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[v2,1/4] initramfs-crypt-hook: make sure that mount path exists

Message ID 20250227143022.323950-2-ch@denx.de (mailing list archive)
State New
Headers show
Series initramfs-crypt-hook patch | expand

Commit Message

Claudius Heine Feb. 27, 2025, 2:30 p.m. UTC
Wherever or not the mount directory (and their parents) gets created
seem to be inconsistent; mentioning a missing mount point in the
`/etc/fstab` might cause the boot to fail, while using systemd `.mount`
units will just create the mount point.

Wic creates missing mount points that where mentioned in the `.wks`
file; so moving from such a setup to letting `initramfs-crypt-hook`
mount the file system at boot inside the ramdisk, the mount would
suddenly fail.

Therefore creating the mount point for your, if it doesn't exists seem to
provide a smoother transition.

Signed-off-by: Claudius Heine <ch@denx.de>
 .../initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-bottom-complete             | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-bottom-complete b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-bottom-complete
index b991cb4..80553d1 100644
--- a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-bottom-complete
+++ b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-bottom-complete
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@  mount_partition() {
 	[ "$debug" = "y" ] && echo "mount device: '$partition_dev_path' to '$partition_mountpoint'"
 	if ! mountpoint -q "${partition_mountpoint}"; then
+		mkdir -p "${partition_mountpoint}"
 		if ! mount -t "$(get_fstype "${partition_dev_path}")" "${partition_dev_path}" \
 			 "${partition_mountpoint}"; then
 			panic "Can't mount partition '${partition_dev_path}'!"