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dcb-apptrust.8: some remarks and editorial changes for this manual

Message ID ZylcVAmsr55YK38b@kassi.invalid.is (mailing list archive)
State Changes Requested
Delegated to: Stephen Hemminger
Headers show
Series dcb-apptrust.8: some remarks and editorial changes for this manual | expand


Context Check Description
netdev/tree_selection success Not a local patch

Commit Message

Bjarni Ingi Gislason Nov. 4, 2024, 11:44 p.m. UTC
The man page is from Debian:

Package: iproute2
Version: 6.11.0-1
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

  Improve the layout of the man page according to the "man-page(7)"
guidelines, the output of "mandoc -lint T", the output of
"groff -mandoc -t -ww -b -z", that of a shell script, and typographical


  Output from a script "chk_manual" is in the attachment.


Signed-off-by: Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarniig@simnet.is>
Any program (person), that produces man pages, should check the output
for defects by using (both groff and nroff)

[gn]roff -mandoc -t -ww -b -z -K utf8  <man page>

  The same goes for man pages that are used as an input.

  For a style guide use

  mandoc -T lint


  So any 'generator' should check its products with the above mentioned
'groff', 'mandoc',  and additionally with 'nroff ...'.

  This is just a simple quality control measure.

  The 'generator' may have to be corrected to get a better man page,
the source file may, and any additional file may.

  Common defects:

  Input text line longer than 80 bytes.

  Not removing trailing spaces (in in- and output).
  The reason for these trailing spaces should be found and eliminated.

  Not beginning each input sentence on a new line.
Lines should thus be shorter.

  See man-pages(7), item 'semantic newline'.


The difference between the formatted output of the original and patched file
can be seen with:

  nroff -mandoc <file1> > <out1>
  nroff -mandoc <file2> > <out2>
  diff -u <out1> <out2>

and for groff, using

"printf '%s\n%s\n' '.kern 0' '.ss 12 0' | groff -mandoc -Z - "

instead of 'nroff -mandoc'

  Add the option '-t', if the file contains a table.

  Read the output of 'diff -u' with 'less -R' or similar.


  If 'man' (man-db) is used to check the manual for warnings,
the following must be set:

  The option "-warnings=w"

  The environmental variable:

export MAN_KEEP_STDERR=yes (or any non-empty value)


  (produce only warnings):

export MANROFFOPT="-ww -b -z"

export MAN_KEEP_STDERR=yes (or any non-empty value)


Output from "mandoc -T lint dcb-apptrust.8": (possibly shortened list)

mandoc: dcb-apptrust.8:6:2: WARNING: skipping paragraph macro: sp after SH
mandoc: dcb-apptrust.8:25:16: STYLE: unterminated quoted argument
mandoc: dcb-apptrust.8:44:81: STYLE: input text line longer than 80 bytes: table, to determine ...


Use the correct macro for the font change of a single argument or
split the argument into two.

19:.RI DEV
24:.RI DEV


Add a comma (or \&) after "e.g." and "i.e.", or use English words
Abbreviation points should be protected against being interpreted as
an end of sentence, if they are not, and that independent of the
current place on the line.

61:The following describes only the write direction, i.e. as used with the


Wrong distance between sentences in the input file.

  Separate the sentences and subordinate clauses; each begins on a new
line.  See man-pages(7) ("Conventions for source file layout") and
"info groff" ("Input Conventions").

  The best procedure is to always start a new sentence on a new line,
at least, if you are typing on a computer.

Remember coding: Only one command ("sentence") on each (logical) line.

E-mail: Easier to quote exactly the relevant lines.

Generally: Easier to edit the sentence.

Patches: Less unaffected text.

Search for two adjacent words is easier, when they belong to the same line,
and the same phrase.

44:table, to determine if an APP entry should take effect, or not. Additionally, the
56:Set new list of trusted selectors. Empty list is effectively the same as
61:The following describes only the write direction, i.e. as used with the
62:\fBset\fR command. For the \fBshow\fR command, the parameter name is to be used
63:as a simple keyword without further arguments. This instructs the tool to show
68:\fISEL-LIST\fR is a space-separated list of selector names. Possible selector


Split lines longer than 80 characters into two or more lines.
Appropriate break points are the end of a sentence and a subordinate
clause; after punctuation marks.

