> +#include <stdio.h>
> +#include <stdlib.h>
> +#include <ctype.h>
> +#include <memory.h>
> +#include <sys/stat.h>
> +#include <assert.h>
> +#include <string.h>
> +
> +#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__DMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || \
> +       defined(__POCC__)
> +#ifndef WIN32
> +#define WIN32
> +#endif
> +#else
> +#include <unistd.h>
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** Macros for debugging.
> +*/
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +static int debugMask = 0;
> +#define debug0(F, M)                \
> +       if ((F)&debugMask) {        \
> +               fprintf(stderr, M); \
> +       }
> +#define debug1(F, M, A)                \
> +       if ((F)&debugMask) {           \
> +               fprintf(stderr, M, A); \
> +       }
> +#define debug2(F, M, A, B)                \
> +       if ((F)&debugMask) {              \
> +               fprintf(stderr, M, A, B); \
> +       }
> +#define debug3(F, M, A, B, C)                \
> +       if ((F)&debugMask) {                 \
> +               fprintf(stderr, M, A, B, C); \
> +       }
> +#define PARSER 0x00000001
> +#define DECL_DUMP 0x00000002
> +#define TOKENIZER 0x00000004
> +#else
> +#define debug0(Flags, Format)
> +#define debug1(Flags, Format, A)
> +#define debug2(Flags, Format, A, B)
> +#define debug3(Flags, Format, A, B, C)
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** The following macros are purely for the purpose of testing this
> +** program on itself.  They don't really contribute to the code.
> +*/
> +#define INTERFACE 1
> +#define EXPORT
> +
> +/*
> +** Each token in a source file is represented by an instance of
> +** the following structure.  Tokens are collected onto a list.
> +*/
> +typedef struct Token Token;
> +struct Token {
> +       const char *zText; /* The text of the token */
> +       int nText; /* Number of characters in the token's text */
> +       int eType; /* The type of this token */
> +       int nLine; /* The line number on which the token starts */
> +       Token *pComment; /* Most recent block comment before this token */
> +       Token *pNext; /* Next token on the list */
> +       Token *pPrev; /* Previous token on the list */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** During tokenization, information about the state of the input
> +** stream is held in an instance of the following structure
> +*/
> +typedef struct InStream InStream;
> +struct InStream {
> +       const char *z; /* Complete text of the input */
> +       int i; /* Next character to read from the input */
> +       int nLine; /* The line number for character z[i] */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** Each declaration in the C or C++ source files is parsed out and stored as
> +** an instance of the following structure.
> +**
> +** A "forward declaration" is a declaration that an object exists that
> +** doesn't tell about the objects structure.  A typical forward declaration
> +** is:
> +**
> +**          struct Xyzzy;
> +**
> +** Not every object has a forward declaration.  If it does, thought, the
> +** forward declaration will be contained in the zFwd field for C and
> +** the zFwdCpp for C++.  The zDecl field contains the complete
> +** declaration text.
> +*/
> +typedef struct Decl Decl;
> +struct Decl {
> +       char *zName; /* Name of the object being declared.  The appearance
> +                    ** of this name is a source file triggers the declaration
> +                    ** to be added to the header for that file. */
> +       const char *zFile; /* File from which extracted.  */
> +       char *zIf; /* Surround the declaration with this #if */
> +       char *zFwd; /* A forward declaration.  NULL if there is none. */
> +       char *zFwdCpp; /* Use this forward declaration for C++. */
> +       char *zDecl; /* A full declaration of this object */
> +       char *zExtra; /* Extra declaration text inserted into class objects */
> +       int extraType; /* Last public:, protected: or private: in zExtraDecl */
> +       struct Include *pInclude; /* #includes that come before this declaration
> +                                  */
> +       int flags; /* See the "Properties" below */
> +       Token *pComment; /* A block comment associated with this declaration */
> +       Token tokenCode; /* Implementation of functions and procedures */
> +       Decl *pSameName; /* Next declaration with the same "zName" */
> +       Decl *pSameHash; /* Next declaration with same hash but different zName
> +                         */
> +       Decl *pNext; /* Next declaration with a different name */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** Properties associated with declarations.
> +**
> +** DP_Forward and DP_Declared are used during the generation of a single
> +** header file in order to prevent duplicate declarations and definitions.
> +** DP_Forward is set after the object has been given a forward declaration
> +** and DP_Declared is set after the object gets a full declarations.
> +** (Example:  A forward declaration is "typedef struct Abc Abc;" and the
> +** full declaration is "struct Abc { int a; float b; };".)
> +**
> +** The DP_Export and DP_Local flags are more permanent.  They mark objects
> +** that have EXPORT scope and LOCAL scope respectively.  If both of these
> +** marks are missing, then the object has library scope.  The meanings of
> +** the scopes are as follows:
> +**
> +**    LOCAL scope         The object is only usable within the file in
> +**                        which it is declared.
> +**
> +**    library scope       The object is visible and usable within other
> +**                        files in the same project.  By if the project is
> +**                        a library, then the object is not visible to users
> +**                        of the library.  (i.e. the object does not appear
> +**                        in the output when using the -H option.)
> +**
> +**    EXPORT scope        The object is visible and usable everywhere.
> +**
> +** The DP_Flag is a temporary use flag that is used during processing to
> +** prevent an infinite loop.  It's use is localized.
> +**
> +** The DP_Cplusplus, DP_ExternCReqd and DP_ExternReqd flags are permanent
> +** and are used to specify what type of declaration the object requires.
> +*/
> +#define DP_Forward 0x001 /* Has a forward declaration in this file */
> +#define DP_Declared 0x002 /* Has a full declaration in this file */
> +#define DP_Export 0x004 /* Export this declaration */
> +#define DP_Local 0x008 /* Declare in its home file only */
> +#define DP_Flag                                      \
> +       0x010 /* Use to mark a subset of a Decl list \
> +             ** for special processing */
> +#define DP_Cplusplus                                    \
> +       0x020 /* Has C++ linkage and cannot appear in a \
> +             ** C header file */
> +#define DP_ExternCReqd                                 \
> +       0x040 /* Prepend 'extern "C"' in a C++ header. \
> +             ** Prepend nothing in a C header */
> +#define DP_ExternReqd                                          \
> +       0x080 /* Prepend 'extern "C"' in a C++ header if       \
> +             ** DP_Cplusplus is not also set. If DP_Cplusplus \
> +             ** is set or this is a C header then             \
> +             ** prepend 'extern' */
> +
> +/*
> +** Convenience macros for dealing with declaration properties
> +*/
> +#define DeclHasProperty(D, P) (((D)->flags & (P)) == (P))
> +#define DeclHasAnyProperty(D, P) (((D)->flags & (P)) != 0)
> +#define DeclSetProperty(D, P) (D)->flags |= (P)
> +#define DeclClearProperty(D, P) (D)->flags &= ~(P)
> +
> +/*
> +** These are state properties of the parser.  Each of the values is
> +** distinct from the DP_ values above so that both can be used in
> +** the same "flags" field.
> +**
> +** Be careful not to confuse PS_Export with DP_Export or
> +** PS_Local with DP_Local.  Their names are similar, but the meanings
> +** of these flags are very different.
> +*/
> +#define PS_Extern 0x000800 /* "extern" has been seen */
> +#define PS_Export                                     \
> +       0x001000 /* If between "#if EXPORT_INTERFACE" \
> +                ** and "#endif" */
> +#define PS_Export2 0x002000 /* If "EXPORT" seen */
> +#define PS_Typedef 0x004000 /* If "typedef" has been seen */
> +#define PS_Static 0x008000 /* If "static" has been seen */
> +#define PS_Interface 0x010000 /* If within #if INTERFACE..#endif */
> +#define PS_Method 0x020000 /* If "::" token has been seen */
> +#define PS_Local 0x040000 /* If within #if LOCAL_INTERFACE..#endif */
> +#define PS_Local2 0x080000 /* If "LOCAL" seen. */
> +#define PS_Public 0x100000 /* If "PUBLIC" seen. */
> +#define PS_Protected 0x200000 /* If "PROTECTED" seen. */
> +#define PS_Private 0x400000 /* If "PRIVATE" seen. */
> +#define PS_PPP 0x700000 /* If any of PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED */
> +
> +/*
> +** The following set of flags are ORed into the "flags" field of
> +** a Decl in order to identify what type of object is being
> +** declared.
> +*/
> +#define TY_Class 0x00100000
> +#define TY_Subroutine 0x00200000
> +#define TY_Macro 0x00400000
> +#define TY_Typedef 0x00800000
> +#define TY_Variable 0x01000000
> +#define TY_Structure 0x02000000
> +#define TY_Union 0x04000000
> +#define TY_Enumeration 0x08000000
> +#define TY_Defunct 0x10000000 /* Used to erase a declaration */
> +
> +/*
> +** Each nested #if (or #ifdef or #ifndef) is stored in a stack of
> +** instances of the following structure.
> +*/
> +typedef struct Ifmacro Ifmacro;
> +struct Ifmacro {
> +       int nLine; /* Line number where this macro occurs */
> +       char *zCondition; /* Text of the condition for this macro */
> +       Ifmacro *pNext; /* Next down in the stack */
> +       int flags; /* Can hold PS_Export, PS_Interface or PS_Local flags */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** When parsing a file, we need to keep track of what other files have
> +** be #include-ed.  For each #include found, we create an instance of
> +** the following structure.
> +*/
> +typedef struct Include Include;
> +struct Include {
> +       char *zFile; /* The name of file include.  Includes "" or <> */
> +       char *zIf; /* If not NULL, #include should be enclosed in #if */
> +       char *zLabel; /* A unique label used to test if this #include has
> +                      * appeared already in a file or not */
> +       Include *pNext; /* Previous include file, or NULL if this is the first
> +                        */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** Identifiers found in a source file that might be used later to provoke
> +** the copying of a declaration into the corresponding header file are
> +** stored in a hash table as instances of the following structure.
> +*/
> +typedef struct Ident Ident;
> +struct Ident {
> +       char *zName; /* The text of this identifier */
> +       Ident *pCollide; /* Next identifier with the same hash */
> +       Ident *pNext; /* Next identifier in a list of them all */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** A complete table of identifiers is stored in an instance of
> +** the next structure.
> +*/
> +#define IDENT_HASH_SIZE 2237
> +typedef struct IdentTable IdentTable;
> +struct IdentTable {
> +       Ident *pList; /* List of all identifiers in this table */
> +       Ident *apTable[IDENT_HASH_SIZE]; /* The hash table */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** The following structure holds all information for a single
> +** source file named on the command line of this program.
> +*/
> +typedef struct InFile InFile;
> +struct InFile {
> +       char *zSrc; /* Name of input file */
> +       char *zHdr; /* Name of the generated .h file for this input.
> +                   ** Will be NULL if input is to be scanned only */
> +       int flags; /* One or more DP_, PS_ and/or TY_ flags */
> +       InFile *pNext; /* Next input file in the list of them all */
> +       IdentTable idTable; /* All identifiers in this input file */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** An unbounded string is able to grow without limit.  We use these
> +** to construct large in-memory strings from lots of smaller components.
> +*/
> +typedef struct String String;
> +struct String {
> +       int nAlloc; /* Number of bytes allocated */
> +       int nUsed; /* Number of bytes used (not counting nul terminator) */
> +       char *zText; /* Text of the string */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** The following structure contains a lot of state information used
> +** while generating a .h file.  We put the information in this structure
> +** and pass around a pointer to this structure, rather than pass around
> +** all of the information separately.  This helps reduce the number of
> +** arguments to generator functions.
> +*/
> +typedef struct GenState GenState;
> +struct GenState {
> +       String *pStr; /* Write output to this string */
> +       IdentTable *pTable; /* A table holding the zLabel of every #include that
> +                            * has already been generated.  Used to avoid
> +                            * generating duplicate #includes. */
> +       const char *zIf; /* If not NULL, then we are within a #if with
> +                         * this argument. */
> +       int nErr; /* Number of errors */
> +       const char *zFilename; /* Name of the source file being scanned */
> +       int flags; /* Various flags (DP_ and PS_ flags above) */
> +};
> +
> +/*
> +** The following text line appears at the top of every file generated
> +** by this program.  By recognizing this line, the program can be sure
> +** never to read a file that it generated itself.
> +**
> +** The "#undef INTERFACE" part is a hack to work around a name collision
> +** in MSVC 2008.
> +*/
> +const char zTopLine[] =
> +       "/* \aThis file was automatically generated.  Do not edit! */\n"
> +       "#undef INTERFACE\n";
> +#define nTopLine (sizeof(zTopLine) - 1)
> +
> +/*
> +** The name of the file currently being parsed.
> +*/
> +static const char *zFilename;
> +
> +/*
> +** The stack of #if macros for the file currently being parsed.
> +*/
> +static Ifmacro *ifStack = 0;
> +
> +/*
> +** A list of all files that have been #included so far in a file being
> +** parsed.
> +*/
> +static Include *includeList = 0;
> +
> +/*
> +** The last block comment seen.
> +*/
> +static Token *blockComment = 0;
> +
> +/*
> +** The following flag is set if the -doc flag appears on the
> +** command line.
> +*/
> +static int doc_flag = 0;
> +
> +/*
> +** If the following flag is set, then makeheaders will attempt to
> +** generate prototypes for static functions and procedures.
> +*/
> +static int proto_static = 0;
> +
> +/*
> +** A list of all declarations.  The list is held together using the
> +** pNext field of the Decl structure.
> +*/
> +static Decl *pDeclFirst; /* First on the list */
> +static Decl *pDeclLast; /* Last on the list */
> +
> +/*
> +** A hash table of all declarations
> +*/
> +#define DECL_HASH_SIZE 3371
> +static Decl *apTable[DECL_HASH_SIZE];
> +
> +/*
> +** The TEST macro must be defined to something.  Make sure this is the
> +** case.
> +*/
> +#ifndef TEST
> +#define TEST 0
> +#endif
> +
> +#ifdef NOT_USED
> +/*
> +** We do our own assertion macro so that we can have more control
> +** over debugging.
> +*/
> +#define Assert(X)                     \
> +       if (!(X)) {                   \
> +               CantHappen(__LINE__); \
> +       }
> +#define CANT_HAPPEN CantHappen(__LINE__)
> +static void CantHappen(int iLine)
> +{
> +       fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed on line %d\n", iLine);
> +       *(char *)1 = 0; /* Force a core-dump */
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** Memory allocation functions that are guaranteed never to return NULL.
> +*/
> +static void *SafeMalloc(int nByte)
> +{
> +       void *p = malloc(nByte);
> +       if (p == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.  Can't allocate %d bytes.\n",
> +                       nByte);
> +               exit(1);
> +       }
> +       return p;
> +}
> +static void SafeFree(void *pOld)
> +{
> +       if (pOld) {
> +               free(pOld);
> +       }
> +}
> +static void *SafeRealloc(void *pOld, int nByte)
> +{
> +       void *p;
> +       if (pOld == 0) {
> +               p = SafeMalloc(nByte);
> +       } else {
> +               p = realloc(pOld, nByte);
> +               if (p == 0) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr,
> +                               "Out of memory.  Can't enlarge an allocation to %d bytes\n",
> +                               nByte);
> +                       exit(1);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       return p;
> +}
> +static char *StrDup(const char *zSrc, int nByte)
> +{
> +       char *zDest;
> +       if (nByte <= 0) {
> +               nByte = strlen(zSrc);
> +       }
> +       zDest = SafeMalloc(nByte + 1);
> +       strncpy(zDest, zSrc, nByte);
> +       zDest[nByte] = 0;
> +       return zDest;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Return TRUE if the character X can be part of an identifier
> +*/
> +#define ISALNUM(X) ((X) == '_' || isalnum(X))
> +
> +/*
> +** Routines for dealing with unbounded strings.
> +*/
> +static void StringInit(String *pStr)
> +{
> +       pStr->nAlloc = 0;
> +       pStr->nUsed = 0;
> +       pStr->zText = 0;
> +}
> +static void StringReset(String *pStr)
> +{
> +       SafeFree(pStr->zText);
> +       StringInit(pStr);
> +}
> +static void StringAppend(String *pStr, const char *zText, int nByte)
> +{
> +       if (nByte <= 0) {
> +               nByte = strlen(zText);
> +       }
> +       if (pStr->nUsed + nByte >= pStr->nAlloc) {
> +               if (pStr->nAlloc == 0) {
> +                       pStr->nAlloc = nByte + 100;
> +                       pStr->zText = SafeMalloc(pStr->nAlloc);
> +               } else {
> +                       pStr->nAlloc = pStr->nAlloc * 2 + nByte;
> +                       pStr->zText = SafeRealloc(pStr->zText, pStr->nAlloc);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       strncpy(&pStr->zText[pStr->nUsed], zText, nByte);
> +       pStr->nUsed += nByte;
> +       pStr->zText[pStr->nUsed] = 0;
> +}
> +#define StringGet(S) ((S)->zText ? (S)->zText : "")
> +
> +/*
> +** Compute a hash on a string.  The number returned is a non-negative
> +** value between 0 and 2**31 - 1
> +*/
> +static int Hash(const char *z, int n)
> +{
> +       int h = 0;
> +       if (n <= 0) {
> +               n = strlen(z);
> +       }
> +       while (n--) {
> +               h = h ^ (h << 5) ^ *z++;
> +       }
> +       return h & 0x7fffffff;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Given an identifier name, try to find a declaration for that
> +** identifier in the hash table.  If found, return a pointer to
> +** the Decl structure.  If not found, return 0.
> +*/
> +static Decl *FindDecl(const char *zName, int len)
> +{
> +       int h;
> +       Decl *p;
> +
> +       if (len <= 0) {
> +               len = strlen(zName);
> +       }
> +       h = Hash(zName, len) % DECL_HASH_SIZE;
> +       p = apTable[h];
> +       while (p &&
> +              (strncmp(p->zName, zName, len) != 0 || p->zName[len] != 0)) {
> +               p = p->pSameHash;
> +       }
> +       return p;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Install the given declaration both in the hash table and on
> +** the list of all declarations.
> +*/
> +static void InstallDecl(Decl *pDecl)
> +{
> +       int h;
> +       Decl *pOther;
> +
> +       h = Hash(pDecl->zName, 0) % DECL_HASH_SIZE;
> +       pOther = apTable[h];
> +       while (pOther && strcmp(pDecl->zName, pOther->zName) != 0) {
> +               pOther = pOther->pSameHash;
> +       }
> +       if (pOther) {
> +               pDecl->pSameName = pOther->pSameName;
> +               pOther->pSameName = pDecl;
> +       } else {
> +               pDecl->pSameName = 0;
> +               pDecl->pSameHash = apTable[h];
> +               apTable[h] = pDecl;
> +       }
> +       pDecl->pNext = 0;
> +       if (pDeclFirst == 0) {
> +               pDeclFirst = pDeclLast = pDecl;
> +       } else {
> +               pDeclLast->pNext = pDecl;
> +               pDeclLast = pDecl;
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Look at the current ifStack.  If anything declared at the current
> +** position must be surrounded with
> +**
> +**      #if   STUFF
> +**      #endif
> +**
> +** Then this routine computes STUFF and returns a pointer to it.  Memory
> +** to hold the value returned is obtained from malloc().
> +*/
> +static char *GetIfString(void)
> +{
> +       Ifmacro *pIf;
> +       char *zResult = 0;
> +       int hasIf = 0;
> +       String str;
> +
> +       for (pIf = ifStack; pIf; pIf = pIf->pNext) {
> +               if (pIf->zCondition == 0 || *pIf->zCondition == 0)
> +                       continue;
> +               if (!hasIf) {
> +                       hasIf = 1;
> +                       StringInit(&str);
> +               } else {
> +                       StringAppend(&str, " && ", 4);
> +               }
> +               StringAppend(&str, pIf->zCondition, 0);
> +       }
> +       if (hasIf) {
> +               zResult = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +               StringReset(&str);
> +       } else {
> +               zResult = 0;
> +       }
> +       return zResult;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Create a new declaration and put it in the hash table.  Also
> +** return a pointer to it so that we can fill in the zFwd and zDecl
> +** fields, and so forth.
> +*/
> +static Decl *CreateDecl(const char *zName, /* Name of the object being declared.
> +                                           */
> +                       int nName /* Length of the name */
> +)
> +{
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +
> +       pDecl = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Decl) + nName + 1);
> +       memset(pDecl, 0, sizeof(Decl));
> +       pDecl->zName = (char *)&pDecl[1];
> +       sprintf(pDecl->zName, "%.*s", nName, zName);
> +       pDecl->zFile = zFilename;
> +       pDecl->pInclude = includeList;
> +       pDecl->zIf = GetIfString();
> +       InstallDecl(pDecl);
> +       return pDecl;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Insert a new identifier into an table of identifiers.  Return TRUE if
> +** a new identifier was inserted and return FALSE if the identifier was
> +** already in the table.
> +*/
> +static int IdentTableInsert(IdentTable *pTable, /* The table into which we will
> +                                                  insert */
> +                           const char *zId, /* Name of the identifiers */
> +                           int nId /* Length of the identifier name */
> +)
> +{
> +       int h;
> +       Ident *pId;
> +
> +       if (nId <= 0) {
> +               nId = strlen(zId);
> +       }
> +       h = Hash(zId, nId) % IDENT_HASH_SIZE;
> +       for (pId = pTable->apTable[h]; pId; pId = pId->pCollide) {
> +               if (strncmp(zId, pId->zName, nId) == 0 &&
> +                   pId->zName[nId] == 0) {
> +                       /* printf("Already in table: %.*s\n",nId,zId); */
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       pId = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Ident) + nId + 1);
> +       pId->zName = (char *)&pId[1];
> +       sprintf(pId->zName, "%.*s", nId, zId);
> +       pId->pNext = pTable->pList;
> +       pTable->pList = pId;
> +       pId->pCollide = pTable->apTable[h];
> +       pTable->apTable[h] = pId;
> +       /* printf("Add to table: %.*s\n",nId,zId); */
> +       return 1;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Check to see if the given value is in the given IdentTable.  Return
> +** true if it is and false if it is not.
> +*/
> +static int IdentTableTest(IdentTable *pTable, /* The table in which to search */
> +                         const char *zId, /* Name of the identifiers */
> +                         int nId /* Length of the identifier name */
> +)
> +{
> +       int h;
> +       Ident *pId;
> +
> +       if (nId <= 0) {
> +               nId = strlen(zId);
> +       }
> +       h = Hash(zId, nId) % IDENT_HASH_SIZE;
> +       for (pId = pTable->apTable[h]; pId; pId = pId->pCollide) {
> +               if (strncmp(zId, pId->zName, nId) == 0 &&
> +                   pId->zName[nId] == 0) {
> +                       return 1;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Remove every identifier from the given table.   Reset the table to
> +** its initial state.
> +*/
> +static void IdentTableReset(IdentTable *pTable)
> +{
> +       Ident *pId, *pNext;
> +
> +       for (pId = pTable->pList; pId; pId = pNext) {
> +               pNext = pId->pNext;
> +               SafeFree(pId);
> +       }
> +       memset(pTable, 0, sizeof(IdentTable));
> +}
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +/*
> +** Print the name of every identifier in the given table, one per line
> +*/
> +static void IdentTablePrint(IdentTable *pTable, FILE *pOut)
> +{
> +       Ident *pId;
> +
> +       for (pId = pTable->pList; pId; pId = pId->pNext) {
> +               fprintf(pOut, "%s\n", pId->zName);
> +       }
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** Read an entire file into memory.  Return a pointer to the memory.
> +**
> +** The memory is obtained from SafeMalloc and must be freed by the
> +** calling function.
> +**
> +** If the read fails for any reason, 0 is returned.
> +*/
> +static char *ReadFile(const char *zFilename)
> +{
> +       struct stat sStat;
> +       FILE *pIn;
> +       char *zBuf;
> +       int n;
> +
> +       if (stat(zFilename, &sStat) != 0
> +#ifndef WIN32
> +           || !S_ISREG(sStat.st_mode)
> +#endif
> +       ) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       pIn = fopen(zFilename, "r");
> +       if (pIn == 0) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       zBuf = SafeMalloc(sStat.st_size + 1);
> +       n = fread(zBuf, 1, sStat.st_size, pIn);
> +       zBuf[n] = 0;
> +       fclose(pIn);
> +       return zBuf;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Write the contents of a string into a file.  Return the number of
> +** errors
> +*/
> +static int WriteFile(const char *zFilename, const char *zOutput)
> +{
> +       FILE *pOut;
> +       pOut = fopen(zFilename, "w");
> +       if (pOut == 0) {
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       fwrite(zOutput, 1, strlen(zOutput), pOut);
> +       fclose(pOut);
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Major token types
> +*/
> +#define TT_Space 1 /* Contiguous white space */
> +#define TT_Id 2 /* An identifier */
> +#define TT_Preprocessor 3 /* Any C preprocessor directive */
> +#define TT_Comment 4 /* Either C or C++ style comment */
> +#define TT_Number 5 /* Any numeric constant */
> +#define TT_String 6 /* String or character constants. ".." or '.' */
> +#define TT_Braces 7 /* All text between { and a matching } */
> +#define TT_EOF 8 /* End of file */
> +#define TT_Error 9 /* An error condition */
> +#define TT_BlockComment                                 \
> +       10 /* A C-Style comment at the left margin that \
> +           * spans multiple lines */
> +#define TT_Other 0 /* None of the above */
> +
> +/*
> +** Get a single low-level token from the input file.  Update the
> +** file pointer so that it points to the first character beyond the
> +** token.
> +**
> +** A "low-level token" is any token except TT_Braces.  A TT_Braces token
> +** consists of many smaller tokens and is assembled by a routine that
> +** calls this one.
> +**
> +** The function returns the number of errors.  An error is an
> +** unterminated string or character literal or an unterminated
> +** comment.
> +**
> +** Profiling shows that this routine consumes about half the
> +** CPU time on a typical run of makeheaders.
> +*/
> +static int GetToken(InStream *pIn, Token *pToken)
> +{
> +       int i;
> +       const char *z;
> +       int cStart;
> +       int c;
> +       int startLine; /* Line on which a structure begins */
> +       int nlisc = 0; /* True if there is a new-line in a ".." or '..' */
> +       int nErr = 0; /* Number of errors seen */
> +
> +       z = pIn->z;
> +       i = pIn->i;
> +       pToken->nLine = pIn->nLine;
> +       pToken->zText = &z[i];
> +       switch (z[i]) {
> +       case 0:
> +               pToken->eType = TT_EOF;
> +               pToken->nText = 0;
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '#':
> +               if (i == 0 || z[i - 1] == '\n' ||
> +                   (i > 1 && z[i - 1] == '\r' && z[i - 2] == '\n')) {
> +                       /* We found a preprocessor statement */
> +                       pToken->eType = TT_Preprocessor;
> +                       i++;
> +                       while (z[i] != 0 && z[i] != '\n') {
> +                               if (z[i] == '\\') {
> +                                       i++;
> +                                       if (z[i] == '\n')
> +                                               pIn->nLine++;
> +                               }
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +                       pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               } else {
> +                       /* Just an operator */
> +                       pToken->eType = TT_Other;
> +                       pToken->nText = 1;
> +               }
> +               break;
> +
> +       case ' ':
> +       case '\t':
> +       case '\r':
> +       case '\f':
> +       case '\n':
> +               while (isspace(z[i])) {
> +                       if (z[i] == '\n')
> +                               pIn->nLine++;
> +                       i++;
> +               }
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Space;
> +               pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '\\':
> +               pToken->nText = 2;
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Other;
> +               if (z[i + 1] == '\n') {
> +                       pIn->nLine++;
> +                       pToken->eType = TT_Space;
> +               } else if (z[i + 1] == 0) {
> +                       pToken->nText = 1;
> +               }
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '\'':
> +       case '\"':
> +               cStart = z[i];
> +               startLine = pIn->nLine;
> +               do {
> +                       i++;
> +                       c = z[i];
> +                       if (c == '\n') {
> +                               if (!nlisc) {
> +                                       fprintf(stderr,
> +                                               "%s:%d: (warning) Newline in string or character literal.\n",
> +                                               zFilename, pIn->nLine);
> +                                       nlisc = 1;
> +                               }
> +                               pIn->nLine++;
> +                       }
> +                       if (c == '\\') {
> +                               i++;
> +                               c = z[i];
> +                               if (c == '\n') {
> +                                       pIn->nLine++;
> +                               }
> +                       } else if (c == cStart) {
> +                               i++;
> +                               c = 0;
> +                       } else if (c == 0) {
> +                               fprintf(stderr,
> +                                       "%s:%d: Unterminated string or character literal.\n",
> +                                       zFilename, startLine);
> +                               nErr++;
> +                       }
> +               } while (c);
> +               pToken->eType = TT_String;
> +               pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '/':
> +               if (z[i + 1] == '/') {
> +                       /* C++ style comment */
> +                       while (z[i] && z[i] != '\n') {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +                       pToken->eType = TT_Comment;
> +                       pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               } else if (z[i + 1] == '*') {
> +                       /* C style comment */
> +                       int isBlockComment = i == 0 || z[i - 1] == '\n';
> +                       i += 2;
> +                       startLine = pIn->nLine;
> +                       while (z[i] && (z[i] != '*' || z[i + 1] != '/')) {
> +                               if (z[i] == '\n') {
> +                                       pIn->nLine++;
> +                                       if (isBlockComment) {
> +                                               if (z[i + 1] == '*' ||
> +                                                   z[i + 2] == '*') {
> +                                                       isBlockComment = 2;
> +                                               } else {
> +                                                       isBlockComment = 0;
> +                                               }
> +                                       }
> +                               }
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +                       if (z[i]) {
> +                               i += 2;
> +                       } else {
> +                               isBlockComment = 0;
> +                               fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated comment\n",
> +                                       zFilename, startLine);
> +                               nErr++;
> +                       }
> +                       pToken->eType = isBlockComment == 2 ? TT_BlockComment :
> +                                                             TT_Comment;
> +                       pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               } else {
> +                       /* A divide operator */
> +                       pToken->eType = TT_Other;
> +                       pToken->nText = 1 + (z[i + 1] == '+');
> +               }
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '0':
> +               if (z[i + 1] == 'x' || z[i + 1] == 'X') {
> +                       /* A hex constant */
> +                       i += 2;
> +                       while (isxdigit(z[i])) {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +               } else {
> +                       /* An octal constant */
> +                       while (isdigit(z[i])) {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Number;
> +               pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '1':
> +       case '2':
> +       case '3':
> +       case '4':
> +       case '5':
> +       case '6':
> +       case '7':
> +       case '8':
> +       case '9':
> +               while (isdigit(z[i])) {
> +                       i++;
> +               }
> +               if ((c = z[i]) == '.') {
> +                       i++;
> +                       while (isdigit(z[i])) {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +                       c = z[i];
> +                       if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
> +                               i++;
> +                               if (((c = z[i]) == '+' || c == '-') &&
> +                                   isdigit(z[i + 1])) {
> +                                       i++;
> +                               }
> +                               while (isdigit(z[i])) {
> +                                       i++;
> +                               }
> +                               c = z[i];
> +                       }
> +                       if (c == 'f' || c == 'F' || c == 'l' || c == 'L') {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +               } else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
> +                       i++;
> +                       if (((c = z[i]) == '+' || c == '-') &&
> +                           isdigit(z[i + 1])) {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +                       while (isdigit(z[i])) {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +               } else if (c == 'L' || c == 'l') {
> +                       i++;
> +                       c = z[i];
> +                       if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +               } else if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') {
> +                       i++;
> +                       c = z[i];
> +                       if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') {
> +                               i++;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Number;
> +               pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               break;
> +
> +       case 'a':
> +       case 'b':
> +       case 'c':
> +       case 'd':
> +       case 'e':
> +       case 'f':
> +       case 'g':
> +       case 'h':
> +       case 'i':
> +       case 'j':
> +       case 'k':
> +       case 'l':
> +       case 'm':
> +       case 'n':
> +       case 'o':
> +       case 'p':
> +       case 'q':
> +       case 'r':
> +       case 's':
> +       case 't':
> +       case 'u':
> +       case 'v':
> +       case 'w':
> +       case 'x':
> +       case 'y':
> +       case 'z':
> +       case 'A':
> +       case 'B':
> +       case 'C':
> +       case 'D':
> +       case 'E':
> +       case 'F':
> +       case 'G':
> +       case 'H':
> +       case 'I':
> +       case 'J':
> +       case 'K':
> +       case 'L':
> +       case 'M':
> +       case 'N':
> +       case 'O':
> +       case 'P':
> +       case 'Q':
> +       case 'R':
> +       case 'S':
> +       case 'T':
> +       case 'U':
> +       case 'V':
> +       case 'W':
> +       case 'X':
> +       case 'Y':
> +       case 'Z':
> +       case '_':
> +               while (isalnum(z[i]) || z[i] == '_') {
> +                       i++;
> +               };
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Id;
> +               pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
> +               break;
> +
> +       case ':':
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Other;
> +               pToken->nText = 1 + (z[i + 1] == ':');
> +               break;
> +
> +       case '=':
> +       case '<':
> +       case '>':
> +       case '+':
> +       case '-':
> +       case '*':
> +       case '%':
> +       case '^':
> +       case '&':
> +       case '|':
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Other;
> +               pToken->nText = 1 + (z[i + 1] == '=');
> +               break;
> +
> +       default:
> +               pToken->eType = TT_Other;
> +               pToken->nText = 1;
> +               break;
> +       }
> +       pIn->i += pToken->nText;
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine recovers the next token from the input file which is
> +** not a space or a comment or any text between an "#if 0" and "#endif".
> +**
> +** This routine returns the number of errors encountered.  An error
> +** is an unterminated token or unmatched "#if 0".
> +**
> +** Profiling shows that this routine uses about a quarter of the
> +** CPU time in a typical run.
> +*/
> +static int GetNonspaceToken(InStream *pIn, Token *pToken)
> +{
> +       int nIf = 0;
> +       int inZero = 0;
> +       const char *z;
> +       int value;
> +       int startLine;
> +       int nErr = 0;
> +
> +       startLine = pIn->nLine;
> +       while (1) {
> +               nErr += GetToken(pIn, pToken);
> +               /* printf("%04d: Type=%d nIf=%d [%.*s]\n",
> +                  pToken->nLine,pToken->eType,nIf,pToken->nText,
> +                  pToken->eType!=TT_Space ? pToken->zText : "<space>"); */
> +               pToken->pComment = blockComment;
> +               switch (pToken->eType) {
> +               case TT_Comment: /*0123456789 12345678 */
> +                       if (strncmp(pToken->zText, "/*MAKEHEADERS-STOP", 18) ==
> +                           0)
> +                               return nErr;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Space:
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_BlockComment:
> +                       if (doc_flag) {
> +                               blockComment = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Token));
> +                               *blockComment = *pToken;
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_EOF:
> +                       if (nIf) {
> +                               fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated \"#if\"\n",
> +                                       zFilename, startLine);
> +                               nErr++;
> +                       }
> +                       return nErr;
> +
> +               case TT_Preprocessor:
> +                       z = &pToken->zText[1];
> +                       while (*z == ' ' || *z == '\t')
> +                               z++;
> +                       if (sscanf(z, "if %d", &value) == 1 && value == 0) {
> +                               nIf++;
> +                               inZero = 1;
> +                       } else if (inZero) {
> +                               if (strncmp(z, "if", 2) == 0) {
> +                                       nIf++;
> +                               } else if (strncmp(z, "endif", 5) == 0) {
> +                                       nIf--;
> +                                       if (nIf == 0)
> +                                               inZero = 0;
> +                               }
> +                       } else {
> +                               return nErr;
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               default:
> +                       if (!inZero) {
> +                               return nErr;
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       /* NOT REACHED */
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine looks for identifiers (strings of contiguous alphanumeric
> +** characters) within a preprocessor directive and adds every such string
> +** found to the given identifier table
> +*/
> +static void FindIdentifiersInMacro(Token *pToken, IdentTable *pTable)
> +{
> +       Token sToken;
> +       InStream sIn;
> +       int go = 1;
> +
> +       sIn.z = pToken->zText;
> +       sIn.i = 1;
> +       sIn.nLine = 1;
> +       while (go && sIn.i < pToken->nText) {
> +               GetToken(&sIn, &sToken);
> +               switch (sToken.eType) {
> +               case TT_Id:
> +                       IdentTableInsert(pTable, sToken.zText, sToken.nText);
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_EOF:
> +                       go = 0;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               default:
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine gets the next token.  Everything contained within
> +** {...} is collapsed into a single TT_Braces token.  Whitespace is
> +** omitted.
> +**
> +** If pTable is not NULL, then insert every identifier seen into the
> +** IdentTable.  This includes any identifiers seen inside of {...}.
> +**
> +** The number of errors encountered is returned.  An error is an
> +** unterminated token.
> +*/
> +static int GetBigToken(InStream *pIn, Token *pToken, IdentTable *pTable)
> +{
> +       const char *zStart;
> +       int iStart;
> +       int nBrace;
> +       int c;
> +       int nLine;
> +       int nErr;
> +
> +       nErr = GetNonspaceToken(pIn, pToken);
> +       switch (pToken->eType) {
> +       case TT_Id:
> +               if (pTable != 0) {
> +                       IdentTableInsert(pTable, pToken->zText, pToken->nText);
> +               }
> +               return nErr;
> +
> +       case TT_Preprocessor:
> +               if (pTable != 0) {
> +                       FindIdentifiersInMacro(pToken, pTable);
> +               }
> +               return nErr;
> +
> +       case TT_Other:
> +               if (pToken->zText[0] == '{')
> +                       break;
> +               return nErr;
> +
> +       default:
> +               return nErr;
> +       }
> +
> +       iStart = pIn->i;
> +       zStart = pToken->zText;
> +       nLine = pToken->nLine;
> +       nBrace = 1;
> +       while (nBrace) {
> +               nErr += GetNonspaceToken(pIn, pToken);
> +               /* printf("%04d: nBrace=%d [%.*s]\n",pToken->nLine,nBrace,
> +                  pToken->nText,pToken->zText); */
> +               switch (pToken->eType) {
> +               case TT_EOF:
> +                       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated \"{\"\n",
> +                               zFilename, nLine);
> +                       nErr++;
> +                       pToken->eType = TT_Error;
> +                       return nErr;
> +
> +               case TT_Id:
> +                       if (pTable) {
> +                               IdentTableInsert(pTable, pToken->zText,
> +                                                pToken->nText);
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Preprocessor:
> +                       if (pTable != 0) {
> +                               FindIdentifiersInMacro(pToken, pTable);
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Other:
> +                       if ((c = pToken->zText[0]) == '{') {
> +                               nBrace++;
> +                       } else if (c == '}') {
> +                               nBrace--;
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               default:
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       pToken->eType = TT_Braces;
> +       pToken->nText = 1 + pIn->i - iStart;
> +       pToken->zText = zStart;
> +       pToken->nLine = nLine;
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine frees up a list of Tokens.  The pComment tokens are
> +** not cleared by this.  So we leak a little memory when using the -doc
> +** option.  So what.
> +*/
> +static void FreeTokenList(Token *pList)
> +{
> +       Token *pNext;
> +       while (pList) {
> +               pNext = pList->pNext;
> +               SafeFree(pList);
> +               pList = pNext;
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Tokenize an entire file.  Return a pointer to the list of tokens.
> +**
> +** Space for each token is obtained from a separate malloc() call.  The
> +** calling function is responsible for freeing this space.
> +**
> +** If pTable is not NULL, then fill the table with all identifiers seen in
> +** the input file.
> +*/
> +static Token *TokenizeFile(const char *zFile, IdentTable *pTable)
> +{
> +       InStream sIn;
> +       Token *pFirst = 0, *pLast = 0, *pNew;
> +       int nErr = 0;
> +
> +       sIn.z = zFile;
> +       sIn.i = 0;
> +       sIn.nLine = 1;
> +       blockComment = 0;
> +
> +       while (sIn.z[sIn.i] != 0) {
> +               pNew = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Token));
> +               nErr += GetBigToken(&sIn, pNew, pTable);
> +               debug3(TOKENIZER, "Token on line %d: [%.*s]\n", pNew->nLine,
> +                      pNew->nText < 50 ? pNew->nText : 50, pNew->zText);
> +               if (pFirst == 0) {
> +                       pFirst = pLast = pNew;
> +                       pNew->pPrev = 0;
> +               } else {
> +                       pLast->pNext = pNew;
> +                       pNew->pPrev = pLast;
> +                       pLast = pNew;
> +               }
> +               if (pNew->eType == TT_EOF)
> +                       break;
> +       }
> +       if (pLast)
> +               pLast->pNext = 0;
> +       blockComment = 0;
> +       if (nErr) {
> +               FreeTokenList(pFirst);
> +               pFirst = 0;
> +       }
> +
> +       return pFirst;
> +}
> +
> +#if TEST == 1
> +/*
> +** Use the following routine to test or debug the tokenizer.
> +*/
> +void main(int argc, char **argv)
> +{
> +       char *zFile;
> +       Token *pList, *p;
> +       IdentTable sTable;
> +
> +       if (argc != 2) {
> +               fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename\n", *argv);
> +               exit(1);
> +       }
> +       memset(&sTable, 0, sizeof(sTable));
> +       zFile = ReadFile(argv[1]);
> +       if (zFile == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
> +               exit(1);
> +       }
> +       pList = TokenizeFile(zFile, &sTable);
> +       for (p = pList; p; p = p->pNext) {
> +               int j;
> +               switch (p->eType) {
> +               case TT_Space:
> +                       printf("%4d: Space\n", p->nLine);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_Id:
> +                       printf("%4d: Id           %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
> +                              p->zText);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_Preprocessor:
> +                       printf("%4d: Preprocessor %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
> +                              p->zText);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_Comment:
> +                       printf("%4d: Comment\n", p->nLine);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_BlockComment:
> +                       printf("%4d: Block Comment\n", p->nLine);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_Number:
