From patchwork Wed Oct 9 14:38:41 2019 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Oleksandr Suvorov X-Patchwork-Id: 11181315 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4C360112B for ; Wed, 9 Oct 2019 14:40:36 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D2F14218AC for ; Wed, 9 Oct 2019 14:40:35 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="UDBnBeex"; dkim=fail reason="signature verification failed" (1024-bit key) header.b="iGs+wOGT" DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.3.2 D2F14218AC Authentication-Results:; dmarc=fail (p=quarantine dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher AECDH-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C29161664; Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:39:43 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 C29161664 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=default; t=1570632033; bh=YunPiAOwyyB/hicJWZ2/cw0o+l5IBVhAPzxweUHJta0=; h=From:To:Date:References:In-Reply-To:Cc:Subject:List-Id: List-Unsubscribe:List-Archive:List-Post:List-Help:List-Subscribe: From; b=UDBnBeexLVFNE4rb1Ae397tL2rmZsjt/biRpqtxni2KrURl/QRO91O9drMeW9k1Wo qx4c5ZJcBHJKWskQI73KOYISx9ecI8ZK34HQnuTIKrj7aoV2Z2QUixMmxm8VZlPbYz keZCL5XYh02G4ZKSF5ylUTdIgLYxvzUFE/Xx0hDE= Received: from (localhost.localdomain []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 53758F800BF; Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:38:51 +0200 (CEST) X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 50401) id A15BEF805A8; Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:38:49 +0200 (CEST) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,SPF_HELO_PASS,SPF_PASS,URIBL_BLOCKED autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 88BF4F800BF for ; Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:38:44 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 88BF4F800BF Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="iGs+wOGT" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=CXBPitbm5e9rGQqS2z+Sznryh32BgVnVMlpOYoccb+6NRa1nZseQ1qLzKYRc9O2vcY95xqXuPU8udx3vGli0PdkHGQCU5qCO4lyGJjFGMnD5+SimRwc8EIcO88+puSSG4RQLnE62IvhV0n2lYu9eEVWNP6cBEO1dZpepEYZ+WYEke1bbOuiH6NvQysS7koByGqBk4US4v0ZkcIlMDHP091R8ixLe6KkoJfng1JYnaGtBVG9U6QbVPe7NFQo0xyXXuONaLDbb8nlujqo4itbJHrzDT7yocKjIeLRvQyVrAqOg0C9DsK/noEJlp0iLz3rKIeR2PL2SWW6jzzSo8NSQFg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=CZnNAd8QjBNW+IsZGqQuAFd0pafhzOvD4GoYzQkR6u4=; b=gs2X4VOD/ABgvUAuvQj11wyu9hNHpzIxWJDiKfh1WOUQWZirTHUo52QzxZro49C/JjtXz0tR7P+MQLkUUjN43MwSH2+InneST7rXyLWV4xiklo2ixe6ZLO/YGuSDjca34P72I6FJXb/lCVVnvMKjfji2Fx9N7YVWu6QB3Kbj+HowCeNYTMemEsVMAfp8slV4ElGMzvcHJbSeA7oBq3nZxLoYgLzd/FfbRzz+sjbQwWtiKdRbq1b3GkeZV3waDSVaVY6XBqA/2ArCTAmJ1NGYjGGIXv8PlnIl6HFZUrUpH1vT8Qzd25mYnZ6TrYE303NrTyODf0TifZeXVOwrgEmquA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 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x-ms-exchange-messagesentrepresentingtype: 1 x-mailer: git-send-email 2.20.1 x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 91f2d5dd-d196-438d-c510-08d74cc6616d x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: AM6PR05MB6038: x-ms-exchange-purlcount: 2 x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:248; x-forefront-prvs: 018577E36E x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10019020)(4636009)(346002)(136003)(366004)(396003)(376002)(39850400004)(199004)(189003)(14444005)(71200400001)(966005)(14454004)(54906003)(6512007)(6306002)(25786009)(1076003)(5640700003)(30864003)(256004)(2906002)(6486002)(66066001)(71190400001)(5660300002)(6436002)(478600001)(66946007)(66476007)(64756008)(66446008)(6116002)(186003)(316002)(50226002)(26005)(66556008)(8936002)(81166006)(7736002)(3846002)(44832011)(36756003)(4326008)(305945005)(446003)(11346002)(486006)(2616005)(476003)(2351001)(76176011)(2501003)(8676002)(86362001)(52116002)(6506007)(102836004)(99286004)(81156014)(1730700003)(6916009)(386003); 