@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ GPU Driver Documentation
+ nova/index
.. only:: subproject and html
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
+This documents contains the guidelines for nova-core. Additionally, all common
+guidelines of the Nova project do apply.
+Driver API
+One main purpose of nova-core is to implement the abstraction around the
+firmware interface of GSP and provide a firmware (version) independent API for
+2nd level drivers, such as nova-drm or the vGPU manager VFIO driver.
+Therefore, it is not permitted to leak firmware (version) specifics, through the
+driver API, to 2nd level drivers.
+Acceptance Criteria
+- To the extend possible, patches submitted to nova-core must be tested for
+ regressions with all 2nd level drivers.
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
+Task List
+Tasks may have the following fields:
+- ``Complexity``: Describes the required familiarity with Rust and / or the
+ corresponding kernel APIs or subsystems. There are four different complexities,
+ ``Beginner``, ``Intermediate``, ``Advanced`` and ``Expert``.
+- ``Reference``: References to other tasks.
+- ``Link``: Links to external resources.
+- ``Contact``: The person that can be contacted for further information about
+ the task.
+Enablement (Rust)
+Tasks that are not directly related to nova-core, but are preconditions in terms
+of required APIs.
+FromPrimitive API
+Sometimes the need arises to convert a number to a value of an enum or a
+A good example from nova-core would be the ``Chipset`` enum type, which defines
+the value ``AD102``. When probing the GPU the value ``0x192`` can be read from a
+certain register indication the chipset AD102. Hence, the enum value ``AD102``
+should be derived from the number ``0x192``. Currently, nova-core uses a custom
+implementation (``Chipset::from_u32`` for this.
+Instead, it would be desirable to have something like the ``FromPrimitive``
+trait [1] from the num crate.
+Having this generalization also helps with implementing a generic macro that
+automatically generates the corresponding mappings between a value and a number.
+| Complexity: Beginner
+| Link: https://docs.rs/num/latest/num/trait.FromPrimitive.html
+Generic register abstraction
+Work out how register constants and structures can be automatically generated
+through generalized macros.
+.. code-block:: rust
+ register!(BOOT0, 0x0, u32, pci::Bar<SIZE>, Fields [
+ REVISION(7:0, RO), // Virtual register combining major and minor rev.
+ ])
+This could expand to something like:
+.. code-block:: rust
+ const BOOT0_OFFSET: usize = 0x00000000;
+ const BOOT0_MINOR_REVISION_MASK: u32 = 0x0000000f;
+ const BOOT0_MAJOR_REVISION_MASK: u32 = 0x000000f0;
+ struct Boot0(u32);
+ impl Boot0 {
+ #[inline]
+ fn read(bar: &RevocableGuard<'_, pci::Bar<SIZE>>) -> Self {
+ Self(bar.readl(BOOT0_OFFSET))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn minor_revision(&self) -> u32 {
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn major_revision(&self) -> u32 {
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn revision(&self) -> u32 {
+ }
+ }
+.. code-block:: rust
+ let bar = bar.try_access().ok_or(ENXIO)?;
+ let boot0 = Boot0::read(&bar);
+ pr_info!("Revision: {}\n", boot0.revision());
+| Complexity: Advanced
+Delay / Sleep abstractions
+Rust abstractions for the kernel's delay() and sleep() functions.
+FUJITA Tomonori plans to work on abstractions for read_poll_timeout_atomic()
+(and friends) [1].
+| Complexity: Beginner
+| Link: https://lore.kernel.org/netdev/20250228.080550.354359820929821928.fujita.tomonori@gmail.com/ [1]
+IRQ abstractions
+Rust abstractions for IRQ handling.
+There is active ongoing work from Daniel Almeida [1] for the "core" abstractions
+to request IRQs.
+Besides optional review and testing work, the required ``pci::Device`` code
+around those core abstractions needs to be worked out.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Link: https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20250122163932.46697-1-daniel.almeida@collabora.com/ [1]
+| Contact: Daniel Almeida
+Page abstraction for foreign pages
+Rust abstractions for pages not created by the Rust page abstraction without
+direct ownership.
+There is active onging work from Abdiel Janulgue [1] and Lina [2].
+| Complexity: Advanced
+| Link: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-mm/20241119112408.779243-1-abdiel.janulgue@gmail.com/ [1]
+| Link: https://lore.kernel.org/rust-for-linux/20250202-rust-page-v1-0-e3170d7fe55e@asahilina.net/ [2]
+Scatterlist / sg_table abstractions
+Rust abstractions for scatterlist / sg_table.
+There is preceding work from Abdiel Janulgue, which hasn't made it to the
+mailing list yet.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Abdiel Janulgue
+ELF utils
+Rust implementation of ELF header representation to retrieve section header
+tables, names, and data from an ELF-formatted images.
+There is preceding work from Abdiel Janulgue, which hasn't made it to the
+mailing list yet.
+| Complexity: Beginner
+| Contact: Abdiel Janulgue
+Extend the existing PCI device / driver abstractions by SR-IOV, config space,
+capability, MSI API abstractions.
+| Complexity: Beginner
+Auxiliary bus abstractions
+Rust abstraction for the auxiliary bus APIs.
+This is needed to connect nova-core to the nova-drm driver.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+Debugfs abstractions
+Rust abstraction for debugfs APIs.
