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[v4,03/13] selftests/sgx: Handle relocations in test enclave

Message ID 20230825133252.9056-4-jo.vanbulck@cs.kuleuven.be (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series selftests/sgx: Fix compilation errors | expand

Commit Message

Jo Van Bulck Aug. 25, 2023, 1:32 p.m. UTC
Static-pie binaries normally include a startup routine to perform any ELF
relocations from .rela.dyn. Since the enclave loading process is different
and glibc is not included, do the necessary relocation for encl_op_array
entries manually at runtime relative to the enclave base to ensure correct
function pointers.

Signed-off-by: Jo Van Bulck <jo.vanbulck@cs.kuleuven.be>
Reviewed-by: Jarkko Sakkinen <jarkko@kernel.org>
 tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c | 48 +++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)


Huang, Kai Aug. 28, 2023, 1:15 p.m. UTC | #1
On Fri, 2023-08-25 at 15:32 +0200, Jo Van Bulck wrote:
> Static-pie binaries normally include a startup routine to perform any ELF
> relocations from .rela.dyn. Since the enclave loading process is different
> and glibc is not included, do the necessary relocation for encl_op_array
> entries manually at runtime relative to the enclave base to ensure correct
> function pointers.

Sorry for late reply.

I am wondering is this the right justification for _this_ particular patch?

Even above paragraph is true, the existing code w/o this patch can work because
the generated asm code uses "lea (-xxx)(%rip), %<reg>" to get the right address
and store it to the array on the stack.

It stops to work because you want to use -Os, in which case the generated asm
code instead initializes the array by copying an array (which has function
addresses starting from 0) generated by the compiler/linker.

So to me the true justification should be "using -Os breaks the code".  Or do
you think "the compiler generating code to initialize the array on the stack
using RIP-relative addressing to get the function address" is completely a lucky

Anyway, it will be very helpful to include the assembly code generated both w/
and w/o using -Os here to the changelog to demonstrate the problem and we need
this patch to fixup.

Without those information, it's basically very hard for people to understand why
this is needed.  This will save maintainer's time, and make git blamer's life
easy in the future.

> Signed-off-by: Jo Van Bulck <jo.vanbulck@cs.kuleuven.be>
> Reviewed-by: Jarkko Sakkinen <jarkko@kernel.org>
> ---
>  tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c | 48 +++++++++++++++++--------
>  1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c b/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c
> index c0d6397295e3..706c1f7260ff 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c
> @@ -119,21 +119,39 @@ static void do_encl_op_nop(void *_op)
>  }
> +/*
> + * Symbol placed at the start of the enclave image by the linker script.
> + * Declare this extern symbol with visibility "hidden" to ensure the
> + * compiler does not access it through the GOT.
> + */
> +extern const uint8_t __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __encl_base;
> +
> +typedef void (*encl_op_t)(void *);
> +static const encl_op_t encl_op_array[ENCL_OP_MAX] = {
> +	do_encl_op_put_to_buf,
> +	do_encl_op_get_from_buf,
> +	do_encl_op_put_to_addr,
> +	do_encl_op_get_from_addr,
> +	do_encl_op_nop,
> +	do_encl_eaccept,
> +	do_encl_emodpe,
> +	do_encl_init_tcs_page,
> +};
> +
>  void encl_body(void *rdi,  void *rsi)
>  {
> -	const void (*encl_op_array[ENCL_OP_MAX])(void *) = {
> -		do_encl_op_put_to_buf,
> -		do_encl_op_get_from_buf,
> -		do_encl_op_put_to_addr,
> -		do_encl_op_get_from_addr,
> -		do_encl_op_nop,
> -		do_encl_eaccept,
> -		do_encl_emodpe,
> -		do_encl_init_tcs_page,
> -	};
> -
> -	struct encl_op_header *op = (struct encl_op_header *)rdi;
> -
> -	if (op->type < ENCL_OP_MAX)
> -		(*encl_op_array[op->type])(op);
> +	struct encl_op_header *header = (struct encl_op_header *)rdi;
> +	encl_op_t op;
> +
> +	if (header->type >= ENCL_OP_MAX)
> +		return;
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * The enclave base address needs to be added, as this call site
> +	 * *cannot be* made rip-relative by the compiler, or fixed up by
> +	 * any other possible means.
> +	 */

Is it better to explicitly call out the compiler generates RIP-relative
addressing code to get the address associated with '__encl_base' symbol, so we
can get the actual enclave base during runtime?