Line 32, length 97

.IR SEL " := { " ethtype " | " stream-port " | " dgram-port " | " port " | " dscp " | " pcp " } "

Line 44, length 81

table, to determine if an APP entry should take effect, or not. Additionally, the


Split a punctuation from a single argument, if a two-font macro is meant

70:.B ethtype,
71:.B stream-port,
72:.B dgram-port,
73:.B port,
74:.B dscp,


No space is needed before a quote (") at the end of a line

12:.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ] "
25:.RB "[ " order "
32:.IR SEL " := { " ethtype " | " stream-port " | " dgram-port " | " port " | " dscp " | " pcp " } "


Output from "test-groff  -mandoc -t -K utf8 -rF0 -rHY=0 -ww -b -z ":

troff: backtrace: '/home/bg/git/groff/build/s-tmac/an.tmac':709: macro 'RI'
troff: backtrace: file '<stdin>':12
troff:<stdin>:12: warning: trailing space in the line
troff: backtrace: '/home/bg/git/groff/build/s-tmac/an.tmac':679: macro 'IR'
troff: backtrace: file '<stdin>':32
troff:<stdin>:32: warning: trailing space in the line



Stephen Hemminger Nov. 17, 2024, 6:10 p.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, 4 Nov 2024 23:44:20 +0000
Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarniig@simnet.is> wrote:

>   The man page is from Debian:
> Package: iproute2
> Version: 6.11.0-1
> Severity: minor
> Tags: patch
>   Improve the layout of the man page according to the "man-page(7)"
> guidelines, the output of "mandoc -lint T", the output of
> "groff -mandoc -t -ww -b -z", that of a shell script, and typographical
> conventions.
> -.-
>   Output from a script "chk_manual" is in the attachment.
> -.-
> Signed-off-by: Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarniig@simnet.is>

These dcb patches are not formatted correctly. You need to
use git (and format-patch/send-email) or compatible diff arguments.

Yes, I could edit the patch to make it work, but since you
are working with a distro and sending so many patches you
need to learn how to send a patch that is correctly formatted
for merging.
diff mbox series


--- dcb-apptrust.8	2024-11-04 19:51:38.581034458 +0000
+++ dcb-apptrust.8.new	2024-11-04 20:04:44.751223062 +0000
@@ -3,33 +3,33 @@ 
 dcb-apptrust \- show / configure per-selector trust and trust order of the
 application priority table of the DCB (Data Center Bridging) subsystem.
 .ad l
 .in +8
 .ti -8
 .B dcb
-.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ] "
+.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
 .B apptrust
 .RI "{ " COMMAND " | " help " }"
 .ti -8
 .B dcb apptrust show dev
 .RB "[ " order " ]"
 .ti -8
 .B dcb apptrust set dev
-.RB "[ " order "
+.RB "[ " order
 .IR "SEL-LIST" " ]"
 .ti -8
 .IR SEL-LIST " := [ " SEL-LIST " ] " SEL
 .ti -8
-.IR SEL " := { " ethtype " | " stream-port " | " dgram-port " | " port " | " dscp " | " pcp " } "
+.IR SEL " := { " ethtype " | " stream-port " | " dgram-port " | " port " | " \
+dscp " | " pcp " }"
@@ -40,10 +40,13 @@  Application Priority Table, see
 for details on how to configure app table entries.
 Selector trust can be used by the
-software stack, or drivers (most likely the latter), when querying the APP
-table, to determine if an APP entry should take effect, or not. Additionally, the
-order of the trusted selectors will dictate which selector should take
-precedence, in the case of multiple different APP table selectors being present.
+software stack, or drivers (most likely the latter),
+when querying the APP table,
+to determine if an APP entry should take effect, or not.
+the order of the trusted selectors will dictate which selector should take
+in the case of multiple different APP table selectors being present.
@@ -53,25 +56,27 @@  Display all trusted selectors.
 .B set
-Set new list of trusted selectors. Empty list is effectively the same as
-removing trust entirely.
+Set new list of trusted selectors.
+Empty list is effectively the same as removing trust entirely.
-The following describes only the write direction, i.e. as used with the
-\fBset\fR command. For the \fBshow\fR command, the parameter name is to be used
-as a simple keyword without further arguments. This instructs the tool to show
-the values of a given parameter.
+The following describes only the write direction, i.e.,
+as used with the \fBset\fR command.
+For the \fBshow\fR command,
+the parameter name is to be used as a simple keyword without further
+This instructs the tool to show the values of a given parameter.
 .B order \fISEL-LIST
-\fISEL-LIST\fR is a space-separated list of selector names. Possible selector
-values are:
-.B ethtype,
-.B stream-port,
-.B dgram-port,
-.B port,
-.B dscp,
+\fISEL-LIST\fR is a space-separated list of selector names.
+Possible selector values are:
+.BR ethtype ,
+.BR stream-port ,
+.BR dgram-port ,
+.BR port ,
+.BR dscp ,
 .B pcp