mbox series

[v6,0/3] reftable/stack: use geometric table compaction

Message ID pull.1683.v6.git.1712593016.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
Headers show
Series reftable/stack: use geometric table compaction | expand


Elijah Newren via GitGitGadget April 8, 2024, 4:16 p.m. UTC
Hello again,

This is the sixth version my patch series that refactors the reftable
compaction strategy to instead follow a geometric sequence. Changes compared
to v5:

 * Reworded commit message to more clearly explain that the already existing
   configuration to disable auto-compaction is being exposed to callers of
   the library.
 * Simplified expression to set the disable_auto_compact configuration.

Thanks for taking a look!


Justin Tobler (3):
  reftable/stack: expose option to disable auto-compaction
  reftable/stack: add env to disable autocompaction
  reftable/stack: use geometric table compaction

 refs/reftable-backend.c    |   3 +
 reftable/reftable-writer.h |   3 +
 reftable/stack.c           | 125 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 reftable/stack.h           |   4 --
 reftable/stack_test.c      |  77 ++++++-----------------
 t/t0610-reftable-basics.sh |  71 ++++++++++++++++-----
 6 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

base-commit: 4b32163adf4863c6df3bb6b43540fa2ca3494e28
Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-1683%2Fjltobler%2Fjt%2Freftable-geometric-compaction-v6
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-1683/jltobler/jt/reftable-geometric-compaction-v6
Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/1683

Range-diff vs v5:

 1:  a7011dbc6aa ! 1:  9c8f6b336ec reftable/stack: allow disabling of auto-compaction
     @@ Metadata
      Author: Justin Tobler <jltobler@gmail.com>
       ## Commit message ##
     -    reftable/stack: allow disabling of auto-compaction
     +    reftable/stack: expose option to disable auto-compaction
     +    The reftable stack already has a variable to configure whether or not to
     +    run auto-compaction, but it is inaccessible to users of the library.
     +    There exist use cases where a caller may want to have more control over
     +    auto-compaction.
          Move the `disable_auto_compact` option into `reftable_write_options` to
     -    allow a stack to be configured with auto-compaction disabled. In a
     -    subsequent commit, this is used to disable auto-compaction when a
     -    specific environment variable is set.
     +    allow external callers to disable auto-compaction. This will be used in
     +    a subsequent commit.
          Signed-off-by: Justin Tobler <jltobler@gmail.com>
 2:  7c4fe0e9ec5 ! 2:  c7bc7346540 reftable/stack: add env to disable autocompaction
     @@ refs/reftable-backend.c
      @@ refs/reftable-backend.c: static struct ref_store *reftable_be_init(struct repository *repo,
     + 	refs->write_options.block_size = 4096;
       	refs->write_options.hash_id = repo->hash_algo->format_id;
       	refs->write_options.default_permissions = calc_shared_perm(0666 & ~mask);
     ++	refs->write_options.disable_auto_compact =
     ++		!git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_REFTABLE_AUTOCOMPACTION", 1);
     -+	if (!git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_REFTABLE_AUTOCOMPACTION", 1))
     -+		refs->write_options.disable_auto_compact = 1;
       	 * Set up the main reftable stack that is hosted in GIT_COMMON_DIR.
     - 	 * This stack contains both the shared and the main worktree refs.
       ## t/t0610-reftable-basics.sh ##
      @@ t/t0610-reftable-basics.sh: test_expect_success 'ref transaction: writes cause auto-compaction' '
 3:  8f124acf0f8 = 3:  d75494a88b0 reftable/stack: use geometric table compaction


Patrick Steinhardt April 8, 2024, 4:20 p.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 04:16:52PM +0000, Justin Tobler via GitGitGadget wrote:
> Hello again,
> This is the sixth version my patch series that refactors the reftable
> compaction strategy to instead follow a geometric sequence. Changes compared
> to v5:
>  * Reworded commit message to more clearly explain that the already existing
>    configuration to disable auto-compaction is being exposed to callers of
>    the library.
>  * Simplified expression to set the disable_auto_compact configuration.
> Thanks for taking a look!