> +                       printf("%4d: Number       %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
> +                              p->zText);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_String:
> +                       printf("%4d: String       %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
> +                              p->zText);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_Other:
> +                       printf("%4d: Other        %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
> +                              p->zText);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_Braces:
> +                       for (j = 0;
> +                            j < p->nText && j < 30 && p->zText[j] != '\n';
> +                            j++) {
> +                       }
> +                       printf("%4d: Braces       %.*s...}\n", p->nLine, j,
> +                              p->zText);
> +                       break;
> +               case TT_EOF:
> +                       printf("%4d: End of file\n", p->nLine);
> +                       break;
> +               default:
> +                       printf("%4d: type %d\n", p->nLine, p->eType);
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       FreeTokenList(pList);
> +       SafeFree(zFile);
> +       IdentTablePrint(&sTable, stdout);
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +/*
> +** For debugging purposes, write out a list of tokens.
> +*/
> +static void PrintTokens(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast)
> +{
> +       int needSpace = 0;
> +       int c;
> +
> +       pLast = pLast->pNext;
> +       while (pFirst != pLast) {
> +               switch (pFirst->eType) {
> +               case TT_Preprocessor:
> +                       printf("\n%.*s\n", pFirst->nText, pFirst->zText);
> +                       needSpace = 0;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Id:
> +               case TT_Number:
> +                       printf("%s%.*s", needSpace ? " " : "", pFirst->nText,
> +                              pFirst->zText);
> +                       needSpace = 1;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               default:
> +                       c = pFirst->zText[0];
> +                       printf("%s%.*s",
> +                              (needSpace && (c == '*' || c == '{')) ? " " : "",
> +                              pFirst->nText, pFirst->zText);
> +                       needSpace = pFirst->zText[0] == ',';
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +               pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +       }
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** Convert a sequence of tokens into a string and return a pointer
> +** to that string.  Space to hold the string is obtained from malloc()
> +** and must be freed by the calling function.
> +**
> +** Certain keywords (EXPORT, PRIVATE, PUBLIC, PROTECTED) are always
> +** skipped.
> +**
> +** If pSkip!=0 then skip over nSkip tokens beginning with pSkip.
> +**
> +** If zTerm!=0 then append the text to the end.
> +*/
> +static char *TokensToString(Token *pFirst, /* First token in the string */
> +                           Token *pLast, /* Last token in the string */
> +                           char *zTerm, /* Terminate the string with this text
> +                                           if not NULL */
> +                           Token *pSkip, /* Skip this token if not NULL */
> +                           int nSkip /* Skip a total of this many tokens */
> +)
> +{
> +       char *zReturn;
> +       String str;
> +       int needSpace = 0;
> +       int c;
> +       int iSkip = 0;
> +       int skipOne = 0;
> +
> +       StringInit(&str);
> +       pLast = pLast->pNext;
> +       while (pFirst != pLast) {
> +               if (pFirst == pSkip) {
> +                       iSkip = nSkip;
> +               }
> +               if (iSkip > 0) {
> +                       iSkip--;
> +                       pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +                       continue;
> +               }
> +               switch (pFirst->eType) {
> +               case TT_Preprocessor:
> +                       StringAppend(&str, "\n", 1);
> +                       StringAppend(&str, pFirst->zText, pFirst->nText);
> +                       StringAppend(&str, "\n", 1);
> +                       needSpace = 0;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Id:
> +                       switch (pFirst->zText[0]) {
> +                       case 'E':
> +                               if (pFirst->nText == 6 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pFirst->zText, "EXPORT", 6) == 0) {
> +                                       skipOne = 1;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +                       case 'P':
> +                               switch (pFirst->nText) {
> +                               case 6:
> +                                       skipOne = !strncmp(pFirst->zText,
> +                                                          "PUBLIC", 6);
> +                                       break;
> +                               case 7:
> +                                       skipOne = !strncmp(pFirst->zText,
> +                                                          "PRIVATE", 7);
> +                                       break;
> +                               case 9:
> +                                       skipOne = !strncmp(pFirst->zText,
> +                                                          "PROTECTED", 9);
> +                                       break;
> +                               default:
> +                                       break;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +                       default:
> +                               break;
> +                       }
> +                       if (skipOne) {
> +                               pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +                               skipOne = 0;
> +                               continue;
> +                       }
> +                       /* Fall thru to the next case */
> +               case TT_Number:
> +                       if (needSpace) {
> +                               StringAppend(&str, " ", 1);
> +                       }
> +                       StringAppend(&str, pFirst->zText, pFirst->nText);
> +                       needSpace = 1;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               default:
> +                       c = pFirst->zText[0];
> +                       if (needSpace && (c == '*' || c == '{')) {
> +                               StringAppend(&str, " ", 1);
> +                       }
> +                       StringAppend(&str, pFirst->zText, pFirst->nText);
> +                       /* needSpace = pFirst->zText[0]==','; */
> +                       needSpace = 0;
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +               pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +       }
> +       if (zTerm && *zTerm) {
> +               StringAppend(&str, zTerm, strlen(zTerm));
> +       }
> +       zReturn = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +       StringReset(&str);
> +       return zReturn;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine is called when we see one of the keywords "struct",
> +** "enum", "union" or "class".  This might be the beginning of a
> +** type declaration.  This routine will process the declaration and
> +** remove the declaration tokens from the input stream.
> +**
> +** If this is a type declaration that is immediately followed by a
> +** semicolon (in other words it isn't also a variable definition)
> +** then set *pReset to ';'.  Otherwise leave *pReset at 0.  The
> +** *pReset flag causes the parser to skip ahead to the next token
> +** that begins with the value placed in the *pReset flag, if that
> +** value is different from 0.
> +*/
> +static int ProcessTypeDecl(Token *pList, int flags, int *pReset)
> +{
> +       Token *pName, *pEnd;
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +       String str;
> +       int need_to_collapse = 1;
> +       int type = 0;
> +
> +       *pReset = 0;
> +       if (pList == 0 || pList->pNext == 0 || pList->pNext->eType != TT_Id) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       pName = pList->pNext;
> +
> +       /* Catch the case of "struct Foo;" and skip it. */
> +       if (pName->pNext && pName->pNext->zText[0] == ';') {
> +               *pReset = ';';
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +
> +       for (pEnd = pName->pNext; pEnd && pEnd->eType != TT_Braces;
> +            pEnd = pEnd->pNext) {
> +               switch (pEnd->zText[0]) {
> +               case '(':
> +               case ')':
> +               case '*':
> +               case '[':
> +               case '=':
> +               case ';':
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       if (pEnd == 0) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** At this point, we know we have a type declaration that is bounded
> +       ** by pList and pEnd and has the name pName.
> +       */
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** If the braces are followed immediately by a semicolon, then we are
> +       ** dealing a type declaration only.  There is not variable definition
> +       ** following the type declaration.  So reset...
> +       */
> +       if (pEnd->pNext == 0 || pEnd->pNext->zText[0] == ';') {
> +               *pReset = ';';
> +               need_to_collapse = 0;
> +       } else {
> +               need_to_collapse = 1;
> +       }
> +
> +       if (proto_static == 0 &&
> +           (flags & (PS_Local | PS_Export | PS_Interface)) == 0) {
> +               /* Ignore these objects unless they are explicitly declared as
> +               *interface,
> +               ** or unless the "-local" command line option was specified. */
> +               *pReset = ';';
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +       if (debugMask & PARSER) {
> +               printf("**** Found type: %.*s %.*s...\n", pList->nText,
> +                      pList->zText, pName->nText, pName->zText);
> +               PrintTokens(pList, pEnd);
> +               printf(";\n");
> +       }
> +#endif
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Create a new Decl object for this definition.  Actually, if this
> +       ** is a C++ class definition, then the Decl object might already exist,
> +       ** so check first for that case before creating a new one.
> +       */
> +       switch (*pList->zText) {
> +       case 'c':
> +               type = TY_Class;
> +               break;
> +       case 's':
> +               type = TY_Structure;
> +               break;
> +       case 'e':
> +               type = TY_Enumeration;
> +               break;
> +       case 'u':
> +               type = TY_Union;
> +               break;
> +       default: /* Can't Happen */
> +               break;
> +       }
> +       if (type != TY_Class) {
> +               pDecl = 0;
> +       } else {
> +               pDecl = FindDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +               if (pDecl && (pDecl->flags & type) != type)
> +                       pDecl = 0;
> +       }
> +       if (pDecl == 0) {
> +               pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       }
> +       if ((flags & PS_Static) || !(flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export))) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
> +       }
> +       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, type);
> +
> +       /* The object has a full declaration only if it is contained within
> +       ** "#if INTERFACE...#endif" or "#if EXPORT_INTERFACE...#endif" or
> +       ** "#if LOCAL_INTERFACE...#endif".  Otherwise, we only give it a
> +       ** forward declaration.
> +       */
> +       if (flags & (PS_Local | PS_Export | PS_Interface)) {
> +               pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pList, pEnd, ";\n", 0, 0);
> +       } else {
> +               pDecl->zDecl = 0;
> +       }
> +       pDecl->pComment = pList->pComment;
> +       StringInit(&str);
> +       StringAppend(&str, "typedef ", 0);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pList->zText, pList->nText);
> +       StringAppend(&str, " ", 0);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       StringAppend(&str, " ", 0);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       StringAppend(&str, ";\n", 2);
> +       pDecl->zFwd = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +       StringReset(&str);
> +       StringInit(&str);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pList->zText, pList->nText);
> +       StringAppend(&str, " ", 0);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       StringAppend(&str, ";\n", 2);
> +       pDecl->zFwdCpp = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +       StringReset(&str);
> +       if (flags & PS_Export) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
> +       } else if (flags & PS_Local) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
> +       }
> +
> +       /* Here's something weird.  ANSI-C doesn't allow a forward declaration
> +       ** of an enumeration.  So we have to build the typedef into the
> +       ** definition.
> +       */
> +       if (pDecl->zDecl && DeclHasProperty(pDecl, TY_Enumeration)) {
> +               StringInit(&str);
> +               StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zDecl, 0);
> +               StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zFwd, 0);
> +               SafeFree(pDecl->zDecl);
> +               SafeFree(pDecl->zFwd);
> +               pDecl->zFwd = 0;
> +               pDecl->zDecl = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +               StringReset(&str);
> +       }
> +
> +       if (pName->pNext->zText[0] == ':') {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
> +       }
> +       if (pName->nText == 5 && strncmp(pName->zText, "class", 5) == 0) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Remove all but pList and pName from the input stream.
> +       */
> +       if (need_to_collapse) {
> +               while (pEnd != pName) {
> +                       Token *pPrev = pEnd->pPrev;
> +                       pPrev->pNext = pEnd->pNext;
> +                       pEnd->pNext->pPrev = pPrev;
> +                       SafeFree(pEnd);
> +                       pEnd = pPrev;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Given a list of tokens that declare something (a function, procedure,
> +** variable or typedef) find the token which contains the name of the
> +** thing being declared.
> +**
> +** Algorithm:
> +**
> +**   The name is:
> +**
> +**     1.  The first identifier that is followed by a "[", or
> +**
> +**     2.  The first identifier that is followed by a "(" where the
> +**         "(" is followed by another identifier, or
> +**
> +**     3.  The first identifier followed by "::", or
> +**
> +**     4.  If none of the above, then the last identifier.
> +**
> +**   In all of the above, certain reserved words (like "char") are
> +**   not considered identifiers.
> +*/
> +static Token *FindDeclName(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast)
> +{
> +       Token *pName = 0;
> +       Token *p;
> +       int c;
> +
> +       if (pFirst == 0 || pLast == 0) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       pLast = pLast->pNext;
> +       for (p = pFirst; p && p != pLast; p = p->pNext) {
> +               if (p->eType == TT_Id) {
> +                       static IdentTable sReserved;
> +                       static int isInit = 0;
> +                       static const char *aWords[] = {
> +                               "char",      "class",    "const",    "double",
> +                               "enum",      "extern",   "EXPORT",   "ET_PROC",
> +                               "float",     "int",      "long",     "PRIVATE",
> +                               "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC",   "register", "static",
> +                               "struct",    "sizeof",   "signed",   "typedef",
> +                               "union",     "volatile", "virtual",  "void",
> +                       };
> +
> +                       if (!isInit) {
> +                               int i;
> +                               for (i = 0;
> +                                    i < sizeof(aWords) / sizeof(aWords[0]);
> +                                    i++) {
> +                                       IdentTableInsert(&sReserved, aWords[i],
> +                                                        0);
> +                               }
> +                               isInit = 1;
> +                       }
> +                       if (!IdentTableTest(&sReserved, p->zText, p->nText)) {
> +                               pName = p;
> +                       }
> +               } else if (p == pFirst) {
> +                       continue;
> +               } else if ((c = p->zText[0]) == '[' && pName) {
> +                       break;
> +               } else if (c == '(' && p->pNext && p->pNext->eType == TT_Id &&
> +                          pName) {
> +                       break;
> +               } else if (c == ':' && p->zText[1] == ':' && pName) {
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       return pName;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine is called when we see a method for a class that begins
> +** with the PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or PROTECTED keywords.  Such methods are
> +** added to their class definitions.
> +*/
> +static int ProcessMethodDef(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast, int flags)
> +{
> +       Token *pClass;
> +       char *zDecl;
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +       String str;
> +       int type;
> +
> +       pLast = pLast->pPrev;
> +       while (pFirst->zText[0] == 'P') {
> +               int rc = 1;
> +               switch (pFirst->nText) {
> +               case 6:
> +                       rc = strncmp(pFirst->zText, "PUBLIC", 6);
> +                       break;
> +               case 7:
> +                       rc = strncmp(pFirst->zText, "PRIVATE", 7);
> +                       break;
> +               case 9:
> +                       rc = strncmp(pFirst->zText, "PROTECTED", 9);
> +                       break;
> +               default:
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +               if (rc)
> +                       break;
> +               pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +       }
> +       pClass = FindDeclName(pFirst, pLast);
> +       if (pClass == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s:%d: Unable to find the class name for this method\n",
> +                       zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       pDecl = FindDecl(pClass->zText, pClass->nText);
> +       if (pDecl == 0 || (pDecl->flags & TY_Class) != TY_Class) {
> +               pDecl = CreateDecl(pClass->zText, pClass->nText);
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Class);
> +       }
> +       StringInit(&str);
> +       if (pDecl->zExtra) {
> +               StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zExtra, 0);
> +               SafeFree(pDecl->zExtra);
> +               pDecl->zExtra = 0;
> +       }
> +       type = flags & PS_PPP;
> +       if (pDecl->extraType != type) {
> +               if (type & PS_Public) {
> +                       StringAppend(&str, "public:\n", 0);
> +                       pDecl->extraType = PS_Public;
> +               } else if (type & PS_Protected) {
> +                       StringAppend(&str, "protected:\n", 0);
> +                       pDecl->extraType = PS_Protected;
> +               } else if (type & PS_Private) {
> +                       StringAppend(&str, "private:\n", 0);
> +                       pDecl->extraType = PS_Private;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       StringAppend(&str, "  ", 0);
> +       zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pLast, ";\n", pClass, 2);
> +       if (strncmp(zDecl, pClass->zText, pClass->nText) == 0) {
> +               /* If member initializer list is found after a constructor,
> +               ** skip that part. */
> +               char *colon = strchr(zDecl, ':');
> +               if (colon != 0 && colon[1] != 0) {
> +                       *colon++ = ';';
> +                       *colon++ = '\n';
> +                       *colon = 0;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       StringAppend(&str, zDecl, 0);
> +       SafeFree(zDecl);
> +       pDecl->zExtra = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +       StringReset(&str);
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine is called when we see a function or procedure definition.
> +** We make an entry in the declaration table that is a prototype for this
> +** function or procedure.
> +*/
> +static int ProcessProcedureDef(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast, int flags)
> +{
> +       Token *pName;
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +       Token *pCode;
> +
> +       if (pFirst == 0 || pLast == 0) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       if (flags & PS_Method) {
> +               if (flags & PS_PPP) {
> +                       return ProcessMethodDef(pFirst, pLast, flags);
> +               } else {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       if ((flags & PS_Static) != 0 && !proto_static) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       pCode = pLast;
> +       while (pLast && pLast != pFirst && pLast->zText[0] != ')') {
> +               pLast = pLast->pPrev;
> +       }
> +       if (pLast == 0 || pLast == pFirst || pFirst->pNext == pLast) {
> +               fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unrecognized syntax.\n", zFilename,
> +                       pFirst->nLine);
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       if (flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local)) {
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s:%d: Missing \"inline\" on function or procedure.\n",
> +                       zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       pName = FindDeclName(pFirst, pLast);
> +       if (pName == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s:%d: Malformed function or procedure definition.\n",
> +                       zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       if (strncmp(pName->zText, "main", pName->nText) == 0) {
> +               /* skip main() decl. */
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       /*
> +       ** At this point we've isolated a procedure declaration between pFirst
> +       ** and pLast with the name pName.
> +       */
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +       if (debugMask & PARSER) {
> +               printf("**** Found routine: %.*s on line %d...\n", pName->nText,
> +                      pName->zText, pFirst->nLine);
> +               PrintTokens(pFirst, pLast);
> +               printf(";\n");
> +       }
> +#endif
> +       pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       pDecl->pComment = pFirst->pComment;
> +       if (pCode && pCode->eType == TT_Braces) {
> +               pDecl->tokenCode = *pCode;
> +       }
> +       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Subroutine);
> +       pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pLast, ";\n", 0, 0);
> +       if ((flags & (PS_Static | PS_Local2)) != 0) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
> +       } else if ((flags & (PS_Export2)) != 0) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
> +       }
> +
> +       if (flags & DP_Cplusplus) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
> +       } else {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
> +       }
> +
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine is called whenever we see the "inline" keyword.  We
> +** need to seek-out the inline function or procedure and make a
> +** declaration out of the entire definition.
> +*/
> +static int ProcessInlineProc(Token *pFirst, int flags, int *pReset)
> +{
> +       Token *pName;
> +       Token *pEnd;
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +
> +       for (pEnd = pFirst; pEnd; pEnd = pEnd->pNext) {
> +               if (pEnd->zText[0] == '{' || pEnd->zText[0] == ';') {
> +                       *pReset = pEnd->zText[0];
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       if (pEnd == 0) {
> +               *pReset = ';';
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s:%d: incomplete inline procedure definition\n",
> +                       zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       pName = FindDeclName(pFirst, pEnd);
> +       if (pName == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s:%d: malformed inline procedure definition\n",
> +                       zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +       if (debugMask & PARSER) {
> +               printf("**** Found inline routine: %.*s on line %d...\n",
> +                      pName->nText, pName->zText, pFirst->nLine);
> +               PrintTokens(pFirst, pEnd);
> +               printf("\n");
> +       }
> +#endif
> +       pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       pDecl->pComment = pFirst->pComment;
> +       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Subroutine);
> +       pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pEnd, ";\n", 0, 0);
> +       if ((flags & (PS_Static | PS_Local | PS_Local2))) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
> +       } else if (flags & (PS_Export | PS_Export2)) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
> +       }
> +
> +       if (flags & DP_Cplusplus) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
> +       } else {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
> +       }
> +
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Determine if the tokens between pFirst and pEnd form a variable
> +** definition or a function prototype.  Return TRUE if we are dealing
> +** with a variable defintion and FALSE for a prototype.
> +**
> +** pEnd is the token that ends the object.  It can be either a ';' or
> +** a '='.  If it is '=', then assume we have a variable definition.
> +**
> +** If pEnd is ';', then the determination is more difficult.  We have
> +** to search for an occurrence of an ID followed immediately by '('.
> +** If found, we have a prototype.  Otherwise we are dealing with a
> +** variable definition.
> +*/
> +static int isVariableDef(Token *pFirst, Token *pEnd)
> +{
> +       if (pEnd && pEnd->zText[0] == '=' &&
> +           (pEnd->pPrev->nText != 8 ||
> +            strncmp(pEnd->pPrev->zText, "operator", 8) != 0)) {
> +               return 1;
> +       }
> +       while (pFirst && pFirst != pEnd && pFirst->pNext &&
> +              pFirst->pNext != pEnd) {
> +               if (pFirst->eType == TT_Id && pFirst->pNext->zText[0] == '(') {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +       }
> +       return 1;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Return TRUE if pFirst is the first token of a static assert.
> +*/
> +static int isStaticAssert(Token *pFirst)
> +{
> +       if ((pFirst->nText == 13 &&
> +            strncmp(pFirst->zText, "static_assert", 13) == 0) ||
> +           (pFirst->nText == 14 &&
> +            strncmp(pFirst->zText, "_Static_assert", 14) == 0)) {
> +               return 1;
> +       } else {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine is called whenever we encounter a ";" or "=".  The stuff
> +** between pFirst and pLast constitutes either a typedef or a global
> +** variable definition.  Do the right thing.
> +*/
> +static int ProcessDecl(Token *pFirst, Token *pEnd, int flags)
> +{
> +       Token *pName;
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +       int isLocal = 0;
> +       int isVar;
> +       int nErr = 0;
> +
> +       if (pFirst == 0 || pEnd == 0) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       if (flags & PS_Typedef) {
> +               if ((flags & (PS_Export2 | PS_Local2)) != 0) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr,
> +                               "%s:%d: \"EXPORT\" or \"LOCAL\" ignored before typedef.\n",
> +                               zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +                       nErr++;
> +               }
> +               if ((flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local |
> +                             DP_Cplusplus)) == 0) {
> +                       /* It is illegal to duplicate a typedef in C (but OK in
> +                       *C++).
> +                       ** So don't record typedefs that aren't within a C++
> +                       *file or
> +                       ** within #if INTERFACE..#endif */
> +                       return nErr;
> +               }
> +               if ((flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local)) == 0 &&
> +                   proto_static == 0) {
> +                       /* Ignore typedefs that are not with "#if
> +                       *INTERFACE..#endif" unless
> +                       ** the "-local" command line option is used. */
> +                       return nErr;
> +               }
> +               if ((flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export)) == 0) {
> +                       /* typedefs are always local, unless within #if
> +                        * INTERFACE..#endif */
> +                       isLocal = 1;
> +               }
> +       } else if (flags & (PS_Static | PS_Local2)) {
> +               if (proto_static == 0 && (flags & PS_Local2) == 0) {
> +                       /* Don't record static variables unless the "-local"
> +                       *command line
> +                       ** option was specified or the "LOCAL" keyword is used.
> +                      */
> +                       return nErr;
> +               }
> +               while (pFirst != 0 && pFirst->pNext != pEnd &&
> +                      ((pFirst->nText == 6 &&
> +                        strncmp(pFirst->zText, "static", 6) == 0) ||
> +                       (pFirst->nText == 5 &&
> +                        strncmp(pFirst->zText, "LOCAL", 6) == 0))) {
> +                       /* Lose the initial "static" or local from local
> +                       *variables.
> +                       ** We'll prepend "extern" later. */
> +                       pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
> +                       isLocal = 1;
> +               }
> +               if (pFirst == 0 || !isLocal) {
> +                       return nErr;
> +               }
> +       } else if (flags & PS_Method) {
> +               /* Methods are declared by their class.  Don't declare
> +                * separately. */
> +               return nErr;
> +       } else if (isStaticAssert(pFirst)) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       isVar = (flags & (PS_Typedef | PS_Method)) == 0 &&
> +               isVariableDef(pFirst, pEnd);
> +       if (isVar && (flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local)) != 0 &&
> +           (flags & PS_Extern) == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s:%d: Can't define a variable in this context\n",
> +                       zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +               nErr++;
> +       }
> +       pName = FindDeclName(pFirst, pEnd->pPrev);
> +       if (pName == 0) {
> +               if (pFirst->nText == 4 &&
> +                   strncmp(pFirst->zText, "enum", 4) == 0) {
> +                       /* Ignore completely anonymous enums.  See documentation
> +                        * section 3.8.1. */
> +                       return nErr;
> +               } else {
> +                       fprintf(stderr,
> +                               "%s:%d: Can't find a name for the object declared here.\n",
> +                               zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
> +                       return nErr + 1;
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +       if (debugMask & PARSER) {
> +               if (flags & PS_Typedef) {
> +                       printf("**** Found typedef %.*s at line %d...\n",
> +                              pName->nText, pName->zText, pName->nLine);
> +               } else if (isVar) {
> +                       printf("**** Found variable %.*s at line %d...\n",
> +                              pName->nText, pName->zText, pName->nLine);
> +               } else {
> +                       printf("**** Found prototype %.*s at line %d...\n",
> +                              pName->nText, pName->zText, pName->nLine);
> +               }
> +               PrintTokens(pFirst, pEnd->pPrev);
> +               printf(";\n");
> +       }
> +#endif
> +
> +       pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
> +       if ((flags & PS_Typedef)) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Typedef);
> +       } else if (isVar) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternReqd | TY_Variable);
> +               if (!(flags & DP_Cplusplus)) {
> +                       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
> +               }
> +       } else {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Subroutine);
> +               if (!(flags & DP_Cplusplus)) {
> +                       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       pDecl->pComment = pFirst->pComment;
> +       pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pEnd->pPrev, ";\n", 0, 0);
> +       if (isLocal || (flags & (PS_Local | PS_Local2)) != 0) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
> +       } else if (flags & (PS_Export | PS_Export2)) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
> +       }
> +       if (flags & DP_Cplusplus) {
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
> +       }
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Push an if condition onto the if stack
> +*/
> +static void PushIfMacro(const char *zPrefix, /* A prefix, like "define" or "!"
> +                                             */
> +                       const char *zText, /* The condition */
> +                       int nText, /* Number of characters in zText */
> +                       int nLine, /* Line number where this macro occurs */
> +                       int flags /* Either 0, PS_Interface, PS_Export or
> +                                    PS_Local */
> +)
> +{
> +       Ifmacro *pIf;
> +       int nByte;
> +
> +       nByte = sizeof(Ifmacro);
> +       if (zText) {
> +               if (zPrefix) {
> +                       nByte += strlen(zPrefix) + 2;
> +               }
> +               nByte += nText + 1;
> +       }
> +       pIf = SafeMalloc(nByte);
> +       if (zText) {
> +               pIf->zCondition = (char *)&pIf[1];
> +               if (zPrefix) {
> +                       sprintf(pIf->zCondition, "%s(%.*s)", zPrefix, nText,
> +                               zText);
> +               } else {
> +                       sprintf(pIf->zCondition, "%.*s", nText, zText);
> +               }
> +       } else {
> +               pIf->zCondition = 0;
> +       }
> +       pIf->nLine = nLine;
> +       pIf->flags = flags;
> +       pIf->pNext = ifStack;
> +       ifStack = pIf;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine is called to handle all preprocessor directives.
> +**
> +** This routine will recompute the value of *pPresetFlags to be the
> +** logical or of all flags on all nested #ifs.  The #ifs that set flags
> +** are as follows:
> +**
> +**        conditional                   flag set
> +**        ------------------------      --------------------
> +**        #if INTERFACE                 PS_Interface
> +**        #if EXPORT_INTERFACE          PS_Export
> +**        #if LOCAL_INTERFACE           PS_Local
> +**
> +** For example, if after processing the preprocessor token given
> +** by pToken there is an "#if INTERFACE" on the preprocessor
> +** stack, then *pPresetFlags will be set to PS_Interface.
> +*/
> +static int ParsePreprocessor(Token *pToken, int flags, int *pPresetFlags)
> +{
> +       const char *zCmd;
> +       int nCmd;
> +       const char *zArg;
> +       int nArg;
> +       int nErr = 0;
> +       Ifmacro *pIf;
> +
> +       zCmd = &pToken->zText[1];
> +       while (isspace(*zCmd) && *zCmd != '\n') {
> +               zCmd++;
> +       }
> +       if (!isalpha(*zCmd)) {
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +       nCmd = 1;
> +       while (isalpha(zCmd[nCmd])) {
> +               nCmd++;
> +       }
> +
> +       if (nCmd == 5 && strncmp(zCmd, "endif", 5) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Pop the if stack
> +               */
> +               pIf = ifStack;
> +               if (pIf == 0) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: extra '#endif'.\n", zFilename,
> +                               pToken->nLine);
> +                       return 1;
> +               }
> +               ifStack = pIf->pNext;
> +               SafeFree(pIf);
> +       } else if (nCmd == 6 && strncmp(zCmd, "define", 6) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Record a #define if we are in PS_Interface or PS_Export
> +               */
> +               Decl *pDecl;
> +               if (!(flags & (PS_Local | PS_Interface | PS_Export))) {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               zArg = &zCmd[6];
> +               while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
> +                       zArg++;
> +               }
> +               if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               for (nArg = 0; ISALNUM(zArg[nArg]); nArg++) {
> +               }
> +               if (nArg == 0) {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               pDecl = CreateDecl(zArg, nArg);
> +               pDecl->pComment = pToken->pComment;
> +               DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Macro);
> +               pDecl->zDecl = SafeMalloc(pToken->nText + 2);
> +               sprintf(pDecl->zDecl, "%.*s\n", pToken->nText, pToken->zText);
> +               if (flags & PS_Export) {
> +                       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
> +               } else if (flags & PS_Local) {
> +                       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
> +               }
> +       } else if (nCmd == 7 && strncmp(zCmd, "include", 7) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Record an #include if we are in PS_Interface or PS_Export
> +               */
> +               Include *pInclude;
> +               char *zIf;
> +
> +               if (!(flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export))) {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               zArg = &zCmd[7];
> +               while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg)) {
> +                       zArg++;
> +               }
> +               for (nArg = 0; !isspace(zArg[nArg]); nArg++) {
> +               }
> +               if ((zArg[0] == '"' && zArg[nArg - 1] != '"') ||
> +                   (zArg[0] == '<' && zArg[nArg - 1] != '>')) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr,
> +                               "%s:%d: malformed #include statement.\n",
> +                               zFilename, pToken->nLine);
> +                       return 1;
> +               }
> +               zIf = GetIfString();
> +               if (zIf) {
> +                       pInclude = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Include) + nArg * 2 +
> +                                             strlen(zIf) + 10);
> +                       pInclude->zFile = (char *)&pInclude[1];
> +                       pInclude->zLabel = &pInclude->zFile[nArg + 1];
> +                       sprintf(pInclude->zFile, "%.*s", nArg, zArg);
> +                       sprintf(pInclude->zLabel, "%.*s:%s", nArg, zArg, zIf);
> +                       pInclude->zIf = &pInclude->zLabel[nArg + 1];
> +                       SafeFree(zIf);
> +               } else {
> +                       pInclude = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Include) + nArg + 1);
> +                       pInclude->zFile = (char *)&pInclude[1];
> +                       sprintf(pInclude->zFile, "%.*s", nArg, zArg);
> +                       pInclude->zIf = 0;
> +                       pInclude->zLabel = pInclude->zFile;
> +               }
> +               pInclude->pNext = includeList;
> +               includeList = pInclude;
> +       } else if (nCmd == 2 && strncmp(zCmd, "if", 2) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Push an #if.  Watch for the special cases of INTERFACE
> +               ** and EXPORT_INTERFACE and LOCAL_INTERFACE
> +               */
> +               zArg = &zCmd[2];
> +               while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
> +                       zArg++;
> +               }
> +               if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               nArg = pToken->nText + (int)(pToken->zText - zArg);
> +               if (pToken->zText[pToken->nText - 1] == '\r') {
> +                       nArg--;
> +               }
> +               if (nArg == 9 && strncmp(zArg, "INTERFACE", 9) == 0) {
> +                       PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Interface);
> +               } else if (nArg == 16 &&
> +                          strncmp(zArg, "EXPORT_INTERFACE", 16) == 0) {
> +                       PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Export);
> +               } else if (nArg == 15 &&
> +                          strncmp(zArg, "LOCAL_INTERFACE", 15) == 0) {
> +                       PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Local);
> +               } else if (nArg == 15 &&
> +                          strncmp(zArg, "MAKEHEADERS_STOPLOCAL_INTERFACE",
> +                                  15) == 0) {
> +                       PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Local);
> +               } else {
> +                       PushIfMacro(0, zArg, nArg, pToken->nLine, 0);
> +               }
> +       } else if (nCmd == 5 && strncmp(zCmd, "ifdef", 5) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Push an #ifdef.
> +               */
> +               zArg = &zCmd[5];
> +               while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
> +                       zArg++;
> +               }
> +               if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               nArg = pToken->nText + (int)(pToken->zText - zArg);
> +               if (pToken->zText[pToken->nText - 1] == '\r') {
> +                       nArg--;
> +               }
> +               PushIfMacro("defined", zArg, nArg, pToken->nLine, 0);
> +       } else if (nCmd == 6 && strncmp(zCmd, "ifndef", 6) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Push an #ifndef.
> +               */
> +               zArg = &zCmd[6];
> +               while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
> +                       zArg++;
> +               }
> +               if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
> +                       return 0;
> +               }
> +               nArg = pToken->nText + (int)(pToken->zText - zArg);
> +               if (pToken->zText[pToken->nText - 1] == '\r') {
> +                       nArg--;
> +               }
> +               PushIfMacro("!defined", zArg, nArg, pToken->nLine, 0);
> +       } else if (nCmd == 4 && strncmp(zCmd, "else", 4) == 0) {
> +               /*
> +               ** Invert the #if on the top of the stack
> +               */
> +               if (ifStack == 0) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: '#else' without an '#if'\n",
> +                               zFilename, pToken->nLine);
> +                       return 1;
> +               }
> +               pIf = ifStack;
> +               if (pIf->zCondition) {
> +                       ifStack = ifStack->pNext;
> +                       PushIfMacro("!", pIf->zCondition,
> +                                   strlen(pIf->zCondition), pIf->nLine, 0);
> +                       SafeFree(pIf);
> +               } else {
> +                       pIf->flags = 0;
> +               }
> +       } else {
> +               /*
> +               ** This directive can be safely ignored
> +               */
> +               return 0;
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Recompute the preset flags
> +       */
> +       *pPresetFlags = 0;
> +       for (pIf = ifStack; pIf; pIf = pIf->pNext) {
> +               *pPresetFlags |= pIf->flags;
> +       }
> +
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Parse an entire file.  Return the number of errors.
> +**
> +** pList is a list of tokens in the file.  Whitespace tokens have been
> +** eliminated, and text with {...} has been collapsed into a
> +** single TT_Brace token.
> +**
> +** initFlags are a set of parse flags that should always be set for this
> +** file.  For .c files this is normally 0.  For .h files it is PS_Interface.
> +*/
> +static int ParseFile(Token *pList, int initFlags)
> +{
> +       int nErr = 0;
> +       Token *pStart = 0;
> +       int flags = initFlags;
> +       int presetFlags = initFlags;
> +       int resetFlag = 0;
> +
> +       includeList = 0;
> +       while (pList) {
> +               switch (pList->eType) {
> +               case TT_EOF:
> +                       goto end_of_loop;
> +
> +               case TT_Preprocessor:
> +                       nErr += ParsePreprocessor(pList, flags, &presetFlags);
> +                       pStart = 0;
> +                       presetFlags |= initFlags;
> +                       flags = presetFlags;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Other:
> +                       switch (pList->zText[0]) {
> +                       case ';':
> +                               nErr += ProcessDecl(pStart, pList, flags);
> +                               pStart = 0;
> +                               flags = presetFlags;
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case '=':
> +                               if (pList->pPrev->nText == 8 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->pPrev->zText, "operator",
> +                                           8) == 0) {
> +                                       break;
> +                               }
> +                               nErr += ProcessDecl(pStart, pList, flags);
> +                               pStart = 0;
> +                               while (pList && pList->zText[0] != ';') {
> +                                       pList = pList->pNext;
> +                               }
> +                               if (pList == 0)
> +                                       goto end_of_loop;
> +                               flags = presetFlags;
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case ':':
> +                               if (pList->zText[1] == ':') {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Method;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       default:
> +                               break;
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Braces:
> +                       nErr += ProcessProcedureDef(pStart, pList, flags);
> +                       pStart = 0;
> +                       flags = presetFlags;
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_Id:
> +                       if (pStart == 0) {
> +                               pStart = pList;
> +                               flags = presetFlags;
> +                       }
> +                       resetFlag = 0;
> +                       switch (pList->zText[0]) {
> +                       case 'c':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 5 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "class", 5) == 0) {
> +                                       nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(pList, flags,
> +                                                               &resetFlag);
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 'E':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 6 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "EXPORT", 6) == 0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Export2;
> +                                       /* pStart = 0; */
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 'e':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 4 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "enum", 4) == 0) {
> +                                       if (pList->pNext &&
> +                                           pList->pNext->eType == TT_Braces) {
> +                                               pList = pList->pNext;
> +                                       } else {
> +                                               nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(