Maybe it's obvious, but I am not sure :-)

> +	op = ((uint64_t)&__encl_base) + encl_op_array[header->type];
> +
> +	(*op)(header);
>  }
Jo Van Bulck Aug. 31, 2023, 12:48 p.m. UTC | #2
On 28.08.23 15:15, Huang, Kai wrote:
> I am wondering is this the right justification for _this_ particular patch?
> Even above paragraph is true, the existing code w/o this patch can work because
> the generated asm code uses "lea (-xxx)(%rip), %<reg>" to get the right address
> and store it to the array on the stack.

Yes, I agree the current code *happens* to work with this explicit array 

> It stops to work because you want to use -Os, in which case the generated asm
> code instead initializes the array by copying an array (which has function
> addresses starting from 0) generated by the compiler/linker.

I'd say the compiler is free to perform this sensible optimization, as 
long as it marks any relocations in .rela.dyn. Thus, the *real* reason 
why it stops to work is that the enclave does not include a startup 
routine to perform any ELF relocations from .rela.dyn (as included in 

The minimal fix, done in this patch, is to not include a full .rela.dyn 
relocation routine with all the overheads of parsing, but simply 
manually relocate the only place where this may be needed, ie the 
function pointer table. Ultimately, I could imagine a further 
enhancement may also be to parse .rela.dyn at build time and make sure 
no other relocations are there (outside the false positives for the TCS 
as discussed earlier).

> So to me the true justification should be "using -Os breaks the code". 

I'd say compiler optimizations should not break correct code. In other 
words, the main objective of this patch series is to avoid reliance on 
undefined, compiler-specific behavior that can make the test results 
unpredictable and fragile as compiler versions or options may change in 
the future.

> Or do
> you think "the compiler generating code to initialize the array on the stack
> using RIP-relative addressing to get the function address" is completely a lucky
> thing?

To some extent, yes. While I only saw this with -Os for gcc, I found 
that clang never initializes the array on the stack and this may also 
change for gcc at any point I'd expect.

For reference, I'm including the full encl_body assembly for both gcc 
and clang for -O{1,2,3,s,g} at the bottom of this email.

> Anyway, it will be very helpful to include the assembly code generated both w/
> and w/o using -Os here to the changelog to demonstrate the problem and we need
> this patch to fixup. >
> Without those information, it's basically very hard for people to understand why
> this is needed.  This will save maintainer's time, and make git blamer's life
> easy in the future.

Makes sense, will do this for the next revision.

>> +	/*
>> +	 * The enclave base address needs to be added, as this call site
>> +	 * *cannot be* made rip-relative by the compiler, or fixed up by
>> +	 * any other possible means.
>> +	 */
> Is it better to explicitly call out the compiler generates RIP-relative
> addressing code to get the address associated with '__encl_base' symbol, so we
> can get the actual enclave base during runtime?
> Maybe it's obvious, but I am not sure :-)
>> +	op = ((uint64_t)&__encl_base) + encl_op_array[header->type];
>> +
>> +	(*op)(header);
>>   }

