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[RFC,3/4] libv4l2rds: added support to decode RDS-TMC tuning information

Message ID 59e7b78e35403e1157483794d5d7d796b46ed0c4.1367943797.git.koradlow@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Konke Radlow May 7, 2013, 4:24 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Konke Radlow <koradlow@gmail.com>
 lib/include/libv4l2rds.h    |   39 +++++++++++
 lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


Hans Verkuil May 10, 2013, 11:46 a.m. UTC | #1
On Tue May 7 2013 18:24:22 Konke Radlow wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Konke Radlow <koradlow@gmail.com>
> ---
>  lib/include/libv4l2rds.h    |   39 +++++++++++
>  lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>  2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h b/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
> index 62b28bc..45dc2d1 100644
> --- a/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
> +++ b/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
> @@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ extern "C" {
>  			* Additional data is limited to 112 bit, and the smallest
>  			* optional tuple has a size of 4 bit (4 bit identifier +
>  			* 0 bits of data) */
> +#define MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS 32 /* defined by ISO 14819-1:2003,  */
> +#define MAX_TMC_AF_CNT 4	/* limit for the numbers of AFs stored per alternative TMC
> +			* station. This value is not defined by the standard, but based on observation
> +			* of real-world RDS-TMC streams */

Could you clarify this a bit more? E.g. what is the maximum number of AFs you
have seen in practice?

>  #define MAX_EON_CNT 20	/* Maximal number of entries in the EON table (for storing
>  			* information about other radio stations, broadcasted
>  			* by the current station) */
> @@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ extern "C" {
>  #define V4L2_RDS_TMC_SYS	0x10000	/* RDS-TMC system information */
>  #define V4L2_RDS_EON		0x20000	/* Enhanced Other Network Info */
>  #define V4L2_RDS_LSF		0x40000	/* Linkage information */
> +#define V4L2_RDS_TMC_TUNING	0x80000	/* RDS-TMC tuning information */
>  /* Define Constants for the state of the RDS decoding process
>   * used to address the relevant bit in the decode_information bitmask */
> @@ -175,6 +180,37 @@ struct v4l2_rds_eon_set {
>  						 * radio channels */
>  };
> +/* struct to encapsulate alternative frequencies (AFs) for RDS-TMC stations.
> + * AFs listed in af[] can be used unconditionally. 
> + * AFs listed in mapped_af[n] should only be used if the current 
> + * tuner frequency matches the value in mapped_af_tuning[n] */
> +struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq {
> +	uint8_t af_size;		/* number of known AFs */
> +	uint8_t af_index;
> +	uint8_t mapped_af_size;		/* number of mapped AFs */
> +	uint8_t mapped_af_index;
> +	uint32_t af[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];		/* AFs defined in Hz */
> +	uint32_t mapped_af[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];		/* mapped AFs defined in Hz */
> +	uint32_t mapped_af_tuning[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];	/* mapped AFs defined in Hz */
> +};
> +
> +/* struct to encapsulate information about stations carrying RDS-TMC services */
> +struct v4l2_tmc_station {
> +	uint16_t pi;
> +	uint8_t ltn;	/* database-ID of ON */
> +	uint8_t msg;	/* msg parameters of ON */
> +	uint8_t sid;	/* service-ID of ON */
> +	struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq afi;
> +};
> +
> +/* struct to encapsulate tuning information for TMC */
> +struct v4l2_tmc_tuning {
> +	uint8_t station_cnt;	/* number of announced alternative stations */
> +	uint8_t index;
> +	struct v4l2_tmc_station station[MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS];	/* information
> +							* about other stations carrying the same RDS-TMC service */
> +};
> +
>  /* struct to encapsulate an additional data field in a TMC message */
>  struct v4l2_tmc_additional {
>  	uint8_t label;
> @@ -225,6 +261,9 @@ struct v4l2_rds_tmc {
>  	uint8_t t_d;		/* delay time (only if mode = enhanced */
>  	uint8_t spn[9];		/* service provider name */
>  	struct v4l2_rds_tmc_msg tmc_msg;
> +
> +	/* tuning information for alternative service providers */
> +	struct v4l2_tmc_tuning tuning;
>  };
>  /* struct to encapsulate state and RDS information for current decoding process */
> diff --git a/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c b/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
> index 3a90a3b..3995c3d 100644
> --- a/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
> +++ b/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
> @@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ enum rds_state {
>  };
>  /* function declarations to prevent the need to move large code blocks */
> +static int rds_add_tmc_station(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, uint16_t pi);
>  static uint32_t rds_decode_af(uint8_t af, bool is_vhf);
> +static bool rds_add_tmc_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state);

Same comment as previously: just have a separate patch that moves code around.