> +                                                       pList, flags,
> +                                                       &resetFlag);
> +                                       }
> +                               } else if (pList->nText == 6 &&
> +                                          strncmp(pList->zText, "extern", 6) ==
> +                                                  0) {
> +                                       pList = pList->pNext;
> +                                       if (pList && pList->nText == 3 &&
> +                                           strncmp(pList->zText, "\"C\"", 3) ==
> +                                                   0) {
> +                                               pList = pList->pNext;
> +                                               flags &= ~DP_Cplusplus;
> +                                       } else {
> +                                               flags |= PS_Extern;
> +                                       }
> +                                       pStart = pList;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 'i':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 6 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "inline", 6) == 0 &&
> +                                   (flags & PS_Static) == 0) {
> +                                       nErr += ProcessInlineProc(pList, flags,
> +                                                                 &resetFlag);
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 'L':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 5 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "LOCAL", 5) == 0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Local2;
> +                                       pStart = pList;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 'P':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 6 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "PUBLIC", 6) == 0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Public;
> +                                       pStart = pList;
> +                               } else if (pList->nText == 7 &&
> +                                          strncmp(pList->zText, "PRIVATE",
> +                                                  7) == 0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Private;
> +                                       pStart = pList;
> +                               } else if (pList->nText == 9 &&
> +                                          strncmp(pList->zText, "PROTECTED",
> +                                                  9) == 0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Protected;
> +                                       pStart = pList;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 's':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 6 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "struct", 6) == 0) {
> +                                       if (pList->pNext &&
> +                                           pList->pNext->eType == TT_Braces) {
> +                                               pList = pList->pNext;
> +                                       } else {
> +                                               nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(
> +                                                       pList, flags,
> +                                                       &resetFlag);
> +                                       }
> +                               } else if (pList->nText == 6 &&
> +                                          strncmp(pList->zText, "static", 6) ==
> +                                                  0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Static;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 't':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 7 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "typedef", 7) == 0) {
> +                                       flags |= PS_Typedef;
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       case 'u':
> +                               if (pList->nText == 5 &&
> +                                   strncmp(pList->zText, "union", 5) == 0) {
> +                                       if (pList->pNext &&
> +                                           pList->pNext->eType == TT_Braces) {
> +                                               pList = pList->pNext;
> +                                       } else {
> +                                               nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(
> +                                                       pList, flags,
> +                                                       &resetFlag);
> +                                       }
> +                               }
> +                               break;
> +
> +                       default:
> +                               break;
> +                       }
> +                       if (resetFlag != 0) {
> +                               while (pList && pList->zText[0] != resetFlag) {
> +                                       pList = pList->pNext;
> +                               }
> +                               if (pList == 0)
> +                                       goto end_of_loop;
> +                               pStart = 0;
> +                               flags = presetFlags;
> +                       }
> +                       break;
> +
> +               case TT_String:
> +               case TT_Number:
> +                       break;
> +
> +               default:
> +                       pStart = pList;
> +                       flags = presetFlags;
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +               pList = pList->pNext;
> +       }
> +end_of_loop:
> +
> +       /* Verify that all #ifs have a matching "#endif" */
> +       while (ifStack) {
> +               Ifmacro *pIf = ifStack;
> +               ifStack = pIf->pNext;
> +               fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: This '#if' has no '#endif'\n",
> +                       zFilename, pIf->nLine);
> +               SafeFree(pIf);
> +       }
> +
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** If the given Decl object has a non-null zExtra field, then the text
> +** of that zExtra field needs to be inserted in the middle of the
> +** zDecl field before the last "}" in the zDecl.  This routine does that.
> +** If the zExtra is NULL, this routine is a no-op.
> +**
> +** zExtra holds extra method declarations for classes.  The declarations
> +** have to be inserted into the class definition.
> +*/
> +static void InsertExtraDecl(Decl *pDecl)
> +{
> +       int i;
> +       String str;
> +
> +       if (pDecl == 0 || pDecl->zExtra == 0 || pDecl->zDecl == 0)
> +               return;
> +       i = strlen(pDecl->zDecl) - 1;
> +       while (i > 0 && pDecl->zDecl[i] != '}') {
> +               i--;
> +       }
> +       StringInit(&str);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zDecl, i);
> +       StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zExtra, 0);
> +       StringAppend(&str, &pDecl->zDecl[i], 0);
> +       SafeFree(pDecl->zDecl);
> +       SafeFree(pDecl->zExtra);
> +       pDecl->zDecl = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
> +       StringReset(&str);
> +       pDecl->zExtra = 0;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Reset the DP_Forward and DP_Declared flags on all Decl structures.
> +** Set both flags for anything that is tagged as local and isn't
> +** in the file zFilename so that it won't be printing in other files.
> +*/
> +static void ResetDeclFlags(char *zFilename)
> +{
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +
> +       for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
> +               DeclClearProperty(pDecl, DP_Forward | DP_Declared);
> +               if (DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Local) &&
> +                   pDecl->zFile != zFilename) {
> +                       DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Forward | DP_Declared);
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Forward declaration of the ScanText() function.
> +*/
> +static void ScanText(const char *, GenState *pState);
> +
> +/*
> +** The output in pStr is currently within an #if CONTEXT where context
> +** is equal to *pzIf.  (*pzIf might be NULL to indicate that we are
> +** not within any #if at the moment.)  We are getting ready to output
> +** some text that needs to be within the context of "#if NEW" where
> +** NEW is zIf.  Make an appropriate change to the context.
> +*/
> +static void ChangeIfContext(const char *zIf, /* The desired #if context */
> +                           GenState *pState /* Current state of the code
> +                                               generator */
> +)
> +{
> +       if (zIf == 0) {
> +               if (pState->zIf == 0)
> +                       return;
> +               StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#endif\n", 0);
> +               pState->zIf = 0;
> +       } else {
> +               if (pState->zIf) {
> +                       if (strcmp(zIf, pState->zIf) == 0)
> +                               return;
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#endif\n", 0);
> +                       pState->zIf = 0;
> +               }
> +               ScanText(zIf, pState);
> +               if (pState->zIf != 0) {
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#endif\n", 0);
> +               }
> +               StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#if ", 0);
> +               StringAppend(pState->pStr, zIf, 0);
> +               StringAppend(pState->pStr, "\n", 0);
> +               pState->zIf = zIf;
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Add to the string pStr a #include of every file on the list of
> +** include files pInclude.  The table pTable contains all files that
> +** have already been #included at least once.  Don't add any
> +** duplicates.  Update pTable with every new #include that is added.
> +*/
> +static void AddIncludes(Include *pInclude, /* Write every #include on this list
> +                                           */
> +                       GenState *pState /* Current state of the code generator
> +                                         */
> +)
> +{
> +       if (pInclude) {
> +               if (pInclude->pNext) {
> +                       AddIncludes(pInclude->pNext, pState);
> +               }
> +               if (IdentTableInsert(pState->pTable, pInclude->zLabel, 0)) {
> +                       ChangeIfContext(pInclude->zIf, pState);
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#include ", 0);
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, pInclude->zFile, 0);
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, "\n", 1);
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Add to the string pStr a declaration for the object described
> +** in pDecl.
> +**
> +** If pDecl has already been declared in this file, detect that
> +** fact and abort early.  Do not duplicate a declaration.
> +**
> +** If the needFullDecl flag is false and this object has a forward
> +** declaration, then supply the forward declaration only.  A later
> +** call to CompleteForwardDeclarations() will finish the declaration
> +** for us.  But if needFullDecl is true, we must supply the full
> +** declaration now.  Some objects do not have a forward declaration.
> +** For those objects, we must print the full declaration now.
> +**
> +** Because it is illegal to duplicate a typedef in C, care is taken
> +** to insure that typedefs for the same identifier are only issued once.
> +*/
> +static void DeclareObject(Decl *pDecl, /* The thing to be declared */
> +                         GenState *pState, /* Current state of the code
> +                                              generator */
> +                         int needFullDecl /* Must have the full declaration.  A
> +                                           * forward declaration isn't enough
> +                                           */
> +)
> +{
> +       Decl *p; /* The object to be declared */
> +       int flag;
> +       int isCpp; /* True if generating C++ */
> +       int doneTypedef = 0; /* True if a typedef has been done for this object
> +                             */
> +
> +       /* printf("BEGIN %s of
> +        * %s\n",needFullDecl?"FULL":"PROTOTYPE",pDecl->zName);*/
> +       /*
> +       ** For any object that has a forward declaration, go ahead and do the
> +       ** forward declaration first.
> +       */
> +       isCpp = (pState->flags & DP_Cplusplus) != 0;
> +       for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               if (p->zFwd) {
> +                       if (!DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Forward)) {
> +                               DeclSetProperty(p, DP_Forward);
> +                               if (strncmp(p->zFwd, "typedef", 7) == 0) {
> +                                       if (doneTypedef)
> +                                               continue;
> +                                       doneTypedef = 1;
> +                               }
> +                               ChangeIfContext(p->zIf, pState);
> +                               StringAppend(pState->pStr,
> +                                            isCpp ? p->zFwdCpp : p->zFwd, 0);
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Early out if everything is already suitably declared.
> +       **
> +       ** This is a very important step because it prevents us from
> +       ** executing the code the follows in a recursive call to this
> +       ** function with the same value for pDecl.
> +       */
> +       flag = needFullDecl ? DP_Declared | DP_Forward : DP_Forward;
> +       for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               if (!DeclHasProperty(p, flag))
> +                       break;
> +       }
> +       if (p == 0) {
> +               return;
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Make sure we have all necessary #includes
> +       */
> +       for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               AddIncludes(p->pInclude, pState);
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Go ahead an mark everything as being declared, to prevent an
> +       ** infinite loop thru the ScanText() function.  At the same time,
> +       ** we decide which objects need a full declaration and mark them
> +       ** with the DP_Flag bit.  We are only able to use DP_Flag in this
> +       ** way because we know we'll never execute this far into this
> +       ** function on a recursive call with the same pDecl.  Hence, recursive
> +       ** calls to this function (through ScanText()) can never change the
> +       ** value of DP_Flag out from under us.
> +       */
> +       for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               if (!DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Declared) &&
> +                   (p->zFwd == 0 || needFullDecl) && p->zDecl != 0) {
> +                       DeclSetProperty(p, DP_Forward | DP_Declared | DP_Flag);
> +               } else {
> +                       DeclClearProperty(p, DP_Flag);
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Call ScanText() recursively (this routine is called from ScanText())
> +       ** to include declarations required to come before these declarations.
> +       */
> +       for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               if (DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Flag)) {
> +                       if (p->zDecl[0] == '#') {
> +                               ScanText(&p->zDecl[1], pState);
> +                       } else {
> +                               InsertExtraDecl(p);
> +                               ScanText(p->zDecl, pState);
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Output the declarations.  Do this in two passes.  First
> +       ** output everything that isn't a typedef.  Then go back and
> +       ** get the typedefs by the same name.
> +       */
> +       for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               if (DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Flag) &&
> +                   !DeclHasProperty(p, TY_Typedef)) {
> +                       if (DeclHasAnyProperty(p, TY_Enumeration)) {
> +                               if (doneTypedef)
> +                                       continue;
> +                               doneTypedef = 1;
> +                       }
> +                       ChangeIfContext(p->zIf, pState);
> +                       if (!isCpp && DeclHasAnyProperty(p, DP_ExternReqd)) {
> +                               StringAppend(pState->pStr, "extern ", 0);
> +                       } else if (isCpp &&
> +                                  DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Cplusplus |
> +                                                             DP_ExternReqd)) {
> +                               StringAppend(pState->pStr, "extern ", 0);
> +                       } else if (isCpp &&
> +                                  DeclHasAnyProperty(
> +                                          p, DP_ExternCReqd | DP_ExternReqd)) {
> +                               StringAppend(pState->pStr, "extern \"C\" ", 0);
> +                       }
> +                       InsertExtraDecl(p);
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, p->zDecl, 0);
> +                       if (!isCpp && DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Cplusplus)) {
> +                               fprintf(stderr,
> +                                       "%s: C code ought not reference the C++ object \"%s\"\n",
> +                                       pState->zFilename, p->zName);
> +                               pState->nErr++;
> +                       }
> +                       DeclClearProperty(p, DP_Flag);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       for (p = pDecl; p && !doneTypedef; p = p->pSameName) {
> +               if (DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Flag)) {
> +                       /* This has to be a typedef */
> +                       doneTypedef = 1;
> +                       ChangeIfContext(p->zIf, pState);
> +                       InsertExtraDecl(p);
> +                       StringAppend(pState->pStr, p->zDecl, 0);
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** This routine scans the input text given, and appends to the
> +** string in pState->pStr the text of any declarations that must
> +** occur before the text in zText.
> +**
> +** If an identifier in zText is immediately followed by '*', then
> +** only forward declarations are needed for that identifier.  If the
> +** identifier name is not followed immediately by '*', we must supply
> +** a full declaration.
> +*/
> +static void ScanText(const char *zText, /* The input text to be scanned */
> +                    GenState *pState /* Current state of the code generator */
> +)
> +{
> +       int nextValid = 0; /* True is sNext contains valid data */
> +       InStream sIn; /* The input text */
> +       Token sToken; /* The current token being examined */
> +       Token sNext; /* The next non-space token */
> +
> +       /* printf("BEGIN SCAN TEXT on %s\n", zText); */
> +
> +       sIn.z = zText;
> +       sIn.i = 0;
> +       sIn.nLine = 1;
> +       while (sIn.z[sIn.i] != 0) {
> +               if (nextValid) {
> +                       sToken = sNext;
> +                       nextValid = 0;
> +               } else {
> +                       GetNonspaceToken(&sIn, &sToken);
> +               }
> +               if (sToken.eType == TT_Id) {
> +                       int needFullDecl; /* True if we need to provide the full
> +                                         *declaration,
> +                                         ** not just the forward declaration */
> +                       Decl *pDecl; /* The declaration having the name in
> +                                       sToken */
> +
> +                       /*
> +                       ** See if there is a declaration in the database with
> +                       *the name given
> +                       ** by sToken.
> +                       */
> +                       pDecl = FindDecl(sToken.zText, sToken.nText);
> +                       if (pDecl == 0)
> +                               continue;
> +
> +                       /*
> +                       ** If we get this far, we've found an identifier that
> +                       *has a
> +                       ** declaration in the database.  Now see if we the full
> +                       *declaration
> +                       ** or just a forward declaration.
> +                       */
> +                       GetNonspaceToken(&sIn, &sNext);
> +                       if (sNext.zText[0] == '*') {
> +                               needFullDecl = 0;
> +                       } else {
> +                               needFullDecl = 1;
> +                               nextValid = sNext.eType == TT_Id;
> +                       }
> +
> +                       /*
> +                       ** Generate the needed declaration.
> +                       */
> +                       DeclareObject(pDecl, pState, needFullDecl);
> +               } else if (sToken.eType == TT_Preprocessor) {
> +                       sIn.i -= sToken.nText - 1;
> +               }
> +       }
> +       /* printf("END SCANTEXT\n"); */
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Provide a full declaration to any object which so far has had only
> +** a forward declaration.
> +*/
> +static void CompleteForwardDeclarations(GenState *pState)
> +{
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +       int progress;
> +
> +       do {
> +               progress = 0;
> +               for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
> +                       if (DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Forward) &&
> +                           !DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Declared)) {
> +                               DeclareObject(pDecl, pState, 1);
> +                               progress = 1;
> +                               assert(DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Declared));
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       } while (progress);
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Generate an include file for the given source file.  Return the number
> +** of errors encountered.
> +**
> +** if nolocal_flag is true, then we do not generate declarations for
> +** objected marked DP_Local.
> +*/
> +static int MakeHeader(InFile *pFile, FILE *report, int nolocal_flag)
> +{
> +       int nErr = 0;
> +       GenState sState;
> +       String outStr;
> +       IdentTable includeTable;
> +       Ident *pId;
> +       char *zNewVersion;
> +       char *zOldVersion;
> +
> +       if (pFile->zHdr == 0 || *pFile->zHdr == 0)
> +               return 0;
> +       sState.pStr = &outStr;
> +       StringInit(&outStr);
> +       StringAppend(&outStr, zTopLine, nTopLine);
> +       sState.pTable = &includeTable;
> +       memset(&includeTable, 0, sizeof(includeTable));
> +       sState.zIf = 0;
> +       sState.nErr = 0;
> +       sState.zFilename = pFile->zSrc;
> +       sState.flags = pFile->flags & DP_Cplusplus;
> +       ResetDeclFlags(nolocal_flag ? "no" : pFile->zSrc);
> +       for (pId = pFile->idTable.pList; pId; pId = pId->pNext) {
> +               Decl *pDecl = FindDecl(pId->zName, 0);
> +               if (pDecl) {
> +                       DeclareObject(pDecl, &sState, 1);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       CompleteForwardDeclarations(&sState);
> +       ChangeIfContext(0, &sState);
> +       nErr += sState.nErr;
> +       zOldVersion = ReadFile(pFile->zHdr);
> +       zNewVersion = StringGet(&outStr);
> +       if (report)
> +               fprintf(report, "%s: ", pFile->zHdr);
> +       if (zOldVersion == 0) {
> +               if (report)
> +                       fprintf(report, "updated\n");
> +               if (WriteFile(pFile->zHdr, zNewVersion)) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't write to file\n",
> +                               pFile->zHdr);
> +                       nErr++;
> +               }
> +       } else if (strncmp(zOldVersion, zTopLine, nTopLine) != 0) {
> +               if (report)
> +                       fprintf(report, "error!\n");
> +               fprintf(stderr,
> +                       "%s: Can't overwrite this file because it wasn't previously\n"
> +                       "%*s  generated by 'makeheaders'.\n",
> +                       pFile->zHdr, (int)strlen(pFile->zHdr), "");
> +               nErr++;
> +       } else if (strcmp(zOldVersion, zNewVersion) != 0) {
> +               if (report)
> +                       fprintf(report, "updated\n");
> +               if (WriteFile(pFile->zHdr, zNewVersion)) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't write to file\n",
> +                               pFile->zHdr);
> +                       nErr++;
> +               }
> +       } else if (report) {
> +               fprintf(report, "unchanged\n");
> +       }
> +       SafeFree(zOldVersion);
> +       IdentTableReset(&includeTable);
> +       StringReset(&outStr);
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Generate a global header file -- a header file that contains all
> +** declarations.  If the forExport flag is true, then only those
> +** objects that are exported are included in the header file.
> +*/
> +static int MakeGlobalHeader(int forExport)
> +{
> +       GenState sState;
> +       String outStr;
> +       IdentTable includeTable;
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +
> +       sState.pStr = &outStr;
> +       StringInit(&outStr);
> +       /* StringAppend(&outStr,zTopLine,nTopLine); */
> +       sState.pTable = &includeTable;
> +       memset(&includeTable, 0, sizeof(includeTable));
> +       sState.zIf = 0;
> +       sState.nErr = 0;
> +       sState.zFilename = "(all)";
> +       sState.flags = 0;
> +       ResetDeclFlags(0);
> +       for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
> +               if (forExport == 0 || DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Export)) {
> +                       DeclareObject(pDecl, &sState, 1);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       ChangeIfContext(0, &sState);
> +       printf("%s", StringGet(&outStr));
> +       IdentTableReset(&includeTable);
> +       StringReset(&outStr);
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +/*
> +** Return the number of characters in the given string prior to the
> +** first newline.
> +*/
> +static int ClipTrailingNewline(char *z)
> +{
> +       int n = strlen(z);
> +       while (n > 0 && (z[n - 1] == '\n' || z[n - 1] == '\r')) {
> +               n--;
> +       }
> +       return n;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Dump the entire declaration list for debugging purposes
> +*/
> +static void DumpDeclList(void)
> +{
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +
> +       for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
> +               printf("**** %s from file %s ****\n", pDecl->zName,
> +                      pDecl->zFile);
> +               if (pDecl->zIf) {
> +                       printf("If: [%.*s]\n", ClipTrailingNewline(pDecl->zIf),
> +                              pDecl->zIf);
> +               }
> +               if (pDecl->zFwd) {
> +                       printf("Decl: [%.*s]\n",
> +                              ClipTrailingNewline(pDecl->zFwd), pDecl->zFwd);
> +               }
> +               if (pDecl->zDecl) {
> +                       InsertExtraDecl(pDecl);
> +                       printf("Def: [%.*s]\n",
> +                              ClipTrailingNewline(pDecl->zDecl), pDecl->zDecl);
> +               }
> +               if (pDecl->flags) {
> +                       static struct {
> +                               int mask;
> +                               char *desc;
> +                       } flagSet[] = {
> +                               { TY_Class, "class" },
> +                               { TY_Enumeration, "enum" },
> +                               { TY_Structure, "struct" },
> +                               { TY_Union, "union" },
> +                               { TY_Variable, "variable" },
> +                               { TY_Subroutine, "function" },
> +                               { TY_Typedef, "typedef" },
> +                               { TY_Macro, "macro" },
> +                               { DP_Export, "export" },
> +                               { DP_Local, "local" },
> +                               { DP_Cplusplus, "C++" },
> +                       };
> +                       int i;
> +                       printf("flags:");
> +                       for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flagSet) / sizeof(flagSet[0]);
> +                            i++) {
> +                               if (flagSet[i].mask & pDecl->flags) {
> +                                       printf(" %s", flagSet[i].desc);
> +                               }
> +                       }
> +                       printf("\n");
> +               }
> +               if (pDecl->pInclude) {
> +                       Include *p;
> +                       printf("includes:");
> +                       for (p = pDecl->pInclude; p; p = p->pNext) {
> +                               printf(" %s", p->zFile);
> +                       }
> +                       printf("\n");
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** When the "-doc" command-line option is used, this routine is called
> +** to print all of the database information to standard output.
> +*/
> +static void DocumentationDump(void)
> +{
> +       Decl *pDecl;
> +       static struct {
> +               int mask;
> +               char flag;
> +       } flagSet[] = {
> +               { TY_Class, 'c' },     { TY_Enumeration, 'e' },
> +               { TY_Structure, 's' }, { TY_Union, 'u' },
> +               { TY_Variable, 'v' },  { TY_Subroutine, 'f' },
> +               { TY_Typedef, 't' },   { TY_Macro, 'm' },
> +               { DP_Export, 'x' },    { DP_Local, 'l' },
> +               { DP_Cplusplus, '+' },
> +       };
> +
> +       for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
> +               int i;
> +               int nLabel = 0;
> +               char *zDecl;
> +               char zLabel[50];
> +               for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flagSet) / sizeof(flagSet[0]); i++) {
> +                       if (DeclHasProperty(pDecl, flagSet[i].mask)) {
> +                               zLabel[nLabel++] = flagSet[i].flag;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               if (nLabel == 0)
> +                       continue;
> +               zLabel[nLabel] = 0;
> +               InsertExtraDecl(pDecl);
> +               zDecl = pDecl->zDecl;
> +               if (zDecl == 0)
> +                       zDecl = pDecl->zFwd;
> +               printf("%s %s %s %p %d %d %d %d %d\n", pDecl->zName, zLabel,
> +                      pDecl->zFile, pDecl->pComment,
> +                      pDecl->pComment ? pDecl->pComment->nText + 1 : 0,
> +                      pDecl->zIf ? (int)strlen(pDecl->zIf) + 1 : 0,
> +                      zDecl ? (int)strlen(zDecl) : 0,
> +                      pDecl->pComment ? pDecl->pComment->nLine : 0,
> +                      pDecl->tokenCode.nText ? pDecl->tokenCode.nText + 1 : 0);
> +               if (pDecl->pComment) {
> +                       printf("%.*s\n", pDecl->pComment->nText,
> +                              pDecl->pComment->zText);
> +               }
> +               if (pDecl->zIf) {
> +                       printf("%s\n", pDecl->zIf);
> +               }
> +               if (zDecl) {
> +                       printf("%s", zDecl);
> +               }
> +               if (pDecl->tokenCode.nText) {
> +                       printf("%.*s\n", pDecl->tokenCode.nText,
> +                              pDecl->tokenCode.zText);
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Given the complete text of an input file, this routine prints a
> +** documentation record for the header comment at the beginning of the
> +** file (if the file has a header comment.)
> +*/
> +void PrintModuleRecord(const char *zFile, const char *zFilename)
> +{
> +       int i;
> +       static int addr = 5;
> +       while (isspace(*zFile)) {
> +               zFile++;
> +       }
> +       if (*zFile != '/' || zFile[1] != '*')
> +               return;
> +       for (i = 2; zFile[i] && (zFile[i - 1] != '/' || zFile[i - 2] != '*');
> +            i++) {
> +       }
> +       if (zFile[i] == 0)
> +               return;
> +       printf("%s M %s %d %d 0 0 0 0\n%.*s\n", zFilename, zFilename, addr,
> +              i + 1, i, zFile);
> +       addr += 4;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** Given an input argument to the program, construct a new InFile
> +** object.
> +*/
> +static InFile *CreateInFile(char *zArg, int *pnErr)
> +{
> +       int nSrc;
> +       char *zSrc;
> +       InFile *pFile;
> +       int i;
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** Get the name of the input file to be scanned.  The input file is
> +       ** everything before the first ':' or the whole file if no ':' is seen.
> +       **
> +       ** Except, on windows, ignore any ':' that occurs as the second
> +       *character
> +       ** since it might be part of the drive specifier.  So really, the ":'
> +       *has
> +       ** to be the 3rd or later character in the name.  This precludes
> +       *1-character
> +       ** file names, which really should not be a problem.
> +       */
> +       zSrc = zArg;
> +       for (nSrc = 2; zSrc[nSrc] && zArg[nSrc] != ':'; nSrc++) {
> +       }
> +       pFile = SafeMalloc(sizeof(InFile));
> +       memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(InFile));
> +       pFile->zSrc = StrDup(zSrc, nSrc);
> +
> +       /* Figure out if we are dealing with C or C++ code.  Assume any
> +       ** file with ".c" or ".h" is C code and all else is C++.
> +       */
> +       if (nSrc > 2 && zSrc[nSrc - 2] == '.' &&
> +           (zSrc[nSrc - 1] == 'c' || zSrc[nSrc - 1] == 'h')) {
> +               pFile->flags &= ~DP_Cplusplus;
> +       } else {
> +               pFile->flags |= DP_Cplusplus;
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** If a separate header file is specified, use it
> +       */
> +       if (zSrc[nSrc] == ':') {
> +               int nHdr;
> +               char *zHdr;
> +               zHdr = &zSrc[nSrc + 1];
> +               for (nHdr = 0; zHdr[nHdr]; nHdr++) {
> +               }
> +               pFile->zHdr = StrDup(zHdr, nHdr);
> +       }
> +
> +       /* Look for any 'c' or 'C' in the suffix of the file name and change
> +       ** that character to 'h' or 'H' respectively.  If no 'c' or 'C' is
> +       *found,
> +       ** then assume we are dealing with a header.
> +       */
> +       else {
> +               int foundC = 0;
> +               pFile->zHdr = StrDup(zSrc, nSrc);
> +               for (i = nSrc - 1; i > 0 && pFile->zHdr[i] != '.'; i--) {
> +                       if (pFile->zHdr[i] == 'c') {
> +                               foundC = 1;
> +                               pFile->zHdr[i] = 'h';
> +                       } else if (pFile->zHdr[i] == 'C') {
> +                               foundC = 1;
> +                               pFile->zHdr[i] = 'H';
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               if (!foundC) {
> +                       SafeFree(pFile->zHdr);
> +                       pFile->zHdr = 0;
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +       ** If pFile->zSrc contains no 'c' or 'C' in its extension, it
> +       ** must be a header file.   In that case, we need to set the
> +       ** PS_Interface flag.
> +       */
> +       pFile->flags |= PS_Interface;
> +       for (i = nSrc - 1; i > 0 && zSrc[i] != '.'; i--) {
> +               if (zSrc[i] == 'c' || zSrc[i] == 'C') {
> +                       pFile->flags &= ~PS_Interface;
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       /* Done!
> +        */
> +       return pFile;
> +}
> +
> +/* MS-Windows and MS-DOS both have the following serious OS bug:  the
> +** length of a command line is severely restricted.  But this program
> +** occasionally requires long command lines.  Hence the following
> +** work around.
> +**
> +** If the parameters "-f FILENAME" appear anywhere on the command line,
> +** then the named file is scanned for additional command line arguments.
> +** These arguments are substituted in place of the "FILENAME" argument
> +** in the original argument list.
> +**
> +** This first parameter to this routine is the index of the "-f"
> +** parameter in the argv[] array.  The argc and argv are passed by
> +** pointer so that they can be changed.
> +**
> +** Parsing of the parameters in the file is very simple.  Parameters
> +** can be separated by any amount of white-space (including newlines
> +** and carriage returns.)  There are now quoting characters of any
> +** kind.  The length of a token is limited to about 1000 characters.
> +*/
> +static void AddParameters(int index, int *pArgc, char ***pArgv)
> +{
> +       int argc = *pArgc; /* The original argc value */
> +       char **argv = *pArgv; /* The original argv value */
> +       int newArgc; /* Value for argc after inserting new arguments */
> +       char **zNew = 0; /* The new argv after this routine is done */
> +       char *zFile; /* Name of the input file */
> +       int nNew = 0; /* Number of new entries in the argv[] file */
> +       int nAlloc = 0; /* Space allocated for zNew[] */
> +       int i; /* Loop counter */
> +       int n; /* Number of characters in a new argument */
> +       int c; /* Next character of input */
> +       int startOfLine = 1; /* True if we are where '#' can start a comment */
> +       FILE *in; /* The input file */
> +       char zBuf[1000]; /* A single argument is accumulated here */
> +
> +       if (index + 1 == argc)
> +               return;
> +       zFile = argv[index + 1];
> +       in = fopen(zFile, "r");
> +       if (in == 0) {
> +               fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file \"%s\"\n", zFile);
> +               exit(1);
> +       }
> +       c = ' ';
> +       while (c != EOF) {
> +               while (c != EOF && isspace(c)) {
> +                       if (c == '\n') {
> +                               startOfLine = 1;
> +                       }
> +                       c = getc(in);
> +                       if (startOfLine && c == '#') {
> +                               while (c != EOF && c != '\n') {
> +                                       c = getc(in);
> +                               }
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               n = 0;
> +               while (c != EOF && !isspace(c)) {
> +                       if (n < sizeof(zBuf) - 1) {
> +                               zBuf[n++] = c;
> +                       }
> +                       startOfLine = 0;
> +                       c = getc(in);
> +               }
> +               zBuf[n] = 0;
> +               if (n > 0) {
> +                       nNew++;
> +                       if (nNew + argc > nAlloc) {
> +                               if (nAlloc == 0) {
> +                                       nAlloc = 100 + argc;
> +                                       zNew = malloc(sizeof(char *) * nAlloc);
> +                               } else {
> +                                       nAlloc *= 2;
> +                                       zNew = realloc(zNew,
> +                                                      sizeof(char *) * nAlloc);
> +                               }
> +                       }
> +                       if (zNew) {
> +                               int j = nNew + index;
> +                               zNew[j] = malloc(n + 1);
> +                               if (zNew[j]) {
> +                                       strcpy(zNew[j], zBuf);
> +                               }
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +       fclose(in);
> +       newArgc = argc + nNew - 1;
> +       for (i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
> +               zNew[i] = argv[i];
> +       }
> +       for (i = nNew + index + 1; i < newArgc; i++) {
> +               zNew[i] = argv[i + 1 - nNew];
> +       }
> +       zNew[newArgc] = 0;
> +       *pArgc = newArgc;
> +       *pArgv = zNew;
> +}
> +
> +#ifdef NOT_USED
> +/*
> +** Return the time that the given file was last modified.  If we can't
> +** locate the file (because, for example, it doesn't exist), then
> +** return 0.
> +*/
> +static unsigned int ModTime(const char *zFilename)
> +{
> +       unsigned int mTime = 0;
> +       struct stat sStat;
> +       if (stat(zFilename, &sStat) == 0) {
> +               mTime = sStat.st_mtime;
> +       }
> +       return mTime;
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +/*
> +** Print a usage comment for this program.
> +*/
> +static void Usage(const char *argv0, const char *argvN)
> +{
> +       fprintf(stderr, "%s: Illegal argument \"%s\"\n", argv0, argvN);
> +       fprintf(stderr,
> +               "Usage: %s [options] filename...\n"
> +               "Options:\n"
> +               "  -h          Generate a single .h to standard output.\n"
> +               "  -H          Like -h, but only output EXPORT declarations.\n"
> +               "  -v          (verbose) Write status information to the screen.\n"
> +               "  -doc        Generate no header files.  Instead, output information\n"
> +               "              that can be used by an automatic program documentation\n"
> +               "              and cross-reference generator.\n"
> +               "  -local      Generate prototypes for \"static\" functions and\n"
> +               "              procedures.\n"
> +               "  -f FILE     Read additional command-line arguments from the file named\n"
> +               "              \"FILE\".\n"
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +               "  -! MASK     Set the debugging mask to the number \"MASK\".\n"
> +#endif
> +               "  --          Treat all subsequent comment-line parameters as filenames,\n"
> +               "              even if they begin with \"-\".\n",
> +               argv0);
> +}
> +
> +/*
> +** The following text contains a few simple #defines that we want
> +** to be available to every file.
> +*/
> +static const char zInit[] = "#define INTERFACE 0\n"
> +                           "#define EXPORT_INTERFACE 0\n"
> +                           "#define LOCAL_INTERFACE 0\n"
> +                           "#define EXPORT\n"
> +                           "#define LOCAL static\n"
> +                           "#define PUBLIC\n"
> +                           "#define PRIVATE\n"
> +                           "#define PROTECTED\n";
> +
> +#if TEST == 0
> +int main(int argc, char **argv)
> +{
> +       int i; /* Loop counter */
> +       int nErr = 0; /* Number of errors encountered */
> +       Token *pList; /* List of input tokens for one file */
> +       InFile *pFileList = 0; /* List of all input files */
> +       InFile *pTail = 0; /* Last file on the list */
> +       InFile *pFile; /* for looping over the file list */
> +       int h_flag = 0; /* True if -h is present.  Output unified header */
> +       int H_flag = 0; /* True if -H is present.  Output EXPORT header */
> +       int v_flag = 0; /* Verbose */
> +       int noMoreFlags; /* True if -- has been seen. */
> +       FILE *report; /* Send progress reports to this, if not NULL */
> +
> +       noMoreFlags = 0;
> +       for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
> +               if (argv[i][0] == '-' && !noMoreFlags) {
> +                       switch (argv[i][1]) {
> +                       case 'h':
> +                               h_flag = 1;
> +                               break;
> +                       case 'H':
> +                               H_flag = 1;
> +                               break;
> +                       case 'v':
> +                               v_flag = 1;
> +                               break;
> +                       case 'd':
> +                               doc_flag = 1;
> +                               proto_static = 1;
> +                               break;
> +                       case 'l':
> +                               proto_static = 1;
> +                               break;
> +                       case 'f':
> +                               AddParameters(i, &argc, &argv);
> +                               break;
> +                       case '-':
> +                               noMoreFlags = 1;
> +                               break;
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +                       case '!':
> +                               i++;
> +                               debugMask = strtol(argv[i], 0, 0);
> +                               break;
> +#endif
> +                       default:
> +                               Usage(argv[0], argv[i]);
> +                               return 1;
> +                       }
> +               } else {
> +                       pFile = CreateInFile(argv[i], &nErr);
> +                       if (pFile) {
> +                               if (pFileList) {
> +                                       pTail->pNext = pFile;
> +                                       pTail = pFile;
> +                               } else {
> +                                       pFileList = pTail = pFile;
> +                               }
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +       if (h_flag && H_flag) {
> +               h_flag = 0;
> +       }
> +       if (v_flag) {
> +               report = (h_flag || H_flag) ? stderr : stdout;
> +       } else {
> +               report = 0;
> +       }
> +       if (nErr > 0) {
> +               return nErr;
> +       }
> +       for (pFile = pFileList; pFile; pFile = pFile->pNext) {
> +               char *zFile;
> +
> +               zFilename = pFile->zSrc;
> +               if (zFilename == 0)
> +                       continue;
> +               zFile = ReadFile(zFilename);
> +               if (zFile == 0) {
> +                       fprintf(stderr, "Can't read input file \"%s\"\n",
> +                               zFilename);
> +                       nErr++;
> +                       continue;
> +               }
> +               if (strncmp(zFile, zTopLine, nTopLine) == 0) {
> +                       pFile->zSrc = 0;
> +               } else {
> +                       if (report)
> +                               fprintf(report, "Reading %s...\n", zFilename);
> +                       pList = TokenizeFile(zFile, &pFile->idTable);
> +                       if (pList) {
> +                               nErr += ParseFile(pList, pFile->flags);
> +                               FreeTokenList(pList);
> +                       } else if (zFile[0] == 0) {
> +                               fprintf(stderr, "Input file \"%s\" is empty.\n",
> +                                       zFilename);
> +                               nErr++;
> +                       } else {
> +                               fprintf(stderr,
> +                                       "Errors while processing \"%s\"\n",
> +                                       zFilename);
> +                               nErr++;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               if (!doc_flag)
> +                       SafeFree(zFile);
> +               if (doc_flag)
> +                       PrintModuleRecord(zFile, zFilename);
> +       }
> +       if (nErr > 0) {
> +               return nErr;
> +       }
> +#ifdef DEBUG
> +       if (debugMask & DECL_DUMP) {
> +               DumpDeclList();
> +               return nErr;
> +       }
> +#endif
> +       if (doc_flag) {
> +               DocumentationDump();
> +               return nErr;
> +       }
> +       zFilename = "--internal--";
> +       pList = TokenizeFile(zInit, 0);
> +       if (pList == 0) {
> +               return nErr + 1;
> +       }
> +       ParseFile(pList, PS_Interface);
> +       FreeTokenList(pList);
> +       if (h_flag || H_flag) {
> +               nErr += MakeGlobalHeader(H_flag);
> +       } else {
> +               for (pFile = pFileList; pFile; pFile = pFile->pNext) {
> +                       if (pFile->zSrc == 0)
> +                               continue;
> +                       nErr += MakeHeader(pFile, report, 0);
> +               }
> +       }
> +       return nErr;
> +}
> +#endif
> base-commit: bcd6bc478adc4951d57ec597c44b12ee74bc88fb
> --
> gitgitgadget
Đoàn Trần Công Danh Oct. 16, 2022, 1:13 p.m. UTC | #2
On 2022-10-13 16:40:32+0000, skrab-sah via GitGitGadget <gitgitgadget@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: skrab-sah <skrab.sah@gmail.com>
> 1. We don't need to commit the file.
> 2. Added routin for abspath.c in Makefile.
> 3. Added tool support for makeheaders.
> Signed-off-by: skrab-sah <skrab.sah@gmail.com>
> ---


> diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
> index cac3452edb9..e1136e96283 100644
> --- a/Makefile
> +++ b/Makefile
> @@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
>  # The default target of this Makefile is...
>  all::
> +# compile header
> +.PHONY: hdr
> +hdr:: abspath.h
> +
> +makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c
> +	$(CC) -o $@ $<
> +
> +abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
> +	./makeheaders $<

This will break cross-compilation.
At the very least, we needs to use either HOSTCC (likes linux project),
HOST_CC or CC_FOR_BUILD (GNU Autotools' convention) to compile

So, something like (not tested, whatsoever):

	QUIET_HOSTCC = echo '	' HOSTCC $@;
	makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c

	abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
		$(QUIET_MAKEHEADERS)./makeheaders $<
Skrab Sah Oct. 16, 2022, 4:06 p.m. UTC | #3
> This will break cross-compilation.
sorry, it was not in my mind.

> At the very least, we needs to use either HOSTCC (likes linux project),
> HOST_CC or CC_FOR_BUILD (GNU Autotools' convention) to compile
> makeheaders
> So, something like (not tested, whatsoever):
>         CC_FOR_BUILD = $(CC)
>         QUIET_HOSTCC = echo '   ' HOSTCC $@;
>         QUIET_MAKEHEADERS = echo '      ' MAKEHEADERS $@;
>         makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c
>         abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
>                 $(QUIET_MAKEHEADERS)./makeheaders $<

Ok, as you suggested above, I will modify the patch according to it.

If anyone suggests it will be good or not, I have another way to do it.
What if we put the makeheaders tool executable in an online platform
and then put it in Makefile to download it over the internet according
to the system.
Junio C Hamano Oct. 16, 2022, 4:51 p.m. UTC | #4
Đoàn Trần Công Danh  <congdanhqx@gmail.com> writes:

> This will break cross-compilation.
> At the very least, we needs to use either HOSTCC (likes linux project),
> HOST_CC or CC_FOR_BUILD (GNU Autotools' convention) to compile
> makeheaders
> So, something like (not tested, whatsoever):

I find it a bit irresponsible to leave the suggestion sounding as if
this is a good idea as long as it does not break cross-compilation,
which will (mis)lead the original poster to waste even more time on
this topic (and waste others' time on responding to it), so let me
repeat what I already said a few times.

