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Hadoop and Ceph client/mds view of modification time

Message ID CAPrxi5-pcHrxKsteGioaQ3haMOj0V3im1bXRL_TW28SD6R=qZw@mail.gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Noah Watkins Nov. 20, 2012, 7:44 p.m. UTC
This is a description of the clock synchronization issue we are facing
in Hadoop:

Components of Hadoop use mtime as a versioning mechanism. Here is an
example where Client B tests the expected 'version' of a file created
by Client A:

  Client A: create file, write data into file.
  Client A: expected_mtime <-- lstat(file)
  Client A: broadcast expected_mtime to client B
  Client B: mtime <-- lstat(file)
  Client B: test expected_mtime == mtime

Since mtime may be set in Ceph by both client and MDS, inconsistent
mtime view is possible when clocks are not adequately synchronized.

Here is a test that reproduces the problem. In the following output,
issdm-18 has the MDS, and issdm-22 is a non-Ceph node with its time
set to an hour earlier than the MDS node.

nwatkins@issdm-22:~$ ssh issdm-18 date && ./test
Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 PST 2012           // MDS TIME
local time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // Client TIME
fstat time: Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 2012  // mtime seen after file
creation (MDS time)
lstat time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // mtime seen after file write
(client time)

Here is the code used to produce that output.

#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/xattr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cephfs/libcephfs.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        struct stat st;
        struct ceph_mount_info *cmount;
        struct timeval tv;

        /* setup */
        ceph_create(&cmount, "admin");
        ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, "/users/nwatkins/Projects/ceph.conf");
        ceph_mount(cmount, "/");

        /* print local time for reference */
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        printf("local time: %s", ctime(&tv.tv_sec));

        /* create a file */
        char buf[256];
        sprintf(buf, "/somefile.%d", getpid());
        int fd = ceph_open(cmount, buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0);
        assert(fd > 0);

        /* get mtime for this new file */
        memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
        int ret = ceph_fstat(cmount, fd, &st);
        assert(ret == 0);
        printf("fstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));

        /* write some data into the file */
        ret = ceph_write(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
        assert(ret == sizeof(buf));
        ceph_close(cmount, fd);

        memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
        ret = ceph_lstat(cmount, buf, &st);
        assert(ret == 0);
        printf("lstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));

        return 0;

Note that this output is currently using the short patch from
http://marc.info/?l=ceph-devel&m=133178637520337&w=2 which forces
getattr to always go to the MDS.

issued=" << yes << \
dendl;  if (yes)
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the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html


Sam Lang Nov. 27, 2012, 4:45 p.m. UTC | #1
Hi Noah,

I was able to reproduce your issue with a similar test using the fuse 
client and the clock_offset option for the mds.  This is what I see 

clientA's clock is a few seconds behind the mds clock

clientA creates the file
     - the mds sets the mtime from its current time
     - clientA acquires the exclusive capability (cap) for the file

clientA writes to the file
     - the mtime is updated locally (at clientA with its current time)

clientA closes the file
     - the exclusive cap is flushed to the mds, but the mtime is less
       than the create mtime because of the clock skew, so the mds
       doesn't update it to the mtime from clientA's write

clientA stats the file
     - the mtime from the write (still cached) gets returned.  I saw a
       race in my tests, where sometimes the mtime was from the cache
       (if the flush hadn't completed I assume), and sometimes it was
       from the mds.

clientB stats the file
     - the exclusive cap is revoked at clientA, but the mtime returned
       to clientB is from the mds

The goal of the current implementation is to provide an mtime that is 
non-decreasing, but that conflicts with using mtime as a version in this 
case.  Using mtime as a version has its own set of problems, but I won't 
go into that here.  I think there are a few alternatives if we want to 
try to have a more consistent mtime value across clients.

1. Let the client set the create mtime.  This avoids the issue that the 
mds and client clocks are out of sync, but in other cases where the 
client has a clock a few seconds ahead of other clients, we run into a 
similar problem.  This might be reasonable considering clients that 
share state will more likely have synchronized clocks than the clients 
and mds.

2. Provide a config option to always set the mtime on cap flush/revoke, 
even if its less than the current mtime.  This breaks the non-decreasing 
behavior, and requires the user set a config option across the cluster 
if they want this.

3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its 
current time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the 
timestamp provided by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows 
the mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across 
clients and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to 
the future (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, 
but that is more like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't 
be much of an issue either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. 
Also, the client can set its cap acquired timestamp to the time at which 
the cap was requested, ensuring that the relative increment includes the 
round trip latency so that the mtime will always be set further ahead. 
Of course, this approach would be a lot more intrusive to implement. :-)