>  static inline uint8_t set_bit(uint8_t input, uint8_t bitmask, bool bitvalue)
>  {
> @@ -437,6 +439,59 @@ static uint32_t rds_decode_tmc_multi_group(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>  	return V4L2_RDS_TMC_MG;
>  }
> +/* decode the RDS-TMC tuning information that is contained in type 8A groups
> + * (variants 4 to 9) that announce the presence alternative transmitters 
> + * providing the same RDS-TMC service */
> +static uint32_t rds_decode_tmc_tuning(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
> +{
> +	struct v4l2_rds_group *group = &priv_state->rds_group;
> +	struct v4l2_rds_tmc *tmc = &priv_state->handle.tmc;
> +	uint8_t variant_code = group->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
> +	uint16_t pi_on = (group->data_d_msb << 8) | group->data_d_lsb;
> +	uint8_t index;
> +
> +	/* variants 4 and 5 carry the service provider name */
> +	if (variant_code >= 4 && variant_code <= 5) {
> +		int offset = 4 * (variant_code - 4);
> +		tmc->spn[0 + offset] = group->data_c_msb;
> +		tmc->spn[1 + offset] = group->data_c_lsb;
> +		tmc->spn[2 + offset] = group->data_d_msb;
> +		tmc->spn[3 + offset] = group->data_d_lsb;
> +
> +	/* variant 6 provides specific frequencies for the same RDS-TMC service
> +	 * on a network with a different PI code */
> +	/* variant 7 provides mapped frequency pair information which should only
> +	 * be used if the terminal is tuned to the tuning frequency */
> +	} else if (variant_code == 6 || variant_code == 7) {
> +		rds_add_tmc_af(priv_state);
> +
> +	/* variant 8 indicates up to 2 PI codes of adjacent networks carrying 
> +	 * the same RDS-TMC service on all transmitters of the network */ 
> +	} else if (variant_code == 8) {
> +		uint16_t pi_on_2 = (group->data_c_msb << 8) | group->data_c_lsb;
> +
> +		/* try to add both transmitted PI codes to the table */
> +		rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
> +		/* PI = 0 is used as a filler code */
> +		if (pi_on_2 != 0) rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on_2);

Newline before rds_add_tmc_station().

> +
> +	/* variant 9 provides PI codes of other networks with different system 
> +	 * parameters */
> +	} else if (variant_code == 9) {
> +		index = rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
> +
> +		/* bits 0 - 5 contain the service-ID of the ON */
> +		tmc->tuning.station[index].sid = group->data_c_lsb & 0x3F;
> +		/* bits 6-10 contain the msg parameters of the ON */
> +		tmc->tuning.station[index].msg = (group->data_c_msb & 0x03) << 2;
> +		tmc->tuning.station[index].msg |= (group->data_c_lsb >> 6) & 0x03;
> +		/* bits 11-15 contain the database-ID of the ON */
> +		tmc->tuning.station[index].ltn = group->data_c_msb >> 2;
> +	}
> +
> +	return V4L2_RDS_TMC_TUNING;
> +}
> +
>  static bool rds_add_oda(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, struct v4l2_rds_oda oda)
>  {
>  	struct v4l2_rds *handle = &priv_state->handle;
> @@ -516,6 +571,103 @@ static bool rds_add_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>  	return updated_af;
>  }
> +/* checks if an entry for the given PI already exists and returns the index
> + * of that entry if so. Else it adds a new entry to the TMC-Tuning table and returns
> + * the index of the new field */
> +static int rds_add_tmc_station(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, uint16_t pi)
> +{
> +	struct v4l2_tmc_tuning *tuning = &priv_state->handle.tmc.tuning;
> +	uint8_t index = tuning->index;
> +	uint8_t size = tuning->station_cnt;
> +	
> +	/* check if there's an entry for the given PI key */
> +	for (int i = 0; i < tuning->station_cnt; i++) {
> +		if (tuning->station[i].pi == pi) {
> +			return i;
> +		}
> +	}
> +	/* if the the maximum table size is reached, overwrite old
> +	 * entries, starting at the oldest one = 0 */
> +	tuning->station[index].pi = pi;
> +	tuning->index = (index+1 < MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS)? (index+1) : 0;

Space before '?'

> +	tuning->station_cnt = (size+1 <= MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS)? (size+1) : MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS;

Ditto. You do this elsewhere as well, please check :-)

