Show patches with: Submitter = Iulia Tanasescu       |    Archived = No       |   295 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[BlueZ,v2,1/1] btio: Allow binding a bcast listener before accept btio: Allow binding a bcast listener before accept - - - 12-- 2023-10-19 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver PA bind iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver PA bind - - - 12-- 2023-10-19 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v3,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a PA sync socket Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a PA sync socket - - - 21-- 2023-10-19 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] btio: Allow binding a bcast listener before accept btio: Allow binding a bcast listener before accept - - - 111- 2023-10-18 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver PA bind iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver PA bind - - - 12-- 2023-10-18 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a PA sync socket Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a PA sync socket - - - 21-- 2023-10-18 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver PA bind iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver PA bind - - - 12-- 2023-10-16 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a PA sync socket Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a PA sync socket - - - 21-- 2023-10-16 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/2] Bluetooth: ISO: Fix bcast listener cleanup Bluetooth: ISO: Miscellaneous fixes - - - 192- 2023-10-11 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,v2,1/1] test-bass: Add unit tests for the SPE suite test-bass: Add unit tests for the SPE suite - - - 12-- 2023-10-10 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,3/4] shared/bass: Add miscellaneous fixes Add BASS unit tests for the SPE suite - - - 4-- 2023-10-04 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,2/4] hciemu: Add support for setting emulator bdaddr Add BASS unit tests for the SPE suite - - - 4-- 2023-10-04 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/4] btio: Bind listener to bcaster addr based on dst opt Add BASS unit tests for the SPE suite - - - 12-- 2023-10-04 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Test bcast receiver with PA sync, no BIS iso-tester: Test bcast receiver with PA sync, no BIS - - - 12-- 2023-10-03 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a bcast listener to 0 bises Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a bcast listener to 0 bises - - - 20-1 2023-10-03 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast AC 13 BIS unset iso-tester: Add test for bcast AC 13 BIS unset - - - 12-- 2023-10-03 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Match QoS adv handle with BIG handle Bluetooth: ISO: Match QoS adv handle with BIG handle - - - 21-- 2023-10-03 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[v2,1/3] shared/bap:Update stream enable/disable flow bcast src Update transport acquire/release flow BAP bcast source - - - 12-- 2023-10-02 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast AC 13 BIS unset iso-tester: Add test for bcast AC 13 BIS unset - - - 12-- 2023-09-29 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Match QoS adv handle with BIG handle Bluetooth: ISO: Match QoS adv handle with BIG handle - - - 21-- 2023-09-29 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Test bcast receiver with PA sync, no BIS iso-tester: Test bcast receiver with PA sync, no BIS - - - 12-- 2023-09-28 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error - - - 192- 2023-09-28 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error - - - 192- 2023-09-27 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a bcast listener to 0 bises Bluetooth: ISO: Allow binding a bcast listener to 0 bises - - - 21-- 2023-09-27 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,3/3] shared/bass: Add Set Broadcast_Code opcode handler shared/bass: Add Set Broadcast_Code opcode handler - - - 4-- 2023-09-07 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,2/3] monitor: Fix ATT decoding issue shared/bass: Add Set Broadcast_Code opcode handler - - - 4-- 2023-09-07 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/3] btio: Add support for accepting BIS after defer setup shared/bass: Add Set Broadcast_Code opcode handler - - - 111- 2023-09-07 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS - - - 1821 2023-09-06 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Fix BIS cleanup Bluetooth: ISO: Fix BIS cleanup - - - 21-- 2023-09-06 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS - - - 192- 2023-08-30 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] isotest: Add defer setup support for Broadcast Receiver isotest: Add defer setup support for Broadcast Receiver - - - 12-- 2023-08-23 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,4/4] lib: Add sync_handle to bcast QoS Add mgmt event for BIGInfo report - - - 4-- 2023-08-21 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,3/4] monitor: Fix decoding issue for hci BIGInfo report Add mgmt event for BIGInfo report - - - 4-- 2023-08-21 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,2/4] monitor: Add decoding support for BIGInfo mgmt event Add mgmt event for BIGInfo report - - - 4-- 2023-08-21 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/4] lib/mgmt: Add mgmt event for BIGInfo report Add mgmt event for BIGInfo report - - - 111- 2023-08-21 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[2/2] Bluetooth: ISO: Pass sync_handle through iso qos Add support for handling encrypted BIGs based on BIGInfo reports - - - 5-- 2023-08-21 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/2] Bluetooth: ISO: Add MGMT event for BIGInfo adv report Add support for handling encrypted BIGs based on BIGInfo reports - - - 183- 2023-08-21 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,v2,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver defer setup iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver defer setup - - - 12-- 2023-08-17 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[v3,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync - - - 192- 2023-08-17 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/1] iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver defer setup iso-tester: Add test for bcast receiver defer setup - - - 11-1 2023-08-16 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync - - - 1821 2023-08-16 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] isotest: Add defer setup support for Broadcast Receiver isotest: Add defer setup support for Broadcast Receiver - - - 12-- 2023-08-02 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync - - - 192- 2023-08-02 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v4,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections - - - 192- 2023-07-03 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[v3,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections - - - 192- 2023-06-30 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,v3,2/2] shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler - - - 4-- 2023-06-29 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,v3,1/2] btio: Add options for binding iso broadcast address shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler - - - 12-- 2023-06-29 