On 11/20/2012 01:44 PM, Noah Watkins wrote:
> This is a description of the clock synchronization issue we are facing
> in Hadoop:
> Components of Hadoop use mtime as a versioning mechanism. Here is an
> example where Client B tests the expected 'version' of a file created
> by Client A:
>    Client A: create file, write data into file.
>    Client A: expected_mtime <-- lstat(file)
>    Client A: broadcast expected_mtime to client B
>    ...
>    Client B: mtime <-- lstat(file)
>    Client B: test expected_mtime == mtime
> Since mtime may be set in Ceph by both client and MDS, inconsistent
> mtime view is possible when clocks are not adequately synchronized.
> Here is a test that reproduces the problem. In the following output,
> issdm-18 has the MDS, and issdm-22 is a non-Ceph node with its time
> set to an hour earlier than the MDS node.
> nwatkins@issdm-22:~$ ssh issdm-18 date && ./test
> Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 PST 2012           // MDS TIME
> local time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // Client TIME
> fstat time: Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 2012  // mtime seen after file
> creation (MDS time)
> lstat time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // mtime seen after file write
> (client time)
> Here is the code used to produce that output.
> #include <errno.h>
> #include <sys/fcntl.h>
> #include <sys/time.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <dirent.h>
> #include <sys/xattr.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <assert.h>
> #include <cephfs/libcephfs.h>
> #include <time.h>
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>          struct stat st;
>          struct ceph_mount_info *cmount;
>          struct timeval tv;
>          /* setup */
>          ceph_create(&cmount, "admin");
>          ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, "/users/nwatkins/Projects/ceph.conf");
>          ceph_mount(cmount, "/");
>          /* print local time for reference */
>          gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
>          printf("local time: %s", ctime(&tv.tv_sec));
>          /* create a file */
>          char buf[256];
>          sprintf(buf, "/somefile.%d", getpid());
>          int fd = ceph_open(cmount, buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0);
>          assert(fd > 0);
>          /* get mtime for this new file */
>          memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
>          int ret = ceph_fstat(cmount, fd, &st);
>          assert(ret == 0);
>          printf("fstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
>          /* write some data into the file */
>          ret = ceph_write(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
>          assert(ret == sizeof(buf));
>          ceph_close(cmount, fd);
>          memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
>          ret = ceph_lstat(cmount, buf, &st);
>          assert(ret == 0);
>          printf("lstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
>          ceph_shutdown(cmount);
>          return 0;
> }
> Note that this output is currently using the short patch from
> http://marc.info/?l=ceph-devel&m=133178637520337&w=2 which forces
> getattr to always go to the MDS.
> diff --git a/src/client/Client.cc b/src/client/Client.cc
> index 4a9ae3c..2bb24b7 100644
> --- a/src/client/Client.cc
> +++ b/src/client/Client.cc
> @@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ int Client::readlink(const char *relpath, char
> *buf, loff_t \
> size)
>   int Client::_getattr(Inode *in, int mask, int uid, int gid)
>   {
> -  bool yes = in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
> +  bool yes = false; //in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
>     ldout(cct, 10) << "_getattr mask " << ccap_string(mask) << "
> issued=" << yes << \
> dendl;  if (yes)
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
> the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
> More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Sage Weil Nov. 27, 2012, 5:03 p.m. UTC | #2
On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
> Hi Noah,
> I was able to reproduce your issue with a similar test using the fuse client
> and the clock_offset option for the mds.  This is what I see happening:
> clientA's clock is a few seconds behind the mds clock
> clientA creates the file
>     - the mds sets the mtime from its current time
>     - clientA acquires the exclusive capability (cap) for the file
> clientA writes to the file
>     - the mtime is updated locally (at clientA with its current time)
> clientA closes the file
>     - the exclusive cap is flushed to the mds, but the mtime is less
>       than the create mtime because of the clock skew, so the mds
>       doesn't update it to the mtime from clientA's write
> clientA stats the file
>     - the mtime from the write (still cached) gets returned.  I saw a
>       race in my tests, where sometimes the mtime was from the cache
>       (if the flush hadn't completed I assume), and sometimes it was
>       from the mds.
> clientB stats the file
>     - the exclusive cap is revoked at clientA, but the mtime returned
>       to clientB is from the mds
> The goal of the current implementation is to provide an mtime that is
> non-decreasing, but that conflicts with using mtime as a version in this case.
> Using mtime as a version has its own set of problems, but I won't go into that
> here.  I think there are a few alternatives if we want to try to have a more
> consistent mtime value across clients.
> 1. Let the client set the create mtime.  This avoids the issue that the mds
> and client clocks are out of sync, but in other cases where the client has a
> clock a few seconds ahead of other clients, we run into a similar problem.
> This might be reasonable considering clients that share state will more likely
> have synchronized clocks than the clients and mds.

I like this option the best.  It will clearly break when client clocks are 
out of sync and multiple clients write to the file, but I think that is 
the price you pay for client-driven writeback.  

Noah, is that sufficient to resolve the hadoop race?  Is there a single 
client writer?

> 2. Provide a config option to always set the mtime on cap flush/revoke, even
> if its less than the current mtime.  This breaks the non-decreasing behavior,
> and requires the user set a config option across the cluster if they want
> this.

We could also do this... but if the above is sufficient for hadoop I'd 
rather not.  :/
> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
> intrusive to implement. :-)

Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.

I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock 
skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave 
consistently, for example.