Whether the headers mechanically generated gets committed or not,
this line of change is unwelcome.  Developers should be able to look
at the header files (and interface document, if we ever generate one
out of structured comments in the header files) when using common
functions that they are not (yet) familiar with, and we want to see
our header files manually curated.

Đoàn Trần Công Danh Oct. 17, 2022, 12:34 a.m. UTC | #5
On 2022-10-16 09:51:56-0700, Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> wrote:
> Đoàn Trần Công Danh  <congdanhqx@gmail.com> writes:
> > This will break cross-compilation.
> > At the very least, we needs to use either HOSTCC (likes linux project),
> > HOST_CC or CC_FOR_BUILD (GNU Autotools' convention) to compile
> > makeheaders
> >
> > So, something like (not tested, whatsoever):
> I find it a bit irresponsible to leave the suggestion sounding as if
> this is a good idea as long as it does not break cross-compilation,
> which will (mis)lead the original poster to waste even more time on
> this topic (and waste others' time on responding to it), so let me
> repeat what I already said a few times.

I'm sorry.

I thought my earlier voice to not support this proposal was't
necessary to be re-iterated.  I only think that if this proposal
somehow got accepted (despite I don't like this proposal), something
needs to be fixed.

I will be explicit next time.

Skrab Sah Oct. 17, 2022, 7:55 a.m. UTC | #6
> I find it a bit irresponsible to leave the suggestion sounding as if
> this is a good idea as long as it does not break cross-compilation,
> which will (mis)lead the original poster to waste even more time on
> this topic (and waste others' time on responding to it).

No. no. it's not for the previous replay i am asking for.

Back in the days, I was asked by Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason.
" * It's unclear if you mean that we'd commit the generated files or
   not. If "not" then our Makefile will need to learn to do two-stage
   compilation. I.e. we'd ship a copy of the makeheader tool, build
   that, build the headers, and then do our "real" build."
My answer was.
"There are different ways we can install the makeheaders tool."

As the related question asked, I remembered it. so, I asked as this
will solve the cross-compilation problem also, if it is good.

> so let me repeat what I already said a few times.
> Whether the headers mechanically generated gets committed or not,
> this line of change is unwelcome.  Developers should be able to look
> at the header files (and interface document, if we ever generate one
> out of structured comments in the header files) when using common
> functions that they are not (yet) familiar with, and we want to see
> our header files manually curated.

You repeated the question for me so, really sorry.

I know you have already told me that, and it is important also as
generally people try to find documentation for function in the header
file. It is also not good when sharing libraries and its related
header files without documentation.

I tried to find the solution.
By reading the manual and By viewing the source code, I found it
doesn't support it.
So, I am going to either modify it or create a new one.
And also I have remembered all your points, I will try to implement it.

> I'm sorry.
> I thought my earlier voice to not support this proposal was't
> necessary to be re-iterated.  I only think that if this proposal
> somehow got accepted (despite I don't like this proposal), something
> needs to be fixed.
> I will be explicit next time.

No. no. you don't need to be sorry.
I know this proposal is not going to be accepted now.
Too many things have to be done here and I am working on it.
My question was.
1. Until now, are there any problems which need to be solved.
2. Why it gives errors in CI / win test (8) (pull_request) test. (Important)
Junio C Hamano Oct. 17, 2022, 6:39 p.m. UTC | #7
Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> writes:

> Whether the headers mechanically generated gets committed or not,
> this line of change is unwelcome.  Developers should be able to look
> at the header files (and interface document, if we ever generate one
> out of structured comments in the header files) when using common
> functions that they are not (yet) familiar with, and we want to see
> our header files manually curated.

I would presume that a possible topic that involve an abspath.h
header file that did not exist may fly much better if the story were
this way instead:

    A developer was working on on something and needed to use some
    function or two in abspath.c that did not have a good
    explanation in how to use them, what pre- and post- conditions
    they required, etc.  Naturally, because the developer previously
    learned how to use functions in dir.c by seeing dir.h and found
    it a very convenient way to look for things in <frotz>.c
    described in <frotz>.h, the developer expected to find in
    abspath.h everything necessary to use the functions.  But the
    file did not exist.  Instead, interfaces were declared in a more
    central header file.  Hence the developer proposed to create
    abspath.h and declare and document extern functions defined in
    abspath.c in the new header file.  Some in-code comment in front
    of the function definition in abspath.c are also moved to
    abspath.h as part of such a change.  And the new file is added
    and tracked, so we can "git blame" the header file from that
    point on.

The end result and how that end result brings goodness to the world
matters.  With such a change, we will have a curated and tracked
header file that helps our developers to use the API correctly, and
it may make it easier than the status quo.  One thing to note in the
above hypothetical story is that it does not matter what tool the
developer used (or did not use) to prepare the initial draft of
the abspath.h header file.

And "initial draft" is an important part of the above sentence.  I
do not think automated tool can produce 100% acceptable final
result.  The natural order of presenting multiple functions defined
and associated structure types used in the source may be different
from how they appear in the source file, and there may need to be
additional API comment for group of functions added, etc.  But if an
automation can help preparing the initial draft, I wouldn't forbid
the use of such a tool.  It's just that the initial draft needs to
be polished before getting presented to us, and at that point,
nobody even needs to know how the initial draft was produced.

The two attempts looked more like "I want to find a way to use this
tool, please help me", to which a responsible maintainer has to say
"no, please don't".  The thing is, we do not want to have to use it
ourselves ongoing basis while maintaining abspath.h header file or
abspath.c source file or Git source code in general.

Skrab Sah Oct. 18, 2022, 12:52 a.m. UTC | #8

On Tue, 18 Oct 2022 at 00:10, Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> wrote:
> Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> writes:
> > Whether the headers mechanically generated gets committed or not,
> > this line of change is unwelcome.  Developers should be able to look
> > at the header files (and interface document, if we ever generate one
> > out of structured comments in the header files) when using common
> > functions that they are not (yet) familiar with, and we want to see
> > our header files manually curated.
> I would presume that a possible topic that involve an abspath.h
> header file that did not exist may fly much better if the story were
> this way instead:
>     A developer was working on on something and needed to use some
>     function or two in abspath.c that did not have a good
>     explanation in how to use them, what pre- and post- conditions
>     they required, etc.  Naturally, because the developer previously
>     learned how to use functions in dir.c by seeing dir.h and found
>     it a very convenient way to look for things in <frotz>.c
>     described in <frotz>.h, the developer expected to find in
>     abspath.h everything necessary to use the functions.  But the
>     file did not exist.  Instead, interfaces were declared in a more
>     central header file.  Hence the developer proposed to create
>     abspath.h and declare and document extern functions defined in
>     abspath.c in the new header file.  Some in-code comment in front
>     of the function definition in abspath.c are also moved to
>     abspath.h as part of such a change.  And the new file is added
>     and tracked, so we can "git blame" the header file from that
>     point on.
> The end result and how that end result brings goodness to the world
> matters.  With such a change, we will have a curated and tracked
> header file that helps our developers to use the API correctly, and
> it may make it easier than the status quo.  One thing to note in the
> above hypothetical story is that it does not matter what tool the
> developer used (or did not use) to prepare the initial draft of
> the abspath.h header file.
> And "initial draft" is an important part of the above sentence.  I
> do not think automated tool can produce 100% acceptable final
> result.  The natural order of presenting multiple functions defined
> and associated structure types used in the source may be different
> from how they appear in the source file, and there may need to be
> additional API comment for group of functions added, etc.  But if an
> automation can help preparing the initial draft, I wouldn't forbid
> the use of such a tool.  It's just that the initial draft needs to
> be polished before getting presented to us, and at that point,
> nobody even needs to know how the initial draft was produced.
> The two attempts looked more like "I want to find a way to use this
> tool, please help me", to which a responsible maintainer has to say
> "no, please don't".  The thing is, we do not want to have to use it
> ourselves ongoing basis while maintaining abspath.h header file or
> abspath.c source file or Git source code in general.
> Thanks.
diff mbox series


diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b3dcafcb331..8bc5e53ce9d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -249,3 +249,5 @@  Release/
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index cac3452edb9..e1136e96283 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@ 
 # The default target of this Makefile is...
+# compile header
+.PHONY: hdr
+hdr:: abspath.h
+makeheaders: tools/makeheaders.c
+	$(CC) -o $@ $<
+abspath.h: abspath.c makeheaders
+	./makeheaders $<
 # Import tree-wide shared Makefile behavior and libraries
 include shared.mak
@@ -2598,7 +2608,7 @@  missing_compdb_dir =
 compdb_args =
-$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir)
+$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) $(missing_compdb_dir) hdr
 	$(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $*.o -c $(dep_args) $(compdb_args) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) $<
@@ -3115,7 +3125,7 @@  HCC = $(HCO:hco=hcc)
 	@echo '#include "git-compat-util.h"' >$@
 	@echo '#include "$<"' >>$@
-$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc FORCE
+$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc hdr FORCE
 	$(QUIET_HDR)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o /dev/null -c -xc $<
 .PHONY: hdr-check $(HCO)
@@ -3450,6 +3460,8 @@  cocciclean:
 	$(RM) contrib/coccinelle/*.cocci.patch*
 clean: profile-clean coverage-clean cocciclean
+	$(RM) -r makeheaders
+	$(RM) -r abspath.h
 	$(RM) -r .build
 	$(RM) po/git.pot po/git-core.pot
 	$(RM) git.res
diff --git a/abspath.c b/abspath.c
index 39e06b58486..1c163bbe651 100644
--- a/abspath.c
+++ b/abspath.c
@@ -262,6 +262,16 @@  char *absolute_pathdup(const char *path)
 	return strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+ * Concatenate "prefix" (if len is non-zero) and "path", with no
+ * connecting characters (so "prefix" should end with a "/").
+ * Unlike prefix_path, this should be used if the named file does
+ * not have to interact with index entry; i.e. name of a random file
+ * on the filesystem.
+ *
+ * The return value is always a newly allocated string (even if the
+ * prefix was empty).
+ */
 char *prefix_filename(const char *pfx, const char *arg)
 	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
index 26ed03bd6de..e226dbcc7d5 100644
--- a/cache.h
+++ b/cache.h
@@ -646,18 +646,6 @@  const char *setup_git_directory(void);
 char *prefix_path(const char *prefix, int len, const char *path);
 char *prefix_path_gently(const char *prefix, int len, int *remaining, const char *path);
- * Concatenate "prefix" (if len is non-zero) and "path", with no
- * connecting characters (so "prefix" should end with a "/").
- * Unlike prefix_path, this should be used if the named file does
- * not have to interact with index entry; i.e. name of a random file
- * on the filesystem.
- *
- * The return value is always a newly allocated string (even if the
- * prefix was empty).
- */
-char *prefix_filename(const char *prefix, const char *path);
 int check_filename(const char *prefix, const char *name);
 void verify_filename(const char *prefix,
 		     const char *name,
@@ -1299,14 +1287,7 @@  static inline int is_absolute_path(const char *path)
 	return is_dir_sep(path[0]) || has_dos_drive_prefix(path);
-int is_directory(const char *);
-char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
-		      int die_on_error);
-char *strbuf_realpath_forgiving(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
-				int die_on_error);
-char *real_pathdup(const char *path, int die_on_error);
-const char *absolute_path(const char *path);
-char *absolute_pathdup(const char *path);
+#include "abspath.h"
 const char *remove_leading_path(const char *in, const char *prefix);
 const char *relative_path(const char *in, const char *prefix, struct strbuf *sb);
 int normalize_path_copy_len(char *dst, const char *src, int *prefix_len);
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index ea2a531be87..9d03aa682c9 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -52,6 +52,18 @@  cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
 #set the source directory to root of git
+# makeheaders
+add_executable(makeheaders ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/makeheaders.c)
+		"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/abspath.c" "makeheaders"
+		makeheaders ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/abspath.c
 option(USE_VCPKG "Whether or not to use vcpkg for obtaining dependencies.  Only applicable to Windows platforms" ON)
 if(NOT WIN32)
@@ -676,6 +688,7 @@  parse_makefile_for_sources(libgit_SOURCES "LIB_OBJS")
 add_library(libgit ${libgit_SOURCES} ${compat_SOURCES})
+add_dependencies(libgit abspath.h)
 parse_makefile_for_sources(libxdiff_SOURCES "XDIFF_OBJS")
@@ -688,6 +701,7 @@  parse_makefile_for_sources(reftable_SOURCES "REFTABLE_OBJS")
 add_library(reftable STATIC ${reftable_SOURCES})
+add_dependencies(reftable abspath.h)
 	if(NOT MSVC)#use windres when compiling with gcc and clang
@@ -762,6 +776,7 @@  target_link_libraries(scalar common-main)
 	add_library(http_obj OBJECT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/http.c)
+	add_dependencies(http_obj abspath.h)
 	add_executable(git-imap-send ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/imap-send.c)
 	target_link_libraries(git-imap-send http_obj common-main ${CURL_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/tools/makeheaders.c b/tools/makeheaders.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80f646e8b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/makeheaders.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3815 @@ 
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
+** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
+** Copyright 1993 D. Richard Hipp. All rights reserved.
+** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+** without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+** conditions are met:
+**   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+**      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+**   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+**      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+**      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+**      distribution.
+** This software is provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties,
+** including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
+** and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.  In no event shall
+** the author or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
+** special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited
+** to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data or
+** profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of
+** liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
+** negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
+** software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__DMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || \
+	defined(__POCC__)
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define WIN32
+#include <unistd.h>
+** Macros for debugging.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static int debugMask = 0;
+#define debug0(F, M)                \
+	if ((F)&debugMask) {        \
+		fprintf(stderr, M); \
+	}
+#define debug1(F, M, A)                \
+	if ((F)&debugMask) {           \
+		fprintf(stderr, M, A); \
+	}
+#define debug2(F, M, A, B)                \
+	if ((F)&debugMask) {              \
+		fprintf(stderr, M, A, B); \
+	}
+#define debug3(F, M, A, B, C)                \
+	if ((F)&debugMask) {                 \
+		fprintf(stderr, M, A, B, C); \
+	}
+#define PARSER 0x00000001
+#define DECL_DUMP 0x00000002
+#define TOKENIZER 0x00000004
+#define debug0(Flags, Format)
+#define debug1(Flags, Format, A)
+#define debug2(Flags, Format, A, B)
+#define debug3(Flags, Format, A, B, C)
+** The following macros are purely for the purpose of testing this
+** program on itself.  They don't really contribute to the code.
+#define INTERFACE 1
+#define EXPORT
+** Each token in a source file is represented by an instance of
+** the following structure.  Tokens are collected onto a list.
+typedef struct Token Token;
+struct Token {
+	const char *zText; /* The text of the token */
+	int nText; /* Number of characters in the token's text */
+	int eType; /* The type of this token */
+	int nLine; /* The line number on which the token starts */
+	Token *pComment; /* Most recent block comment before this token */
+	Token *pNext; /* Next token on the list */
+	Token *pPrev; /* Previous token on the list */
+** During tokenization, information about the state of the input
+** stream is held in an instance of the following structure
+typedef struct InStream InStream;
+struct InStream {
+	const char *z; /* Complete text of the input */
+	int i; /* Next character to read from the input */
+	int nLine; /* The line number for character z[i] */
+** Each declaration in the C or C++ source files is parsed out and stored as
+** an instance of the following structure.
+** A "forward declaration" is a declaration that an object exists that
+** doesn't tell about the objects structure.  A typical forward declaration
+** is:
+**          struct Xyzzy;
+** Not every object has a forward declaration.  If it does, thought, the
+** forward declaration will be contained in the zFwd field for C and
+** the zFwdCpp for C++.  The zDecl field contains the complete
+** declaration text.
+typedef struct Decl Decl;
+struct Decl {
+	char *zName; /* Name of the object being declared.  The appearance
+		     ** of this name is a source file triggers the declaration
+		     ** to be added to the header for that file. */
+	const char *zFile; /* File from which extracted.  */
+	char *zIf; /* Surround the declaration with this #if */
+	char *zFwd; /* A forward declaration.  NULL if there is none. */
+	char *zFwdCpp; /* Use this forward declaration for C++. */
+	char *zDecl; /* A full declaration of this object */
+	char *zExtra; /* Extra declaration text inserted into class objects */
+	int extraType; /* Last public:, protected: or private: in zExtraDecl */
+	struct Include *pInclude; /* #includes that come before this declaration
+				   */
+	int flags; /* See the "Properties" below */
+	Token *pComment; /* A block comment associated with this declaration */
+	Token tokenCode; /* Implementation of functions and procedures */
+	Decl *pSameName; /* Next declaration with the same "zName" */
+	Decl *pSameHash; /* Next declaration with same hash but different zName
+			  */
+	Decl *pNext; /* Next declaration with a different name */
+** Properties associated with declarations.
+** DP_Forward and DP_Declared are used during the generation of a single
+** header file in order to prevent duplicate declarations and definitions.
+** DP_Forward is set after the object has been given a forward declaration
+** and DP_Declared is set after the object gets a full declarations.
+** (Example:  A forward declaration is "typedef struct Abc Abc;" and the
+** full declaration is "struct Abc { int a; float b; };".)
+** The DP_Export and DP_Local flags are more permanent.  They mark objects
+** that have EXPORT scope and LOCAL scope respectively.  If both of these
+** marks are missing, then the object has library scope.  The meanings of
+** the scopes are as follows:
+**    LOCAL scope         The object is only usable within the file in
+**                        which it is declared.
+**    library scope       The object is visible and usable within other
+**                        files in the same project.  By if the project is
+**                        a library, then the object is not visible to users
+**                        of the library.  (i.e. the object does not appear
+**                        in the output when using the -H option.)
+**    EXPORT scope        The object is visible and usable everywhere.
+** The DP_Flag is a temporary use flag that is used during processing to
+** prevent an infinite loop.  It's use is localized.
+** The DP_Cplusplus, DP_ExternCReqd and DP_ExternReqd flags are permanent
+** and are used to specify what type of declaration the object requires.
+#define DP_Forward 0x001 /* Has a forward declaration in this file */
+#define DP_Declared 0x002 /* Has a full declaration in this file */
+#define DP_Export 0x004 /* Export this declaration */
+#define DP_Local 0x008 /* Declare in its home file only */
+#define DP_Flag                                      \
+	0x010 /* Use to mark a subset of a Decl list \
+	      ** for special processing */
+#define DP_Cplusplus                                    \
+	0x020 /* Has C++ linkage and cannot appear in a \
+	      ** C header file */
+#define DP_ExternCReqd                                 \
+	0x040 /* Prepend 'extern "C"' in a C++ header. \
+	      ** Prepend nothing in a C header */
+#define DP_ExternReqd                                          \
+	0x080 /* Prepend 'extern "C"' in a C++ header if       \
+	      ** DP_Cplusplus is not also set. If DP_Cplusplus \
+	      ** is set or this is a C header then             \
+	      ** prepend 'extern' */
+** Convenience macros for dealing with declaration properties
+#define DeclHasProperty(D, P) (((D)->flags & (P)) == (P))
+#define DeclHasAnyProperty(D, P) (((D)->flags & (P)) != 0)
+#define DeclSetProperty(D, P) (D)->flags |= (P)
+#define DeclClearProperty(D, P) (D)->flags &= ~(P)
+** These are state properties of the parser.  Each of the values is
+** distinct from the DP_ values above so that both can be used in
+** the same "flags" field.
+** Be careful not to confuse PS_Export with DP_Export or
+** PS_Local with DP_Local.  Their names are similar, but the meanings
+** of these flags are very different.
+#define PS_Extern 0x000800 /* "extern" has been seen */
+#define PS_Export                                     \
+	0x001000 /* If between "#if EXPORT_INTERFACE" \
+		 ** and "#endif" */
+#define PS_Export2 0x002000 /* If "EXPORT" seen */
+#define PS_Typedef 0x004000 /* If "typedef" has been seen */
+#define PS_Static 0x008000 /* If "static" has been seen */
+#define PS_Interface 0x010000 /* If within #if INTERFACE..#endif */
+#define PS_Method 0x020000 /* If "::" token has been seen */
+#define PS_Local 0x040000 /* If within #if LOCAL_INTERFACE..#endif */
+#define PS_Local2 0x080000 /* If "LOCAL" seen. */
+#define PS_Public 0x100000 /* If "PUBLIC" seen. */
+#define PS_Protected 0x200000 /* If "PROTECTED" seen. */
+#define PS_Private 0x400000 /* If "PRIVATE" seen. */
+#define PS_PPP 0x700000 /* If any of PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED */
+** The following set of flags are ORed into the "flags" field of
+** a Decl in order to identify what type of object is being
+** declared.
+#define TY_Class 0x00100000
+#define TY_Subroutine 0x00200000
+#define TY_Macro 0x00400000
+#define TY_Typedef 0x00800000
+#define TY_Variable 0x01000000
+#define TY_Structure 0x02000000
+#define TY_Union 0x04000000
+#define TY_Enumeration 0x08000000
+#define TY_Defunct 0x10000000 /* Used to erase a declaration */
+** Each nested #if (or #ifdef or #ifndef) is stored in a stack of
+** instances of the following structure.
+typedef struct Ifmacro Ifmacro;
+struct Ifmacro {
+	int nLine; /* Line number where this macro occurs */
+	char *zCondition; /* Text of the condition for this macro */
+	Ifmacro *pNext; /* Next down in the stack */
+	int flags; /* Can hold PS_Export, PS_Interface or PS_Local flags */
+** When parsing a file, we need to keep track of what other files have
+** be #include-ed.  For each #include found, we create an instance of
+** the following structure.
+typedef struct Include Include;
+struct Include {
+	char *zFile; /* The name of file include.  Includes "" or <> */
+	char *zIf; /* If not NULL, #include should be enclosed in #if */
+	char *zLabel; /* A unique label used to test if this #include has
+		       * appeared already in a file or not */
+	Include *pNext; /* Previous include file, or NULL if this is the first
+			 */
+** Identifiers found in a source file that might be used later to provoke
+** the copying of a declaration into the corresponding header file are
+** stored in a hash table as instances of the following structure.
+typedef struct Ident Ident;
+struct Ident {
+	char *zName; /* The text of this identifier */
+	Ident *pCollide; /* Next identifier with the same hash */
+	Ident *pNext; /* Next identifier in a list of them all */
+** A complete table of identifiers is stored in an instance of
+** the next structure.
+#define IDENT_HASH_SIZE 2237
+typedef struct IdentTable IdentTable;
+struct IdentTable {
+	Ident *pList; /* List of all identifiers in this table */
+	Ident *apTable[IDENT_HASH_SIZE]; /* The hash table */
+** The following structure holds all information for a single
+** source file named on the command line of this program.
+typedef struct InFile InFile;
+struct InFile {
+	char *zSrc; /* Name of input file */
+	char *zHdr; /* Name of the generated .h file for this input.
+		    ** Will be NULL if input is to be scanned only */
+	int flags; /* One or more DP_, PS_ and/or TY_ flags */
+	InFile *pNext; /* Next input file in the list of them all */
+	IdentTable idTable; /* All identifiers in this input file */
+** An unbounded string is able to grow without limit.  We use these
+** to construct large in-memory strings from lots of smaller components.
+typedef struct String String;
+struct String {
+	int nAlloc; /* Number of bytes allocated */
+	int nUsed; /* Number of bytes used (not counting nul terminator) */
+	char *zText; /* Text of the string */
+** The following structure contains a lot of state information used
+** while generating a .h file.  We put the information in this structure
+** and pass around a pointer to this structure, rather than pass around
+** all of the information separately.  This helps reduce the number of
+** arguments to generator functions.
+typedef struct GenState GenState;
+struct GenState {
+	String *pStr; /* Write output to this string */
+	IdentTable *pTable; /* A table holding the zLabel of every #include that
+			     * has already been generated.  Used to avoid
+			     * generating duplicate #includes. */
+	const char *zIf; /* If not NULL, then we are within a #if with
+			  * this argument. */
+	int nErr; /* Number of errors */
+	const char *zFilename; /* Name of the source file being scanned */
+	int flags; /* Various flags (DP_ and PS_ flags above) */
+** The following text line appears at the top of every file generated
+** by this program.  By recognizing this line, the program can be sure
+** never to read a file that it generated itself.
+** The "#undef INTERFACE" part is a hack to work around a name collision
+** in MSVC 2008.
+const char zTopLine[] =
+	"/* \aThis file was automatically generated.  Do not edit! */\n"
+	"#undef INTERFACE\n";
+#define nTopLine (sizeof(zTopLine) - 1)
+** The name of the file currently being parsed.
+static const char *zFilename;
+** The stack of #if macros for the file currently being parsed.
+static Ifmacro *ifStack = 0;
+** A list of all files that have been #included so far in a file being
+** parsed.
+static Include *includeList = 0;
+** The last block comment seen.
+static Token *blockComment = 0;
+** The following flag is set if the -doc flag appears on the
+** command line.
+static int doc_flag = 0;
+** If the following flag is set, then makeheaders will attempt to
+** generate prototypes for static functions and procedures.
+static int proto_static = 0;
+** A list of all declarations.  The list is held together using the
+** pNext field of the Decl structure.
+static Decl *pDeclFirst; /* First on the list */
+static Decl *pDeclLast; /* Last on the list */
+** A hash table of all declarations
+#define DECL_HASH_SIZE 3371
+static Decl *apTable[DECL_HASH_SIZE];
+** The TEST macro must be defined to something.  Make sure this is the
+** case.
+#ifndef TEST
+#define TEST 0
+#ifdef NOT_USED
+** We do our own assertion macro so that we can have more control
+** over debugging.
+#define Assert(X)                     \
+	if (!(X)) {                   \
+		CantHappen(__LINE__); \
+	}
+#define CANT_HAPPEN CantHappen(__LINE__)
+static void CantHappen(int iLine)
+	fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed on line %d\n", iLine);
+	*(char *)1 = 0; /* Force a core-dump */
+** Memory allocation functions that are guaranteed never to return NULL.
+static void *SafeMalloc(int nByte)
+	void *p = malloc(nByte);
+	if (p == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.  Can't allocate %d bytes.\n",
+			nByte);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	return p;
+static void SafeFree(void *pOld)
+	if (pOld) {
+		free(pOld);
+	}
+static void *SafeRealloc(void *pOld, int nByte)
+	void *p;
+	if (pOld == 0) {
+		p = SafeMalloc(nByte);
+	} else {
+		p = realloc(pOld, nByte);
+		if (p == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"Out of memory.  Can't enlarge an allocation to %d bytes\n",
+				nByte);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	return p;
+static char *StrDup(const char *zSrc, int nByte)
+	char *zDest;
+	if (nByte <= 0) {
+		nByte = strlen(zSrc);
+	}
+	zDest = SafeMalloc(nByte + 1);
+	strncpy(zDest, zSrc, nByte);
+	zDest[nByte] = 0;
+	return zDest;
+** Return TRUE if the character X can be part of an identifier
+#define ISALNUM(X) ((X) == '_' || isalnum(X))
+** Routines for dealing with unbounded strings.
+static void StringInit(String *pStr)
+	pStr->nAlloc = 0;
+	pStr->nUsed = 0;
+	pStr->zText = 0;
+static void StringReset(String *pStr)
+	SafeFree(pStr->zText);
+	StringInit(pStr);
+static void StringAppend(String *pStr, const char *zText, int nByte)
+	if (nByte <= 0) {
+		nByte = strlen(zText);
+	}
+	if (pStr->nUsed + nByte >= pStr->nAlloc) {
+		if (pStr->nAlloc == 0) {
+			pStr->nAlloc = nByte + 100;
+			pStr->zText = SafeMalloc(pStr->nAlloc);
+		} else {
+			pStr->nAlloc = pStr->nAlloc * 2 + nByte;
+			pStr->zText = SafeRealloc(pStr->zText, pStr->nAlloc);
+		}
+	}
+	strncpy(&pStr->zText[pStr->nUsed], zText, nByte);
+	pStr->nUsed += nByte;
+	pStr->zText[pStr->nUsed] = 0;
+#define StringGet(S) ((S)->zText ? (S)->zText : "")
+** Compute a hash on a string.  The number returned is a non-negative
+** value between 0 and 2**31 - 1
+static int Hash(const char *z, int n)
+	int h = 0;
+	if (n <= 0) {
+		n = strlen(z);
+	}
+	while (n--) {
+		h = h ^ (h << 5) ^ *z++;
+	}
+	return h & 0x7fffffff;
+** Given an identifier name, try to find a declaration for that
+** identifier in the hash table.  If found, return a pointer to
+** the Decl structure.  If not found, return 0.
+static Decl *FindDecl(const char *zName, int len)
+	int h;
+	Decl *p;
+	if (len <= 0) {
+		len = strlen(zName);
+	}
+	h = Hash(zName, len) % DECL_HASH_SIZE;
+	p = apTable[h];
+	while (p &&
+	       (strncmp(p->zName, zName, len) != 0 || p->zName[len] != 0)) {
+		p = p->pSameHash;
+	}
+	return p;
+** Install the given declaration both in the hash table and on
+** the list of all declarations.
+static void InstallDecl(Decl *pDecl)
+	int h;
+	Decl *pOther;
+	h = Hash(pDecl->zName, 0) % DECL_HASH_SIZE;
+	pOther = apTable[h];
+	while (pOther && strcmp(pDecl->zName, pOther->zName) != 0) {
+		pOther = pOther->pSameHash;
+	}
+	if (pOther) {
+		pDecl->pSameName = pOther->pSameName;
+		pOther->pSameName = pDecl;
+	} else {
+		pDecl->pSameName = 0;
+		pDecl->pSameHash = apTable[h];
+		apTable[h] = pDecl;
+	}
+	pDecl->pNext = 0;
+	if (pDeclFirst == 0) {
+		pDeclFirst = pDeclLast = pDecl;
+	} else {
+		pDeclLast->pNext = pDecl;
+		pDeclLast = pDecl;
+	}
+** Look at the current ifStack.  If anything declared at the current
+** position must be surrounded with
+**      #if   STUFF
+**      #endif
+** Then this routine computes STUFF and returns a pointer to it.  Memory
+** to hold the value returned is obtained from malloc().
+static char *GetIfString(void)
+	Ifmacro *pIf;
+	char *zResult = 0;
+	int hasIf = 0;
+	String str;
+	for (pIf = ifStack; pIf; pIf = pIf->pNext) {
+		if (pIf->zCondition == 0 || *pIf->zCondition == 0)
+			continue;
+		if (!hasIf) {
+			hasIf = 1;
+			StringInit(&str);
+		} else {
+			StringAppend(&str, " && ", 4);
+		}
+		StringAppend(&str, pIf->zCondition, 0);
+	}
+	if (hasIf) {
+		zResult = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+		StringReset(&str);
+	} else {
+		zResult = 0;
+	}
+	return zResult;
+** Create a new declaration and put it in the hash table.  Also
+** return a pointer to it so that we can fill in the zFwd and zDecl
+** fields, and so forth.
+static Decl *CreateDecl(const char *zName, /* Name of the object being declared.
+					    */
+			int nName /* Length of the name */
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	pDecl = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Decl) + nName + 1);
+	memset(pDecl, 0, sizeof(Decl));
+	pDecl->zName = (char *)&pDecl[1];
+	sprintf(pDecl->zName, "%.*s", nName, zName);
+	pDecl->zFile = zFilename;
+	pDecl->pInclude = includeList;
+	pDecl->zIf = GetIfString();
+	InstallDecl(pDecl);
+	return pDecl;
+** Insert a new identifier into an table of identifiers.  Return TRUE if
+** a new identifier was inserted and return FALSE if the identifier was
+** already in the table.
+static int IdentTableInsert(IdentTable *pTable, /* The table into which we will
+						   insert */
+			    const char *zId, /* Name of the identifiers */
+			    int nId /* Length of the identifier name */
+	int h;
+	Ident *pId;
+	if (nId <= 0) {
+		nId = strlen(zId);
+	}
+	h = Hash(zId, nId) % IDENT_HASH_SIZE;
+	for (pId = pTable->apTable[h]; pId; pId = pId->pCollide) {
+		if (strncmp(zId, pId->zName, nId) == 0 &&
+		    pId->zName[nId] == 0) {
+			/* printf("Already in table: %.*s\n",nId,zId); */
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	pId = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Ident) + nId + 1);
+	pId->zName = (char *)&pId[1];
+	sprintf(pId->zName, "%.*s", nId, zId);
+	pId->pNext = pTable->pList;
+	pTable->pList = pId;
+	pId->pCollide = pTable->apTable[h];
+	pTable->apTable[h] = pId;
+	/* printf("Add to table: %.*s\n",nId,zId); */
+	return 1;
+** Check to see if the given value is in the given IdentTable.  Return
+** true if it is and false if it is not.
+static int IdentTableTest(IdentTable *pTable, /* The table in which to search */
+			  const char *zId, /* Name of the identifiers */
+			  int nId /* Length of the identifier name */
+	int h;
+	Ident *pId;
+	if (nId <= 0) {
+		nId = strlen(zId);
+	}
+	h = Hash(zId, nId) % IDENT_HASH_SIZE;
+	for (pId = pTable->apTable[h]; pId; pId = pId->pCollide) {
+		if (strncmp(zId, pId->zName, nId) == 0 &&
+		    pId->zName[nId] == 0) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+** Remove every identifier from the given table.   Reset the table to
+** its initial state.
+static void IdentTableReset(IdentTable *pTable)
+	Ident *pId, *pNext;
+	for (pId = pTable->pList; pId; pId = pNext) {
+		pNext = pId->pNext;
+		SafeFree(pId);
+	}
+	memset(pTable, 0, sizeof(IdentTable));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+** Print the name of every identifier in the given table, one per line
+static void IdentTablePrint(IdentTable *pTable, FILE *pOut)
+	Ident *pId;
+	for (pId = pTable->pList; pId; pId = pId->pNext) {
+		fprintf(pOut, "%s\n", pId->zName);
+	}
+** Read an entire file into memory.  Return a pointer to the memory.
+** The memory is obtained from SafeMalloc and must be freed by the
+** calling function.
+** If the read fails for any reason, 0 is returned.
+static char *ReadFile(const char *zFilename)
+	struct stat sStat;
+	FILE *pIn;
+	char *zBuf;
+	int n;
+	if (stat(zFilename, &sStat) != 0
+#ifndef WIN32
+	    || !S_ISREG(sStat.st_mode)
+	) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	pIn = fopen(zFilename, "r");
+	if (pIn == 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	zBuf = SafeMalloc(sStat.st_size + 1);
+	n = fread(zBuf, 1, sStat.st_size, pIn);
+	zBuf[n] = 0;
+	fclose(pIn);
+	return zBuf;
+** Write the contents of a string into a file.  Return the number of
+** errors
+static int WriteFile(const char *zFilename, const char *zOutput)
+	FILE *pOut;
+	pOut = fopen(zFilename, "w");
+	if (pOut == 0) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	fwrite(zOutput, 1, strlen(zOutput), pOut);
+	fclose(pOut);
+	return 0;
+** Major token types
+#define TT_Space 1 /* Contiguous white space */
+#define TT_Id 2 /* An identifier */
+#define TT_Preprocessor 3 /* Any C preprocessor directive */
+#define TT_Comment 4 /* Either C or C++ style comment */
+#define TT_Number 5 /* Any numeric constant */
+#define TT_String 6 /* String or character constants. ".." or '.' */
+#define TT_Braces 7 /* All text between { and a matching } */
+#define TT_EOF 8 /* End of file */
+#define TT_Error 9 /* An error condition */
+#define TT_BlockComment                                 \
+	10 /* A C-Style comment at the left margin that \
+	    * spans multiple lines */
+#define TT_Other 0 /* None of the above */
+** Get a single low-level token from the input file.  Update the
+** file pointer so that it points to the first character beyond the
+** token.
+** A "low-level token" is any token except TT_Braces.  A TT_Braces token
+** consists of many smaller tokens and is assembled by a routine that
+** calls this one.
+** The function returns the number of errors.  An error is an
+** unterminated string or character literal or an unterminated
+** comment.
+** Profiling shows that this routine consumes about half the
+** CPU time on a typical run of makeheaders.
+static int GetToken(InStream *pIn, Token *pToken)
+	int i;
+	const char *z;
+	int cStart;
+	int c;
+	int startLine; /* Line on which a structure begins */
+	int nlisc = 0; /* True if there is a new-line in a ".." or '..' */
+	int nErr = 0; /* Number of errors seen */
+	z = pIn->z;
+	i = pIn->i;
+	pToken->nLine = pIn->nLine;
+	pToken->zText = &z[i];
+	switch (z[i]) {
+	case 0:
+		pToken->eType = TT_EOF;
+		pToken->nText = 0;
+		break;
+	case '#':
+		if (i == 0 || z[i - 1] == '\n' ||
+		    (i > 1 && z[i - 1] == '\r' && z[i - 2] == '\n')) {
+			/* We found a preprocessor statement */
+			pToken->eType = TT_Preprocessor;
+			i++;
+			while (z[i] != 0 && z[i] != '\n') {
+				if (z[i] == '\\') {
+					i++;
+					if (z[i] == '\n')
+						pIn->nLine++;
+				}
+				i++;
+			}
+			pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		} else {
+			/* Just an operator */
+			pToken->eType = TT_Other;
+			pToken->nText = 1;
+		}
+		break;
+	case ' ':
+	case '\t':
+	case '\r':
+	case '\f':
+	case '\n':
+		while (isspace(z[i])) {
+			if (z[i] == '\n')
+				pIn->nLine++;
+			i++;
+		}
+		pToken->eType = TT_Space;
+		pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		break;
+	case '\\':
+		pToken->nText = 2;
+		pToken->eType = TT_Other;
+		if (z[i + 1] == '\n') {
+			pIn->nLine++;
+			pToken->eType = TT_Space;
+		} else if (z[i + 1] == 0) {
+			pToken->nText = 1;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '\'':
+	case '\"':
+		cStart = z[i];
+		startLine = pIn->nLine;
+		do {
+			i++;
+			c = z[i];
+			if (c == '\n') {
+				if (!nlisc) {
+					fprintf(stderr,
+						"%s:%d: (warning) Newline in string or character literal.\n",
+						zFilename, pIn->nLine);
+					nlisc = 1;
+				}
+				pIn->nLine++;
+			}
+			if (c == '\\') {
+				i++;
+				c = z[i];
+				if (c == '\n') {
+					pIn->nLine++;
+				}
+			} else if (c == cStart) {
+				i++;
+				c = 0;
+			} else if (c == 0) {
+				fprintf(stderr,
+					"%s:%d: Unterminated string or character literal.\n",
+					zFilename, startLine);
+				nErr++;
+			}
+		} while (c);
+		pToken->eType = TT_String;
+		pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		break;
+	case '/':
+		if (z[i + 1] == '/') {
+			/* C++ style comment */
+			while (z[i] && z[i] != '\n') {
+				i++;
+			}
+			pToken->eType = TT_Comment;
+			pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		} else if (z[i + 1] == '*') {
+			/* C style comment */
+			int isBlockComment = i == 0 || z[i - 1] == '\n';
+			i += 2;
+			startLine = pIn->nLine;
+			while (z[i] && (z[i] != '*' || z[i + 1] != '/')) {
+				if (z[i] == '\n') {
+					pIn->nLine++;
+					if (isBlockComment) {
+						if (z[i + 1] == '*' ||
+						    z[i + 2] == '*') {
+							isBlockComment = 2;
+						} else {
+							isBlockComment = 0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				i++;
+			}
+			if (z[i]) {
+				i += 2;
+			} else {
+				isBlockComment = 0;
+				fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated comment\n",
+					zFilename, startLine);
+				nErr++;
+			}
+			pToken->eType = isBlockComment == 2 ? TT_BlockComment :
+							      TT_Comment;
+			pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		} else {
+			/* A divide operator */
+			pToken->eType = TT_Other;
+			pToken->nText = 1 + (z[i + 1] == '+');
+		}
+		break;
+	case '0':
+		if (z[i + 1] == 'x' || z[i + 1] == 'X') {
+			/* A hex constant */
+			i += 2;
+			while (isxdigit(z[i])) {
+				i++;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* An octal constant */
+			while (isdigit(z[i])) {
+				i++;
+			}
+		}
+		pToken->eType = TT_Number;
+		pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		break;
+	case '1':
+	case '2':
+	case '3':
+	case '4':
+	case '5':
+	case '6':
+	case '7':
+	case '8':
+	case '9':
+		while (isdigit(z[i])) {
+			i++;
+		}
+		if ((c = z[i]) == '.') {
+			i++;
+			while (isdigit(z[i])) {
+				i++;
+			}
+			c = z[i];
+			if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
+				i++;
+				if (((c = z[i]) == '+' || c == '-') &&
+				    isdigit(z[i + 1])) {
+					i++;
+				}
+				while (isdigit(z[i])) {
+					i++;
+				}
+				c = z[i];
+			}
+			if (c == 'f' || c == 'F' || c == 'l' || c == 'L') {
+				i++;
+			}
+		} else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
+			i++;
+			if (((c = z[i]) == '+' || c == '-') &&
+			    isdigit(z[i + 1])) {
+				i++;
+			}
+			while (isdigit(z[i])) {
+				i++;
+			}
+		} else if (c == 'L' || c == 'l') {
+			i++;
+			c = z[i];
+			if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') {
+				i++;
+			}
+		} else if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') {
+			i++;
+			c = z[i];
+			if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') {
+				i++;
+			}
+		}
+		pToken->eType = TT_Number;
+		pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		break;
+	case 'a':
+	case 'b':
+	case 'c':
+	case 'd':
+	case 'e':
+	case 'f':
+	case 'g':
+	case 'h':
+	case 'i':
+	case 'j':
+	case 'k':
+	case 'l':
+	case 'm':
+	case 'n':
+	case 'o':
+	case 'p':
+	case 'q':
+	case 'r':
+	case 's':
+	case 't':
+	case 'u':
+	case 'v':
+	case 'w':
+	case 'x':
+	case 'y':
+	case 'z':
+	case 'A':
+	case 'B':
+	case 'C':
+	case 'D':
+	case 'E':
+	case 'F':
+	case 'G':
+	case 'H':
+	case 'I':
+	case 'J':
+	case 'K':
+	case 'L':
+	case 'M':
+	case 'N':
+	case 'O':
+	case 'P':
+	case 'Q':
+	case 'R':
+	case 'S':
+	case 'T':
+	case 'U':
+	case 'V':
+	case 'W':
+	case 'X':
+	case 'Y':
+	case 'Z':
+	case '_':
+		while (isalnum(z[i]) || z[i] == '_') {
+			i++;
+		};
+		pToken->eType = TT_Id;
+		pToken->nText = i - pIn->i;
+		break;
+	case ':':
+		pToken->eType = TT_Other;
+		pToken->nText = 1 + (z[i + 1] == ':');
+		break;
+	case '=':
+	case '<':
+	case '>':
+	case '+':
+	case '-':
+	case '*':
+	case '%':
+	case '^':
+	case '&':
+	case '|':
+		pToken->eType = TT_Other;
+		pToken->nText = 1 + (z[i + 1] == '=');
+		break;
+	default:
+		pToken->eType = TT_Other;
+		pToken->nText = 1;
+		break;
+	}
+	pIn->i += pToken->nText;
+	return nErr;
+** This routine recovers the next token from the input file which is
+** not a space or a comment or any text between an "#if 0" and "#endif".
+** This routine returns the number of errors encountered.  An error
+** is an unterminated token or unmatched "#if 0".
+** Profiling shows that this routine uses about a quarter of the
+** CPU time in a typical run.
+static int GetNonspaceToken(InStream *pIn, Token *pToken)
+	int nIf = 0;
+	int inZero = 0;
+	const char *z;
+	int value;
+	int startLine;
+	int nErr = 0;
+	startLine = pIn->nLine;
+	while (1) {
+		nErr += GetToken(pIn, pToken);
+		/* printf("%04d: Type=%d nIf=%d [%.*s]\n",
+		   pToken->nLine,pToken->eType,nIf,pToken->nText,
+		   pToken->eType!=TT_Space ? pToken->zText : "<space>"); */
+		pToken->pComment = blockComment;
+		switch (pToken->eType) {
+		case TT_Comment: /*0123456789 12345678 */
+			if (strncmp(pToken->zText, "/*MAKEHEADERS-STOP", 18) ==
+			    0)
+				return nErr;
+			break;
+		case TT_Space:
+			break;
+		case TT_BlockComment:
+			if (doc_flag) {
+				blockComment = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Token));
+				*blockComment = *pToken;