I'm including a comment on this a few lines higher, where __encl_base is 



0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	55                   	push   %rbp
     2001:	48 89 e5             	mov    %rsp,%rbp
     2004:	48 83 ec 60          	sub    $0x60,%rsp
     2008:	48 8d 05 f1 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1ff1(%rip),%rax        # 4000 
     200f:	48 89 7d f8          	mov    %rdi,-0x8(%rbp)
     2013:	48 89 75 f0          	mov    %rsi,-0x10(%rbp)
     2017:	48 8d 4d b0          	lea    -0x50(%rbp),%rcx
     201b:	48 89 cf             	mov    %rcx,%rdi
     201e:	48 89 c6             	mov    %rax,%rsi
     2021:	ba 40 00 00 00       	mov    $0x40,%edx
     2026:	e8 95 03 00 00       	call   23c0 <memcpy>
     202b:	48 8b 45 f8          	mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
     202f:	48 89 45 a8          	mov    %rax,-0x58(%rbp)
     2033:	48 8b 45 a8          	mov    -0x58(%rbp),%rax
     2037:	48 83 38 08          	cmpq   $0x8,(%rax)
     203b:	0f 83 15 00 00 00    	jae    2056 <encl_body+0x56>
     2041:	48 8b 45 a8          	mov    -0x58(%rbp),%rax
     2045:	48 8b 00             	mov    (%rax),%rax
     2048:	48 8b 44 c5 b0       	mov    -0x50(%rbp,%rax,8),%rax
     204d:	48 8b 4d a8          	mov    -0x58(%rbp),%rcx
     2051:	48 89 cf             	mov    %rcx,%rdi
     2054:	ff d0                	call   *%rax
     2056:	48 83 c4 60          	add    $0x60,%rsp
     205a:	5d                   	pop    %rbp
     205b:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	50                   	push   %rax
     2001:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2004:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2008:	77 0a                	ja     2014 <encl_body+0x14>
     200a:	48 8d 0d ef 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1fef(%rip),%rcx        # 4000 
     2011:	ff 14 c1             	call   *(%rcx,%rax,8)
     2014:	58                   	pop    %rax
     2015:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2003:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2007:	77 0a                	ja     2013 <encl_body+0x13>
     2009:	48 8d 0d f0 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1ff0(%rip),%rcx        # 4000 
     2010:	ff 24 c1             	jmp    *(%rcx,%rax,8)
     2013:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2003:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2007:	77 0a                	ja     2013 <encl_body+0x13>
     2009:	48 8d 0d f0 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1ff0(%rip),%rcx        # 4000 
     2010:	ff 24 c1             	jmp    *(%rcx,%rax,8)
     2013:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2003:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2007:	77 0a                	ja     2013 <encl_body+0x13>
     2009:	48 8d 0d f0 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1ff0(%rip),%rcx        # 4000 
     2010:	ff 24 c1             	jmp    *(%rcx,%rax,8)
     2013:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	50                   	push   %rax
     2001:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2004:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2008:	77 0a                	ja     2014 <encl_body+0x14>
     200a:	48 8d 0d ef 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1fef(%rip),%rcx        # 4000 
     2011:	ff 14 c1             	call   *(%rcx,%rax,8)
     2014:	58                   	pop    %rax
     2015:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002000 <encl_body>:
     2000:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2003:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2007:	77 0a                	ja     2013 <encl_body+0x13>
     2009:	48 8d 0d f0 1f 00 00 	lea    0x1ff0(%rip),%rcx        # 4000 
     2010:	ff 24 c1             	jmp    *(%rcx,%rax,8)
     2013:	c3                   	ret