> +	return index;
> +}
> +
> +/* tries to add new AFs to the relevant entry in the list of RDS-TMC providers */
> +static bool rds_add_tmc_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
> +{
> +	struct v4l2_rds_group *grp = &priv_state->rds_group;
> +	struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq *afi;
> +	uint16_t pi_on = grp->data_d_msb << 8 | grp->data_d_lsb;
> +	uint8_t variant = grp->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
> +	uint8_t station_index = rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
> +	uint8_t af_index;
> +	uint8_t mapped_af_index;
> +	uint32_t freq_a = rds_decode_af(grp->data_c_msb, true);
> +	uint32_t freq_b = rds_decode_af(grp->data_c_lsb, true);
> +	
> +	afi = &priv_state->handle.tmc.tuning.station[station_index].afi;
> +	af_index = afi->af_index;
> +	mapped_af_index = afi->mapped_af_index;
> +
> +	/* specific frequencies */
> +	if (variant == 6) {
> +		/* compare the new AFs to the stored ones, reset them to 0 if the AFs are
> +		 * already known */
> +		for (int i = 0; i < afi->af_size; i++) {
> +			freq_a = (freq_a == afi->af[i])? 0 : freq_a;
> +			freq_b = (freq_b == afi->af[i])? 0 : freq_b;
> +		}
> +		/* return early if there is nothing to do */
> +		if (freq_a == 0 && freq_b == 0)
> +			return false;
> +
> +		/* add the new AFs if they were previously unknown */
> +		if (freq_a != 0) {
> +			afi->af[af_index] = freq_a;
> +			af_index = (af_index+1 < MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? af_index+1 : 0;
> +			afi->af_size++; 
> +		}
> +		if (freq_b != 0) {
> +			afi->af[af_index] = freq_b;
> +			af_index = (af_index+1 < MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? af_index+1 : 0;
> +			afi->af_size++; 
> +		}
> +		/* update the information in the handle */
> +		afi->af_index = af_index;
> +		if (afi->af_size >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT) 
> +			afi->af_size = MAX_TMC_AF_CNT;
> +
> +		return true;
> +	}
> +
> +	/* mapped frequency pair */
> +	else if (variant == 7) {
> +		/* check the if there's already a frequency mapped to the new tuning
> +		 * frequency, update the mapped frequency in this case */
> +		for (int i = 0; i < afi->mapped_af_size; i++) {
> +			if (freq_a == afi->mapped_af_tuning[i])
> +				afi->mapped_af[i] = freq_b;
> +				return true;
> +		}
> +		/* new pair is unknown, add it to the list */
> +		if (freq_a != 0 && freq_b != 0) {
> +			mapped_af_index = (mapped_af_index+1 >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? 0 : mapped_af_index + 1;
> +			afi->mapped_af[mapped_af_index] = freq_b;
> +			afi->mapped_af_tuning[mapped_af_index] = freq_a;
> +			afi->mapped_af_size++; 
> +		}
> +		/* update the information in the handle */
> +		afi->mapped_af_index = mapped_af_index;
> +		if (afi->mapped_af_size >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT) 
> +			afi->mapped_af_size = MAX_TMC_AF_CNT;
> +
> +		return true;
> +	}
> +	return false;
> +}
> +
>  /* adds one char of the ps name to temporal storage, the value is validated
>   * if it is received twice in a row
>   * @pos:	position of the char within the PS name (0..7)
> @@ -968,13 +1120,12 @@ static uint32_t rds_decode_group8(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>  		!(grp->data_b_lsb & V4L2_TMC_TUNING_INFO)) {
>  		return rds_decode_tmc_multi_group(priv_state);
>  	}
> -	/* -> tuning information message, defined for variants 4..9, submitted
> -	 * in bits 0-3 of block 2 */
> +	/* -> tuning information message, defined for variants 4..9,
> +	 * submitted in bits 0-3 of block 2 */
>  	tuning_variant = grp->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
>  	if ((grp->data_b_lsb & V4L2_TMC_TUNING_INFO) && tuning_variant >= 4 &&
>  		tuning_variant <= 9) {
> -		/* TODO: Implement tuning information decoding */
> -		return 0;
> +		return rds_decode_tmc_tuning(priv_state);
>  	}
>  	return 0;

I suggest that we update V4L2_RDS_VERSION to 2.

Unless I am mistaken we are now complete with regards to the RDS/TMC
functionality and we can release the library officially.

It would still be nice if rds-ctl could decode the TMC messages to human
readable text, though...


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Konke Radlow May 20, 2013, 10:23 p.m. UTC | #2
Hi Hans,
Thank you for your comments, they're very appreciated as always :)

I will integrate the proposals and submit an updated version towards
the end of this week.

To my best knowledge I would say that the functionality of RDS/TMC as
defined by the standards is completely implemented now.

And I agree that human readable output for the TMC messages would be
nice to have, but I'm quite busy with my thesis atm and will not make
any promises ;)