> -sam
> On 11/20/2012 01:44 PM, Noah Watkins wrote:
> > This is a description of the clock synchronization issue we are facing
> > in Hadoop:
> > 
> > Components of Hadoop use mtime as a versioning mechanism. Here is an
> > example where Client B tests the expected 'version' of a file created
> > by Client A:
> > 
> >    Client A: create file, write data into file.
> >    Client A: expected_mtime <-- lstat(file)
> >    Client A: broadcast expected_mtime to client B
> >    ...
> >    Client B: mtime <-- lstat(file)
> >    Client B: test expected_mtime == mtime
> > 
> > Since mtime may be set in Ceph by both client and MDS, inconsistent
> > mtime view is possible when clocks are not adequately synchronized.
> > 
> > Here is a test that reproduces the problem. In the following output,
> > issdm-18 has the MDS, and issdm-22 is a non-Ceph node with its time
> > set to an hour earlier than the MDS node.
> > 
> > nwatkins@issdm-22:~$ ssh issdm-18 date && ./test
> > Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 PST 2012           // MDS TIME
> > local time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // Client TIME
> > fstat time: Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 2012  // mtime seen after file
> > creation (MDS time)
> > lstat time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // mtime seen after file write
> > (client time)
> > 
> > Here is the code used to produce that output.
> > 
> > #include <errno.h>
> > #include <sys/fcntl.h>
> > #include <sys/time.h>
> > #include <unistd.h>
> > #include <sys/types.h>
> > #include <sys/stat.h>
> > #include <dirent.h>
> > #include <sys/xattr.h>
> > #include <stdio.h>
> > #include <string.h>
> > #include <assert.h>
> > #include <cephfs/libcephfs.h>
> > #include <time.h>
> > 
> > int main(int argc, char **argv)
> > {
> >          struct stat st;
> >          struct ceph_mount_info *cmount;
> >          struct timeval tv;
> > 
> >          /* setup */
> >          ceph_create(&cmount, "admin");
> >          ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, "/users/nwatkins/Projects/ceph.conf");
> >          ceph_mount(cmount, "/");
> > 
> >          /* print local time for reference */
> >          gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
> >          printf("local time: %s", ctime(&tv.tv_sec));
> > 
> >          /* create a file */
> >          char buf[256];
> >          sprintf(buf, "/somefile.%d", getpid());
> >          int fd = ceph_open(cmount, buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0);
> >          assert(fd > 0);
> > 
> >          /* get mtime for this new file */
> >          memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
> >          int ret = ceph_fstat(cmount, fd, &st);
> >          assert(ret == 0);
> >          printf("fstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
> > 
> >          /* write some data into the file */
> >          ret = ceph_write(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
> >          assert(ret == sizeof(buf));
> >          ceph_close(cmount, fd);
> > 
> >          memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
> >          ret = ceph_lstat(cmount, buf, &st);
> >          assert(ret == 0);
> >          printf("lstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
> > 
> >          ceph_shutdown(cmount);
> >          return 0;
> > }
> > 
> > Note that this output is currently using the short patch from
> > http://marc.info/?l=ceph-devel&m=133178637520337&w=2 which forces
> > getattr to always go to the MDS.
> > 
> > diff --git a/src/client/Client.cc b/src/client/Client.cc
> > index 4a9ae3c..2bb24b7 100644
> > --- a/src/client/Client.cc
> > +++ b/src/client/Client.cc
> > @@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ int Client::readlink(const char *relpath, char
> > *buf, loff_t \
> > size)
> >   int Client::_getattr(Inode *in, int mask, int uid, int gid)
> >   {
> > -  bool yes = in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
> > +  bool yes = false; //in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
> > 
> >     ldout(cct, 10) << "_getattr mask " << ccap_string(mask) << "
> > issued=" << yes << \
> > dendl;  if (yes)
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
> > the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
> > More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
> > 
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Gregory Farnum Nov. 27, 2012, 5:07 p.m. UTC | #3
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Sam Lang wrote:
> Hi Noah,
> I was able to reproduce your issue with a similar test using the fuse  
> client and the clock_offset option for the mds. This is what I see  
> happening:
> clientA's clock is a few seconds behind the mds clock
> clientA creates the file
> - the mds sets the mtime from its current time
> - clientA acquires the exclusive capability (cap) for the file
> clientA writes to the file
> - the mtime is updated locally (at clientA with its current time)
> clientA closes the file
> - the exclusive cap is flushed to the mds, but the mtime is less
> than the create mtime because of the clock skew, so the mds
> doesn't update it to the mtime from clientA's write
> clientA stats the file
> - the mtime from the write (still cached) gets returned. I saw a
> race in my tests, where sometimes the mtime was from the cache
> (if the flush hadn't completed I assume), and sometimes it was
> from the mds.
> clientB stats the file
> - the exclusive cap is revoked at clientA, but the mtime returned
> to clientB is from the mds

Hurray, I think we all agree about what's happening now! :)

Have you checked to see if the MDS ever sets mtime after create, or is it always dictated by the client following that?
> The goal of the current implementation is to provide an mtime that is  
> non-decreasing, but that conflicts with using mtime as a version in this  
> case. Using mtime as a version has its own set of problems, but I won't  
> go into that here. I think there are a few alternatives if we want to  
> try to have a more consistent mtime value across clients.
> 1. Let the client set the create mtime. This avoids the issue that the  
> mds and client clocks are out of sync, but in other cases where the  
> client has a clock a few seconds ahead of other clients, we run into a  
> similar problem. This might be reasonable considering clients that  
> share state will more likely have synchronized clocks than the clients  
> and mds.
> 2. Provide a config option to always set the mtime on cap flush/revoke,  
> even if its less than the current mtime. This breaks the non-decreasing  
> behavior, and requires the user set a config option across the cluster  
> if they want this.
> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its  
> current time as well. As the client updates the mtime, it uses the  
> timestamp provided by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows  
> the mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across  
> clients and the mds. It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to  
> the future (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable,  
> but that is more like how NFS behaves. Message latency probably won't  
> be much of an issue either, as the granularity of mtime is a second.  
> Also, the client can set its cap acquired timestamp to the time at which  
> the cap was requested, ensuring that the relative increment includes the  
> round trip latency so that the mtime will always be set further ahead.  
> Of course, this approach would be a lot more intrusive to implement. :-)

I actually like this third approach of letting the MDS be authoritative about time even if it's not directly involved. Given that, I wonder if perhaps the client should just have time translation functions it uses everywhere?
However, the problem with that is that the different MDS daemons might also disagree about time. Perhaps they could adopt the master MDS clock or something skanky like that… :/

The fundamental issue of time resolution is why things are the way they are now, of course — you usually don't want things going "backwards" in time, but clock skews are a real problem in large clusters so we just decided to not let things go back on the assumption it would be a temporary and little-noticed disparity, with easy-to-understand behavior. Obviously we were wrong about it being little-noticed.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
David Zafman Nov. 27, 2012, 5:09 p.m. UTC | #4
On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
>> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
>> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
>> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
>> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
>> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
>> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
>> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
>> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
>> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
>> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
>> intrusive to implement. :-)
> Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
> I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock 
> skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave 
> consistently, for example.