+			}
+			break;
+		case TT_EOF:
+			if (nIf) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated \"#if\"\n",
+					zFilename, startLine);
+				nErr++;
+			}
+			return nErr;
+		case TT_Preprocessor:
+			z = &pToken->zText[1];
+			while (*z == ' ' || *z == '\t')
+				z++;
+			if (sscanf(z, "if %d", &value) == 1 && value == 0) {
+				nIf++;
+				inZero = 1;
+			} else if (inZero) {
+				if (strncmp(z, "if", 2) == 0) {
+					nIf++;
+				} else if (strncmp(z, "endif", 5) == 0) {
+					nIf--;
+					if (nIf == 0)
+						inZero = 0;
+				}
+			} else {
+				return nErr;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			if (!inZero) {
+				return nErr;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+** This routine looks for identifiers (strings of contiguous alphanumeric
+** characters) within a preprocessor directive and adds every such string
+** found to the given identifier table
+static void FindIdentifiersInMacro(Token *pToken, IdentTable *pTable)
+	Token sToken;
+	InStream sIn;
+	int go = 1;
+	sIn.z = pToken->zText;
+	sIn.i = 1;
+	sIn.nLine = 1;
+	while (go && sIn.i < pToken->nText) {
+		GetToken(&sIn, &sToken);
+		switch (sToken.eType) {
+		case TT_Id:
+			IdentTableInsert(pTable, sToken.zText, sToken.nText);
+			break;
+		case TT_EOF:
+			go = 0;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+** This routine gets the next token.  Everything contained within
+** {...} is collapsed into a single TT_Braces token.  Whitespace is
+** omitted.
+** If pTable is not NULL, then insert every identifier seen into the
+** IdentTable.  This includes any identifiers seen inside of {...}.
+** The number of errors encountered is returned.  An error is an
+** unterminated token.
+static int GetBigToken(InStream *pIn, Token *pToken, IdentTable *pTable)
+	const char *zStart;
+	int iStart;
+	int nBrace;
+	int c;
+	int nLine;
+	int nErr;
+	nErr = GetNonspaceToken(pIn, pToken);
+	switch (pToken->eType) {
+	case TT_Id:
+		if (pTable != 0) {
+			IdentTableInsert(pTable, pToken->zText, pToken->nText);
+		}
+		return nErr;
+	case TT_Preprocessor:
+		if (pTable != 0) {
+			FindIdentifiersInMacro(pToken, pTable);
+		}
+		return nErr;
+	case TT_Other:
+		if (pToken->zText[0] == '{')
+			break;
+		return nErr;
+	default:
+		return nErr;
+	}
+	iStart = pIn->i;
+	zStart = pToken->zText;
+	nLine = pToken->nLine;
+	nBrace = 1;
+	while (nBrace) {
+		nErr += GetNonspaceToken(pIn, pToken);
+		/* printf("%04d: nBrace=%d [%.*s]\n",pToken->nLine,nBrace,
+		   pToken->nText,pToken->zText); */
+		switch (pToken->eType) {
+		case TT_EOF:
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unterminated \"{\"\n",
+				zFilename, nLine);
+			nErr++;
+			pToken->eType = TT_Error;
+			return nErr;
+		case TT_Id:
+			if (pTable) {
+				IdentTableInsert(pTable, pToken->zText,
+						 pToken->nText);
+			}
+			break;
+		case TT_Preprocessor:
+			if (pTable != 0) {
+				FindIdentifiersInMacro(pToken, pTable);
+			}
+			break;
+		case TT_Other:
+			if ((c = pToken->zText[0]) == '{') {
+				nBrace++;
+			} else if (c == '}') {
+				nBrace--;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	pToken->eType = TT_Braces;
+	pToken->nText = 1 + pIn->i - iStart;
+	pToken->zText = zStart;
+	pToken->nLine = nLine;
+	return nErr;
+** This routine frees up a list of Tokens.  The pComment tokens are
+** not cleared by this.  So we leak a little memory when using the -doc
+** option.  So what.
+static void FreeTokenList(Token *pList)
+	Token *pNext;
+	while (pList) {
+		pNext = pList->pNext;
+		SafeFree(pList);
+		pList = pNext;
+	}
+** Tokenize an entire file.  Return a pointer to the list of tokens.
+** Space for each token is obtained from a separate malloc() call.  The
+** calling function is responsible for freeing this space.
+** If pTable is not NULL, then fill the table with all identifiers seen in
+** the input file.
+static Token *TokenizeFile(const char *zFile, IdentTable *pTable)
+	InStream sIn;
+	Token *pFirst = 0, *pLast = 0, *pNew;
+	int nErr = 0;
+	sIn.z = zFile;
+	sIn.i = 0;
+	sIn.nLine = 1;
+	blockComment = 0;
+	while (sIn.z[sIn.i] != 0) {
+		pNew = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Token));
+		nErr += GetBigToken(&sIn, pNew, pTable);
+		debug3(TOKENIZER, "Token on line %d: [%.*s]\n", pNew->nLine,
+		       pNew->nText < 50 ? pNew->nText : 50, pNew->zText);
+		if (pFirst == 0) {
+			pFirst = pLast = pNew;
+			pNew->pPrev = 0;
+		} else {
+			pLast->pNext = pNew;
+			pNew->pPrev = pLast;
+			pLast = pNew;
+		}
+		if (pNew->eType == TT_EOF)
+			break;
+	}
+	if (pLast)
+		pLast->pNext = 0;
+	blockComment = 0;
+	if (nErr) {
+		FreeTokenList(pFirst);
+		pFirst = 0;
+	}
+	return pFirst;
+#if TEST == 1
+** Use the following routine to test or debug the tokenizer.
+void main(int argc, char **argv)
+	char *zFile;
+	Token *pList, *p;
+	IdentTable sTable;
+	if (argc != 2) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename\n", *argv);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	memset(&sTable, 0, sizeof(sTable));
+	zFile = ReadFile(argv[1]);
+	if (zFile == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	pList = TokenizeFile(zFile, &sTable);
+	for (p = pList; p; p = p->pNext) {
+		int j;
+		switch (p->eType) {
+		case TT_Space:
+			printf("%4d: Space\n", p->nLine);
+			break;
+		case TT_Id:
+			printf("%4d: Id           %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
+			       p->zText);
+			break;
+		case TT_Preprocessor:
+			printf("%4d: Preprocessor %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
+			       p->zText);
+			break;
+		case TT_Comment:
+			printf("%4d: Comment\n", p->nLine);
+			break;
+		case TT_BlockComment:
+			printf("%4d: Block Comment\n", p->nLine);
+			break;
+		case TT_Number:
+			printf("%4d: Number       %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
+			       p->zText);
+			break;
+		case TT_String:
+			printf("%4d: String       %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
+			       p->zText);
+			break;
+		case TT_Other:
+			printf("%4d: Other        %.*s\n", p->nLine, p->nText,
+			       p->zText);
+			break;
+		case TT_Braces:
+			for (j = 0;
+			     j < p->nText && j < 30 && p->zText[j] != '\n';
+			     j++) {
+			}
+			printf("%4d: Braces       %.*s...}\n", p->nLine, j,
+			       p->zText);
+			break;
+		case TT_EOF:
+			printf("%4d: End of file\n", p->nLine);
+			break;
+		default:
+			printf("%4d: type %d\n", p->nLine, p->eType);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	FreeTokenList(pList);
+	SafeFree(zFile);
+	IdentTablePrint(&sTable, stdout);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+** For debugging purposes, write out a list of tokens.
+static void PrintTokens(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast)
+	int needSpace = 0;
+	int c;
+	pLast = pLast->pNext;
+	while (pFirst != pLast) {
+		switch (pFirst->eType) {
+		case TT_Preprocessor:
+			printf("\n%.*s\n", pFirst->nText, pFirst->zText);
+			needSpace = 0;
+			break;
+		case TT_Id:
+		case TT_Number:
+			printf("%s%.*s", needSpace ? " " : "", pFirst->nText,
+			       pFirst->zText);
+			needSpace = 1;
+			break;
+		default:
+			c = pFirst->zText[0];
+			printf("%s%.*s",
+			       (needSpace && (c == '*' || c == '{')) ? " " : "",
+			       pFirst->nText, pFirst->zText);
+			needSpace = pFirst->zText[0] == ',';
+			break;
+		}
+		pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+	}
+** Convert a sequence of tokens into a string and return a pointer
+** to that string.  Space to hold the string is obtained from malloc()
+** and must be freed by the calling function.
+** Certain keywords (EXPORT, PRIVATE, PUBLIC, PROTECTED) are always
+** skipped.
+** If pSkip!=0 then skip over nSkip tokens beginning with pSkip.
+** If zTerm!=0 then append the text to the end.
+static char *TokensToString(Token *pFirst, /* First token in the string */
+			    Token *pLast, /* Last token in the string */
+			    char *zTerm, /* Terminate the string with this text
+					    if not NULL */
+			    Token *pSkip, /* Skip this token if not NULL */
+			    int nSkip /* Skip a total of this many tokens */
+	char *zReturn;
+	String str;
+	int needSpace = 0;
+	int c;
+	int iSkip = 0;
+	int skipOne = 0;
+	StringInit(&str);
+	pLast = pLast->pNext;
+	while (pFirst != pLast) {
+		if (pFirst == pSkip) {
+			iSkip = nSkip;
+		}
+		if (iSkip > 0) {
+			iSkip--;
+			pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+			continue;
+		}
+		switch (pFirst->eType) {
+		case TT_Preprocessor:
+			StringAppend(&str, "\n", 1);
+			StringAppend(&str, pFirst->zText, pFirst->nText);
+			StringAppend(&str, "\n", 1);
+			needSpace = 0;
+			break;
+		case TT_Id:
+			switch (pFirst->zText[0]) {
+			case 'E':
+				if (pFirst->nText == 6 &&
+				    strncmp(pFirst->zText, "EXPORT", 6) == 0) {
+					skipOne = 1;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'P':
+				switch (pFirst->nText) {
+				case 6:
+					skipOne = !strncmp(pFirst->zText,
+							   "PUBLIC", 6);
+					break;
+				case 7:
+					skipOne = !strncmp(pFirst->zText,
+							   "PRIVATE", 7);
+					break;
+				case 9:
+					skipOne = !strncmp(pFirst->zText,
+							   "PROTECTED", 9);
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+			}
+			if (skipOne) {
+				pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+				skipOne = 0;
+				continue;
+			}
+			/* Fall thru to the next case */
+		case TT_Number:
+			if (needSpace) {
+				StringAppend(&str, " ", 1);
+			}
+			StringAppend(&str, pFirst->zText, pFirst->nText);
+			needSpace = 1;
+			break;
+		default:
+			c = pFirst->zText[0];
+			if (needSpace && (c == '*' || c == '{')) {
+				StringAppend(&str, " ", 1);
+			}
+			StringAppend(&str, pFirst->zText, pFirst->nText);
+			/* needSpace = pFirst->zText[0]==','; */
+			needSpace = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+		pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+	}
+	if (zTerm && *zTerm) {
+		StringAppend(&str, zTerm, strlen(zTerm));
+	}
+	zReturn = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+	StringReset(&str);
+	return zReturn;
+** This routine is called when we see one of the keywords "struct",
+** "enum", "union" or "class".  This might be the beginning of a
+** type declaration.  This routine will process the declaration and
+** remove the declaration tokens from the input stream.
+** If this is a type declaration that is immediately followed by a
+** semicolon (in other words it isn't also a variable definition)
+** then set *pReset to ';'.  Otherwise leave *pReset at 0.  The
+** *pReset flag causes the parser to skip ahead to the next token
+** that begins with the value placed in the *pReset flag, if that
+** value is different from 0.
+static int ProcessTypeDecl(Token *pList, int flags, int *pReset)
+	Token *pName, *pEnd;
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	String str;
+	int need_to_collapse = 1;
+	int type = 0;
+	*pReset = 0;
+	if (pList == 0 || pList->pNext == 0 || pList->pNext->eType != TT_Id) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	pName = pList->pNext;
+	/* Catch the case of "struct Foo;" and skip it. */
+	if (pName->pNext && pName->pNext->zText[0] == ';') {
+		*pReset = ';';
+		return 0;
+	}
+	for (pEnd = pName->pNext; pEnd && pEnd->eType != TT_Braces;
+	     pEnd = pEnd->pNext) {
+		switch (pEnd->zText[0]) {
+		case '(':
+		case ')':
+		case '*':
+		case '[':
+		case '=':
+		case ';':
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if (pEnd == 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	** At this point, we know we have a type declaration that is bounded
+	** by pList and pEnd and has the name pName.
+	*/
+	/*
+	** If the braces are followed immediately by a semicolon, then we are
+	** dealing a type declaration only.  There is not variable definition
+	** following the type declaration.  So reset...
+	*/
+	if (pEnd->pNext == 0 || pEnd->pNext->zText[0] == ';') {
+		*pReset = ';';
+		need_to_collapse = 0;
+	} else {
+		need_to_collapse = 1;
+	}
+	if (proto_static == 0 &&
+	    (flags & (PS_Local | PS_Export | PS_Interface)) == 0) {
+		/* Ignore these objects unless they are explicitly declared as
+		*interface,
+		** or unless the "-local" command line option was specified. */
+		*pReset = ';';
+		return 0;
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (debugMask & PARSER) {
+		printf("**** Found type: %.*s %.*s...\n", pList->nText,
+		       pList->zText, pName->nText, pName->zText);
+		PrintTokens(pList, pEnd);
+		printf(";\n");
+	}
+	/*
+	** Create a new Decl object for this definition.  Actually, if this
+	** is a C++ class definition, then the Decl object might already exist,
+	** so check first for that case before creating a new one.
+	*/
+	switch (*pList->zText) {
+	case 'c':
+		type = TY_Class;
+		break;
+	case 's':
+		type = TY_Structure;
+		break;
+	case 'e':
+		type = TY_Enumeration;
+		break;
+	case 'u':
+		type = TY_Union;
+		break;
+	default: /* Can't Happen */
+		break;
+	}
+	if (type != TY_Class) {
+		pDecl = 0;
+	} else {
+		pDecl = FindDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
+		if (pDecl && (pDecl->flags & type) != type)
+			pDecl = 0;
+	}
+	if (pDecl == 0) {
+		pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	}
+	if ((flags & PS_Static) || !(flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export))) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
+	}
+	DeclSetProperty(pDecl, type);
+	/* The object has a full declaration only if it is contained within
+	** "#if INTERFACE...#endif" or "#if EXPORT_INTERFACE...#endif" or
+	** "#if LOCAL_INTERFACE...#endif".  Otherwise, we only give it a
+	** forward declaration.
+	*/
+	if (flags & (PS_Local | PS_Export | PS_Interface)) {
+		pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pList, pEnd, ";\n", 0, 0);
+	} else {
+		pDecl->zDecl = 0;
+	}
+	pDecl->pComment = pList->pComment;
+	StringInit(&str);
+	StringAppend(&str, "typedef ", 0);
+	StringAppend(&str, pList->zText, pList->nText);
+	StringAppend(&str, " ", 0);
+	StringAppend(&str, pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	StringAppend(&str, " ", 0);
+	StringAppend(&str, pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	StringAppend(&str, ";\n", 2);
+	pDecl->zFwd = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+	StringReset(&str);
+	StringInit(&str);
+	StringAppend(&str, pList->zText, pList->nText);
+	StringAppend(&str, " ", 0);
+	StringAppend(&str, pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	StringAppend(&str, ";\n", 2);
+	pDecl->zFwdCpp = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+	StringReset(&str);
+	if (flags & PS_Export) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
+	} else if (flags & PS_Local) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
+	}
+	/* Here's something weird.  ANSI-C doesn't allow a forward declaration
+	** of an enumeration.  So we have to build the typedef into the
+	** definition.
+	*/
+	if (pDecl->zDecl && DeclHasProperty(pDecl, TY_Enumeration)) {
+		StringInit(&str);
+		StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zDecl, 0);
+		StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zFwd, 0);
+		SafeFree(pDecl->zDecl);
+		SafeFree(pDecl->zFwd);
+		pDecl->zFwd = 0;
+		pDecl->zDecl = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+		StringReset(&str);
+	}
+	if (pName->pNext->zText[0] == ':') {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
+	}
+	if (pName->nText == 5 && strncmp(pName->zText, "class", 5) == 0) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
+	}
+	/*
+	** Remove all but pList and pName from the input stream.
+	*/
+	if (need_to_collapse) {
+		while (pEnd != pName) {
+			Token *pPrev = pEnd->pPrev;
+			pPrev->pNext = pEnd->pNext;
+			pEnd->pNext->pPrev = pPrev;
+			SafeFree(pEnd);
+			pEnd = pPrev;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+** Given a list of tokens that declare something (a function, procedure,
+** variable or typedef) find the token which contains the name of the
+** thing being declared.
+** Algorithm:
+**   The name is:
+**     1.  The first identifier that is followed by a "[", or
+**     2.  The first identifier that is followed by a "(" where the
+**         "(" is followed by another identifier, or
+**     3.  The first identifier followed by "::", or
+**     4.  If none of the above, then the last identifier.
+**   In all of the above, certain reserved words (like "char") are
+**   not considered identifiers.
+static Token *FindDeclName(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast)
+	Token *pName = 0;
+	Token *p;
+	int c;
+	if (pFirst == 0 || pLast == 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	pLast = pLast->pNext;
+	for (p = pFirst; p && p != pLast; p = p->pNext) {
+		if (p->eType == TT_Id) {
+			static IdentTable sReserved;
+			static int isInit = 0;
+			static const char *aWords[] = {
+				"char",	     "class",	 "const",    "double",
+				"enum",	     "extern",	 "EXPORT",   "ET_PROC",
+				"float",     "int",	 "long",     "PRIVATE",
+				"PROTECTED", "PUBLIC",	 "register", "static",
+				"struct",    "sizeof",	 "signed",   "typedef",
+				"union",     "volatile", "virtual",  "void",
+			};
+			if (!isInit) {
+				int i;
+				for (i = 0;
+				     i < sizeof(aWords) / sizeof(aWords[0]);
+				     i++) {
+					IdentTableInsert(&sReserved, aWords[i],
+							 0);
+				}
+				isInit = 1;
+			}
+			if (!IdentTableTest(&sReserved, p->zText, p->nText)) {
+				pName = p;
+			}
+		} else if (p == pFirst) {
+			continue;
+		} else if ((c = p->zText[0]) == '[' && pName) {
+			break;
+		} else if (c == '(' && p->pNext && p->pNext->eType == TT_Id &&
+			   pName) {
+			break;
+		} else if (c == ':' && p->zText[1] == ':' && pName) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return pName;
+** This routine is called when we see a method for a class that begins
+** with the PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or PROTECTED keywords.  Such methods are
+** added to their class definitions.
+static int ProcessMethodDef(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast, int flags)
+	Token *pClass;
+	char *zDecl;
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	String str;
+	int type;
+	pLast = pLast->pPrev;
+	while (pFirst->zText[0] == 'P') {
+		int rc = 1;
+		switch (pFirst->nText) {
+		case 6:
+			rc = strncmp(pFirst->zText, "PUBLIC", 6);
+			break;
+		case 7:
+			rc = strncmp(pFirst->zText, "PRIVATE", 7);
+			break;
+		case 9:
+			rc = strncmp(pFirst->zText, "PROTECTED", 9);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+		if (rc)
+			break;
+		pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+	}
+	pClass = FindDeclName(pFirst, pLast);
+	if (pClass == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s:%d: Unable to find the class name for this method\n",
+			zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	pDecl = FindDecl(pClass->zText, pClass->nText);
+	if (pDecl == 0 || (pDecl->flags & TY_Class) != TY_Class) {
+		pDecl = CreateDecl(pClass->zText, pClass->nText);
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Class);
+	}
+	StringInit(&str);
+	if (pDecl->zExtra) {
+		StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zExtra, 0);
+		SafeFree(pDecl->zExtra);
+		pDecl->zExtra = 0;
+	}
+	type = flags & PS_PPP;
+	if (pDecl->extraType != type) {
+		if (type & PS_Public) {
+			StringAppend(&str, "public:\n", 0);
+			pDecl->extraType = PS_Public;
+		} else if (type & PS_Protected) {
+			StringAppend(&str, "protected:\n", 0);
+			pDecl->extraType = PS_Protected;
+		} else if (type & PS_Private) {
+			StringAppend(&str, "private:\n", 0);
+			pDecl->extraType = PS_Private;
+		}
+	}
+	StringAppend(&str, "  ", 0);
+	zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pLast, ";\n", pClass, 2);
+	if (strncmp(zDecl, pClass->zText, pClass->nText) == 0) {
+		/* If member initializer list is found after a constructor,
+		** skip that part. */
+		char *colon = strchr(zDecl, ':');
+		if (colon != 0 && colon[1] != 0) {
+			*colon++ = ';';
+			*colon++ = '\n';
+			*colon = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	StringAppend(&str, zDecl, 0);
+	SafeFree(zDecl);
+	pDecl->zExtra = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+	StringReset(&str);
+	return 0;
+** This routine is called when we see a function or procedure definition.
+** We make an entry in the declaration table that is a prototype for this
+** function or procedure.
+static int ProcessProcedureDef(Token *pFirst, Token *pLast, int flags)
+	Token *pName;
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	Token *pCode;
+	if (pFirst == 0 || pLast == 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (flags & PS_Method) {
+		if (flags & PS_PPP) {
+			return ProcessMethodDef(pFirst, pLast, flags);
+		} else {
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ((flags & PS_Static) != 0 && !proto_static) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	pCode = pLast;
+	while (pLast && pLast != pFirst && pLast->zText[0] != ')') {
+		pLast = pLast->pPrev;
+	}
+	if (pLast == 0 || pLast == pFirst || pFirst->pNext == pLast) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Unrecognized syntax.\n", zFilename,
+			pFirst->nLine);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local)) {
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s:%d: Missing \"inline\" on function or procedure.\n",
+			zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	pName = FindDeclName(pFirst, pLast);
+	if (pName == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s:%d: Malformed function or procedure definition.\n",
+			zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (strncmp(pName->zText, "main", pName->nText) == 0) {
+		/* skip main() decl. */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	** At this point we've isolated a procedure declaration between pFirst
+	** and pLast with the name pName.
+	*/
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (debugMask & PARSER) {
+		printf("**** Found routine: %.*s on line %d...\n", pName->nText,
+		       pName->zText, pFirst->nLine);
+		PrintTokens(pFirst, pLast);
+		printf(";\n");
+	}
+	pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	pDecl->pComment = pFirst->pComment;
+	if (pCode && pCode->eType == TT_Braces) {
+		pDecl->tokenCode = *pCode;
+	}
+	DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Subroutine);
+	pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pLast, ";\n", 0, 0);
+	if ((flags & (PS_Static | PS_Local2)) != 0) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
+	} else if ((flags & (PS_Export2)) != 0) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
+	}
+	if (flags & DP_Cplusplus) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
+	} else {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
+	}
+	return 0;
+** This routine is called whenever we see the "inline" keyword.  We
+** need to seek-out the inline function or procedure and make a
+** declaration out of the entire definition.
+static int ProcessInlineProc(Token *pFirst, int flags, int *pReset)
+	Token *pName;
+	Token *pEnd;
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	for (pEnd = pFirst; pEnd; pEnd = pEnd->pNext) {
+		if (pEnd->zText[0] == '{' || pEnd->zText[0] == ';') {
+			*pReset = pEnd->zText[0];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (pEnd == 0) {
+		*pReset = ';';
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s:%d: incomplete inline procedure definition\n",
+			zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	pName = FindDeclName(pFirst, pEnd);
+	if (pName == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s:%d: malformed inline procedure definition\n",
+			zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+		return 1;
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (debugMask & PARSER) {
+		printf("**** Found inline routine: %.*s on line %d...\n",
+		       pName->nText, pName->zText, pFirst->nLine);
+		PrintTokens(pFirst, pEnd);
+		printf("\n");
+	}
+	pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	pDecl->pComment = pFirst->pComment;
+	DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Subroutine);
+	pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pEnd, ";\n", 0, 0);
+	if ((flags & (PS_Static | PS_Local | PS_Local2))) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
+	} else if (flags & (PS_Export | PS_Export2)) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
+	}
+	if (flags & DP_Cplusplus) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
+	} else {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
+	}
+	return 0;
+** Determine if the tokens between pFirst and pEnd form a variable
+** definition or a function prototype.  Return TRUE if we are dealing
+** with a variable defintion and FALSE for a prototype.
+** pEnd is the token that ends the object.  It can be either a ';' or
+** a '='.  If it is '=', then assume we have a variable definition.
+** If pEnd is ';', then the determination is more difficult.  We have
+** to search for an occurrence of an ID followed immediately by '('.
+** If found, we have a prototype.  Otherwise we are dealing with a
+** variable definition.
+static int isVariableDef(Token *pFirst, Token *pEnd)
+	if (pEnd && pEnd->zText[0] == '=' &&
+	    (pEnd->pPrev->nText != 8 ||
+	     strncmp(pEnd->pPrev->zText, "operator", 8) != 0)) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	while (pFirst && pFirst != pEnd && pFirst->pNext &&
+	       pFirst->pNext != pEnd) {
+		if (pFirst->eType == TT_Id && pFirst->pNext->zText[0] == '(') {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+	}
+	return 1;
+** Return TRUE if pFirst is the first token of a static assert.
+static int isStaticAssert(Token *pFirst)
+	if ((pFirst->nText == 13 &&
+	     strncmp(pFirst->zText, "static_assert", 13) == 0) ||
+	    (pFirst->nText == 14 &&
+	     strncmp(pFirst->zText, "_Static_assert", 14) == 0)) {
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		return 0;
+	}
+** This routine is called whenever we encounter a ";" or "=".  The stuff
+** between pFirst and pLast constitutes either a typedef or a global
+** variable definition.  Do the right thing.
+static int ProcessDecl(Token *pFirst, Token *pEnd, int flags)
+	Token *pName;
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	int isLocal = 0;
+	int isVar;
+	int nErr = 0;
+	if (pFirst == 0 || pEnd == 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (flags & PS_Typedef) {
+		if ((flags & (PS_Export2 | PS_Local2)) != 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"%s:%d: \"EXPORT\" or \"LOCAL\" ignored before typedef.\n",
+				zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+			nErr++;
+		}
+		if ((flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local |
+			      DP_Cplusplus)) == 0) {
+			/* It is illegal to duplicate a typedef in C (but OK in
+			*C++).
+			** So don't record typedefs that aren't within a C++
+			*file or
+			** within #if INTERFACE..#endif */
+			return nErr;
+		}
+		if ((flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local)) == 0 &&
+		    proto_static == 0) {
+			/* Ignore typedefs that are not with "#if
+			*INTERFACE..#endif" unless
+			** the "-local" command line option is used. */
+			return nErr;
+		}
+		if ((flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export)) == 0) {
+			/* typedefs are always local, unless within #if
+			 * INTERFACE..#endif */
+			isLocal = 1;
+		}
+	} else if (flags & (PS_Static | PS_Local2)) {
+		if (proto_static == 0 && (flags & PS_Local2) == 0) {
+			/* Don't record static variables unless the "-local"
+			*command line
+			** option was specified or the "LOCAL" keyword is used.
+		       */
+			return nErr;
+		}
+		while (pFirst != 0 && pFirst->pNext != pEnd &&
+		       ((pFirst->nText == 6 &&
+			 strncmp(pFirst->zText, "static", 6) == 0) ||
+			(pFirst->nText == 5 &&
+			 strncmp(pFirst->zText, "LOCAL", 6) == 0))) {
+			/* Lose the initial "static" or local from local
+			*variables.
+			** We'll prepend "extern" later. */
+			pFirst = pFirst->pNext;
+			isLocal = 1;
+		}
+		if (pFirst == 0 || !isLocal) {
+			return nErr;
+		}
+	} else if (flags & PS_Method) {
+		/* Methods are declared by their class.  Don't declare
+		 * separately. */
+		return nErr;
+	} else if (isStaticAssert(pFirst)) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	isVar = (flags & (PS_Typedef | PS_Method)) == 0 &&
+		isVariableDef(pFirst, pEnd);
+	if (isVar && (flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export | PS_Local)) != 0 &&
+	    (flags & PS_Extern) == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s:%d: Can't define a variable in this context\n",
+			zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+		nErr++;
+	}
+	pName = FindDeclName(pFirst, pEnd->pPrev);
+	if (pName == 0) {
+		if (pFirst->nText == 4 &&
+		    strncmp(pFirst->zText, "enum", 4) == 0) {
+			/* Ignore completely anonymous enums.  See documentation
+			 * section 3.8.1. */
+			return nErr;
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"%s:%d: Can't find a name for the object declared here.\n",
+				zFilename, pFirst->nLine);
+			return nErr + 1;
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (debugMask & PARSER) {
+		if (flags & PS_Typedef) {
+			printf("**** Found typedef %.*s at line %d...\n",
+			       pName->nText, pName->zText, pName->nLine);
+		} else if (isVar) {
+			printf("**** Found variable %.*s at line %d...\n",
+			       pName->nText, pName->zText, pName->nLine);
+		} else {
+			printf("**** Found prototype %.*s at line %d...\n",
+			       pName->nText, pName->zText, pName->nLine);
+		}
+		PrintTokens(pFirst, pEnd->pPrev);
+		printf(";\n");
+	}
+	pDecl = CreateDecl(pName->zText, pName->nText);
+	if ((flags & PS_Typedef)) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Typedef);
+	} else if (isVar) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternReqd | TY_Variable);
+		if (!(flags & DP_Cplusplus)) {
+			DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
+		}
+	} else {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Subroutine);
+		if (!(flags & DP_Cplusplus)) {
+			DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_ExternCReqd);
+		}
+	}
+	pDecl->pComment = pFirst->pComment;
+	pDecl->zDecl = TokensToString(pFirst, pEnd->pPrev, ";\n", 0, 0);
+	if (isLocal || (flags & (PS_Local | PS_Local2)) != 0) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
+	} else if (flags & (PS_Export | PS_Export2)) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
+	}
+	if (flags & DP_Cplusplus) {
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Cplusplus);
+	}
+	return nErr;
+** Push an if condition onto the if stack
+static void PushIfMacro(const char *zPrefix, /* A prefix, like "define" or "!"
+					      */
+			const char *zText, /* The condition */
+			int nText, /* Number of characters in zText */
+			int nLine, /* Line number where this macro occurs */
+			int flags /* Either 0, PS_Interface, PS_Export or
+				     PS_Local */
+	Ifmacro *pIf;
+	int nByte;
+	nByte = sizeof(Ifmacro);
+	if (zText) {
+		if (zPrefix) {
+			nByte += strlen(zPrefix) + 2;
+		}
+		nByte += nText + 1;
+	}
+	pIf = SafeMalloc(nByte);
+	if (zText) {
+		pIf->zCondition = (char *)&pIf[1];
+		if (zPrefix) {
+			sprintf(pIf->zCondition, "%s(%.*s)", zPrefix, nText,
+				zText);
+		} else {
+			sprintf(pIf->zCondition, "%.*s", nText, zText);
+		}
+	} else {
+		pIf->zCondition = 0;
+	}
+	pIf->nLine = nLine;
+	pIf->flags = flags;
+	pIf->pNext = ifStack;
+	ifStack = pIf;
+** This routine is called to handle all preprocessor directives.
+** This routine will recompute the value of *pPresetFlags to be the
+** logical or of all flags on all nested #ifs.  The #ifs that set flags
+** are as follows:
+**        conditional                   flag set
+**        ------------------------      --------------------
+**        #if INTERFACE                 PS_Interface
+**        #if EXPORT_INTERFACE          PS_Export
+**        #if LOCAL_INTERFACE           PS_Local
+** For example, if after processing the preprocessor token given
+** by pToken there is an "#if INTERFACE" on the preprocessor
+** stack, then *pPresetFlags will be set to PS_Interface.
+static int ParsePreprocessor(Token *pToken, int flags, int *pPresetFlags)
+	const char *zCmd;
+	int nCmd;
+	const char *zArg;
+	int nArg;
+	int nErr = 0;
+	Ifmacro *pIf;
+	zCmd = &pToken->zText[1];
+	while (isspace(*zCmd) && *zCmd != '\n') {
+		zCmd++;
+	}
+	if (!isalpha(*zCmd)) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	nCmd = 1;
+	while (isalpha(zCmd[nCmd])) {
+		nCmd++;
+	}
+	if (nCmd == 5 && strncmp(zCmd, "endif", 5) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Pop the if stack
+		*/
+		pIf = ifStack;
+		if (pIf == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: extra '#endif'.\n", zFilename,
+				pToken->nLine);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		ifStack = pIf->pNext;
+		SafeFree(pIf);
+	} else if (nCmd == 6 && strncmp(zCmd, "define", 6) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Record a #define if we are in PS_Interface or PS_Export
+		*/
+		Decl *pDecl;
+		if (!(flags & (PS_Local | PS_Interface | PS_Export))) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		zArg = &zCmd[6];
+		while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
+			zArg++;
+		}
+		if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		for (nArg = 0; ISALNUM(zArg[nArg]); nArg++) {
+		}
+		if (nArg == 0) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		pDecl = CreateDecl(zArg, nArg);
+		pDecl->pComment = pToken->pComment;
+		DeclSetProperty(pDecl, TY_Macro);
+		pDecl->zDecl = SafeMalloc(pToken->nText + 2);
+		sprintf(pDecl->zDecl, "%.*s\n", pToken->nText, pToken->zText);
+		if (flags & PS_Export) {
+			DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Export);
+		} else if (flags & PS_Local) {
+			DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Local);
+		}
+	} else if (nCmd == 7 && strncmp(zCmd, "include", 7) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Record an #include if we are in PS_Interface or PS_Export
+		*/
+		Include *pInclude;
+		char *zIf;
+		if (!(flags & (PS_Interface | PS_Export))) {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		zArg = &zCmd[7];
+		while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg)) {
+			zArg++;
+		}
+		for (nArg = 0; !isspace(zArg[nArg]); nArg++) {
+		}
+		if ((zArg[0] == '"' && zArg[nArg - 1] != '"') ||
+		    (zArg[0] == '<' && zArg[nArg - 1] != '>')) {
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"%s:%d: malformed #include statement.\n",
+				zFilename, pToken->nLine);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		zIf = GetIfString();
+		if (zIf) {
+			pInclude = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Include) + nArg * 2 +
+					      strlen(zIf) + 10);
+			pInclude->zFile = (char *)&pInclude[1];
+			pInclude->zLabel = &pInclude->zFile[nArg + 1];
+			sprintf(pInclude->zFile, "%.*s", nArg, zArg);
+			sprintf(pInclude->zLabel, "%.*s:%s", nArg, zArg, zIf);
+			pInclude->zIf = &pInclude->zLabel[nArg + 1];
+			SafeFree(zIf);
+		} else {
+			pInclude = SafeMalloc(sizeof(Include) + nArg + 1);
+			pInclude->zFile = (char *)&pInclude[1];
+			sprintf(pInclude->zFile, "%.*s", nArg, zArg);
+			pInclude->zIf = 0;
+			pInclude->zLabel = pInclude->zFile;
+		}
+		pInclude->pNext = includeList;
+		includeList = pInclude;
+	} else if (nCmd == 2 && strncmp(zCmd, "if", 2) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Push an #if.  Watch for the special cases of INTERFACE
+		*/
+		zArg = &zCmd[2];
+		while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
+			zArg++;
+		}
+		if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		nArg = pToken->nText + (int)(pToken->zText - zArg);
+		if (pToken->zText[pToken->nText - 1] == '\r') {
+			nArg--;
+		}
+		if (nArg == 9 && strncmp(zArg, "INTERFACE", 9) == 0) {
+			PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Interface);
+		} else if (nArg == 16 &&
+			   strncmp(zArg, "EXPORT_INTERFACE", 16) == 0) {
+			PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Export);
+		} else if (nArg == 15 &&
+			   strncmp(zArg, "LOCAL_INTERFACE", 15) == 0) {
+			PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Local);
+		} else if (nArg == 15 &&
+				   15) == 0) {
+			PushIfMacro(0, 0, 0, pToken->nLine, PS_Local);
+		} else {
+			PushIfMacro(0, zArg, nArg, pToken->nLine, 0);
+		}
+	} else if (nCmd == 5 && strncmp(zCmd, "ifdef", 5) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Push an #ifdef.
+		*/
+		zArg = &zCmd[5];
+		while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
+			zArg++;
+		}
+		if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		nArg = pToken->nText + (int)(pToken->zText - zArg);
