@@ -782,6 +782,29 @@ Contact: Hans de Goede
Level: Advanced
+Buffer age or other damage accumulation algorithm for buffer damage
+Drivers that do per-buffer uploads, need a buffer damage handling (rather than
+frame damage like drivers that do per-plane or per-CRTC uploads), but there is
+no support to get the buffer age or any other damage accumulation algorithm.
+For this reason, the damage helpers just fallback to a full plane update if the
+framebuffer attached to a plane has changed since the last page-flip. Drivers
+set &drm_plane_state.ignore_damage_clips to true as indication to
+drm_atomic_helper_damage_iter_init() and drm_atomic_helper_damage_iter_next()
+helpers that the damage clips should be ignored.
+This should be improved to get damage tracking properly working on drivers that
+do per-buffer uploads.
+More information about damage tracking and references to learning materials can
+be found in :ref:`damage_tracking_properties`.
+Contact: Javier Martinez Canillas <javierm@redhat.com>
+Level: Advanced
Outside DRM