My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1 second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client writes with a clock that is behind.


To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Sam Lang Nov. 27, 2012, 5:12 p.m. UTC | #5
On 11/27/2012 11:07 AM, Gregory Farnum wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Sam Lang wrote:
>> Hi Noah,
>> I was able to reproduce your issue with a similar test using the fuse
>> client and the clock_offset option for the mds. This is what I see
>> happening:
>> clientA's clock is a few seconds behind the mds clock
>> clientA creates the file
>> - the mds sets the mtime from its current time
>> - clientA acquires the exclusive capability (cap) for the file
>> clientA writes to the file
>> - the mtime is updated locally (at clientA with its current time)
>> clientA closes the file
>> - the exclusive cap is flushed to the mds, but the mtime is less
>> than the create mtime because of the clock skew, so the mds
>> doesn't update it to the mtime from clientA's write
>> clientA stats the file
>> - the mtime from the write (still cached) gets returned. I saw a
>> race in my tests, where sometimes the mtime was from the cache
>> (if the flush hadn't completed I assume), and sometimes it was
>> from the mds.
>> clientB stats the file
>> - the exclusive cap is revoked at clientA, but the mtime returned
>> to clientB is from the mds
> Hurray, I think we all agree about what's happening now! :)
> Have you checked to see if the MDS ever sets mtime after create, or is it always dictated by the client following that?

It sets it on truncate as well.

>> The goal of the current implementation is to provide an mtime that is
>> non-decreasing, but that conflicts with using mtime as a version in this
>> case. Using mtime as a version has its own set of problems, but I won't
>> go into that here. I think there are a few alternatives if we want to
>> try to have a more consistent mtime value across clients.
>> 1. Let the client set the create mtime. This avoids the issue that the
>> mds and client clocks are out of sync, but in other cases where the
>> client has a clock a few seconds ahead of other clients, we run into a
>> similar problem. This might be reasonable considering clients that
>> share state will more likely have synchronized clocks than the clients
>> and mds.
>> 2. Provide a config option to always set the mtime on cap flush/revoke,
>> even if its less than the current mtime. This breaks the non-decreasing
>> behavior, and requires the user set a config option across the cluster
>> if they want this.
>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its
>> current time as well. As the client updates the mtime, it uses the
>> timestamp provided by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows
>> the mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across
>> clients and the mds. It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to
>> the future (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable,
>> but that is more like how NFS behaves. Message latency probably won't
>> be much of an issue either, as the granularity of mtime is a second.
>> Also, the client can set its cap acquired timestamp to the time at which
>> the cap was requested, ensuring that the relative increment includes the
>> round trip latency so that the mtime will always be set further ahead.
>> Of course, this approach would be a lot more intrusive to implement. :-)
> I actually like this third approach of letting the MDS be authoritative about time even if it's not directly involved. Given that, I wonder if perhaps the client should just have time translation functions it uses everywhere?
> However, the problem with that is that the different MDS daemons might also disagree about time. Perhaps they could adopt the master MDS clock or something skanky like that… :/
> The fundamental issue of time resolution is why things are the way they are now, of course — you usually don't want things going "backwards" in time, but clock skews are a real problem in large clusters so we just decided to not let things go back on the assumption it would be a temporary and little-noticed disparity, with easy-to-understand behavior. Obviously we were wrong about it being little-noticed.

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Sam Lang Nov. 27, 2012, 5:33 p.m. UTC | #6
On 11/27/2012 11:03 AM, Sage Weil wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
>> Hi Noah,
>> I was able to reproduce your issue with a similar test using the fuse client
>> and the clock_offset option for the mds.  This is what I see happening:
>> clientA's clock is a few seconds behind the mds clock
>> clientA creates the file
>>      - the mds sets the mtime from its current time
>>      - clientA acquires the exclusive capability (cap) for the file
>> clientA writes to the file
>>      - the mtime is updated locally (at clientA with its current time)
>> clientA closes the file
>>      - the exclusive cap is flushed to the mds, but the mtime is less
>>        than the create mtime because of the clock skew, so the mds
>>        doesn't update it to the mtime from clientA's write
>> clientA stats the file
>>      - the mtime from the write (still cached) gets returned.  I saw a
>>        race in my tests, where sometimes the mtime was from the cache
>>        (if the flush hadn't completed I assume), and sometimes it was
>>        from the mds.
>> clientB stats the file
>>      - the exclusive cap is revoked at clientA, but the mtime returned
>>        to clientB is from the mds
>> The goal of the current implementation is to provide an mtime that is
>> non-decreasing, but that conflicts with using mtime as a version in this case.
>> Using mtime as a version has its own set of problems, but I won't go into that
>> here.  I think there are a few alternatives if we want to try to have a more
>> consistent mtime value across clients.
>> 1. Let the client set the create mtime.  This avoids the issue that the mds
>> and client clocks are out of sync, but in other cases where the client has a
>> clock a few seconds ahead of other clients, we run into a similar problem.
>> This might be reasonable considering clients that share state will more likely
>> have synchronized clocks than the clients and mds.
> I like this option the best.  It will clearly break when client clocks are
> out of sync and multiple clients write to the file, but I think that is
> the price you pay for client-driven writeback.
> Noah, is that sufficient to resolve the hadoop race?  Is there a single
> client writer?

