diff mbox series

[v5,5/7] media: qcom: camss: Add support for named power-domains

Message ID 20231118-b4-camss-named-power-domains-v5-5-55eb0f35a30a@linaro.org (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Headers show
Series media: qcom: camss: Introduce support for named power-domains | expand

Commit Message

Bryan O'Donoghue Nov. 18, 2023, 12:11 p.m. UTC
Right now we use fixed indexes to assign power-domains, with a
requirement for the TOP GDSC to come last in the list.

Adding support for named power-domains means the declaration in the dtsi
can come in any order.

After this change we continue to support the old indexing - if a SoC
resource declaration or the in-use dtb doesn't declare power-domain names
we fall back to the default legacy indexing.

From this point on though new SoC additions should contain named
power-domains, eventually we will drop support for legacy indexing.

Tested-by: Matti Lehtimäki <matti.lehtimaki@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
 drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss-vfe.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c     | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h     |  2 ++
 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


Konrad Dybcio Nov. 22, 2023, 7:55 p.m. UTC | #1
On 11/18/23 13:11, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
> Right now we use fixed indexes to assign power-domains, with a
> requirement for the TOP GDSC to come last in the list.
> Adding support for named power-domains means the declaration in the dtsi
> can come in any order.
> After this change we continue to support the old indexing - if a SoC
> resource declaration or the in-use dtb doesn't declare power-domain names
> we fall back to the default legacy indexing.
>  From this point on though new SoC additions should contain named
> power-domains, eventually we will drop support for legacy indexing.
> Tested-by: Matti Lehtimäki <matti.lehtimaki@gmail.com>
> Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
> ---
So, this commit should be a NOP within this series?

res->pd_name isn't defined anywhere afaics

Bryan O'Donoghue Nov. 22, 2023, 8:55 p.m. UTC | #2
On 22/11/2023 19:55, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 11/18/23 13:11, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
>> Right now we use fixed indexes to assign power-domains, with a
>> requirement for the TOP GDSC to come last in the list.
>> Adding support for named power-domains means the declaration in the dtsi
>> can come in any order.
>> After this change we continue to support the old indexing - if a SoC
>> resource declaration or the in-use dtb doesn't declare power-domain names
>> we fall back to the default legacy indexing.
>>  From this point on though new SoC additions should contain named
>> power-domains, eventually we will drop support for legacy indexing.
>> Tested-by: Matti Lehtimäki <matti.lehtimaki@gmail.com>
>> Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
>> ---
> So, this commit should be a NOP within this series?
> res->pd_name isn't defined anywhere afaics
> Konrad

This series is mergeable though the linux-media tree standalone, yes.

Once merged, the dtsi change given in the cover letter will be submitted.

The sm8250 change is posted here : 

Konrad Dybcio Nov. 23, 2023, 11:49 a.m. UTC | #3
On 11/22/23 21:55, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
> On 22/11/2023 19:55, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
>> On 11/18/23 13:11, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
>>> Right now we use fixed indexes to assign power-domains, with a
>>> requirement for the TOP GDSC to come last in the list.
>>> Adding support for named power-domains means the declaration in the dtsi
>>> can come in any order.
>>> After this change we continue to support the old indexing - if a SoC
>>> resource declaration or the in-use dtb doesn't declare power-domain names
>>> we fall back to the default legacy indexing.
>>>  From this point on though new SoC additions should contain named
>>> power-domains, eventually we will drop support for legacy indexing.
>>> Tested-by: Matti Lehtimäki <matti.lehtimaki@gmail.com>
>>> Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
>>> ---
>> So, this commit should be a NOP within this series?
>> res->pd_name isn't defined anywhere afaics
>> Konrad
> This series is mergeable though the linux-media tree standalone, yes.
> Once merged, the dtsi change given in the cover letter will be submitted.
What I meant to say is that something similar to [1] is missing to
make use of the infra introduced with this patch.