+		if (pToken->zText[pToken->nText - 1] == '\r') {
+			nArg--;
+		}
+		PushIfMacro("defined", zArg, nArg, pToken->nLine, 0);
+	} else if (nCmd == 6 && strncmp(zCmd, "ifndef", 6) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Push an #ifndef.
+		*/
+		zArg = &zCmd[6];
+		while (*zArg && isspace(*zArg) && *zArg != '\n') {
+			zArg++;
+		}
+		if (*zArg == 0 || *zArg == '\n') {
+			return 0;
+		}
+		nArg = pToken->nText + (int)(pToken->zText - zArg);
+		if (pToken->zText[pToken->nText - 1] == '\r') {
+			nArg--;
+		}
+		PushIfMacro("!defined", zArg, nArg, pToken->nLine, 0);
+	} else if (nCmd == 4 && strncmp(zCmd, "else", 4) == 0) {
+		/*
+		** Invert the #if on the top of the stack
+		*/
+		if (ifStack == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: '#else' without an '#if'\n",
+				zFilename, pToken->nLine);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		pIf = ifStack;
+		if (pIf->zCondition) {
+			ifStack = ifStack->pNext;
+			PushIfMacro("!", pIf->zCondition,
+				    strlen(pIf->zCondition), pIf->nLine, 0);
+			SafeFree(pIf);
+		} else {
+			pIf->flags = 0;
+		}
+	} else {
+		/*
+		** This directive can be safely ignored
+		*/
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	** Recompute the preset flags
+	*/
+	*pPresetFlags = 0;
+	for (pIf = ifStack; pIf; pIf = pIf->pNext) {
+		*pPresetFlags |= pIf->flags;
+	}
+	return nErr;
+** Parse an entire file.  Return the number of errors.
+** pList is a list of tokens in the file.  Whitespace tokens have been
+** eliminated, and text with {...} has been collapsed into a
+** single TT_Brace token.
+** initFlags are a set of parse flags that should always be set for this
+** file.  For .c files this is normally 0.  For .h files it is PS_Interface.
+static int ParseFile(Token *pList, int initFlags)
+	int nErr = 0;
+	Token *pStart = 0;
+	int flags = initFlags;
+	int presetFlags = initFlags;
+	int resetFlag = 0;
+	includeList = 0;
+	while (pList) {
+		switch (pList->eType) {
+		case TT_EOF:
+			goto end_of_loop;
+		case TT_Preprocessor:
+			nErr += ParsePreprocessor(pList, flags, &presetFlags);
+			pStart = 0;
+			presetFlags |= initFlags;
+			flags = presetFlags;
+			break;
+		case TT_Other:
+			switch (pList->zText[0]) {
+			case ';':
+				nErr += ProcessDecl(pStart, pList, flags);
+				pStart = 0;
+				flags = presetFlags;
+				break;
+			case '=':
+				if (pList->pPrev->nText == 8 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->pPrev->zText, "operator",
+					    8) == 0) {
+					break;
+				}
+				nErr += ProcessDecl(pStart, pList, flags);
+				pStart = 0;
+				while (pList && pList->zText[0] != ';') {
+					pList = pList->pNext;
+				}
+				if (pList == 0)
+					goto end_of_loop;
+				flags = presetFlags;
+				break;
+			case ':':
+				if (pList->zText[1] == ':') {
+					flags |= PS_Method;
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case TT_Braces:
+			nErr += ProcessProcedureDef(pStart, pList, flags);
+			pStart = 0;
+			flags = presetFlags;
+			break;
+		case TT_Id:
+			if (pStart == 0) {
+				pStart = pList;
+				flags = presetFlags;
+			}
+			resetFlag = 0;
+			switch (pList->zText[0]) {
+			case 'c':
+				if (pList->nText == 5 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "class", 5) == 0) {
+					nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(pList, flags,
+								&resetFlag);
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'E':
+				if (pList->nText == 6 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "EXPORT", 6) == 0) {
+					flags |= PS_Export2;
+					/* pStart = 0; */
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'e':
+				if (pList->nText == 4 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "enum", 4) == 0) {
+					if (pList->pNext &&
+					    pList->pNext->eType == TT_Braces) {
+						pList = pList->pNext;
+					} else {
+						nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(
+							pList, flags,
+							&resetFlag);
+					}
+				} else if (pList->nText == 6 &&
+					   strncmp(pList->zText, "extern", 6) ==
+						   0) {
+					pList = pList->pNext;
+					if (pList && pList->nText == 3 &&
+					    strncmp(pList->zText, "\"C\"", 3) ==
+						    0) {
+						pList = pList->pNext;
+						flags &= ~DP_Cplusplus;
+					} else {
+						flags |= PS_Extern;
+					}
+					pStart = pList;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'i':
+				if (pList->nText == 6 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "inline", 6) == 0 &&
+				    (flags & PS_Static) == 0) {
+					nErr += ProcessInlineProc(pList, flags,
+								  &resetFlag);
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'L':
+				if (pList->nText == 5 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "LOCAL", 5) == 0) {
+					flags |= PS_Local2;
+					pStart = pList;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'P':
+				if (pList->nText == 6 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "PUBLIC", 6) == 0) {
+					flags |= PS_Public;
+					pStart = pList;
+				} else if (pList->nText == 7 &&
+					   strncmp(pList->zText, "PRIVATE",
+						   7) == 0) {
+					flags |= PS_Private;
+					pStart = pList;
+				} else if (pList->nText == 9 &&
+					   strncmp(pList->zText, "PROTECTED",
+						   9) == 0) {
+					flags |= PS_Protected;
+					pStart = pList;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 's':
+				if (pList->nText == 6 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "struct", 6) == 0) {
+					if (pList->pNext &&
+					    pList->pNext->eType == TT_Braces) {
+						pList = pList->pNext;
+					} else {
+						nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(
+							pList, flags,
+							&resetFlag);
+					}
+				} else if (pList->nText == 6 &&
+					   strncmp(pList->zText, "static", 6) ==
+						   0) {
+					flags |= PS_Static;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 't':
+				if (pList->nText == 7 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "typedef", 7) == 0) {
+					flags |= PS_Typedef;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'u':
+				if (pList->nText == 5 &&
+				    strncmp(pList->zText, "union", 5) == 0) {
+					if (pList->pNext &&
+					    pList->pNext->eType == TT_Braces) {
+						pList = pList->pNext;
+					} else {
+						nErr += ProcessTypeDecl(
+							pList, flags,
+							&resetFlag);
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+			}
+			if (resetFlag != 0) {
+				while (pList && pList->zText[0] != resetFlag) {
+					pList = pList->pNext;
+				}
+				if (pList == 0)
+					goto end_of_loop;
+				pStart = 0;
+				flags = presetFlags;
+			}
+			break;
+		case TT_String:
+		case TT_Number:
+			break;
+		default:
+			pStart = pList;
+			flags = presetFlags;
+			break;
+		}
+		pList = pList->pNext;
+	}
+	/* Verify that all #ifs have a matching "#endif" */
+	while (ifStack) {
+		Ifmacro *pIf = ifStack;
+		ifStack = pIf->pNext;
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: This '#if' has no '#endif'\n",
+			zFilename, pIf->nLine);
+		SafeFree(pIf);
+	}
+	return nErr;
+** If the given Decl object has a non-null zExtra field, then the text
+** of that zExtra field needs to be inserted in the middle of the
+** zDecl field before the last "}" in the zDecl.  This routine does that.
+** If the zExtra is NULL, this routine is a no-op.
+** zExtra holds extra method declarations for classes.  The declarations
+** have to be inserted into the class definition.
+static void InsertExtraDecl(Decl *pDecl)
+	int i;
+	String str;
+	if (pDecl == 0 || pDecl->zExtra == 0 || pDecl->zDecl == 0)
+		return;
+	i = strlen(pDecl->zDecl) - 1;
+	while (i > 0 && pDecl->zDecl[i] != '}') {
+		i--;
+	}
+	StringInit(&str);
+	StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zDecl, i);
+	StringAppend(&str, pDecl->zExtra, 0);
+	StringAppend(&str, &pDecl->zDecl[i], 0);
+	SafeFree(pDecl->zDecl);
+	SafeFree(pDecl->zExtra);
+	pDecl->zDecl = StrDup(StringGet(&str), 0);
+	StringReset(&str);
+	pDecl->zExtra = 0;
+** Reset the DP_Forward and DP_Declared flags on all Decl structures.
+** Set both flags for anything that is tagged as local and isn't
+** in the file zFilename so that it won't be printing in other files.
+static void ResetDeclFlags(char *zFilename)
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
+		DeclClearProperty(pDecl, DP_Forward | DP_Declared);
+		if (DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Local) &&
+		    pDecl->zFile != zFilename) {
+			DeclSetProperty(pDecl, DP_Forward | DP_Declared);
+		}
+	}
+** Forward declaration of the ScanText() function.
+static void ScanText(const char *, GenState *pState);
+** The output in pStr is currently within an #if CONTEXT where context
+** is equal to *pzIf.  (*pzIf might be NULL to indicate that we are
+** not within any #if at the moment.)  We are getting ready to output
+** some text that needs to be within the context of "#if NEW" where
+** NEW is zIf.  Make an appropriate change to the context.
+static void ChangeIfContext(const char *zIf, /* The desired #if context */
+			    GenState *pState /* Current state of the code
+						generator */
+	if (zIf == 0) {
+		if (pState->zIf == 0)
+			return;
+		StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#endif\n", 0);
+		pState->zIf = 0;
+	} else {
+		if (pState->zIf) {
+			if (strcmp(zIf, pState->zIf) == 0)
+				return;
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#endif\n", 0);
+			pState->zIf = 0;
+		}
+		ScanText(zIf, pState);
+		if (pState->zIf != 0) {
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#endif\n", 0);
+		}
+		StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#if ", 0);
+		StringAppend(pState->pStr, zIf, 0);
+		StringAppend(pState->pStr, "\n", 0);
+		pState->zIf = zIf;
+	}
+** Add to the string pStr a #include of every file on the list of
+** include files pInclude.  The table pTable contains all files that
+** have already been #included at least once.  Don't add any
+** duplicates.  Update pTable with every new #include that is added.
+static void AddIncludes(Include *pInclude, /* Write every #include on this list
+					    */
+			GenState *pState /* Current state of the code generator
+					  */
+	if (pInclude) {
+		if (pInclude->pNext) {
+			AddIncludes(pInclude->pNext, pState);
+		}
+		if (IdentTableInsert(pState->pTable, pInclude->zLabel, 0)) {
+			ChangeIfContext(pInclude->zIf, pState);
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, "#include ", 0);
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, pInclude->zFile, 0);
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, "\n", 1);
+		}
+	}
+** Add to the string pStr a declaration for the object described
+** in pDecl.
+** If pDecl has already been declared in this file, detect that
+** fact and abort early.  Do not duplicate a declaration.
+** If the needFullDecl flag is false and this object has a forward
+** declaration, then supply the forward declaration only.  A later
+** call to CompleteForwardDeclarations() will finish the declaration
+** for us.  But if needFullDecl is true, we must supply the full
+** declaration now.  Some objects do not have a forward declaration.
+** For those objects, we must print the full declaration now.
+** Because it is illegal to duplicate a typedef in C, care is taken
+** to insure that typedefs for the same identifier are only issued once.
+static void DeclareObject(Decl *pDecl, /* The thing to be declared */
+			  GenState *pState, /* Current state of the code
+					       generator */
+			  int needFullDecl /* Must have the full declaration.  A
+					    * forward declaration isn't enough
+					    */
+	Decl *p; /* The object to be declared */
+	int flag;
+	int isCpp; /* True if generating C++ */
+	int doneTypedef = 0; /* True if a typedef has been done for this object
+			      */
+	/* printf("BEGIN %s of
+	 * %s\n",needFullDecl?"FULL":"PROTOTYPE",pDecl->zName);*/
+	/*
+	** For any object that has a forward declaration, go ahead and do the
+	** forward declaration first.
+	*/
+	isCpp = (pState->flags & DP_Cplusplus) != 0;
+	for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
+		if (p->zFwd) {
+			if (!DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Forward)) {
+				DeclSetProperty(p, DP_Forward);
+				if (strncmp(p->zFwd, "typedef", 7) == 0) {
+					if (doneTypedef)
+						continue;
+					doneTypedef = 1;
+				}
+				ChangeIfContext(p->zIf, pState);
+				StringAppend(pState->pStr,
+					     isCpp ? p->zFwdCpp : p->zFwd, 0);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	** Early out if everything is already suitably declared.
+	**
+	** This is a very important step because it prevents us from
+	** executing the code the follows in a recursive call to this
+	** function with the same value for pDecl.
+	*/
+	flag = needFullDecl ? DP_Declared | DP_Forward : DP_Forward;
+	for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
+		if (!DeclHasProperty(p, flag))
+			break;
+	}
+	if (p == 0) {
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	** Make sure we have all necessary #includes
+	*/
+	for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
+		AddIncludes(p->pInclude, pState);
+	}
+	/*
+	** Go ahead an mark everything as being declared, to prevent an
+	** infinite loop thru the ScanText() function.  At the same time,
+	** we decide which objects need a full declaration and mark them
+	** with the DP_Flag bit.  We are only able to use DP_Flag in this
+	** way because we know we'll never execute this far into this
+	** function on a recursive call with the same pDecl.  Hence, recursive
+	** calls to this function (through ScanText()) can never change the
+	** value of DP_Flag out from under us.
+	*/
+	for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
+		if (!DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Declared) &&
+		    (p->zFwd == 0 || needFullDecl) && p->zDecl != 0) {
+			DeclSetProperty(p, DP_Forward | DP_Declared | DP_Flag);
+		} else {
+			DeclClearProperty(p, DP_Flag);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	** Call ScanText() recursively (this routine is called from ScanText())
+	** to include declarations required to come before these declarations.
+	*/
+	for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
+		if (DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Flag)) {
+			if (p->zDecl[0] == '#') {
+				ScanText(&p->zDecl[1], pState);
+			} else {
+				InsertExtraDecl(p);
+				ScanText(p->zDecl, pState);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	** Output the declarations.  Do this in two passes.  First
+	** output everything that isn't a typedef.  Then go back and
+	** get the typedefs by the same name.
+	*/
+	for (p = pDecl; p; p = p->pSameName) {
+		if (DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Flag) &&
+		    !DeclHasProperty(p, TY_Typedef)) {
+			if (DeclHasAnyProperty(p, TY_Enumeration)) {
+				if (doneTypedef)
+					continue;
+				doneTypedef = 1;
+			}
+			ChangeIfContext(p->zIf, pState);
+			if (!isCpp && DeclHasAnyProperty(p, DP_ExternReqd)) {
+				StringAppend(pState->pStr, "extern ", 0);
+			} else if (isCpp &&
+				   DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Cplusplus |
+							      DP_ExternReqd)) {
+				StringAppend(pState->pStr, "extern ", 0);
+			} else if (isCpp &&
+				   DeclHasAnyProperty(
+					   p, DP_ExternCReqd | DP_ExternReqd)) {
+				StringAppend(pState->pStr, "extern \"C\" ", 0);
+			}
+			InsertExtraDecl(p);
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, p->zDecl, 0);
+			if (!isCpp && DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Cplusplus)) {
+				fprintf(stderr,
+					"%s: C code ought not reference the C++ object \"%s\"\n",
+					pState->zFilename, p->zName);
+				pState->nErr++;
+			}
+			DeclClearProperty(p, DP_Flag);
+		}
+	}
+	for (p = pDecl; p && !doneTypedef; p = p->pSameName) {
+		if (DeclHasProperty(p, DP_Flag)) {
+			/* This has to be a typedef */
+			doneTypedef = 1;
+			ChangeIfContext(p->zIf, pState);
+			InsertExtraDecl(p);
+			StringAppend(pState->pStr, p->zDecl, 0);
+		}
+	}
+** This routine scans the input text given, and appends to the
+** string in pState->pStr the text of any declarations that must
+** occur before the text in zText.
+** If an identifier in zText is immediately followed by '*', then
+** only forward declarations are needed for that identifier.  If the
+** identifier name is not followed immediately by '*', we must supply
+** a full declaration.
+static void ScanText(const char *zText, /* The input text to be scanned */
+		     GenState *pState /* Current state of the code generator */
+	int nextValid = 0; /* True is sNext contains valid data */
+	InStream sIn; /* The input text */
+	Token sToken; /* The current token being examined */
+	Token sNext; /* The next non-space token */
+	/* printf("BEGIN SCAN TEXT on %s\n", zText); */
+	sIn.z = zText;
+	sIn.i = 0;
+	sIn.nLine = 1;
+	while (sIn.z[sIn.i] != 0) {
+		if (nextValid) {
+			sToken = sNext;
+			nextValid = 0;
+		} else {
+			GetNonspaceToken(&sIn, &sToken);
+		}
+		if (sToken.eType == TT_Id) {
+			int needFullDecl; /* True if we need to provide the full
+					  *declaration,
+					  ** not just the forward declaration */
+			Decl *pDecl; /* The declaration having the name in
+					sToken */
+			/*
+			** See if there is a declaration in the database with
+			*the name given
+			** by sToken.
+			*/
+			pDecl = FindDecl(sToken.zText, sToken.nText);
+			if (pDecl == 0)
+				continue;
+			/*
+			** If we get this far, we've found an identifier that
+			*has a
+			** declaration in the database.  Now see if we the full
+			*declaration
+			** or just a forward declaration.
+			*/
+			GetNonspaceToken(&sIn, &sNext);
+			if (sNext.zText[0] == '*') {
+				needFullDecl = 0;
+			} else {
+				needFullDecl = 1;
+				nextValid = sNext.eType == TT_Id;
+			}
+			/*
+			** Generate the needed declaration.
+			*/
+			DeclareObject(pDecl, pState, needFullDecl);
+		} else if (sToken.eType == TT_Preprocessor) {
+			sIn.i -= sToken.nText - 1;
+		}
+	}
+	/* printf("END SCANTEXT\n"); */
+** Provide a full declaration to any object which so far has had only
+** a forward declaration.
+static void CompleteForwardDeclarations(GenState *pState)
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	int progress;
+	do {
+		progress = 0;
+		for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
+			if (DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Forward) &&
+			    !DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Declared)) {
+				DeclareObject(pDecl, pState, 1);
+				progress = 1;
+				assert(DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Declared));
+			}
+		}
+	} while (progress);
+** Generate an include file for the given source file.  Return the number
+** of errors encountered.
+** if nolocal_flag is true, then we do not generate declarations for
+** objected marked DP_Local.
+static int MakeHeader(InFile *pFile, FILE *report, int nolocal_flag)
+	int nErr = 0;
+	GenState sState;
+	String outStr;
+	IdentTable includeTable;
+	Ident *pId;
+	char *zNewVersion;
+	char *zOldVersion;
+	if (pFile->zHdr == 0 || *pFile->zHdr == 0)
+		return 0;
+	sState.pStr = &outStr;
+	StringInit(&outStr);
+	StringAppend(&outStr, zTopLine, nTopLine);
+	sState.pTable = &includeTable;
+	memset(&includeTable, 0, sizeof(includeTable));
+	sState.zIf = 0;
+	sState.nErr = 0;
+	sState.zFilename = pFile->zSrc;
+	sState.flags = pFile->flags & DP_Cplusplus;
+	ResetDeclFlags(nolocal_flag ? "no" : pFile->zSrc);
+	for (pId = pFile->idTable.pList; pId; pId = pId->pNext) {
+		Decl *pDecl = FindDecl(pId->zName, 0);
+		if (pDecl) {
+			DeclareObject(pDecl, &sState, 1);
+		}
+	}
+	CompleteForwardDeclarations(&sState);
+	ChangeIfContext(0, &sState);
+	nErr += sState.nErr;
+	zOldVersion = ReadFile(pFile->zHdr);
+	zNewVersion = StringGet(&outStr);
+	if (report)
+		fprintf(report, "%s: ", pFile->zHdr);
+	if (zOldVersion == 0) {
+		if (report)
+			fprintf(report, "updated\n");
+		if (WriteFile(pFile->zHdr, zNewVersion)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't write to file\n",
+				pFile->zHdr);
+			nErr++;
+		}
+	} else if (strncmp(zOldVersion, zTopLine, nTopLine) != 0) {
+		if (report)
+			fprintf(report, "error!\n");
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"%s: Can't overwrite this file because it wasn't previously\n"
+			"%*s  generated by 'makeheaders'.\n",
+			pFile->zHdr, (int)strlen(pFile->zHdr), "");
+		nErr++;
+	} else if (strcmp(zOldVersion, zNewVersion) != 0) {
+		if (report)
+			fprintf(report, "updated\n");
+		if (WriteFile(pFile->zHdr, zNewVersion)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't write to file\n",
+				pFile->zHdr);
+			nErr++;
+		}
+	} else if (report) {
+		fprintf(report, "unchanged\n");
+	}
+	SafeFree(zOldVersion);
+	IdentTableReset(&includeTable);
+	StringReset(&outStr);
+	return nErr;
+** Generate a global header file -- a header file that contains all
+** declarations.  If the forExport flag is true, then only those
+** objects that are exported are included in the header file.
+static int MakeGlobalHeader(int forExport)
+	GenState sState;
+	String outStr;
+	IdentTable includeTable;
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	sState.pStr = &outStr;
+	StringInit(&outStr);
+	/* StringAppend(&outStr,zTopLine,nTopLine); */
+	sState.pTable = &includeTable;
+	memset(&includeTable, 0, sizeof(includeTable));
+	sState.zIf = 0;
+	sState.nErr = 0;
+	sState.zFilename = "(all)";
+	sState.flags = 0;
+	ResetDeclFlags(0);
+	for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
+		if (forExport == 0 || DeclHasProperty(pDecl, DP_Export)) {
+			DeclareObject(pDecl, &sState, 1);
+		}
+	}
+	ChangeIfContext(0, &sState);
+	printf("%s", StringGet(&outStr));
+	IdentTableReset(&includeTable);
+	StringReset(&outStr);
+	return 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+** Return the number of characters in the given string prior to the
+** first newline.
+static int ClipTrailingNewline(char *z)
+	int n = strlen(z);
+	while (n > 0 && (z[n - 1] == '\n' || z[n - 1] == '\r')) {
+		n--;
+	}
+	return n;
+** Dump the entire declaration list for debugging purposes
+static void DumpDeclList(void)
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
+		printf("**** %s from file %s ****\n", pDecl->zName,
+		       pDecl->zFile);
+		if (pDecl->zIf) {
+			printf("If: [%.*s]\n", ClipTrailingNewline(pDecl->zIf),
+			       pDecl->zIf);
+		}
+		if (pDecl->zFwd) {
+			printf("Decl: [%.*s]\n",
+			       ClipTrailingNewline(pDecl->zFwd), pDecl->zFwd);
+		}
+		if (pDecl->zDecl) {
+			InsertExtraDecl(pDecl);
+			printf("Def: [%.*s]\n",
+			       ClipTrailingNewline(pDecl->zDecl), pDecl->zDecl);
+		}
+		if (pDecl->flags) {
+			static struct {
+				int mask;
+				char *desc;
+			} flagSet[] = {
+				{ TY_Class, "class" },
+				{ TY_Enumeration, "enum" },
+				{ TY_Structure, "struct" },
+				{ TY_Union, "union" },
+				{ TY_Variable, "variable" },
+				{ TY_Subroutine, "function" },
+				{ TY_Typedef, "typedef" },
+				{ TY_Macro, "macro" },
+				{ DP_Export, "export" },
+				{ DP_Local, "local" },
+				{ DP_Cplusplus, "C++" },
+			};
+			int i;
+			printf("flags:");
+			for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flagSet) / sizeof(flagSet[0]);
+			     i++) {
+				if (flagSet[i].mask & pDecl->flags) {
+					printf(" %s", flagSet[i].desc);
+				}
+			}
+			printf("\n");
+		}
+		if (pDecl->pInclude) {
+			Include *p;
+			printf("includes:");
+			for (p = pDecl->pInclude; p; p = p->pNext) {
+				printf(" %s", p->zFile);
+			}
+			printf("\n");
+		}
+	}
+** When the "-doc" command-line option is used, this routine is called
+** to print all of the database information to standard output.
+static void DocumentationDump(void)
+	Decl *pDecl;
+	static struct {
+		int mask;
+		char flag;
+	} flagSet[] = {
+		{ TY_Class, 'c' },     { TY_Enumeration, 'e' },
+		{ TY_Structure, 's' }, { TY_Union, 'u' },
+		{ TY_Variable, 'v' },  { TY_Subroutine, 'f' },
+		{ TY_Typedef, 't' },   { TY_Macro, 'm' },
+		{ DP_Export, 'x' },    { DP_Local, 'l' },
+		{ DP_Cplusplus, '+' },
+	};
+	for (pDecl = pDeclFirst; pDecl; pDecl = pDecl->pNext) {
+		int i;
+		int nLabel = 0;
+		char *zDecl;
+		char zLabel[50];
+		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flagSet) / sizeof(flagSet[0]); i++) {
+			if (DeclHasProperty(pDecl, flagSet[i].mask)) {
+				zLabel[nLabel++] = flagSet[i].flag;
+			}
+		}
+		if (nLabel == 0)
+			continue;
+		zLabel[nLabel] = 0;
+		InsertExtraDecl(pDecl);
+		zDecl = pDecl->zDecl;
+		if (zDecl == 0)
+			zDecl = pDecl->zFwd;
+		printf("%s %s %s %p %d %d %d %d %d\n", pDecl->zName, zLabel,
+		       pDecl->zFile, pDecl->pComment,
+		       pDecl->pComment ? pDecl->pComment->nText + 1 : 0,
+		       pDecl->zIf ? (int)strlen(pDecl->zIf) + 1 : 0,
+		       zDecl ? (int)strlen(zDecl) : 0,
+		       pDecl->pComment ? pDecl->pComment->nLine : 0,
+		       pDecl->tokenCode.nText ? pDecl->tokenCode.nText + 1 : 0);
+		if (pDecl->pComment) {
+			printf("%.*s\n", pDecl->pComment->nText,
+			       pDecl->pComment->zText);
+		}
+		if (pDecl->zIf) {
+			printf("%s\n", pDecl->zIf);
+		}
+		if (zDecl) {
+			printf("%s", zDecl);
+		}
+		if (pDecl->tokenCode.nText) {
+			printf("%.*s\n", pDecl->tokenCode.nText,
+			       pDecl->tokenCode.zText);
+		}
+	}
+** Given the complete text of an input file, this routine prints a
+** documentation record for the header comment at the beginning of the
+** file (if the file has a header comment.)
+void PrintModuleRecord(const char *zFile, const char *zFilename)
+	int i;
+	static int addr = 5;
+	while (isspace(*zFile)) {
+		zFile++;
+	}
+	if (*zFile != '/' || zFile[1] != '*')
+		return;
+	for (i = 2; zFile[i] && (zFile[i - 1] != '/' || zFile[i - 2] != '*');
+	     i++) {
+	}
+	if (zFile[i] == 0)
+		return;
+	printf("%s M %s %d %d 0 0 0 0\n%.*s\n", zFilename, zFilename, addr,
+	       i + 1, i, zFile);
+	addr += 4;
+** Given an input argument to the program, construct a new InFile
+** object.
+static InFile *CreateInFile(char *zArg, int *pnErr)
+	int nSrc;
+	char *zSrc;
+	InFile *pFile;
+	int i;
+	/*
+	** Get the name of the input file to be scanned.  The input file is
+	** everything before the first ':' or the whole file if no ':' is seen.
+	**
+	** Except, on windows, ignore any ':' that occurs as the second
+	*character
+	** since it might be part of the drive specifier.  So really, the ":'
+	*has
+	** to be the 3rd or later character in the name.  This precludes
+	*1-character
+	** file names, which really should not be a problem.
+	*/
+	zSrc = zArg;
+	for (nSrc = 2; zSrc[nSrc] && zArg[nSrc] != ':'; nSrc++) {
+	}
+	pFile = SafeMalloc(sizeof(InFile));
+	memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(InFile));
+	pFile->zSrc = StrDup(zSrc, nSrc);
+	/* Figure out if we are dealing with C or C++ code.  Assume any
+	** file with ".c" or ".h" is C code and all else is C++.
+	*/
+	if (nSrc > 2 && zSrc[nSrc - 2] == '.' &&
+	    (zSrc[nSrc - 1] == 'c' || zSrc[nSrc - 1] == 'h')) {
+		pFile->flags &= ~DP_Cplusplus;
+	} else {
+		pFile->flags |= DP_Cplusplus;
+	}
+	/*
+	** If a separate header file is specified, use it
+	*/
+	if (zSrc[nSrc] == ':') {
+		int nHdr;
+		char *zHdr;
+		zHdr = &zSrc[nSrc + 1];
+		for (nHdr = 0; zHdr[nHdr]; nHdr++) {
+		}
+		pFile->zHdr = StrDup(zHdr, nHdr);
+	}
+	/* Look for any 'c' or 'C' in the suffix of the file name and change
+	** that character to 'h' or 'H' respectively.  If no 'c' or 'C' is
+	*found,
+	** then assume we are dealing with a header.
+	*/
+	else {
+		int foundC = 0;
+		pFile->zHdr = StrDup(zSrc, nSrc);
+		for (i = nSrc - 1; i > 0 && pFile->zHdr[i] != '.'; i--) {
+			if (pFile->zHdr[i] == 'c') {
+				foundC = 1;
+				pFile->zHdr[i] = 'h';
+			} else if (pFile->zHdr[i] == 'C') {
+				foundC = 1;
+				pFile->zHdr[i] = 'H';
+			}
+		}
+		if (!foundC) {
+			SafeFree(pFile->zHdr);
+			pFile->zHdr = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	** If pFile->zSrc contains no 'c' or 'C' in its extension, it
+	** must be a header file.   In that case, we need to set the
+	** PS_Interface flag.
+	*/
+	pFile->flags |= PS_Interface;
+	for (i = nSrc - 1; i > 0 && zSrc[i] != '.'; i--) {
+		if (zSrc[i] == 'c' || zSrc[i] == 'C') {
+			pFile->flags &= ~PS_Interface;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Done!
+	 */
+	return pFile;
+/* MS-Windows and MS-DOS both have the following serious OS bug:  the
+** length of a command line is severely restricted.  But this program
+** occasionally requires long command lines.  Hence the following
+** work around.
+** If the parameters "-f FILENAME" appear anywhere on the command line,
+** then the named file is scanned for additional command line arguments.
+** These arguments are substituted in place of the "FILENAME" argument
+** in the original argument list.
+** This first parameter to this routine is the index of the "-f"
+** parameter in the argv[] array.  The argc and argv are passed by
+** pointer so that they can be changed.
+** Parsing of the parameters in the file is very simple.  Parameters
+** can be separated by any amount of white-space (including newlines
+** and carriage returns.)  There are now quoting characters of any
+** kind.  The length of a token is limited to about 1000 characters.
+static void AddParameters(int index, int *pArgc, char ***pArgv)
+	int argc = *pArgc; /* The original argc value */
+	char **argv = *pArgv; /* The original argv value */
+	int newArgc; /* Value for argc after inserting new arguments */
+	char **zNew = 0; /* The new argv after this routine is done */
+	char *zFile; /* Name of the input file */
+	int nNew = 0; /* Number of new entries in the argv[] file */
+	int nAlloc = 0; /* Space allocated for zNew[] */
+	int i; /* Loop counter */
+	int n; /* Number of characters in a new argument */
+	int c; /* Next character of input */
+	int startOfLine = 1; /* True if we are where '#' can start a comment */
+	FILE *in; /* The input file */
+	char zBuf[1000]; /* A single argument is accumulated here */
+	if (index + 1 == argc)
+		return;
+	zFile = argv[index + 1];
+	in = fopen(zFile, "r");
+	if (in == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file \"%s\"\n", zFile);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	c = ' ';
+	while (c != EOF) {
+		while (c != EOF && isspace(c)) {
+			if (c == '\n') {
+				startOfLine = 1;
+			}
+			c = getc(in);
+			if (startOfLine && c == '#') {
+				while (c != EOF && c != '\n') {
+					c = getc(in);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		n = 0;
+		while (c != EOF && !isspace(c)) {
+			if (n < sizeof(zBuf) - 1) {
+				zBuf[n++] = c;
+			}
+			startOfLine = 0;
+			c = getc(in);
+		}
+		zBuf[n] = 0;
+		if (n > 0) {
+			nNew++;
+			if (nNew + argc > nAlloc) {
+				if (nAlloc == 0) {
+					nAlloc = 100 + argc;
+					zNew = malloc(sizeof(char *) * nAlloc);
+				} else {
+					nAlloc *= 2;
+					zNew = realloc(zNew,
+						       sizeof(char *) * nAlloc);
+				}
+			}
+			if (zNew) {
+				int j = nNew + index;
+				zNew[j] = malloc(n + 1);
+				if (zNew[j]) {
+					strcpy(zNew[j], zBuf);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(in);
+	newArgc = argc + nNew - 1;
+	for (i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
+		zNew[i] = argv[i];
+	}
+	for (i = nNew + index + 1; i < newArgc; i++) {
+		zNew[i] = argv[i + 1 - nNew];
+	}
+	zNew[newArgc] = 0;
+	*pArgc = newArgc;
+	*pArgv = zNew;
+#ifdef NOT_USED
+** Return the time that the given file was last modified.  If we can't
+** locate the file (because, for example, it doesn't exist), then
+** return 0.
+static unsigned int ModTime(const char *zFilename)
+	unsigned int mTime = 0;
+	struct stat sStat;
+	if (stat(zFilename, &sStat) == 0) {
+		mTime = sStat.st_mtime;
+	}
+	return mTime;
+** Print a usage comment for this program.
+static void Usage(const char *argv0, const char *argvN)
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Illegal argument \"%s\"\n", argv0, argvN);
+	fprintf(stderr,
+		"Usage: %s [options] filename...\n"
+		"Options:\n"
+		"  -h          Generate a single .h to standard output.\n"
+		"  -H          Like -h, but only output EXPORT declarations.\n"
+		"  -v          (verbose) Write status information to the screen.\n"
+		"  -doc        Generate no header files.  Instead, output information\n"
+		"              that can be used by an automatic program documentation\n"
+		"              and cross-reference generator.\n"
+		"  -local      Generate prototypes for \"static\" functions and\n"
+		"              procedures.\n"
+		"  -f FILE     Read additional command-line arguments from the file named\n"
+		"              \"FILE\".\n"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		"  -! MASK     Set the debugging mask to the number \"MASK\".\n"
+		"  --          Treat all subsequent comment-line parameters as filenames,\n"
+		"              even if they begin with \"-\".\n",
+		argv0);
+** The following text contains a few simple #defines that we want
+** to be available to every file.
+static const char zInit[] = "#define INTERFACE 0\n"
+			    "#define EXPORT_INTERFACE 0\n"
+			    "#define LOCAL_INTERFACE 0\n"
+			    "#define EXPORT\n"
+			    "#define LOCAL static\n"
+			    "#define PUBLIC\n"
+			    "#define PRIVATE\n"
+			    "#define PROTECTED\n";
+#if TEST == 0
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int i; /* Loop counter */
+	int nErr = 0; /* Number of errors encountered */
+	Token *pList; /* List of input tokens for one file */
+	InFile *pFileList = 0; /* List of all input files */
+	InFile *pTail = 0; /* Last file on the list */
+	InFile *pFile; /* for looping over the file list */
+	int h_flag = 0; /* True if -h is present.  Output unified header */
+	int H_flag = 0; /* True if -H is present.  Output EXPORT header */
+	int v_flag = 0; /* Verbose */
+	int noMoreFlags; /* True if -- has been seen. */
+	FILE *report; /* Send progress reports to this, if not NULL */
+	noMoreFlags = 0;
+	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+		if (argv[i][0] == '-' && !noMoreFlags) {
+			switch (argv[i][1]) {
+			case 'h':
+				h_flag = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'H':
+				H_flag = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'v':
+				v_flag = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				doc_flag = 1;
+				proto_static = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'l':
+				proto_static = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'f':
+				AddParameters(i, &argc, &argv);
+				break;
+			case '-':
+				noMoreFlags = 1;
+				break;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+			case '!':
+				i++;
+				debugMask = strtol(argv[i], 0, 0);
+				break;
+			default:
+				Usage(argv[0], argv[i]);
+				return 1;
+			}
+		} else {
+			pFile = CreateInFile(argv[i], &nErr);
+			if (pFile) {
+				if (pFileList) {
+					pTail->pNext = pFile;
+					pTail = pFile;
+				} else {
+					pFileList = pTail = pFile;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (h_flag && H_flag) {
+		h_flag = 0;
+	}
+	if (v_flag) {
+		report = (h_flag || H_flag) ? stderr : stdout;
+	} else {
+		report = 0;
+	}
+	if (nErr > 0) {
+		return nErr;
+	}
+	for (pFile = pFileList; pFile; pFile = pFile->pNext) {
+		char *zFile;
+		zFilename = pFile->zSrc;
+		if (zFilename == 0)
+			continue;
+		zFile = ReadFile(zFilename);
+		if (zFile == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Can't read input file \"%s\"\n",
+				zFilename);
+			nErr++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (strncmp(zFile, zTopLine, nTopLine) == 0) {
+			pFile->zSrc = 0;
+		} else {
+			if (report)
+				fprintf(report, "Reading %s...\n", zFilename);
+			pList = TokenizeFile(zFile, &pFile->idTable);
+			if (pList) {
+				nErr += ParseFile(pList, pFile->flags);
+				FreeTokenList(pList);
+			} else if (zFile[0] == 0) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Input file \"%s\" is empty.\n",
+					zFilename);
+				nErr++;
+			} else {
+				fprintf(stderr,
+					"Errors while processing \"%s\"\n",
+					zFilename);
+				nErr++;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!doc_flag)
+			SafeFree(zFile);
+		if (doc_flag)
+			PrintModuleRecord(zFile, zFilename);
+	}
+	if (nErr > 0) {
+		return nErr;
+	}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (debugMask & DECL_DUMP) {
+		DumpDeclList();
+		return nErr;
+	}
+	if (doc_flag) {
+		DocumentationDump();
+		return nErr;
+	}
+	zFilename = "--internal--";
+	pList = TokenizeFile(zInit, 0);
+	if (pList == 0) {
+		return nErr + 1;
+	}
+	ParseFile(pList, PS_Interface);
+	FreeTokenList(pList);
+	if (h_flag || H_flag) {
+		nErr += MakeGlobalHeader(H_flag);
+	} else {
+		for (pFile = pFileList; pFile; pFile = pFile->pNext) {
+			if (pFile->zSrc == 0)
+				continue;
+			nErr += MakeHeader(pFile, report, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	return nErr;