@@ -98,33 +98,33 @@ is not allowed.
Each possible memory type which can be used to store buffer objects by the
GPU in question shall be given a stable and unique name to be returned as the
string here.
Value shall reflect the amount of storage currently consumed by the buffer
object belong to this client, in the respective memory region.
Default unit shall be bytes with optional unit specifiers of 'KiB' or 'MiB'
indicating kibi- or mebi-bytes.
-- drm-cycles-<str> <uint>
+- drm-cycles-<str>: <uint>
Engine identifier string must be the same as the one specified in the
drm-engine-<str> tag and shall contain the number of busy cycles for the given
Values are not required to be constantly monotonic if it makes the driver
implementation easier, but are required to catch up with the previously reported
larger value within a reasonable period. Upon observing a value lower than what
was previously read, userspace is expected to stay with that larger previous
value until a monotonic update is seen.
-- drm-maxfreq-<str> <uint> [Hz|MHz|KHz]
+- drm-maxfreq-<str>: <uint> [Hz|MHz|KHz]
Engine identifier string must be the same as the one specified in the
drm-engine-<str> tag and shall contain the maximum frequency for the given
engine. Taken together with drm-cycles-<str>, this can be used to calculate
percentage utilization of the engine, whereas drm-engine-<str> only reflects
time active without considering what frequency the engine is operating as a
percentage of it's maximum frequency.
Driver specific implementations