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[v3,0/2] ASoC: simple-card-utils fixups

Message ID 87frjysyig.wl-kuninori.morimoto.gx@renesas.com (mailing list archive)
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Series ASoC: simple-card-utils fixups | expand


Kuninori Morimoto Feb. 28, 2025, 12:28 a.m. UTC
Hi Mark

linus/master includes my patch (419d1918105e) which uses __free() in
simple-card-utils. But because of it, it has of_node_put() count underrun
issue. This patch will solve it.

[1/2] is for asoc/for-6.14.

My previous v2 patch had extra cleanup patch, but I will post it again
to avoid confusion.

You will get conflict if you merges asoc/for-6.14 and asoc/for-6.15
after [1/2] was applied on for-6.14 branch.
I have created conflict fixup patch, too. I hope [2/2] can clean conflict.

apply [1/2] to asoc/for-6.14
	> git checkout asoc/for-6.14
	> git am [1/2].patch

merge asoc-6.14 into asoc-6.15
	> git checkout asoc/for-6.15
	> git merge    asoc/for-6.14
	# get conflict

use [2/2] to fix conflict
	> patch -p1 < [2/2].patch
	> git commit -as

I will post extra cleanup patch if asoc/for-6.15 was updated.

v2 -> v3
	- based on asoc/for-6.14

v1 -> v2
	- Separate patches

 sound/soc/generic/simple-card-utils.c | 29 ++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)