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[v2,0/5] Add support for bcast multiple BISes

Message ID 20231031155535.228994-1-silviu.barbulescu@nxp.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Add support for bcast multiple BISes | expand


Silviu Florian Barbulescu Oct. 31, 2023, 3:55 p.m. UTC
Add support for multiple BISes
Register the broadcast source endpoint
endpoint.register 00001852-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 0x06
After registration a new remote endpoint is created
Use the endpoint.config command to set the BIS codec configuration by
specifying the BIS when prompted by the command
endpoint.config /org/bluez/hci0/pac_bcast0 /local/endpoint/ep0 16_2_1
[/local/endpoint/ep0] BIG (value): 0
[/local/endpoint/ep0] BIS (value): 1
Based on the number of BISes seted in the base_lc3_16_2_1 more
remote endoints wil be created (If more then one bis is setted)
Use the endpoint.config command to set the BIS codec configuration by
specifying the BIS when prompted by the command
endpoint.config /org/bluez/hci0/pac_bcast0 /local/endpoint/ep0 16_2_1
[/local/endpoint/ep0] BIG (value): 0
[/local/endpoint/ep0] BIS (value): 2
Use the endpoint config command to configure all the BISes
After all BISes are configured, use the transports to send data

Claudia Draghicescu (2):
  bap: Fix source+sink endpoint registration
  bap: Fix source+sink endpoint registration

Silviu Florian Barbulescu (3):
  Add support for multiple BISes
  profiles/audio/transport.c: Add support for multiple BISes
  client/player.c: Add support for multiple BISes

 client/player.c            |  45 +++-
 profiles/audio/bap.c       | 537 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 profiles/audio/transport.c |  59 ++--
 src/shared/bap.c           | 291 ++++++++++++++------
 src/shared/bap.h           |  35 ++-
 unit/test-bap.c            |  12 +-
 6 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

base-commit: 00fdb61d56161f523e975b4c044030f4b40abb6d