@@ -174,6 +174,15 @@ Please refer to the README for more detailed information.
Default values are http://ipv4.connman.net/online/status.html and
http://ipv6.connman.net/online/status.html respectively.
+.BI OnlineCheckConnectTimeout= secs[.milliseconds]
+The time, in decimal seconds (for example, 12.3), to wait for a
+successful TCP connection to the host associated with
+\fBOnlineCheckIPv4URL\fR or \fBOnlineCheckIPv6URL\fR (see above). Connections
+that take longer than \fBOnlineCheckConnectTimeout\fR will be aborted. The
+default value is zero ('0') which indicates that no explicit
+connection timeout will be used, leaving the timeout to the underlying
+operating system and network stack.
.BI OnlineCheckInitialInterval= secs, OnlineCheckMaxInterval= secs
Range of intervals between two online check requests.
Please refer to the README for more detailed information.
@@ -132,6 +132,15 @@
# OnlineCheckIPv4URL= http://ipv4.connman.net/online/status.html
# OnlineCheckIPv6URL= http://ipv6.connman.net/online/status.html
+# The time, in decimal seconds (for example, 12.3), to wait for a
+# successful TCP connection to the host associated with
+# "OnlineCheckIPv4URL" or "OnlineCheckIPv6URL". Connections that take
+# longer than "OnlineCheckConnectTimeout" will be aborted. The default
+# value is zero ('0') which indicates that no explicit connection
+# timeout will be used, leaving the timeout to the underlying operating
+# system and network stack.
+# OnlineCheckConnectTimeout=0
# Range of intervals between two online check requests.
# Please refer to the README for more detailed information.
# Default values are 1 and 12 respectively.