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Hans Verkuil <hverkuil@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> On Tue May 7 2013 18:24:22 Konke Radlow wrote:
>> Signed-off-by: Konke Radlow <koradlow@gmail.com>
>> ---
>>  lib/include/libv4l2rds.h    |   39 +++++++++++
>>  lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>>  2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h b/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
>> index 62b28bc..45dc2d1 100644
>> --- a/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
>> +++ b/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
>> @@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ extern "C" {
>>                       * Additional data is limited to 112 bit, and the smallest
>>                       * optional tuple has a size of 4 bit (4 bit identifier +
>>                       * 0 bits of data) */
>> +#define MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS 32 /* defined by ISO 14819-1:2003,  */
>> +#define MAX_TMC_AF_CNT 4     /* limit for the numbers of AFs stored per alternative TMC
>> +                     * station. This value is not defined by the standard, but based on observation
>> +                     * of real-world RDS-TMC streams */
> Could you clarify this a bit more? E.g. what is the maximum number of AFs you
> have seen in practice?
>>  #define MAX_EON_CNT 20       /* Maximal number of entries in the EON table (for storing
>>                       * information about other radio stations, broadcasted
>>                       * by the current station) */
>> @@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ extern "C" {
>>  #define V4L2_RDS_TMC_SYS     0x10000 /* RDS-TMC system information */
>>  #define V4L2_RDS_EON         0x20000 /* Enhanced Other Network Info */
>>  #define V4L2_RDS_LSF         0x40000 /* Linkage information */
>> +#define V4L2_RDS_TMC_TUNING  0x80000 /* RDS-TMC tuning information */
>>  /* Define Constants for the state of the RDS decoding process
>>   * used to address the relevant bit in the decode_information bitmask */
>> @@ -175,6 +180,37 @@ struct v4l2_rds_eon_set {
>>                                                * radio channels */
>>  };
>> +/* struct to encapsulate alternative frequencies (AFs) for RDS-TMC stations.
>> + * AFs listed in af[] can be used unconditionally.
>> + * AFs listed in mapped_af[n] should only be used if the current
>> + * tuner frequency matches the value in mapped_af_tuning[n] */
>> +struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq {
>> +     uint8_t af_size;                /* number of known AFs */
>> +     uint8_t af_index;
>> +     uint8_t mapped_af_size;         /* number of mapped AFs */
>> +     uint8_t mapped_af_index;
>> +     uint32_t af[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];            /* AFs defined in Hz */
>> +     uint32_t mapped_af[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];             /* mapped AFs defined in Hz */
>> +     uint32_t mapped_af_tuning[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];      /* mapped AFs defined in Hz */
>> +};
>> +
>> +/* struct to encapsulate information about stations carrying RDS-TMC services */
>> +struct v4l2_tmc_station {
>> +     uint16_t pi;
>> +     uint8_t ltn;    /* database-ID of ON */
>> +     uint8_t msg;    /* msg parameters of ON */
>> +     uint8_t sid;    /* service-ID of ON */
>> +     struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq afi;
>> +};
>> +
>> +/* struct to encapsulate tuning information for TMC */
>> +struct v4l2_tmc_tuning {
>> +     uint8_t station_cnt;    /* number of announced alternative stations */
>> +     uint8_t index;
>> +     struct v4l2_tmc_station station[MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS];  /* information
>> +                                                     * about other stations carrying the same RDS-TMC service */
>> +};
>> +
>>  /* struct to encapsulate an additional data field in a TMC message */
>>  struct v4l2_tmc_additional {
>>       uint8_t label;
>> @@ -225,6 +261,9 @@ struct v4l2_rds_tmc {
>>       uint8_t t_d;            /* delay time (only if mode = enhanced */
>>       uint8_t spn[9];         /* service provider name */
>>       struct v4l2_rds_tmc_msg tmc_msg;
>> +
>> +     /* tuning information for alternative service providers */
>> +     struct v4l2_tmc_tuning tuning;
>>  };
>>  /* struct to encapsulate state and RDS information for current decoding process */
>> diff --git a/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c b/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
>> index 3a90a3b..3995c3d 100644
>> --- a/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
>> +++ b/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
>> @@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ enum rds_state {
>>  };
>>  /* function declarations to prevent the need to move large code blocks */
>> +static int rds_add_tmc_station(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, uint16_t pi);