Thanks, this version looks good to me!


> -Justin
> Justin Tobler (3):
>   reftable/stack: expose option to disable auto-compaction
>   reftable/stack: add env to disable autocompaction
>   reftable/stack: use geometric table compaction
>  refs/reftable-backend.c    |   3 +
>  reftable/reftable-writer.h |   3 +
>  reftable/stack.c           | 125 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
>  reftable/stack.h           |   4 --
>  reftable/stack_test.c      |  77 ++++++-----------------
>  t/t0610-reftable-basics.sh |  71 ++++++++++++++++-----
>  6 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
> base-commit: 4b32163adf4863c6df3bb6b43540fa2ca3494e28
> Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-1683%2Fjltobler%2Fjt%2Freftable-geometric-compaction-v6
> Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-1683/jltobler/jt/reftable-geometric-compaction-v6
> Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/1683
> Range-diff vs v5:
>  1:  a7011dbc6aa ! 1:  9c8f6b336ec reftable/stack: allow disabling of auto-compaction
>      @@ Metadata
>       Author: Justin Tobler <jltobler@gmail.com>
>        ## Commit message ##
>      -    reftable/stack: allow disabling of auto-compaction
>      +    reftable/stack: expose option to disable auto-compaction
>      +
>      +    The reftable stack already has a variable to configure whether or not to
>      +    run auto-compaction, but it is inaccessible to users of the library.
>      +    There exist use cases where a caller may want to have more control over
>      +    auto-compaction.
>           Move the `disable_auto_compact` option into `reftable_write_options` to
>      -    allow a stack to be configured with auto-compaction disabled. In a
>      -    subsequent commit, this is used to disable auto-compaction when a
>      -    specific environment variable is set.
>      +    allow external callers to disable auto-compaction. This will be used in
>      +    a subsequent commit.
>           Signed-off-by: Justin Tobler <jltobler@gmail.com>
>  2:  7c4fe0e9ec5 ! 2:  c7bc7346540 reftable/stack: add env to disable autocompaction
>      @@ refs/reftable-backend.c
>        /*
>       @@ refs/reftable-backend.c: static struct ref_store *reftable_be_init(struct repository *repo,
>      + 	refs->write_options.block_size = 4096;
>        	refs->write_options.hash_id = repo->hash_algo->format_id;
>        	refs->write_options.default_permissions = calc_shared_perm(0666 & ~mask);
>      ++	refs->write_options.disable_auto_compact =
>      ++		!git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_REFTABLE_AUTOCOMPACTION", 1);
>      -+	if (!git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_REFTABLE_AUTOCOMPACTION", 1))
>      -+		refs->write_options.disable_auto_compact = 1;
>      -+
>        	/*
>        	 * Set up the main reftable stack that is hosted in GIT_COMMON_DIR.
>      - 	 * This stack contains both the shared and the main worktree refs.
>        ## t/t0610-reftable-basics.sh ##
>       @@ t/t0610-reftable-basics.sh: test_expect_success 'ref transaction: writes cause auto-compaction' '
>  3:  8f124acf0f8 = 3:  d75494a88b0 reftable/stack: use geometric table compaction
> -- 
> gitgitgadget
Junio C Hamano April 8, 2024, 7:12 p.m. UTC | #2
Patrick Steinhardt <ps@pks.im> writes:

> On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 04:16:52PM +0000, Justin Tobler via GitGitGadget wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> This is the sixth version my patch series that refactors the reftable
>> compaction strategy to instead follow a geometric sequence. Changes compared
>> to v5:
>>  * Reworded commit message to more clearly explain that the already existing
>>    configuration to disable auto-compaction is being exposed to callers of
>>    the library.
>>  * Simplified expression to set the disable_auto_compact configuration.
>> Thanks for taking a look!
> Thanks, this version looks good to me!

Will queue.  I'll mark it for 'next' after I take a brief look for

Thanks, both.