If we're looking to just resolve the hadoop case, there's an even less 
intrusive option:  do a fsync before the stat to flush (and wait for) 
the caps.  The reason we can't just close is that the close flushes the 
caps, but doesn't wait for the ack.  I haven't tested this, but in my 
tests the race between stat and close indicates it should work.


>> 2. Provide a config option to always set the mtime on cap flush/revoke, even
>> if its less than the current mtime.  This breaks the non-decreasing behavior,
>> and requires the user set a config option across the cluster if they want
>> this.
> We could also do this... but if the above is sufficient for hadoop I'd
> rather not.  :/
>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
>> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
>> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
>> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
>> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
>> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
>> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
>> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
>> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
>> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
>> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
>> intrusive to implement. :-)
> Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
> I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock
> skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave
> consistently, for example.
> sage
>> -sam
>> On 11/20/2012 01:44 PM, Noah Watkins wrote:
>>> This is a description of the clock synchronization issue we are facing
>>> in Hadoop:
>>> Components of Hadoop use mtime as a versioning mechanism. Here is an
>>> example where Client B tests the expected 'version' of a file created
>>> by Client A:
>>>     Client A: create file, write data into file.
>>>     Client A: expected_mtime <-- lstat(file)
>>>     Client A: broadcast expected_mtime to client B
>>>     ...
>>>     Client B: mtime <-- lstat(file)
>>>     Client B: test expected_mtime == mtime
>>> Since mtime may be set in Ceph by both client and MDS, inconsistent
>>> mtime view is possible when clocks are not adequately synchronized.
>>> Here is a test that reproduces the problem. In the following output,
>>> issdm-18 has the MDS, and issdm-22 is a non-Ceph node with its time
>>> set to an hour earlier than the MDS node.
>>> nwatkins@issdm-22:~$ ssh issdm-18 date && ./test
>>> Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 PST 2012           // MDS TIME
>>> local time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // Client TIME
>>> fstat time: Tue Nov 20 11:40:28 2012  // mtime seen after file
>>> creation (MDS time)
>>> lstat time: Tue Nov 20 10:42:47 2012  // mtime seen after file write
>>> (client time)
>>> Here is the code used to produce that output.
>>> #include <errno.h>
>>> #include <sys/fcntl.h>
>>> #include <sys/time.h>
>>> #include <unistd.h>
>>> #include <sys/types.h>
>>> #include <sys/stat.h>
>>> #include <dirent.h>
>>> #include <sys/xattr.h>
>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>> #include <string.h>
>>> #include <assert.h>
>>> #include <cephfs/libcephfs.h>
>>> #include <time.h>
>>> int main(int argc, char **argv)
>>> {
>>>           struct stat st;
>>>           struct ceph_mount_info *cmount;
>>>           struct timeval tv;
>>>           /* setup */
>>>           ceph_create(&cmount, "admin");
>>>           ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, "/users/nwatkins/Projects/ceph.conf");
>>>           ceph_mount(cmount, "/");
>>>           /* print local time for reference */
>>>           gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
>>>           printf("local time: %s", ctime(&tv.tv_sec));
>>>           /* create a file */
>>>           char buf[256];
>>>           sprintf(buf, "/somefile.%d", getpid());
>>>           int fd = ceph_open(cmount, buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0);
>>>           assert(fd > 0);
>>>           /* get mtime for this new file */
>>>           memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
>>>           int ret = ceph_fstat(cmount, fd, &st);
>>>           assert(ret == 0);
>>>           printf("fstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
>>>           /* write some data into the file */
>>>           ret = ceph_write(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
>>>           assert(ret == sizeof(buf));
>>>           ceph_close(cmount, fd);
>>>           memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
>>>           ret = ceph_lstat(cmount, buf, &st);
>>>           assert(ret == 0);
>>>           printf("lstat time: %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
>>>           ceph_shutdown(cmount);
>>>           return 0;
>>> }
>>> Note that this output is currently using the short patch from
>>> http://marc.info/?l=ceph-devel&m=133178637520337&w=2 which forces
>>> getattr to always go to the MDS.
>>> diff --git a/src/client/Client.cc b/src/client/Client.cc
>>> index 4a9ae3c..2bb24b7 100644
>>> --- a/src/client/Client.cc
>>> +++ b/src/client/Client.cc
>>> @@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ int Client::readlink(const char *relpath, char
>>> *buf, loff_t \
>>> size)
>>>    int Client::_getattr(Inode *in, int mask, int uid, int gid)
>>>    {
>>> -  bool yes = in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
>>> +  bool yes = false; //in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
>>>      ldout(cct, 10) << "_getattr mask " << ccap_string(mask) << "
>>> issued=" << yes << \
>>> dendl;  if (yes)
>>> --
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>>> More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html

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Sage Weil Nov. 27, 2012, 6:01 p.m. UTC | #7
On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, David Zafman wrote:
> On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
> > 
> >> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
> >> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
> >> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
> >> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
> >> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
> >> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
> >> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
> >> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
> >> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
> >> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
> >> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
> >> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
> >> intrusive to implement. :-)
> > 
> > Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
> > 
> > I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock 
> > skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave 
> > consistently, for example.
> > 
> My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's 
> local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that 
> case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1 
> second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file 
> using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client 
> writes with a clock that is behind.