00000000000023f4 <encl_body>:
     23f4:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     23f8:	55                   	push   %rbp
     23f9:	48 89 e5             	mov    %rsp,%rbp
     23fc:	48 83 ec 60          	sub    $0x60,%rsp
     2400:	48 89 7d a8          	mov    %rdi,-0x58(%rbp)
     2404:	48 89 75 a0          	mov    %rsi,-0x60(%rbp)
     2408:	48 8d 05 ec fe ff ff 	lea    -0x114(%rip),%rax        # 22fb 
     240f:	48 89 45 b0          	mov    %rax,-0x50(%rbp)
     2413:	48 8d 05 18 ff ff ff 	lea    -0xe8(%rip),%rax        # 2332 
     241a:	48 89 45 b8          	mov    %rax,-0x48(%rbp)
     241e:	48 8d 05 44 ff ff ff 	lea    -0xbc(%rip),%rax        # 2369 
     2425:	48 89 45 c0          	mov    %rax,-0x40(%rbp)
     2429:	48 8d 05 77 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x89(%rip),%rax        # 23a7 
     2430:	48 89 45 c8          	mov    %rax,-0x38(%rbp)
     2434:	48 8d 05 aa ff ff ff 	lea    -0x56(%rip),%rax        # 23e5 
     243b:	48 89 45 d0          	mov    %rax,-0x30(%rbp)
     243f:	48 8d 05 4f fc ff ff 	lea    -0x3b1(%rip),%rax        # 2095 
     2446:	48 89 45 d8          	mov    %rax,-0x28(%rbp)
     244a:	48 8d 05 af fb ff ff 	lea    -0x451(%rip),%rax        # 2000 
     2451:	48 89 45 e0          	mov    %rax,-0x20(%rbp)
     2455:	48 8d 05 72 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x28e(%rip),%rax        # 21ce 
     245c:	48 89 45 e8          	mov    %rax,-0x18(%rbp)
     2460:	48 8b 45 a8          	mov    -0x58(%rbp),%rax
     2464:	48 89 45 f8          	mov    %rax,-0x8(%rbp)
     2468:	48 8b 45 f8          	mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
     246c:	48 8b 00             	mov    (%rax),%rax
     246f:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     2473:	77 15                	ja     248a <encl_body+0x96>
     2475:	48 8b 45 f8          	mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
     2479:	48 8b 00             	mov    (%rax),%rax
     247c:	48 8b 54 c5 b0       	mov    -0x50(%rbp,%rax,8),%rdx
     2481:	48 8b 45 f8          	mov    -0x8(%rbp),%rax
     2485:	48 89 c7             	mov    %rax,%rdi
     2488:	ff d2                	call   *%rdx
     248a:	90                   	nop
     248b:	c9                   	leave
     248c:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002239 <encl_body>:
     2239:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     223d:	48 83 ec 48          	sub    $0x48,%rsp
     2241:	48 8d 05 b6 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x14a(%rip),%rax        # 20fe 
     2248:	48 89 04 24          	mov    %rax,(%rsp)
     224c:	48 8d 05 c5 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x13b(%rip),%rax        # 2118 
     2253:	48 89 44 24 08       	mov    %rax,0x8(%rsp)
     2258:	48 8d 05 d3 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x12d(%rip),%rax        # 2132 
     225f:	48 89 44 24 10       	mov    %rax,0x10(%rsp)
     2264:	48 8d 05 de fe ff ff 	lea    -0x122(%rip),%rax        # 2149 
     226b:	48 89 44 24 18       	mov    %rax,0x18(%rsp)
     2270:	48 8d 05 e9 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x117(%rip),%rax        # 2160 
     2277:	48 89 44 24 20       	mov    %rax,0x20(%rsp)
     227c:	48 8d 05 e9 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x217(%rip),%rax        # 206c 
     2283:	48 89 44 24 28       	mov    %rax,0x28(%rsp)
     2288:	48 8d 05 71 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x28f(%rip),%rax        # 2000 
     228f:	48 89 44 24 30       	mov    %rax,0x30(%rsp)
     2294:	48 8d 05 ca fe ff ff 	lea    -0x136(%rip),%rax        # 2165 
     229b:	48 89 44 24 38       	mov    %rax,0x38(%rsp)
     22a0:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     22a3:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     22a7:	77 03                	ja     22ac <encl_body+0x73>
     22a9:	ff 14 c4             	call   *(%rsp,%rax,8)
     22ac:	48 83 c4 48          	add    $0x48,%rsp
     22b0:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002210 <encl_body>:
     2210:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     2214:	48 8d 05 25 ff ff ff 	lea    -0xdb(%rip),%rax        # 2140 
     221b:	48 89 44 24 b8       	mov    %rax,-0x48(%rsp)
     2220:	48 8d 05 49 ff ff ff 	lea    -0xb7(%rip),%rax        # 2170 
     2227:	48 89 44 24 c0       	mov    %rax,-0x40(%rsp)
     222c:	48 8d 05 6d ff ff ff 	lea    -0x93(%rip),%rax        # 21a0 
     2233:	48 89 44 24 c8       	mov    %rax,-0x38(%rsp)
     2238:	48 8d 05 91 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x6f(%rip),%rax        # 21d0 
     223f:	48 89 44 24 d0       	mov    %rax,-0x30(%rsp)
     2244:	48 8d 05 b5 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x4b(%rip),%rax        # 2200 
     224b:	48 89 44 24 d8       	mov    %rax,-0x28(%rsp)
     2250:	48 8d 05 f9 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x207(%rip),%rax        # 2050 
     2257:	48 89 44 24 e0       	mov    %rax,-0x20(%rsp)
     225c:	48 8d 05 9d fd ff ff 	lea    -0x263(%rip),%rax        # 2000 
     2263:	48 89 44 24 e8       	mov    %rax,-0x18(%rsp)
     2268:	48 8d 05 31 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x1cf(%rip),%rax        # 20a0 
     226f:	48 89 44 24 f0       	mov    %rax,-0x10(%rsp)
     2274:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2277:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     227b:	77 0b                	ja     2288 <encl_body+0x78>
     227d:	ff 64 c4 b8          	jmp    *-0x48(%rsp,%rax,8)
     2281:	0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 	nopl   0x0(%rax)
     2288:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002220 <encl_body>:
     2220:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     2224:	48 8d 05 55 ff ff ff 	lea    -0xab(%rip),%rax        # 2180 
     222b:	48 8d 15 3e ff ff ff 	lea    -0xc2(%rip),%rdx        # 2170 
     2232:	66 48 0f 6e c2       	movq   %rdx,%xmm0
     2237:	66 48 0f 6e c8       	movq   %rax,%xmm1
     223c:	48 8d 0d 4d ff ff ff 	lea    -0xb3(%rip),%rcx        # 2190 
     2243:	66 0f 6c c1          	punpcklqdq %xmm1,%xmm0
     2247:	48 8d 05 82 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x7e(%rip),%rax        # 21d0 
     224e:	48 8d 35 bb ff ff ff 	lea    -0x45(%rip),%rsi        # 2210 
     2255:	66 48 0f 6e d0       	movq   %rax,%xmm2
     225a:	0f 29 44 24 b8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x48(%rsp)
     225f:	66 48 0f 6e c1       	movq   %rcx,%xmm0
     2264:	48 8d 05 e5 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x21b(%rip),%rax        # 2050 
     226b:	66 0f 6c c2          	punpcklqdq %xmm2,%xmm0
     226f:	66 48 0f 6e d8       	movq   %rax,%xmm3
     2274:	48 8d 15 85 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x27b(%rip),%rdx        # 2000 
     227b:	0f 29 44 24 c8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x38(%rsp)
     2280:	66 48 0f 6e c6       	movq   %rsi,%xmm0
     2285:	48 8d 05 14 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x1ec(%rip),%rax        # 20a0 
     228c:	66 0f 6c c3          	punpcklqdq %xmm3,%xmm0
     2290:	66 48 0f 6e e0       	movq   %rax,%xmm4
     2295:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2298:	0f 29 44 24 d8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x28(%rsp)
     229d:	66 48 0f 6e c2       	movq   %rdx,%xmm0
     22a2:	66 0f 6c c4          	punpcklqdq %xmm4,%xmm0
     22a6:	0f 29 44 24 e8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x18(%rsp)
     22ab:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     22af:	77 07                	ja     22b8 <encl_body+0x98>
     22b1:	ff 64 c4 b8          	jmp    *-0x48(%rsp,%rax,8)
     22b5:	0f 1f 00             	nopl   (%rax)
     22b8:	c3                   	ret


