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[v4,3/5] initramfs-crypt-hook: add re-encryption recovery

Message ID 20250305-initramfs-crypt-hook-patches-2-v4-3-4170912e5261@denx.de (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series initramfs-crypt-hook patch | expand

Commit Message

Claudius Heine March 5, 2025, noon UTC
Integrate detection and recovery of power failures while a partition is
being encrypted.

There are possible scenarios:
1. Power-fail happens while the partition is reencrypted:
  - The LUKS header contains `online-reencrypt-v2` and needs to be
    repaired with `cryptsetup repair` before it can continue.
  - Also no resizing of the file system is necessary
2. Power-fail happens before the systemd-tpm2/clevis token can be installed
  - The LUKS header does not contain 'systemd-tpm2'/'clevis', thus it
    needs to be registered and the temporary encryption key needs to be

The list of these scenarios is not complete, there might be other
instances where a sudden power-fail could be fatal to the system, but
these where the most obvious and risky ones.

Signed-off-by: Claudius Heine <ch@denx.de>
 .../initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete  | 26 +++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete
index ea9b6352daadbea625d6168d1dc75ad616028fe0..2660812b1689703336f1dbf3c07b7bbfb9f9b0f3 100644
--- a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete
+++ b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@  reencrypt_existing_partition() {
 	reduced_size="$(expr "$part_size_blocks" - 65536 )"
 	reduced_size_in_byte="$(expr "$reduced_size" \* 512)"
 	reduced_size_in_kb="$(expr "$reduced_size_in_byte" / 1024)K"
+	CRYPTSETUP_PARAMS="--reduce-device-size ${reduce_device_size}k"
 	case $partition_fstype in
 		# reduce the filesystem and partition by 32M to fit the LUKS header
@@ -91,14 +94,25 @@  reencrypt_existing_partition() {
 		[ "$debug" = "y" ] && echo "skip disk resize as it is not supported or unnecessary for fstype: '$partition_fstype'"
+	luks)
+		# Check if reencrypt was aborted
+		if /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksDump --batch-mode "$1" \
+				| grep -q "online-reencrypt-v2"; then
+			/usr/sbin/cryptsetup repair --batch-mode "$1" < "$2" || \
+				panic "cryptsetup repair was not successful"
+		fi
+		# already luks partition, don't resize
+		;;
 		panic "cannot resize partition, unsupported fstype: '$partition_fstype'"
 	if [ -x /usr/sbin/cryptsetup-reencrypt ]; then
-		/usr/sbin/cryptsetup-reencrypt --new --reduce-device-size "$reduce_device_size"k "$1" < "$2"
+		/usr/sbin/cryptsetup-reencrypt --new ${CRYPTSETUP_PARAMS} "$1" < "$2"
-		/usr/sbin/cryptsetup reencrypt --encrypt --reduce-device-size "$reduce_device_size"k "$1" < "$2"
+		/usr/sbin/cryptsetup reencrypt --encrypt ${CRYPTSETUP_PARAMS} "$1" < "$2"
@@ -248,11 +262,17 @@  for partition_set in $partition_sets; do
 	if /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksDump --batch-mode "$part_device" \
-			| grep -q "luks2"; then
+			| grep -q "systemd-tpm2\|clevis"; then
 		open_tpm2_partition "$part_device" "$crypt_mount_name" "$tpm_device"
+	# If partition contains an aborted reencrypt luks header, switch to reencrypt mode:
+	if /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksDump --batch-mode "${part_device}" \
+			| grep -q "online-reencrypt-v2"; then
+		partition_format="reencrypt"
+	fi
 	# service watchdog in the background during lengthy re-encryption
 	if [ -z "$watchdog_pid" ]; then
 		service_watchdog &