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[linux-next] ASoC: use sysfs_emit() instead of scnprintf().

Message ID 20250315141452917TgYukep-fMdORK2wh1T1w@zte.com.cn (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
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Series [linux-next] ASoC: use sysfs_emit() instead of scnprintf(). | expand

Commit Message

xie.ludan@zte.com.cn March 15, 2025, 6:14 a.m. UTC
From: XieLudan <xie.ludan@zte.com.cn>

Follow the advice in Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.rst:
show() should only use sysfs_emit() or sysfs_emit_at() when formatting
the value to be returned to user space.

Signed-off-by: XieLudan <xie.ludan@zte.com.cn>
 sound/soc/fsl/imx-audmux.c | 26 +++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/sound/soc/fsl/imx-audmux.c b/sound/soc/fsl/imx-audmux.c
index cc2918ee2cf5..6062503d3543 100644
--- a/sound/soc/fsl/imx-audmux.c
+++ b/sound/soc/fsl/imx-audmux.c
@@ -77,45 +77,41 @@  static ssize_t audmux_read_file(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
 	ret = sysfs_emit(buf, "PDCR: %08x\nPTCR: %08x\n", pdcr, ptcr);
-		ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
+		ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret,
 				"TxFS output from %s, ",
 				audmux_port_string((ptcr >> 27) & 0x7));
-		ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
+		ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret,
 				"TxFS input, ");
-		ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
+		ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret,
 				"TxClk output from %s",
 				audmux_port_string((ptcr >> 22) & 0x7));
-		ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
-				"TxClk input");
+		ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret, "TxClk input");
-	ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret, "\n");
+	ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret, "\n");
 	if (ptcr & IMX_AUDMUX_V2_PTCR_SYN) {
-		ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
-				"Port is symmetric");
+		ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret, "Port is symmetric");
 	} else {
 		if (ptcr & IMX_AUDMUX_V2_PTCR_RFSDIR)
-			ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
+			ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret,
 					"RxFS output from %s, ",
 					audmux_port_string((ptcr >> 17) & 0x7));
-			ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
-					"RxFS input, ");
+			ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret, "RxFS input, ");
-			ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
+			ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret,
 					"RxClk output from %s",
 					audmux_port_string((ptcr >> 12) & 0x7));
-			ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
-					"RxClk input");
+			ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret, "RxClk input");
-	ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret,
+	ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret,
 			"\nData received from %s\n",
 			audmux_port_string((pdcr >> 13) & 0x7));