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VAG power control is improved to fit the manual [1]. This patch fixes as minimum one bug: if customer muxes Headphone to Line-In right after boot, the VAG power remains off that leads to poor sound quality from line-in. I.e. after boot: - Connect sound source to Line-In jack; - Connect headphone to HP jack; - Run following commands: $ amixer set 'Headphone' 80% $ amixer set 'Headphone Mux' LINE_IN Change VAG power on/off control according to the following algorithm: - turn VAG power ON on the 1st incoming event. - keep it ON if there is any active VAG consumer (ADC/DAC/HP/Line-In). - turn VAG power OFF when there is the latest consumer's pre-down event come. - always delay after VAG power OFF to avoid pop. - delay after VAG power ON if the initiative consumer is Line-In, this prevents pop during line-in muxing. According to the data sheet [1], to avoid any pops/clicks, the outputs should be muted upon input/output routing changes. [1] Cc: Fixes: 9b34e6cc3bc2 ("ASoC: Add Freescale SGTL5000 codec support") Signed-off-by: Oleksandr Suvorov [Backport: Replace snd_soc_component_read32() with snd_soc_component_read()] Reviewed-by: Marcel Ziswiler Reviewed-by: Fabio Estevam Reviewed-by: Cezary Rojewski Link: Signed-off-by: Mark Brown --- sound/soc/codecs/sgtl5000.c | 234 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 203 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/sgtl5000.c b/sound/soc/codecs/sgtl5000.c index b649675d190d..10764c1e854e 100644 --- a/sound/soc/codecs/sgtl5000.c +++ b/sound/soc/codecs/sgtl5000.c @@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ #define SGTL5000_DAP_REG_OFFSET 0x0100 #define SGTL5000_MAX_REG_OFFSET 0x013A +/* Delay for the VAG ramp up */ +#define SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP_DELAY 500 /* ms */ +/* Delay for the VAG ramp down */ +#define SGTL5000_VAG_POWERDOWN_DELAY 500 /* ms */ + +#define SGTL5000_OUTPUTS_MUTE (SGTL5000_HP_MUTE | SGTL5000_LINE_OUT_MUTE) + /* default value of sgtl5000 registers */ static const struct reg_default sgtl5000_reg_defaults[] = { { SGTL5000_CHIP_DIG_POWER, 0x0000 }, @@ -120,6 +127,13 @@ enum { I2S_LRCLK_STRENGTH_HIGH, }; +enum { + HP_POWER_EVENT, + DAC_POWER_EVENT, + ADC_POWER_EVENT, + LAST_POWER_EVENT = ADC_POWER_EVENT +}; + /* sgtl5000 private structure in codec */ struct sgtl5000_priv { int sysclk; /* sysclk rate */ @@ -133,8 +147,117 @@ struct sgtl5000_priv { u8 micbias_resistor; u8 micbias_voltage; u8 lrclk_strength; + u16 mute_state[LAST_POWER_EVENT + 1]; }; +static inline int hp_sel_input(struct snd_soc_component *component) +{ + unsigned int ana_reg = 0; + + snd_soc_component_read(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_CTRL, &ana_reg); + + return (ana_reg & SGTL5000_HP_SEL_MASK) >> SGTL5000_HP_SEL_SHIFT; +} + +static inline u16 mute_output(struct snd_soc_component *component, + u16 mute_mask) +{ + unsigned int mute_reg = 0; + + snd_soc_component_read(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_CTRL, &mute_reg); + + snd_soc_component_update_bits(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_CTRL, + mute_mask, mute_mask); + return mute_reg; +} + +static inline void restore_output(struct snd_soc_component *component, + u16 mute_mask, u16 mute_reg) +{ + snd_soc_component_update_bits(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_CTRL, + mute_mask, mute_reg); +} + +static void vag_power_on(struct snd_soc_component *component, u32 source) +{ + unsigned int ana_reg = 0; + + snd_soc_component_read(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, &ana_reg); + + if (ana_reg & SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP) + return; + + snd_soc_component_update_bits(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, + SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP, SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP); + + /* When VAG powering on to get local loop from Line-In, the