>>  static uint32_t rds_decode_af(uint8_t af, bool is_vhf);
>> +static bool rds_add_tmc_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state);
> Same comment as previously: just have a separate patch that moves code around.
>>  static inline uint8_t set_bit(uint8_t input, uint8_t bitmask, bool bitvalue)
>>  {
>> @@ -437,6 +439,59 @@ static uint32_t rds_decode_tmc_multi_group(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>>       return V4L2_RDS_TMC_MG;
>>  }
>> +/* decode the RDS-TMC tuning information that is contained in type 8A groups
>> + * (variants 4 to 9) that announce the presence alternative transmitters
>> + * providing the same RDS-TMC service */
>> +static uint32_t rds_decode_tmc_tuning(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>> +{
>> +     struct v4l2_rds_group *group = &priv_state->rds_group;
>> +     struct v4l2_rds_tmc *tmc = &priv_state->handle.tmc;
>> +     uint8_t variant_code = group->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
>> +     uint16_t pi_on = (group->data_d_msb << 8) | group->data_d_lsb;
>> +     uint8_t index;
>> +
>> +     /* variants 4 and 5 carry the service provider name */
>> +     if (variant_code >= 4 && variant_code <= 5) {
>> +             int offset = 4 * (variant_code - 4);
>> +             tmc->spn[0 + offset] = group->data_c_msb;
>> +             tmc->spn[1 + offset] = group->data_c_lsb;
>> +             tmc->spn[2 + offset] = group->data_d_msb;
>> +             tmc->spn[3 + offset] = group->data_d_lsb;
>> +
>> +     /* variant 6 provides specific frequencies for the same RDS-TMC service
>> +      * on a network with a different PI code */
>> +     /* variant 7 provides mapped frequency pair information which should only
>> +      * be used if the terminal is tuned to the tuning frequency */
>> +     } else if (variant_code == 6 || variant_code == 7) {
>> +             rds_add_tmc_af(priv_state);
>> +
>> +     /* variant 8 indicates up to 2 PI codes of adjacent networks carrying
>> +      * the same RDS-TMC service on all transmitters of the network */
>> +     } else if (variant_code == 8) {
>> +             uint16_t pi_on_2 = (group->data_c_msb << 8) | group->data_c_lsb;
>> +
>> +             /* try to add both transmitted PI codes to the table */
>> +             rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
>> +             /* PI = 0 is used as a filler code */
>> +             if (pi_on_2 != 0) rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on_2);
> Newline before rds_add_tmc_station().
>> +
>> +     /* variant 9 provides PI codes of other networks with different system
>> +      * parameters */
>> +     } else if (variant_code == 9) {
>> +             index = rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
>> +
>> +             /* bits 0 - 5 contain the service-ID of the ON */
>> +             tmc->tuning.station[index].sid = group->data_c_lsb & 0x3F;
>> +             /* bits 6-10 contain the msg parameters of the ON */
>> +             tmc->tuning.station[index].msg = (group->data_c_msb & 0x03) << 2;
>> +             tmc->tuning.station[index].msg |= (group->data_c_lsb >> 6) & 0x03;
>> +             /* bits 11-15 contain the database-ID of the ON */
>> +             tmc->tuning.station[index].ltn = group->data_c_msb >> 2;
>> +     }
>> +
>> +     return V4L2_RDS_TMC_TUNING;
>> +}
>> +
>>  static bool rds_add_oda(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, struct v4l2_rds_oda oda)
>>  {
>>       struct v4l2_rds *handle = &priv_state->handle;
>> @@ -516,6 +571,103 @@ static bool rds_add_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>>       return updated_af;
>>  }
>> +/* checks if an entry for the given PI already exists and returns the index
>> + * of that entry if so. Else it adds a new entry to the TMC-Tuning table and returns
>> + * the index of the new field */
>> +static int rds_add_tmc_station(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, uint16_t pi)
>> +{
>> +     struct v4l2_tmc_tuning *tuning = &priv_state->handle.tmc.tuning;
>> +     uint8_t index = tuning->index;
>> +     uint8_t size = tuning->station_cnt;
>> +
>> +     /* check if there's an entry for the given PI key */
>> +     for (int i = 0; i < tuning->station_cnt; i++) {
>> +             if (tuning->station[i].pi == pi) {
>> +                     return i;
>> +             }
>> +     }
>> +     /* if the the maximum table size is reached, overwrite old
>> +      * entries, starting at the oldest one = 0 */
>> +     tuning->station[index].pi = pi;
>> +     tuning->index = (index+1 < MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS)? (index+1) : 0;
> Space before '?'
>> +     tuning->station_cnt = (size+1 <= MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS)? (size+1) : MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS;
> Ditto. You do this elsewhere as well, please check :-)
>> +     return index;
>> +}
>> +
>> +/* tries to add new AFs to the relevant entry in the list of RDS-TMC providers */