That's a possibility (if it's 1ms or 1ns, at least :). We need to verify 
what POSIX says about that, though: if you utimes(2) an mtime into the 
future, what happens on write(2)?

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Sam Lang Nov. 27, 2012, 7:05 p.m. UTC | #8
On 11/27/2012 12:01 PM, Sage Weil wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, David Zafman wrote:
>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
>>>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
>>>> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
>>>> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>>>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
>>>> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
>>>> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
>>>> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
>>>> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
>>>> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
>>>> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
>>>> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
>>>> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
>>>> intrusive to implement. :-)
>>> Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
>>> I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock
>>> skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave
>>> consistently, for example.
>> My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's
>> local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that
>> case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1
>> second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file
>> using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client
>> writes with a clock that is behind.

We can choose to not decrement at the client, but because mtime is a 
time_t (seconds since epoch), we can't increment by 1 for each write. 
1000 writes each taking 0.01s would move the mtime 990 seconds into the 

> That's a possibility (if it's 1ms or 1ns, at least :). We need to verify
> what POSIX says about that, though: if you utimes(2) an mtime into the
> future, what happens on write(2)?

According to http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/, writes 
only require an update to mtime, it doesn't specify what the update 
should be:

"Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, write() 
shall mark for update the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the file, and 
if the file is a regular file, the S_ISUID and S_ISGID bits of the file 
mode may be cleared."

In NFS, the server sets the mtime.  Its relatively common to see 
"Warning: file 'foo' has modification time in the future" if you're 
compiling on nfs and your client and nfs server clocks are skewed.  So 
allowing the mtime to be set in the near future would at least follow 
the principle of least surprise for most folks.


> sage

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David Zafman Nov. 27, 2012, 7:38 p.m. UTC | #9
On Nov 27, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Sam Lang <sam.lang@inktank.com> wrote:

> On 11/27/2012 12:01 PM, Sage Weil wrote:
>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, David Zafman wrote:
>>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
>>>>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
>>>>> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
>>>>> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>>>>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
>>>>> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
>>>>> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
>>>>> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
>>>>> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
>>>>> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
>>>>> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
>>>>> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
>>>>> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
>>>>> intrusive to implement. :-)
>>>> Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
>>>> I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock
>>>> skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave
>>>> consistently, for example.
>>> My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's
>>> local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that
>>> case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1
>>> second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file
>>> using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client
>>> writes with a clock that is behind.
> We can choose to not decrement at the client, but because mtime is a time_t (seconds since epoch), we can't increment by 1 for each write. 1000 writes each taking 0.01s would move the mtime 990 seconds into the future.

The mtime update shouldn't work that way (see below).

>> That's a possibility (if it's 1ms or 1ns, at least :). We need to verify
>> what POSIX says about that, though: if you utimes(2) an mtime into the
>> future, what happens on write(2)?

On ext4 a write(2) after mtime set into the future with utimes(2) does the time go backward.  However, we can notice that if ctime == mtime then only create/write/truncate has last been done to the file.  This means that we should not let the mtime go backward in that case.  If the ctime != mtime, then the mtime has been set by utimes(2), so we can set mtime using our clock even if it goes backwards.

> According to http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/, writes only require an update to mtime, it doesn't specify what the update should be:
> "Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, write() shall mark for update the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the file, and if the file is a regular file, the S_ISUID and S_ISGID bits of the file mode may be cleared."

What this really means is that all writes mark mtime for update but not setting a specific time in the inode yet.  All writes/truncates will be rolled into a single mtime bump.  So even if we only have 1 second granularity (but hopefully it is 1 ms or 1 us), when a stat occurs (or in our case sending info to MDS or returning capabilities) only then does a new mtime need to be set and it will be at most 1 second ahead.

> In NFS, the server sets the mtime.  Its relatively common to see "Warning: file 'foo' has modification time in the future" if you're compiling on nfs and your client and nfs server clocks are skewed.  So allowing the mtime to be set in the near future would at least follow the principle of least surprise for most folks.

So Ceph can see this warning too if different skewed clocks are setting mtime and it appears in the future to some clients.

> -sam
>> sage

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Sage Weil Nov. 27, 2012, 7:59 p.m. UTC | #10
> On 11/27/2012 12:01 PM, Sage Weil wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, David Zafman wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its
> > > > > current
> > > > > time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp
> > > > > provided
> > > > > by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
> > > > > Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach
> > > > > allows the
> > > > > mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across
> > > > > clients
> > > > > and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the
> > > > > future
> > > > > (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is
> > > > > more
> > > > > like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an
> > > > > issue
> > > > > either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can
> > > > > set its
> > > > > cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested,
> > > > > ensuring
> > > > > that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that
> > > > > the mtime
> > > > > will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a
> > > > > lot more
> > > > > intrusive to implement. :-)
> > > > 
> > > > Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
> > > > 
> > > > I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite
> > > > clock
> > > > skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave
> > > > consistently, for example.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's
> > > local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that
> > > case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1
> > > second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file
> > > using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client
> > > writes with a clock that is behind.
> We can choose to not decrement at the client, but because mtime is a time_t
> (seconds since epoch), we can't increment by 1 for each write. 1000 writes
> each taking 0.01s would move the mtime 990 seconds into the future.

Time resolution is nanoseconds, so this shouldn't be a problem.

