diff mbox

drm/radeon/kms: disable the r600 cb offset checker for linear surfaces

Message ID 1292266989-6695-1-git-send-email-alexdeucher@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Alex Deucher Dec. 13, 2010, 7:03 p.m. UTC
diff mbox


diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_cs.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_cs.c
index 0f90fc3..7831e08 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_cs.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_cs.c
@@ -315,11 +315,10 @@  static inline int r600_cs_track_validate_cb(struct radeon_cs_parser *p, int i)
 		if (array_mode == V_0280A0_ARRAY_LINEAR_GENERAL) {
 			/* the initial DDX does bad things with the CB size occasionally */
 			/* it rounds up height too far for slice tile max but the BO is smaller */
-			tmp = (height - 7) * 8 * bpe;
-			if ((tmp + track->cb_color_bo_offset[i]) > radeon_bo_size(track->cb_color_bo[i])) {
-				dev_warn(p->dev, "%s offset[%d] %d %d %lu too big\n", __func__, i, track->cb_color_bo_offset[i], tmp, radeon_bo_size(track->cb_color_bo[i]));
-				return -EINVAL;
-			}
+			/* r600c,g also seem to flush at bad times in some apps resulting in
+			 * bogus values here. So for linear just allow anything to avoid breaking
+			 * broken userspace.
+			 */
 		} else {
 			dev_warn(p->dev, "%s offset[%d] %d %d %lu too big\n", __func__, i, track->cb_color_bo_offset[i], tmp, radeon_bo_size(track->cb_color_bo[i]));
 			return -EINVAL;