>> +static bool rds_add_tmc_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>> +{
>> +     struct v4l2_rds_group *grp = &priv_state->rds_group;
>> +     struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq *afi;
>> +     uint16_t pi_on = grp->data_d_msb << 8 | grp->data_d_lsb;
>> +     uint8_t variant = grp->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
>> +     uint8_t station_index = rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
>> +     uint8_t af_index;
>> +     uint8_t mapped_af_index;
>> +     uint32_t freq_a = rds_decode_af(grp->data_c_msb, true);
>> +     uint32_t freq_b = rds_decode_af(grp->data_c_lsb, true);
>> +
>> +     afi = &priv_state->handle.tmc.tuning.station[station_index].afi;
>> +     af_index = afi->af_index;
>> +     mapped_af_index = afi->mapped_af_index;
>> +
>> +     /* specific frequencies */
>> +     if (variant == 6) {
>> +             /* compare the new AFs to the stored ones, reset them to 0 if the AFs are
>> +              * already known */
>> +             for (int i = 0; i < afi->af_size; i++) {
>> +                     freq_a = (freq_a == afi->af[i])? 0 : freq_a;
>> +                     freq_b = (freq_b == afi->af[i])? 0 : freq_b;
>> +             }
>> +             /* return early if there is nothing to do */
>> +             if (freq_a == 0 && freq_b == 0)
>> +                     return false;
>> +
>> +             /* add the new AFs if they were previously unknown */
>> +             if (freq_a != 0) {
>> +                     afi->af[af_index] = freq_a;
>> +                     af_index = (af_index+1 < MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? af_index+1 : 0;
>> +                     afi->af_size++;
>> +             }
>> +             if (freq_b != 0) {
>> +                     afi->af[af_index] = freq_b;
>> +                     af_index = (af_index+1 < MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? af_index+1 : 0;
>> +                     afi->af_size++;
>> +             }
>> +             /* update the information in the handle */
>> +             afi->af_index = af_index;
>> +             if (afi->af_size >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)
>> +                     afi->af_size = MAX_TMC_AF_CNT;
>> +
>> +             return true;
>> +     }
>> +
>> +     /* mapped frequency pair */
>> +     else if (variant == 7) {
>> +             /* check the if there's already a frequency mapped to the new tuning
>> +              * frequency, update the mapped frequency in this case */
>> +             for (int i = 0; i < afi->mapped_af_size; i++) {
>> +                     if (freq_a == afi->mapped_af_tuning[i])
>> +                             afi->mapped_af[i] = freq_b;
>> +                             return true;
>> +             }
>> +             /* new pair is unknown, add it to the list */
>> +             if (freq_a != 0 && freq_b != 0) {
>> +                     mapped_af_index = (mapped_af_index+1 >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? 0 : mapped_af_index + 1;
>> +                     afi->mapped_af[mapped_af_index] = freq_b;
>> +                     afi->mapped_af_tuning[mapped_af_index] = freq_a;
>> +                     afi->mapped_af_size++;
>> +             }
>> +             /* update the information in the handle */
>> +             afi->mapped_af_index = mapped_af_index;
>> +             if (afi->mapped_af_size >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)
>> +                     afi->mapped_af_size = MAX_TMC_AF_CNT;
>> +
>> +             return true;
>> +     }
>> +     return false;
>> +}
>> +
>>  /* adds one char of the ps name to temporal storage, the value is validated
>>   * if it is received twice in a row
>>   * @pos:     position of the char within the PS name (0..7)
>> @@ -968,13 +1120,12 @@ static uint32_t rds_decode_group8(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
>>               !(grp->data_b_lsb & V4L2_TMC_TUNING_INFO)) {
>>               return rds_decode_tmc_multi_group(priv_state);
>>       }
>> -     /* -> tuning information message, defined for variants 4..9, submitted
>> -      * in bits 0-3 of block 2 */
>> +     /* -> tuning information message, defined for variants 4..9,
>> +      * submitted in bits 0-3 of block 2 */
>>       tuning_variant = grp->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
>>       if ((grp->data_b_lsb & V4L2_TMC_TUNING_INFO) && tuning_variant >= 4 &&
>>               tuning_variant <= 9) {
>> -             /* TODO: Implement tuning information decoding */
>> -             return 0;
>> +             return rds_decode_tmc_tuning(priv_state);
>>       }
>>       return 0;
> I suggest that we update V4L2_RDS_VERSION to 2.
> Unless I am mistaken we are now complete with regards to the RDS/TMC
> functionality and we can release the library officially.
> It would still be nice if rds-ctl could decode the TMC messages to human
> readable text, though...
> Regards,
>         Hans
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diff mbox