> > 
> > That's a possibility (if it's 1ms or 1ns, at least :). We need to verify
> > what POSIX says about that, though: if you utimes(2) an mtime into the
> > future, what happens on write(2)?
> According to http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/, writes only
> require an update to mtime, it doesn't specify what the update should be:
> "Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, write() shall mark
> for update the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the file, and if the file is a
> regular file, the S_ISUID and S_ISGID bits of the file mode may be cleared."
> In NFS, the server sets the mtime.  Its relatively common to see "Warning:
> file 'foo' has modification time in the future" if you're compiling on nfs and
> your client and nfs server clocks are skewed.  So allowing the mtime to be set
> in the near future would at least follow the principle of least surprise for
> most folks.

We can make this a client config option (set to current time vs 
add epsilon).

I also like the idea of providing the timestamp on file creation.  We 
could do both.


> -sam
> > 
> > sage
> > 
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in
> the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
> More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
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Sam Lang Nov. 27, 2012, 9:14 p.m. UTC | #11
On 11/27/2012 01:38 PM, David Zafman wrote:
> On Nov 27, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Sam Lang <sam.lang@inktank.com> wrote:
>> On 11/27/2012 12:01 PM, Sage Weil wrote:
>>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, David Zafman wrote:
>>>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
>>>>>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
>>>>>> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
>>>>>> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>>>>>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
>>>>>> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
>>>>>> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
>>>>>> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
>>>>>> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
>>>>>> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
>>>>>> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
>>>>>> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
>>>>>> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
>>>>>> intrusive to implement. :-)
>>>>> Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
>>>>> I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock
>>>>> skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave
>>>>> consistently, for example.
>>>> My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's
>>>> local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that
>>>> case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1
>>>> second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file
>>>> using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client
>>>> writes with a clock that is behind.
>> We can choose to not decrement at the client, but because mtime is a time_t (seconds since epoch), we can't increment by 1 for each write. 1000 writes each taking 0.01s would move the mtime 990 seconds into the future.
> The mtime update shouldn't work that way (see below).
>>> That's a possibility (if it's 1ms or 1ns, at least :). We need to verify
>>> what POSIX says about that, though: if you utimes(2) an mtime into the
>>> future, what happens on write(2)?
> On ext4 a write(2) after mtime set into the future with utimes(2) does the time go backward.  However, we can notice that if ctime == mtime then only create/write/truncate has last been done to the file.  This means that we should not let the mtime go backward in that case.  If the ctime != mtime, then the mtime has been set by utimes(2), so we can set mtime using our clock even if it goes backwards.

I'm not sure I follow you here.  utimes(2) can set mtime and ctime to 
same, different, set mtime and/or ctime to current time.  That makes it 
hard to rely on the mtime != ctime conditional.

We might be able to use the time_warp_seq field similar to how its used 
for client and mds mtime updates.  If the time_warp_seq has been 
incremented since we acquired caps, we skip the mtime increment, and 
just use current time.

I've pushed wip-mtime-incr with the mtime increment check.  There's also 
a separate commit that updates the ctime on write.


>> According to http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/, writes only require an update to mtime, it doesn't specify what the update should be:
>> "Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, write() shall mark for update the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the file, and if the file is a regular file, the S_ISUID and S_ISGID bits of the file mode may be cleared."
> What this really means is that all writes mark mtime for update but not setting a specific time in the inode yet.  All writes/truncates will be rolled into a single mtime bump.  So even if we only have 1 second granularity (but hopefully it is 1 ms or 1 us), when a stat occurs (or in our case sending info to MDS or returning capabilities) only then does a new mtime need to be set and it will be at most 1 second ahead.
>> In NFS, the server sets the mtime.  Its relatively common to see "Warning: file 'foo' has modification time in the future" if you're compiling on nfs and your client and nfs server clocks are skewed.  So allowing the mtime to be set in the near future would at least follow the principle of least surprise for most folks.
> So Ceph can see this warning too if different skewed clocks are setting mtime and it appears in the future to some clients.
>> -sam
>>> sage

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David Zafman Nov. 27, 2012, 10:02 p.m. UTC | #12
On Nov 27, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Sam Lang <sam.lang@inktank.com> wrote:

> On 11/27/2012 01:38 PM, David Zafman wrote:
>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Sam Lang <sam.lang@inktank.com> wrote:
>>> On 11/27/2012 12:01 PM, Sage Weil wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, David Zafman wrote:
>>>>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Sam Lang wrote:
>>>>>>> 3. When a client acquires the cap for a file, have the mds provide its current
>>>>>>> time as well.  As the client updates the mtime, it uses the timestamp provided
>>>>>>> by the mds and the time since the cap was acquired.
>>>>>>> Except for the skew caused by the message latency, this approach allows the
>>>>>>> mtime to be based off the mds time, so it will be consistent across clients
>>>>>>> and the mds.  It does however, allow a client to set an mtime to the future
>>>>>>> (based off of its local time), which might be undesirable, but that is more
>>>>>>> like how  NFS behaves.  Message latency probably won't be much of an issue
>>>>>>> either, as the granularity of mtime is a second. Also, the client can set its
>>>>>>> cap acquired timestamp to the time at which the cap was requested, ensuring
>>>>>>> that the relative increment includes the round trip latency so that the mtime
>>>>>>> will always be set further ahead. Of course, this approach would be a lot more
>>>>>>> intrusive to implement. :-)
>>>>>> Yeah, I'm less excited about this one.
>>>>>> I think that giving consistent behavior from a single client despite clock
>>>>>> skew is a good goal.  That will make things like pjd's test behave
>>>>>> consistently, for example.
>>>>> My suggestion is that a client writing to a file will try to use it's
>>>>> local clock unless it would cause the mtime to go backward.  In that
>>>>> case it will simply perform the minimum mtime advance possible (1
>>>>> second?).  This handles the case in which one client created a file
>>>>> using his clock (per previous suggested change), then another client
>>>>> writes with a clock that is behind.
>>> We can choose to not decrement at the client, but because mtime is a time_t (seconds since epoch), we can't increment by 1 for each write. 1000 writes each taking 0.01s would move the mtime 990 seconds into the future.
>> The mtime update shouldn't work that way (see below).
>>>> That's a possibility (if it's 1ms or 1ns, at least :). We need to verify
>>>> what POSIX says about that, though: if you utimes(2) an mtime into the
>>>> future, what happens on write(2)?
>> On ext4 a write(2) after mtime set into the future with utimes(2) does the time go backward.  However, we can notice that if ctime == mtime then only create/write/truncate has last been done to the file.  This means that we should not let the mtime go backward in that case.  If the ctime != mtime, then the mtime has been set by utimes(2), so we can set mtime using our clock even if it goes backwards.
> I'm not sure I follow you here.  utimes(2) can set mtime and ctime to same, different, set mtime and/or ctime to current time.  That makes it hard to rely on the mtime != ctime conditional.

