@@ -2390,6 +2390,94 @@ TEST_F(LibRadosTwoPoolsPP, ProxyRead) {
+TEST_F(LibRadosTwoPoolsPP, TierNocache) {
+ // configure cache
+ bufferlist inbl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier add\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\", \"tierpool\": \"" + cache_pool_name +
+ "\", \"force_nonempty\": \"--force-nonempty\" }",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier set-overlay\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\", \"overlaypool\": \"" + cache_pool_name + "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ std::string cache_modes[] = {"writeback", "forward", "readonly", "readforward", "readproxy"};
+ int count = (int) sizeof(cache_modes)/sizeof(cache_modes[0]);
+ int i;
+ // test write/read with TierNocache in each cache-mode
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ std::cout << "set cache-mode:" + cache_modes[i] << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier cache-mode\", \"pool\": \"" + cache_pool_name +
+ "\", \"mode\": \"" + cache_modes[i] + "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ // wait for maps to settle
+ cluster.wait_for_latest_osdmap();
+ std::string content(cache_modes[i]);
+ std::string object(cache_modes[i]+"_obj");
+ ObjectWriteOperation wr;
+ librados::AioCompletion *completion = cluster.aio_create_completion();
+ //writeback: create a new object
+ bufferlist bl;
+ bl.append(content);
+ wr.write_full(bl);
+ ioctx.aio_operate(object, completion, &wr, librados::OPERATION_TIER_NOCACHE);
+ completion->wait_for_safe();
+ completion->release();
+ // verify the object is NOT present in the cache tier
+ {
+ NObjectIterator it = cache_ioctx.nobjects_begin();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(it == cache_ioctx.nobjects_end());
+ }
+ //writeback: read the object content
+ ObjectReadOperation rd;
+ uint64_t len = bl.length();
+ completion = cluster.aio_create_completion();
+ bufferlist bl2;
+ bufferlist bl3;
+ rd.read(0, len+1, &bl3, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.aio_operate(
+ object, completion, &rd,
+ completion->wait_for_complete();
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, completion->get_return_value());
+ uint64_t n = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
+ bl2.append(bl3[n]);
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(content, bl2.c_str());
+ completion->release();
+ // verify the object is NOT present in the cache tier
+ {
+ NObjectIterator it = cache_ioctx.nobjects_begin();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(it == cache_ioctx.nobjects_end());
+ }
+ }
+ // tear down tiers
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier remove-overlay\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier remove\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\", \"tierpool\": \"" + cache_pool_name + "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ // wait for maps to settle before next test
+ cluster.wait_for_latest_osdmap();
class LibRadosTwoPoolsECPP : public RadosTestECPP
@@ -4439,6 +4527,94 @@ TEST_F(LibRadosTwoPoolsECPP, ProxyRead) {
+TEST_F(LibRadosTwoPoolsECPP, TierNocache) {
+ // configure cache
+ bufferlist inbl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier add\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\", \"tierpool\": \"" + cache_pool_name +
+ "\", \"force_nonempty\": \"--force-nonempty\" }",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier set-overlay\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\", \"overlaypool\": \"" + cache_pool_name + "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ std::string cache_modes[] = {"writeback", "forward", "readonly", "readforward", "readproxy"};
+ int count = (int) sizeof(cache_modes)/sizeof(cache_modes[0]);
+ int i;
+ // test write/read with TierNocache in each cache-mode
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ std::cout << "set cache-mode:" + cache_modes[i] << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier cache-mode\", \"pool\": \"" + cache_pool_name +
+ "\", \"mode\": \"" + cache_modes[i] + "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ // wait for maps to settle
+ cluster.wait_for_latest_osdmap();
+ std::string content(cache_modes[i]);
+ std::string object(cache_modes[i]+"_obj");
+ ObjectWriteOperation wr;
+ librados::AioCompletion *completion = cluster.aio_create_completion();
+ //writeback: create a new object
+ bufferlist bl;
+ bl.append(content);
+ wr.write_full(bl);
+ ioctx.aio_operate(object, completion, &wr, librados::OPERATION_TIER_NOCACHE);
+ completion->wait_for_safe();
+ completion->release();
+ // verify the object is NOT present in the cache tier
+ {
+ NObjectIterator it = cache_ioctx.nobjects_begin();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(it == cache_ioctx.nobjects_end());
+ }
+ //writeback: read the object content
+ ObjectReadOperation rd;
+ uint64_t len = bl.length();
+ completion = cluster.aio_create_completion();
+ bufferlist bl2;
+ bufferlist bl3;
+ rd.read(0, len+1, &bl3, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ioctx.aio_operate(
+ object, completion, &rd,
+ completion->wait_for_complete();
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, completion->get_return_value());
+ uint64_t n = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
+ bl2.append(bl3[n]);
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(content, bl2.c_str());
+ completion->release();
+ // verify the object is NOT present in the cache tier
+ {
+ NObjectIterator it = cache_ioctx.nobjects_begin();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(it == cache_ioctx.nobjects_end());
+ }
+ }
+ // tear down tiers
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier remove-overlay\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, cluster.mon_command(
+ "{\"prefix\": \"osd tier remove\", \"pool\": \"" + pool_name +
+ "\", \"tierpool\": \"" + cache_pool_name + "\"}",
+ inbl, NULL, NULL));
+ // wait for maps to settle before next test
+ cluster.wait_for_latest_osdmap();
//Make ecpool as cache pool; no-ecpool as data pool
//Judge promote object which has omap from no-ecpool into ecpool.
TEST_F(LibRadosTwoPoolsECPP, OmapOperation) {