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,v2,2/2] shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler - - - 3-1 2023-06-28 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,v2,1/2] btio: Add option for binding iso broadcast address shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler - - - 5-7 2023-06-28 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections - - - 192- 2023-06-28 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,2/2] shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler - - - 4-- 2023-06-23 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/2] btio: Add option for binding iso broadcast address shared/bass: Introduce Add Source opcode handler - - - 12-- 2023-06-23 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] isotest: Add check after accepting connection isotest: Add check after accepting connection - - - 12-- 2023-06-23 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections - - - 1821 2023-06-23 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Support multiple BIGs Bluetooth: ISO: Support multiple BIGs - - - 192- 2023-06-19 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Support multiple BIGs Bluetooth: ISO: Support multiple BIGs - - - 1821 2023-06-13 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,2/2] shared/bass: Implement CP opcode handlers shared/bass: Implement CP opcode handlers - - - 4-- 2023-06-13 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/2] gatt-server: Check pointer before memcpy shared/bass: Implement CP opcode handlers - - - 111- 2023-06-13 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,2/2] unit: Introduce test-bass unit: Introduce test-bass - - - 3-1 2023-05-29 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/2] shared/bass: Add Write Without Response property to the CP characteristic unit: Introduce test-bass - - - 11-1 2023-05-29 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/1] isotest: Add support for creating/synchronizing to multiple BISes isotest: Add support for creating/synchronizing to multiple BISes - - - 1011 2023-05-29 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/2] btdev: Support multiple BIS iso-tester: Add BAP Broadcast AC tests - - - 111- 2023-05-29 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: ISO: Add support for connecting multiple BISes Bluetooth: ISO: Add support for connecting multiple BISes - - - 1821 2023-05-29 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,4/6] btio: Add support for setsockopt (BT_IO_OPT_BASE) Add initial support for BAP broadcast source - - - 1-- 2023-05-23 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,3/6] monitor: Check for ISO broadcast support in controller Add initial support for BAP broadcast source - - - 1-- 2023-05-23 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/6] doc: Update Docs for BAP broadcast source Add initial support for BAP broadcast source - - - 1-- 2023-05-23 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,5/5] profiles: Add initial code for BASS plugin Add initial code for handling BASS - - - 4-- 2023-05-05 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,4/5] shared/bass: Add initial code for handling BASS Add initial code for handling BASS - - - 4-- 2023-05-05 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,2/5] shared/att-types: Add BT_ERROR_WRITE_REQUEST_REJECTED error code Add initial code for handling BASS - - - 4-- 2023-05-05 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/5] lib/uuid: Add BASS UUIDs Add initial code for handling BASS - - - 111- 2023-05-05 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,2/2] shared/bass: Add initial code for handling BASS Add initial code for handling BASS - - - 4-- 2023-04-24 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/2] lib/uuid: Add BASS UUIDs Add initial code for handling BASS - - - 12-- 2023-04-24 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,3/3] tools/iso-tester: Add Broadcast tests for encrypted BIG Add additional Broadcast tests/options - - - 4-- 2023-04-19 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,2/3] tools/isotest: Add BIG encryption options Add additional Broadcast tests/options - - - 4-- 2023-04-19 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/3] monitor/packet: Fix BIG encryption decoding Add additional Broadcast tests/options - - - 102- 2023-04-19 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[1/1] Bluetooth: hci_conn: remove extra line in hci_le_big_create_sync Bluetooth: hci_conn: remove extra line in hci_le_big_create_sync - - - 21-- 2023-04-11 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,v2,1/1] monitor/att: Add decoding support for BASS monitor/att: Add decoding support for BASS - - - 1011 2023-04-05 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,1/1] monitor/att: Add decoding support for BASS monitor/att: Add decoding support for BASS - - - 1011 2023-04-04 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,v3,1/1] Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 111- 2023-03-31 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[v3,1/1] Bluetooth: Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Bluetooth: Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 192- 2023-03-31 Iulia Tanasescu Accepted
[BlueZ,v2,1/1] Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 111- 2023-03-28 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[v2,1/1] Bluetooth: Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Bluetooth: Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 1821 2023-03-28 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/1] Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 111- 2023-03-27 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/1] Bluetooth: Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-27 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,8/8] tools/iso-tester: Use dedicated ISO QoS options for unicast and broadcast Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,7/8] tools/isotest: Use dedicated ISO QoS options for unicast and broadcast Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,6/8] tools/btiotest: Use unicast QoS structure for ISO io Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,5/8] profiles/audio/bap: Use unicast structure for ISO QoS options Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,4/8] lib: split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,3/8] emulator/bthost: pass unicast QoS structure to bthost_set_cig_params Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - --- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,2/8] client/player: Use unicast structure for ISO QoS options Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 3-- 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/8] btio: Use unicast structure for ISO QoS options Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 4-8 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[1/1] Bluetooth: Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures Split bt_iso_qos into dedicated structures - - - 4-17 2023-03-20 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,2/2] shared: Add initial BASS code Add initial BASS support - - - --1 2023-03-01 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
[BlueZ,1/2] lib: Add BASS UUIDs and auxiliary defines Add initial BASS support - - - 1-- 2023-03-01 Iulia Tanasescu Superseded
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