0000000000002220 <encl_body>:
     2220:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     2224:	48 8d 05 55 ff ff ff 	lea    -0xab(%rip),%rax        # 2180 
     222b:	48 8d 15 3e ff ff ff 	lea    -0xc2(%rip),%rdx        # 2170 
     2232:	66 48 0f 6e c2       	movq   %rdx,%xmm0
     2237:	66 48 0f 6e c8       	movq   %rax,%xmm1
     223c:	48 8d 0d 4d ff ff ff 	lea    -0xb3(%rip),%rcx        # 2190 
     2243:	66 0f 6c c1          	punpcklqdq %xmm1,%xmm0
     2247:	48 8d 05 82 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x7e(%rip),%rax        # 21d0 
     224e:	48 8d 35 bb ff ff ff 	lea    -0x45(%rip),%rsi        # 2210 
     2255:	66 48 0f 6e d0       	movq   %rax,%xmm2
     225a:	0f 29 44 24 b8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x48(%rsp)
     225f:	66 48 0f 6e c1       	movq   %rcx,%xmm0
     2264:	48 8d 05 e5 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x21b(%rip),%rax        # 2050 
     226b:	66 0f 6c c2          	punpcklqdq %xmm2,%xmm0
     226f:	66 48 0f 6e d8       	movq   %rax,%xmm3
     2274:	48 8d 15 85 fd ff ff 	lea    -0x27b(%rip),%rdx        # 2000 
     227b:	0f 29 44 24 c8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x38(%rsp)
     2280:	66 48 0f 6e c6       	movq   %rsi,%xmm0
     2285:	48 8d 05 14 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x1ec(%rip),%rax        # 20a0 
     228c:	66 0f 6c c3          	punpcklqdq %xmm3,%xmm0
     2290:	66 48 0f 6e e0       	movq   %rax,%xmm4
     2295:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     2298:	0f 29 44 24 d8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x28(%rsp)
     229d:	66 48 0f 6e c2       	movq   %rdx,%xmm0
     22a2:	66 0f 6c c4          	punpcklqdq %xmm4,%xmm0
     22a6:	0f 29 44 24 e8       	movaps %xmm0,-0x18(%rsp)
     22ab:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     22af:	77 07                	ja     22b8 <encl_body+0x98>
     22b1:	ff 64 c4 b8          	jmp    *-0x48(%rsp,%rax,8)
     22b5:	0f 1f 00             	nopl   (%rax)
     22b8:	c3                   	ret


