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[PULL] drm-misc-fixes

Message ID 20241108085058.GA37468@linux.fritz.box (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Series [PULL] drm-misc-fixes | expand


https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/misc/kernel.git tags/drm-misc-fixes-2024-11-08


Thomas Zimmermann Nov. 8, 2024, 8:50 a.m. UTC
Hi Dave, Sima,

here's the drm-misc-fixes PR for this week. Apologies for being late.

Best regards

Short summary of fixes pull:

- Track PVR context per file
- Break ref-counting cycle

- Fix matching Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 X90F

- Lock VM array
- Be strict about I/O mapping flags
The following changes since commit 59b723cd2adbac2a34fc8e12c74ae26ae45bf230:

  Linux 6.12-rc6 (2024-11-03 14:05:52 -1000)

are available in the Git repository at:

  https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/misc/kernel.git tags/drm-misc-fixes-2024-11-08

for you to fetch changes up to f432a1621f049bb207e78363d9d0e3c6fa2da5db:

  drm/panthor: Be stricter about IO mapping flags (2024-11-07 16:39:53 +0000)

Short summary of fixes pull:

- Track PVR context per file
- Break ref-counting cycle

- Fix matching Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 X90F

- Lock VM array
- Be strict about I/O mapping flags

Brendan King (2):
      drm/imagination: Add a per-file PVR context list
      drm/imagination: Break an object reference loop

Hans de Goede (1):
      drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Make Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 X90F DMI match less strict

Jann Horn (1):
      drm/panthor: Be stricter about IO mapping flags

Liviu Dudau (1):
      drm/panthor: Lock XArray when getting entries for the VM

Thomas Zimmermann (1):
      Merge drm/drm-fixes into drm-misc-fixes

 drivers/gpu/drm/drm_panel_orientation_quirks.c |  1 -
 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.c      | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.h      | 21 ++++++++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h       | 10 ++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c          |  3 +++
 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c           | 22 +++++++++++++----
 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.h           |  1 +
 drivers/gpu/drm/panthor/panthor_device.c       |  4 ++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/panthor/panthor_mmu.c          |  2 ++
 9 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)