sleep + * is required to avoid loud pop. + */ + if (hp_sel_input(component) == SGTL5000_HP_SEL_LINE_IN && + source == HP_POWER_EVENT) + msleep(SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP_DELAY); +} + +static int vag_power_consumers(struct snd_soc_component *component, + u16 ana_pwr_reg, u32 source) +{ + int consumers = 0; + + /* count dac/adc consumers unconditional */ + if (ana_pwr_reg & SGTL5000_DAC_POWERUP) + consumers++; + if (ana_pwr_reg & SGTL5000_ADC_POWERUP) + consumers++; + + /* + * If the event comes from HP and Line-In is selected, + * current action is 'DAC to be powered down'. + * As HP_POWERUP is not set when HP muxed to line-in, + * we need to keep VAG power ON. + */ + if (source == HP_POWER_EVENT) { + if (hp_sel_input(component) == SGTL5000_HP_SEL_LINE_IN) + consumers++; + } else { + if (ana_pwr_reg & SGTL5000_HP_POWERUP) + consumers++; + } + + return consumers; +} + +static void vag_power_off(struct snd_soc_component *component, u32 source) +{ + unsigned int ana_pwr = SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP; + + snd_soc_component_read(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, &ana_pwr); + + if (!(ana_pwr & SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP)) + return; + + /* + * This function calls when any of VAG power consumers is disappearing. + * Thus, if there is more than one consumer at the moment, as minimum + * one consumer will definitely stay after the end of the current + * event. + * Don't clear VAG_POWERUP if 2 or more consumers of VAG present: + * - LINE_IN (for HP events) / HP (for DAC/ADC events) + * - DAC + * - ADC + * (the current consumer is disappearing right now) + */ + if (vag_power_consumers(component, ana_pwr, source) >= 2) + return; + + snd_soc_component_update_bits(component, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, + SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP, 0); + /* In power down case, we need wait 400-1000 ms + * when VAG fully ramped down. + * As longer we wait, as smaller pop we've got. + */ + msleep(SGTL5000_VAG_POWERDOWN_DELAY); +} + /* * mic_bias power on/off share the same register bits with * output impedance of mic bias, when power on mic bias, we @@ -166,36 +289,46 @@ static int mic_bias_event(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, return 0; } -/* - * As manual described, ADC/DAC only works when VAG powerup, - * So enabled VAG before ADC/DAC up. - * In power down case, we need wait 400ms when vag fully ramped down. - */ -static int power_vag_event(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, - struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, int event) +static int vag_and_mute_control(struct snd_soc_component *component, + int event, int event_source) { - struct snd_soc_codec *codec = snd_soc_dapm_to_codec(w->dapm); - const u32 mask = SGTL5000_DAC_POWERUP | SGTL5000_ADC_POWERUP; + static const u16 mute_mask[] = { + /* + * Mask for HP_POWER_EVENT. + * Muxing Headphones have to be wrapped with mute/unmute + * headphones only. + */ + SGTL5000_HP_MUTE, + /* + * Masks for DAC_POWER_EVENT/ADC_POWER_EVENT. + * Muxing DAC or ADC block have to be wrapped with mute/unmute + * both headphones and line-out. + */ + SGTL5000_OUTPUTS_MUTE, + SGTL5000_OUTPUTS_MUTE + }; + + struct sgtl5000_priv *sgtl5000 = + snd_soc_component_get_drvdata(component); switch (event) { - case SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMU: - snd_soc_update_bits(codec, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, - SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP, SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP); - msleep(400); + case SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_PMU: + sgtl5000->mute_state[event_source] = + mute_output(component, mute_mask[event_source]); + break; + case SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMU: + vag_power_on(component, event_source); + restore_output(component, mute_mask[event_source], + sgtl5000->mute_state[event_source]); break; - case SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_PMD: - /* - * Don't clear VAG_POWERUP, when both DAC and ADC are - * operational to prevent inadvertently starving the - * other one of them. - */ - if ((snd_soc_read(codec, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER) & - mask) != mask) { - snd_soc_update_bits(codec, SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, - SGTL5000_VAG_POWERUP, 0); - msleep(400); - } + sgtl5000->mute_state[event_source] = + mute_output(component, mute_mask[event_source]); + vag_power_off(component, event_source); + break; + case SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMD: + restore_output(component, mute_mask[event_source], + sgtl5000->mute_state[event_source]); break; default: break; @@ -204,6 +337,41 @@ static int power_vag_event(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, return 0; } +/* + * Mute Headphone when power it up/down. + * Control VAG power on HP power path. + */ +static int headphone_pga_event(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, + struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, int event) +{ + struct snd_soc_component *component = + snd_soc_dapm_to_component(w->dapm); + + return vag_and_mute_control(component, event, HP_POWER_EVENT); +} + +/* As manual describes, ADC/DAC powering up/down requires + * to mute outputs to avoid pops. + * Control VAG power on ADC/DAC power path. + */ +static int adc_updown_depop(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, + struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, int event) +{ + struct snd_soc_component *component = + snd_soc_dapm_to_component(w->dapm); + + return vag_and_mute_control(component, event, ADC_POWER_EVENT); +} + +static int dac_updown_depop(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w, + struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, int event) +{ + struct snd_soc_component *component = + snd_soc_dapm_to_component(w->dapm); + + return vag_and_mute_control(component, event, DAC_POWER_EVENT); +} + /* input sources for ADC */ static const char *adc_mux_text[] = { "MIC_IN", "LINE_IN" @@ -239,7 +407,10 @@ static const struct snd_soc_dapm_widget sgtl5000_dapm_widgets[] = { mic_bias_event, SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMU | SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_PMD), - SND_SOC_DAPM_PGA("HP", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 4, 0, NULL, 0), + SND_SOC_DAPM_PGA_E("HP", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 4, 0, NULL, 0, + headphone_pga_event, + SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_POST_PMU | + SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_POST_PMD), SND_SOC_DAPM_PGA("LO", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 0, 0, NULL, 0), SND_SOC_DAPM_MUX("Capture Mux", SND_SOC_NOPM, 0, 0, &adc_mux), @@ -255,11 +426,12 @@ static const struct snd_soc_dapm_widget sgtl5000_dapm_widgets[] = { 0, SGTL5000_CHIP_DIG_POWER, 1, 0), - SND_SOC_DAPM_ADC("ADC", "Capture", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 1, 0), - SND_SOC_DAPM_DAC("DAC", "Playback", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 3, 0), - - SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE("VAG_POWER_PRE", power_vag_event), - SND_SOC_DAPM_POST("VAG_POWER_POST", power_vag_event), + SND_SOC_DAPM_ADC_E("ADC", "Capture", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 1, 0, + adc_updown_depop, SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_POST_PMU | + SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_POST_PMD), + SND_SOC_DAPM_DAC_E("DAC", "Playback", SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_POWER, 3, 0, + dac_updown_depop, SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_POST_PMU | + SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_POST_PMD), }; /* routes for sgtl5000 */