diff --git a/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h b/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
index 62b28bc..45dc2d1 100644
--- a/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
+++ b/lib/include/libv4l2rds.h
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@  extern "C" {
 			* Additional data is limited to 112 bit, and the smallest
 			* optional tuple has a size of 4 bit (4 bit identifier +
 			* 0 bits of data) */
+#define MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS 32 /* defined by ISO 14819-1:2003,  */
+#define MAX_TMC_AF_CNT 4	/* limit for the numbers of AFs stored per alternative TMC
+			* station. This value is not defined by the standard, but based on observation
+			* of real-world RDS-TMC streams */
 #define MAX_EON_CNT 20	/* Maximal number of entries in the EON table (for storing
 			* information about other radio stations, broadcasted
 			* by the current station) */
@@ -75,6 +79,7 @@  extern "C" {
 #define V4L2_RDS_TMC_SYS	0x10000	/* RDS-TMC system information */
 #define V4L2_RDS_EON		0x20000	/* Enhanced Other Network Info */
 #define V4L2_RDS_LSF		0x40000	/* Linkage information */
+#define V4L2_RDS_TMC_TUNING	0x80000	/* RDS-TMC tuning information */
 /* Define Constants for the state of the RDS decoding process
  * used to address the relevant bit in the decode_information bitmask */
@@ -175,6 +180,37 @@  struct v4l2_rds_eon_set {
 						 * radio channels */
+/* struct to encapsulate alternative frequencies (AFs) for RDS-TMC stations.
+ * AFs listed in af[] can be used unconditionally. 
+ * AFs listed in mapped_af[n] should only be used if the current 
+ * tuner frequency matches the value in mapped_af_tuning[n] */
+struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq {
+	uint8_t af_size;		/* number of known AFs */
+	uint8_t af_index;
+	uint8_t mapped_af_size;		/* number of mapped AFs */
+	uint8_t mapped_af_index;
+	uint32_t af[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];		/* AFs defined in Hz */
+	uint32_t mapped_af[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];		/* mapped AFs defined in Hz */
+	uint32_t mapped_af_tuning[MAX_TMC_AF_CNT];	/* mapped AFs defined in Hz */
+/* struct to encapsulate information about stations carrying RDS-TMC services */
+struct v4l2_tmc_station {
+	uint16_t pi;
+	uint8_t ltn;	/* database-ID of ON */
+	uint8_t msg;	/* msg parameters of ON */
+	uint8_t sid;	/* service-ID of ON */
+	struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq afi;
+/* struct to encapsulate tuning information for TMC */
+struct v4l2_tmc_tuning {
+	uint8_t station_cnt;	/* number of announced alternative stations */
+	uint8_t index;
+	struct v4l2_tmc_station station[MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS];	/* information
+							* about other stations carrying the same RDS-TMC service */
 /* struct to encapsulate an additional data field in a TMC message */
 struct v4l2_tmc_additional {
 	uint8_t label;
@@ -225,6 +261,9 @@  struct v4l2_rds_tmc {
 	uint8_t t_d;		/* delay time (only if mode = enhanced */
 	uint8_t spn[9];		/* service provider name */
 	struct v4l2_rds_tmc_msg tmc_msg;
+	/* tuning information for alternative service providers */
+	struct v4l2_tmc_tuning tuning;
 /* struct to encapsulate state and RDS information for current decoding process */
diff --git a/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c b/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
index 3a90a3b..3995c3d 100644
--- a/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
+++ b/lib/libv4l2rds/libv4l2rds.c
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@  enum rds_state {
 /* function declarations to prevent the need to move large code blocks */
+static int rds_add_tmc_station(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, uint16_t pi);
 static uint32_t rds_decode_af(uint8_t af, bool is_vhf);
+static bool rds_add_tmc_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state);
 static inline uint8_t set_bit(uint8_t input, uint8_t bitmask, bool bitvalue)
@@ -437,6 +439,59 @@  static uint32_t rds_decode_tmc_multi_group(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
 	return V4L2_RDS_TMC_MG;
+/* decode the RDS-TMC tuning information that is contained in type 8A groups
+ * (variants 4 to 9) that announce the presence alternative transmitters 
+ * providing the same RDS-TMC service */
+static uint32_t rds_decode_tmc_tuning(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
+	struct v4l2_rds_group *group = &priv_state->rds_group;
+	struct v4l2_rds_tmc *tmc = &priv_state->handle.tmc;
+	uint8_t variant_code = group->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
+	uint16_t pi_on = (group->data_d_msb << 8) | group->data_d_lsb;
+	uint8_t index;
+	/* variants 4 and 5 carry the service provider name */
+	if (variant_code >= 4 && variant_code <= 5) {
+		int offset = 4 * (variant_code - 4);
+		tmc->spn[0 + offset] = group->data_c_msb;
+		tmc->spn[1 + offset] = group->data_c_lsb;
+		tmc->spn[2 + offset] = group->data_d_msb;
+		tmc->spn[3 + offset] = group->data_d_lsb;
+	/* variant 6 provides specific frequencies for the same RDS-TMC service
+	 * on a network with a different PI code */
+	/* variant 7 provides mapped frequency pair information which should only
+	 * be used if the terminal is tuned to the tuning frequency */
+	} else if (variant_code == 6 || variant_code == 7) {
+		rds_add_tmc_af(priv_state);
+	/* variant 8 indicates up to 2 PI codes of adjacent networks carrying 
+	 * the same RDS-TMC service on all transmitters of the network */ 
+	} else if (variant_code == 8) {
+		uint16_t pi_on_2 = (group->data_c_msb << 8) | group->data_c_lsb;