utimes(2) does not allow you to modify ctime.  As a matter of fact if you set mtime, ctime will always be set to localtime.  On a single system with only a forward moving clock, ctime can never go backwards nor will ever look like it is in the future.  Also, when setting mtime to "now" it is the case that ctime == mtime.  Ceph should insure this ctime only moves forward.  Unfortunately, it can't do that and prevent ctime from looking like it is in the future, but NFS doesn't either because the ctime is always set by the NFS server clock.

ubuntu@client:~$ date ; touch file ; stat file; sleep 60; date ; echo foo >> file ; stat file ; sleep 15; date ; touch -m -t 11281200 file ; stat file ; sleep 15 ; date ; touch -m file ; stat file
###CREATE (atime ==  mtime == ctime)
Tue Nov 27 13:44:23 PST 2012
  File: `file'
  Size: 4               Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 805h/2053d      Inode: 145126      Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)   Gid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)
Access: 2012-11-27 13:44:23.685986005 -0800
Modify: 2012-11-27 13:44:23.685986005 -0800
Change: 2012-11-27 13:44:23.685986005 -0800
 Birth: -
###WRITE (mtime == ctime)  advanced
Tue Nov 27 13:45:23 PST 2012
  File: `file'
  Size: 8               Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 805h/2053d      Inode: 145126      Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)   Gid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)
Access: 2012-11-27 13:44:23.685986005 -0800
Modify: 2012-11-27 13:45:23.701986456 -0800
Change: 2012-11-27 13:45:23.701986456 -0800
 Birth: -
UTIMES(2)  mtime in the future, ctime set to local clock
Tue Nov 27 13:45:38 PST 2012
  File: `file'
  Size: 8               Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 805h/2053d      Inode: 145126      Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)   Gid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)
Access: 2012-11-27 13:44:23.685986005 -0800
Modify: 2012-11-28 12:00:00.000000000 -0800
Change: 2012-11-27 13:45:38.721986577 -0800
 Birth: -
UTIMES(2) mtime to now, (ctime == mtime) equivalent to a write/truncate
Tue Nov 27 13:45:53 PST 2012
  File: `file'
  Size: 8               Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 805h/2053d      Inode: 145126      Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)   Gid: ( 1000/  ubuntu)
Access: 2012-11-27 13:44:23.685986005 -0800
Modify: 2012-11-27 13:45:53.741986698 -0800
Change: 2012-11-27 13:45:53.741986698 -0800
 Birth: -

> We might be able to use the time_warp_seq field similar to how its used for client and mds mtime updates.  If the time_warp_seq has been incremented since we acquired caps, we skip the mtime increment, and just use current time.
> I've pushed wip-mtime-incr with the mtime increment check.  There's also a separate commit that updates the ctime on write.
> -sam
>>> According to http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/, writes only require an update to mtime, it doesn't specify what the update should be:
>>> "Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, write() shall mark for update the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the file, and if the file is a regular file, the S_ISUID and S_ISGID bits of the file mode may be cleared."
>> What this really means is that all writes mark mtime for update but not setting a specific time in the inode yet.  All writes/truncates will be rolled into a single mtime bump.  So even if we only have 1 second granularity (but hopefully it is 1 ms or 1 us), when a stat occurs (or in our case sending info to MDS or returning capabilities) only then does a new mtime need to be set and it will be at most 1 second ahead.
>>> In NFS, the server sets the mtime.  Its relatively common to see "Warning: file 'foo' has modification time in the future" if you're compiling on nfs and your client and nfs server clocks are skewed.  So allowing the mtime to be set in the near future would at least follow the principle of least surprise for most folks.
>> So Ceph can see this warning too if different skewed clocks are setting mtime and it appears in the future to some clients.
>>> -sam
>>>> sage

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More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
diff mbox


diff --git a/src/client/Client.cc b/src/client/Client.cc
index 4a9ae3c..2bb24b7 100644
--- a/src/client/Client.cc
+++ b/src/client/Client.cc
@@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@  int Client::readlink(const char *relpath, char
*buf, loff_t \
 int Client::_getattr(Inode *in, int mask, int uid, int gid)
-  bool yes = in->caps_issued_mask(mask);
+  bool yes = false; //in->caps_issued_mask(mask);

   ldout(cct, 10) << "_getattr mask " << ccap_string(mask) << "