000000000000225f <encl_body>:
     225f:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     2263:	48 83 ec 48          	sub    $0x48,%rsp
     2267:	48 8d 05 8a ff ff ff 	lea    -0x76(%rip),%rax        # 21f8 
     226e:	48 89 04 24          	mov    %rax,(%rsp)
     2272:	48 8d 05 99 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x67(%rip),%rax        # 2212 
     2279:	48 89 44 24 08       	mov    %rax,0x8(%rsp)
     227e:	48 8d 05 a7 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x59(%rip),%rax        # 222c 
     2285:	48 89 44 24 10       	mov    %rax,0x10(%rsp)
     228a:	48 8d 05 b2 ff ff ff 	lea    -0x4e(%rip),%rax        # 2243 
     2291:	48 89 44 24 18       	mov    %rax,0x18(%rsp)
     2296:	48 8d 05 bd ff ff ff 	lea    -0x43(%rip),%rax        # 225a 
     229d:	48 89 44 24 20       	mov    %rax,0x20(%rsp)
     22a2:	48 8d 05 cc fd ff ff 	lea    -0x234(%rip),%rax        # 2075 
     22a9:	48 89 44 24 28       	mov    %rax,0x28(%rsp)
     22ae:	48 8d 05 4b fd ff ff 	lea    -0x2b5(%rip),%rax        # 2000 
     22b5:	48 89 44 24 30       	mov    %rax,0x30(%rsp)
     22ba:	48 8d 05 64 fe ff ff 	lea    -0x19c(%rip),%rax        # 2125 
     22c1:	48 89 44 24 38       	mov    %rax,0x38(%rsp)
     22c6:	48 8b 07             	mov    (%rdi),%rax
     22c9:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     22cd:	77 03                	ja     22d2 <encl_body+0x73>
     22cf:	ff 14 c4             	call   *(%rsp,%rax,8)
     22d2:	48 83 c4 48          	add    $0x48,%rsp
     22d6:	c3                   	ret


