@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
drm::{device::Device, drv::Driver},
+ private::Sealed,
use bindings;
-use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref};
+use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref, ptr::NonNull};
/// The C vtable for a [`Device`].
@@ -184,3 +185,127 @@ pub struct ModeConfigInfo {
/// An optional default fourcc format code to be preferred for clients.
pub preferred_fourcc: Option<u32>,
+/// A modesetting object in DRM.
+/// This is any type of object where the underlying C object contains a [`struct drm_mode_object`].
+/// This type requires [`Send`] + [`Sync`] as all modesetting objects in DRM are able to be sent
+/// between threads.
+/// This type is only implemented by the DRM crate itself.
+/// # Safety
+/// [`raw_mode_obj()`] must always return a valid pointer to an initialized
+/// [`struct drm_mode_object`].
+/// [`struct drm_mode_object`]: srctree/include/drm/drm_mode_object.h
+/// [`raw_mode_obj()`]: ModeObject::raw_mode_obj()
+pub unsafe trait ModeObject: Sealed + Send + Sync {
+ /// The parent driver for this [`ModeObject`].
+ type Driver: KmsDriver;
+ /// Return the [`Device`] for this [`ModeObject`].
+ fn drm_dev(&self) -> &Device<Self::Driver>;
+ /// Return a pointer to the [`struct drm_mode_object`] for this [`ModeObject`].
+ ///
+ /// [`struct drm_mode_object`]: (srctree/include/drm/drm_mode_object.h)
+ fn raw_mode_obj(&self) -> *mut bindings::drm_mode_object;
+/// A trait for modesetting objects which don't come with their own reference-counting.
+/// Some [`ModeObject`] types in DRM do not have a reference count. These types are considered
+/// "static" and share the lifetime of their parent [`Device`]. To retrieve an owned reference to
+/// such types, see [`KmsRef`].
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait must only be implemented for modesetting objects which do not have a refcount within
+/// their [`struct drm_mode_object`], otherwise [`KmsRef`] can't guarantee the object will stay
+/// alive.
+/// [`struct drm_mode_object`]: (srctree/include/drm/drm_mode_object.h)
+pub unsafe trait StaticModeObject: ModeObject {}
+/// An owned reference to a [`StaticModeObject`].
+/// Note that since [`StaticModeObject`] types share the lifetime of their parent [`Device`], the
+/// parent [`Device`] will stay alive as long as this type exists. Thus, users should be aware that
+/// storing a [`KmsRef`] within a [`ModeObject`] is a circular reference.
+/// # Invariants
+/// `self.0` points to a valid instance of `T` throughout the lifetime of this type.
+pub struct KmsRef<T: StaticModeObject>(NonNull<T>);
+// SAFETY: Owned references to DRM device are thread-safe.
+unsafe impl<T: StaticModeObject> Send for KmsRef<T> {}
+// SAFETY: Owned references to DRM device are thread-safe.
+unsafe impl<T: StaticModeObject> Sync for KmsRef<T> {}
+impl<T: StaticModeObject> From<&T> for KmsRef<T> {
+ fn from(value: &T) -> Self {
+ // INVARIANT: Because the lifetime of the StaticModeObject is the same as the lifetime of
+ // its parent device, we can ensure that `value` remains alive by incrementing the device's
+ // reference count. The device will only disappear once we drop this reference in `Drop`.
+ value.drm_dev().inc_ref();
+ Self(value.into())
+ }
+impl<T: StaticModeObject> Drop for KmsRef<T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // SAFETY: We're reclaiming the reference we leaked in From<&T>
+ drop(unsafe { ARef::from_raw(self.drm_dev().into()) })
+ }
+impl<T: StaticModeObject> Deref for KmsRef<T> {
+ type Target = T;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ // SAFETY: We're guaranteed object will point to a valid object as long as we hold dev
+ unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }
+ }
+impl<T: StaticModeObject> Clone for KmsRef<T> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ // INVARIANT: Because the lifetime of the StaticModeObject is the same as the lifetime of
+ // its parent device, we can ensure that `value` remains alive by incrementing the device's
+ // reference count. The device will only disappear once we drop this reference in `Drop`.
+ self.drm_dev().inc_ref();
+ Self(self.0)
+ }
+/// A trait for [`ModeObject`] which is reference counted.
+/// This trait is implemented by DRM for any [`ModeObject`] which has a reference count provided by
+/// [`struct drm_mode_object`]. It provides a common implementation of [`AlwaysRefCounted`], since
+/// all [`RcModeObject`] types use the same functions for refcounting.
+/// # Safety
+/// The [`ModeObject`] must initialize the refcount in its [`struct drm_mode_object`] field.
+/// [`struct drm_mode_object`]: (srctree/include/drm/drm_mode_object.h)
+pub unsafe trait RcModeObject: ModeObject {}
+unsafe impl<T: RcModeObject> AlwaysRefCounted for T {
+ fn inc_ref(&self) {
+ // SAFETY: We're guaranteed by the safety contract of `ModeObject` that `raw_mode_obj()`
+ // always returns a pointer to an initialized `drm_mode_object`.
+ unsafe { bindings::drm_mode_object_get(self.raw_mode_obj()) }
+ }
+ unsafe fn dec_ref(obj: NonNull<Self>) {
+ // SAFETY: We're guaranteed by the safety contract of `ModeObject` that `raw_mode_obj()`
+ // always returns a pointer to an initialized `drm_mode_object`.
+ unsafe { bindings::drm_mode_object_put(obj.as_ref().raw_mode_obj()) }
+ }