+		/* try to add both transmitted PI codes to the table */
+		rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
+		/* PI = 0 is used as a filler code */
+		if (pi_on_2 != 0) rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on_2);
+	/* variant 9 provides PI codes of other networks with different system 
+	 * parameters */
+	} else if (variant_code == 9) {
+		index = rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
+		/* bits 0 - 5 contain the service-ID of the ON */
+		tmc->tuning.station[index].sid = group->data_c_lsb & 0x3F;
+		/* bits 6-10 contain the msg parameters of the ON */
+		tmc->tuning.station[index].msg = (group->data_c_msb & 0x03) << 2;
+		tmc->tuning.station[index].msg |= (group->data_c_lsb >> 6) & 0x03;
+		/* bits 11-15 contain the database-ID of the ON */
+		tmc->tuning.station[index].ltn = group->data_c_msb >> 2;
+	}
+	return V4L2_RDS_TMC_TUNING;
 static bool rds_add_oda(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, struct v4l2_rds_oda oda)
 	struct v4l2_rds *handle = &priv_state->handle;
@@ -516,6 +571,103 @@  static bool rds_add_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
 	return updated_af;
+/* checks if an entry for the given PI already exists and returns the index
+ * of that entry if so. Else it adds a new entry to the TMC-Tuning table and returns
+ * the index of the new field */
+static int rds_add_tmc_station(struct rds_private_state *priv_state, uint16_t pi)
+	struct v4l2_tmc_tuning *tuning = &priv_state->handle.tmc.tuning;
+	uint8_t index = tuning->index;
+	uint8_t size = tuning->station_cnt;
+	/* check if there's an entry for the given PI key */
+	for (int i = 0; i < tuning->station_cnt; i++) {
+		if (tuning->station[i].pi == pi) {
+			return i;
+		}
+	}
+	/* if the the maximum table size is reached, overwrite old
+	 * entries, starting at the oldest one = 0 */
+	tuning->station[index].pi = pi;
+	tuning->index = (index+1 < MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS)? (index+1) : 0;
+	tuning->station_cnt = (size+1 <= MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS)? (size+1) : MAX_TMC_ALT_STATIONS;
+	return index;
+/* tries to add new AFs to the relevant entry in the list of RDS-TMC providers */
+static bool rds_add_tmc_af(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
+	struct v4l2_rds_group *grp = &priv_state->rds_group;
+	struct v4l2_tmc_alt_freq *afi;
+	uint16_t pi_on = grp->data_d_msb << 8 | grp->data_d_lsb;
+	uint8_t variant = grp->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
+	uint8_t station_index = rds_add_tmc_station(priv_state, pi_on);
+	uint8_t af_index;
+	uint8_t mapped_af_index;
+	uint32_t freq_a = rds_decode_af(grp->data_c_msb, true);
+	uint32_t freq_b = rds_decode_af(grp->data_c_lsb, true);
+	afi = &priv_state->handle.tmc.tuning.station[station_index].afi;
+	af_index = afi->af_index;
+	mapped_af_index = afi->mapped_af_index;
+	/* specific frequencies */
+	if (variant == 6) {
+		/* compare the new AFs to the stored ones, reset them to 0 if the AFs are
+		 * already known */
+		for (int i = 0; i < afi->af_size; i++) {
+			freq_a = (freq_a == afi->af[i])? 0 : freq_a;
+			freq_b = (freq_b == afi->af[i])? 0 : freq_b;
+		}
+		/* return early if there is nothing to do */
+		if (freq_a == 0 && freq_b == 0)
+			return false;
+		/* add the new AFs if they were previously unknown */
+		if (freq_a != 0) {
+			afi->af[af_index] = freq_a;
+			af_index = (af_index+1 < MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? af_index+1 : 0;
+			afi->af_size++; 
+		}
+		if (freq_b != 0) {
+			afi->af[af_index] = freq_b;
+			af_index = (af_index+1 < MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? af_index+1 : 0;
+			afi->af_size++; 
+		}
+		/* update the information in the handle */
+		afi->af_index = af_index;
+		if (afi->af_size >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT) 
+			afi->af_size = MAX_TMC_AF_CNT;
+		return true;
+	}
+	/* mapped frequency pair */
+	else if (variant == 7) {
+		/* check the if there's already a frequency mapped to the new tuning
+		 * frequency, update the mapped frequency in this case */
+		for (int i = 0; i < afi->mapped_af_size; i++) {
+			if (freq_a == afi->mapped_af_tuning[i])
+				afi->mapped_af[i] = freq_b;
+				return true;
+		}
+		/* new pair is unknown, add it to the list */
+		if (freq_a != 0 && freq_b != 0) {
+			mapped_af_index = (mapped_af_index+1 >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT)? 0 : mapped_af_index + 1;
+			afi->mapped_af[mapped_af_index] = freq_b;
+			afi->mapped_af_tuning[mapped_af_index] = freq_a;
+			afi->mapped_af_size++; 
+		}
+		/* update the information in the handle */
+		afi->mapped_af_index = mapped_af_index;
+		if (afi->mapped_af_size >= MAX_TMC_AF_CNT) 
+			afi->mapped_af_size = MAX_TMC_AF_CNT;
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
 /* adds one char of the ps name to temporal storage, the value is validated
  * if it is received twice in a row
  * @pos:	position of the char within the PS name (0..7)
@@ -968,13 +1120,12 @@  static uint32_t rds_decode_group8(struct rds_private_state *priv_state)
 		!(grp->data_b_lsb & V4L2_TMC_TUNING_INFO)) {
 		return rds_decode_tmc_multi_group(priv_state);
-	/* -> tuning information message, defined for variants 4..9, submitted
-	 * in bits 0-3 of block 2 */
+	/* -> tuning information message, defined for variants 4..9,
+	 * submitted in bits 0-3 of block 2 */
 	tuning_variant = grp->data_b_lsb & 0x0f;
 	if ((grp->data_b_lsb & V4L2_TMC_TUNING_INFO) && tuning_variant >= 4 &&
 		tuning_variant <= 9) {
-		/* TODO: Implement tuning information decoding */
-		return 0;
+		return rds_decode_tmc_tuning(priv_state);
 	return 0;