diff mbox series

[isar-cip-core,09/10] initramfs-crypt-hook: Add support for expanding encrypted partition

Message ID 284175c31c74b2f2e70287cca5d2b90c3e7199b2.1733151072.git.jan.kiszka@siemens.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Headers show
Series Various initramfs hook improvements | expand

Commit Message

Jan Kiszka Dec. 2, 2024, 2:51 p.m. UTC
From: Jan Kiszka <jan.kiszka@siemens.com>

The crypt hook already performs resizing or appropriately sized
formatting of partitions it handles during first boot. If we also add
the partition expansion logic from isar's expand-on-first-boot, we
get feature-complete expansion of encrypted partitions.

The feature is controlled by appending ":expand" to the affected
partition in CRYPT_PARTITIONS. In contrast to isar's expansion logic,
we do not have enough information at that time when it is called in
order to identify the target partition automatically. That is another
reason to embed this feature into the crypt hook.

There is not too much code to be taken from isar for this, so it is
easiest to duplicate and adjust that as needed, rather than introducing
some reusable upstream. This might be revisited in the future.

Signed-off-by: Jan Kiszka <jan.kiszka@siemens.com>
 kas/opt/expand-on-first-boot.yml              |  3 +
 .../files/local-top-complete                  | 63 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../initramfs-crypt-hook_0.5.bb               |  6 +-
 3 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/kas/opt/expand-on-first-boot.yml b/kas/opt/expand-on-first-boot.yml
index 03d666b2..f5be6992 100644
--- a/kas/opt/expand-on-first-boot.yml
+++ b/kas/opt/expand-on-first-boot.yml
@@ -15,3 +15,6 @@  header:
   package-expand-on-first-boot: |
     IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " expand-on-first-boot"
+  expand-before-encrypt: |
+    IMAGE_INSTALL:remove:encrypt-partitions = "expand-on-first-boot"
+    CRYPT_PARTITIONS:append:encrypt-partitions = ":expand"
diff --git a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete
index 28548502..834dea22 100644
--- a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete
+++ b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/files/local-top-complete
@@ -95,6 +95,64 @@  EOF
 		/usr/sbin/cryptsetup reencrypt --encrypt --reduce-device-size "$reduce_device_size"k "$1" < "$2"
+expand_partition() {
+	boot_device="$(echo "${part_device}" | sed 's/p\?[0-9]*$//')"
+	last_part="$(sfdisk -d "${boot_device}" 2>/dev/null | \
+		     tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
+	if [ "$last_part" != "$1" ]; then
+		log_warning_msg "To be expanded partition is not last - skipping expansion"
+		return
+	fi
+	buffer_size=32768
+	boot_device_name=${boot_device##*/}
+	disk_size="$(cat /sys/class/block/"${boot_device_name}"/size)"
+	all_parts_size=0
+	for partition in /sys/class/block/"${boot_device_name}"/"${boot_device_name}"*; do
+		part_size=$(cat "${partition}"/size)
+		all_parts_size=$((all_parts_size + part_size))
+	done
+	minimal_size=$((all_parts_size + buffer_size))
+	if [ "$disk_size" -lt "$minimal_size" ]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	log_begin_msg "Expanding partition $last_part"
+	is_gpt="$(sfdisk -d "${boot_device}" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "label: gpt" \
+		  && echo 1 || echo 0)"
+	if [ "$is_gpt" = "1" ]; then
+		dd if="${boot_device}" of=/tmp/__mbr__.bak count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+	fi
+	# Transform the partition table as follows:
+	#
+	# - Remove any 'last-lba' header so sfdisk uses the entire available
+	#   space.
+	# - If this partition table is MBR and an extended partition container
+	#   (EBR) exists, we assume this needs to be expanded as well; remove
+	#   its size field so sfdisk expands it.
+	# - For the previously fetched last partition, also remove the size
+	#   field so sfdisk expands it.
+	sfdisk -d "${boot_device}" 2>/dev/null | \
+		grep -v last-lba | \
+		sed 's|^\(.*, \)size=[^,]*, \(type=[f5]\)$|\1\2|' | \
+		sed 's|^\('"${last_part}"' .*, \)size=[^,]*, |\1|' | \
+		sfdisk --force "${boot_device}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+	if [ "$is_gpt" = "1" ]; then
+		dd if=/tmp/__mbr__.bak of="${boot_device}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+		rm /tmp/__mbr__.bak
+	fi
+	# Inform the kernel about the partitioning change
+	partx -u "${last_part}"
+	log_end_msg
 for candidate in /dev/tpm*; do
 	if [ -x /usr/bin/tpm2_pcrread ]; then
 		if ! tpm2_pcrread -T device:"$candidate" "$pcr_bank_hash_type":7 --quiet ; then
@@ -129,6 +187,7 @@  for partition_set in $partition_sets; do
 	partition="$(awk -v var="$partition_set" 'BEGIN{split(var,a,":"); print a[1]}')"
 	partition_mountpoint="$(awk -v var="$partition_set" 'BEGIN{split(var,a,":"); print a[2]}')"
 	partition_format="$(awk -v var="$partition_set" 'BEGIN{split(var,a,":"); print a[3]}')"
+	partition_expand="$(awk -v var="$partition_set" 'BEGIN{split(var,a,":"); print a[4]}')"
 	case "$partition" in
 			part_device=$(readlink -f "$partition")
@@ -153,6 +212,10 @@  for partition_set in $partition_sets; do
 		echo "ROOT=$decrypted_part" >/conf/param.conf
+	if [ "$partition_expand" = "expand" ]; then
+		expand_partition $part_device
+	fi
 	if /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksDump --batch-mode "$part_device" \
 			| grep -q "luks2"; then
 		open_tpm2_partition "$part_device" "$crypt_mount_name" "$tpm_device"
diff --git a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/initramfs-crypt-hook_0.5.bb b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/initramfs-crypt-hook_0.5.bb
index 6ff315ed..71ee44db 100644
--- a/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/initramfs-crypt-hook_0.5.bb
+++ b/recipes-initramfs/initramfs-crypt-hook/initramfs-crypt-hook_0.5.bb
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@  SRC_URI += "file://encrypt_partition.env.tmpl \
             file://hook \
-# CRYPT_PARTITIONS elements are <partition-label>:<mountpoint>:<reencrypt or format>
+# CRYPT_PARTITIONS elements are <partition-label>:<mountpoint>:<reencrypt or format>[:expand]
 CRYPT_PARTITIONS ??= "home:/home:reencrypt var:/var:reencrypt"
 # CRYPT_CREATE_FILE_SYSTEM_CMD contains the shell command to create the filesystem
 # in a newly formatted LUKS Partition
 TEMPLATE_FILES += "encrypt_partition.env.tmpl"
+OVERRIDES .= "${@':expand-on-crypt' if ':expand' in d.getVar('CRYPT_PARTITIONS') else ''}"
+DEBIAN_DEPENDS:append:expand-on-crypt = ", fdisk, util-linux"
+HOOK_COPY_EXECS:append:expand-on-crypt = " sed sfdisk tail cut dd partx rm"
 do_install[cleandirs] += "${D}/usr/share/encrypt_partition"
 do_install:prepend() {
     install -m 0600 "${WORKDIR}/encrypt_partition.env" "${D}/usr/share/encrypt_partition/encrypt_partition.env"