00000000000021a9 <encl_body>:
     21a9:	f3 0f 1e fa          	endbr64
     21ad:	49 89 f8             	mov    %rdi,%r8
     21b0:	48 8d 35 49 1e 00 00 	lea    0x1e49(%rip),%rsi        # 4000 
     21b7:	48 8d 7c 24 b8       	lea    -0x48(%rsp),%rdi
     21bc:	b9 10 00 00 00       	mov    $0x10,%ecx
     21c1:	f3 a5                	rep movsl %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
     21c3:	49 8b 00             	mov    (%r8),%rax
     21c6:	48 83 f8 07          	cmp    $0x7,%rax
     21ca:	77 0a                	ja     21d6 <encl_body+0x2d>
     21cc:	48 8b 44 c4 b8       	mov    -0x48(%rsp,%rax,8),%rax
     21d1:	4c 89 c7             	mov    %r8,%rdi
     21d4:	ff e0                	jmp    *%rax
     21d6:	c3                   	ret
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c b/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c
index c0d6397295e3..706c1f7260ff 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/sgx/test_encl.c
@@ -119,21 +119,39 @@  static void do_encl_op_nop(void *_op)
+ * Symbol placed at the start of the enclave image by the linker script.
+ * Declare this extern symbol with visibility "hidden" to ensure the
+ * compiler does not access it through the GOT.
+ */
+extern const uint8_t __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __encl_base;
+typedef void (*encl_op_t)(void *);
+static const encl_op_t encl_op_array[ENCL_OP_MAX] = {
+	do_encl_op_put_to_buf,
+	do_encl_op_get_from_buf,
+	do_encl_op_put_to_addr,
+	do_encl_op_get_from_addr,
+	do_encl_op_nop,
+	do_encl_eaccept,
+	do_encl_emodpe,
+	do_encl_init_tcs_page,
 void encl_body(void *rdi,  void *rsi)
-	const void (*encl_op_array[ENCL_OP_MAX])(void *) = {
-		do_encl_op_put_to_buf,
-		do_encl_op_get_from_buf,
-		do_encl_op_put_to_addr,
-		do_encl_op_get_from_addr,
-		do_encl_op_nop,
-		do_encl_eaccept,
-		do_encl_emodpe,
-		do_encl_init_tcs_page,
-	};
-	struct encl_op_header *op = (struct encl_op_header *)rdi;
-	if (op->type < ENCL_OP_MAX)
-		(*encl_op_array[op->type])(op);
+	struct encl_op_header *header = (struct encl_op_header *)rdi;
+	encl_op_t op;
+	if (header->type >= ENCL_OP_MAX)
+		return;
+	/*
+	 * The enclave base address needs to be added, as this call site
+	 * *cannot be* made rip-relative by the compiler, or fixed up by
+	 * any other possible means.
+	 */
+	op = ((uint64_t)&__encl_base) + encl_op_array[header->type];
+	(*op)(header);