[1] https://git.codelinaro.org/bryan.odonoghue/kernel/-/commit/f43942091c01c1f263a6e7adbcd0ed8ce723a303
Bryan O'Donoghue Nov. 23, 2023, 1:42 p.m. UTC | #4
On 23/11/2023 11:49, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 11/22/23 21:55, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
>> On 22/11/2023 19:55, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
>>> On 11/18/23 13:11, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
>>>> Right now we use fixed indexes to assign power-domains, with a
>>>> requirement for the TOP GDSC to come last in the list.
>>>> Adding support for named power-domains means the declaration in the 
>>>> dtsi
>>>> can come in any order.
>>>> After this change we continue to support the old indexing - if a SoC
>>>> resource declaration or the in-use dtb doesn't declare power-domain 
>>>> names
>>>> we fall back to the default legacy indexing.
>>>>  From this point on though new SoC additions should contain named
>>>> power-domains, eventually we will drop support for legacy indexing.
>>>> Tested-by: Matti Lehtimäki <matti.lehtimaki@gmail.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
>>>> ---
>>> So, this commit should be a NOP within this series?
>>> res->pd_name isn't defined anywhere afaics
>>> Konrad
>> This series is mergeable though the linux-media tree standalone, yes.
>> Once merged, the dtsi change given in the cover letter will be submitted.
> What I meant to say is that something similar to [1] is missing to
> make use of the infra introduced with this patch.
> Konrad
> [1] 
> https://git.codelinaro.org/bryan.odonoghue/kernel/-/commit/f43942091c01c1f263a6e7adbcd0ed8ce723a303

Yeah, to be honest I debated with myself whether or not to include that 
patch since once defined the code here will execute looking for named pd.

I'm not opposed to sending a v6 to include this additional change 
though, I've thoroughly tested on rb5.

diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss-vfe.c b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss-vfe.c
index defff24f07ce3..123e5ead7602d 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss-vfe.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss-vfe.c
@@ -1382,7 +1382,29 @@  int msm_vfe_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct vfe_device *vfe,
 	if (!res->line_num)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	if (res->has_pd) {
+	/* Power domain */
+	if (res->pd_name) {
+		vfe->genpd = dev_pm_domain_attach_by_name(camss->dev,
+							  res->pd_name);
+		if (IS_ERR(vfe->genpd)) {
+			ret = PTR_ERR(vfe->genpd);
+			return ret;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!vfe->genpd && res->has_pd) {
+		/*
+		 * Legacy magic index.
+		 * Requires
+		 * power-domain = <VFE_X>,
+		 *                <VFE_Y>,
+		 *                <TITAN_TOP>
+		 * id must correspondng to the index of the VFE which must
+		 * come before the TOP GDSC. VFE Lite has no individually
+		 * collapasible domain which is why id < vfe_num is a valid
+		 * check.
+		 */
 		vfe->genpd = dev_pm_domain_attach_by_id(camss->dev, id);
 		if (IS_ERR(vfe->genpd)) {
 			ret = PTR_ERR(vfe->genpd);
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c
index 5f7a3b17e25d7..ee3e8cefa9b1f 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c
@@ -1522,12 +1522,28 @@  static int camss_configure_pd(struct camss *camss)
 		return 0;
-	 * VFE power domains are in the beginning of the list, and while all
-	 * power domains should be attached, only if TITAN_TOP power domain is
-	 * found in the list, it should be linked over here.
+	 * If a power-domain name is defined try to use it.
+	 * It is possible we are running a new kernel with an old dtb so
+	 * fallback to indexes even if a pd_name is defined but not found.
-	camss->genpd = dev_pm_domain_attach_by_id(camss->dev, camss->genpd_num - 1);
-	if (IS_ERR(camss->genpd)) {
+	if (camss->res->pd_name) {
+		camss->genpd = dev_pm_domain_attach_by_name(camss->dev,
+							    camss->res->pd_name);
+		if (IS_ERR(camss->genpd)) {
+			ret = PTR_ERR(camss->genpd);
+			goto fail_pm;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!camss->genpd) {
+		/*
+		 * Legacy magic index. TITAN_TOP GDSC must be the last
+		 * item in the power-domain list.
+		 */
+		camss->genpd = dev_pm_domain_attach_by_id(camss->dev,
+							  camss->genpd_num - 1);
+	}
+	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(camss->genpd)) {
 		ret = PTR_ERR(camss->genpd);
 		goto fail_pm;
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h
index 1ba824a2cb76c..cd8186fe1797b 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@  struct camss_subdev_resources {
 	u32 clock_rate[CAMSS_RES_MAX][CAMSS_RES_MAX];
 	char *reg[CAMSS_RES_MAX];
 	char *interrupt[CAMSS_RES_MAX];
+	char *pd_name;
 	u8 line_num;
 	bool has_pd;
 	const void *ops;
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@  enum icc_count {
 struct camss_resources {
 	enum camss_version version;
+	const char *pd_name;
 	const struct camss_subdev_resources *csiphy_res;
 	const struct camss_subdev_resources *csid_res;
 	const struct camss_subdev_resources *ispif_res;