+| Reference: Export GSP log buffers
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+Vec extensions
+Implement ``Vec::truncate`` and ``Vec::resize``.
+Currently this is used for some experimental code to parse the vBIOS.
+| Reference vBIOS support
+| Complexity: Beginner
+GPU (general)
+Parse firmware headers
+Parse ELF headers from the firmware files loaded from the filesystem.
+| Reference: ELF utils
+| Complexity: Beginner
+| Contact: Abdiel Janulgue
+Build radix3 page table
+Build the radix3 page table to map the firmware.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Abdiel Janulgue
+vBIOS support
+Parse the vBIOS and probe the structures required for driver initialization.
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+| Reference: Vec extensions
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+Initial Devinit support
+Implement BIOS Device Initialization, i.e. memory sizing, waiting, PLL
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+| Complexity: Beginner
+Boot Falcon controller
+Infrastructure to load and execute falcon (sec2) firmware images; handle the
+GSP falcon processor and fwsec loading.
+| Complexity: Advanced
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+GPU Timer support
+Support for the GPU's internal timer peripheral.
+| Complexity: Beginner
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+MMU / PT management
+Work out the architecture for MMU / page table management.
+We need to consider that nova-drm will need rather fine-grained control,
+especially in terms of locking, in order to be able to implement asynchronous
+Vulkan queues.
+While generally sharing the corresponding code is desirable, it needs to be
+evaluated how (and if at all) sharing the corresponding code is expedient.
+| Complexity: Expert
+VRAM memory allocator
+Investigate options for a VRAM memory allocator.
+Some possible options:
+ - Rust abstractions for
+ - RB tree (interval tree) / drm_mm
+ - maple_tree
+ - native Rust collections
+| Complexity: Advanced
+Instance Memory
+Implement support for instmem (bar2) used to store page tables.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+GPU System Processor (GSP)
+Export GSP log buffers
+Recent patches from Timur Tabi [1] added support to expose GSP-RM log buffers
+(even after failure to probe the driver) through debugfs.
+This is also an interesting feature for nova-core, especially in the early days.
+| Link: https://lore.kernel.org/nouveau/20241030202952.694055-2-ttabi@nvidia.com/ [1]
+| Reference: Debugfs abstractions
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+GSP firmware abstraction
+The GSP-RM firmware API is unstable and may incompatibly change from version to
+version, in terms of data structures and semantics.
+This problem is one of the big motivations for using Rust for nova-core, since
+it turns out that Rust's procedural macro feature provides a rather elegant way
+to address this issue:
+1. generate Rust structures from the C headers in a separate namespace per version
+2. build abstraction structures (within a generic namespace) that implement the
+ firmware interfaces; annotate the differences in implementation with version
+ identifiers
+3. use a procedural macro to generate the actual per version implementation out
+ of this abstraction
+4. instantiate the correct version type one on runtime (can be sure that all
+ have the same interface because it's defined by a common trait)
+There is a PoC implementation of this pattern, in the context of the nova-core
+PoC driver.
+This task aims at refining the feature and ideally generalize it, to be usable
+by other drivers as well.
+| Complexity: Expert
+GSP message queue
+Implement low level GSP message queue (command, status) for communication
+between the kernel driver and GSP.
+| Complexity: Advanced
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+Bootstrap GSP
+Call the boot firmware to boot the GSP processor; execute initial control
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+Client / Device APIs
+Implement the GSP message interface for client / device allocation and the
+corresponding client and device allocation APIs.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+Bar PDE handling
+Synchronize page table handling for BARs between the kernel driver and GSP.
+| Complexity: Beginner
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+FIFO engine
+Implement support for the FIFO engine, i.e. the corresponding GSP message
+interface and provide an API for chid allocation and channel handling.
+| Complexity: Advanced
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+GR engine
+Implement support for the graphics engine, i.e. the corresponding GSP message
+interface and provide an API for (golden) context creation and promotion.
+| Complexity: Advanced
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+CE engine
+Implement support for the copy engine, i.e. the corresponding GSP message
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+VFN IRQ controller
+Support for the VFN interrupt controller.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+| Contact: Dave Airlie
+External APIs
+nova-core base API
+Work out the common pieces of the API to connect 2nd level drivers, i.e. vGPU
+manager and nova-drm.
+| Complexity: Advanced
+vGPU manager API
+Work out the API parts required by the vGPU manager, which are not covered by
+the base API.
+| Complexity: Advanced
+nova-core C API
+Implement a C wrapper for the APIs required by the vGPU manager driver.
+| Complexity: Intermediate
+CI pipeline
+Investigate option for continuous integration testing.
+This can go from as simple as running KUnit tests over running (graphics) CTS to
+booting up (multiple) guest VMs to test VFIO use-cases.
+It might also be worth to consider the introduction of a new test suite directly
+sitting on top of the uAPI for more targeted testing and debugging. There may be
+options for collaboration / shared code with the Mesa project.
+| Complexity: Advanced
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
+This document describes the general project guidelines that apply to nova-core
+and nova-drm.
+The Nova project uses the Rust programming language. In this context, all rules
+of the Rust for Linux project as documented in
+:doc:`../../rust/general-information` apply. Additionally, the following rules
+- Unless technically necessary otherwise (e.g. uAPI), any driver code is written
+ in Rust.
+- Unless technically necessary, unsafe Rust code must be avoided. In case of
+ technical necessity, unsafe code should be isolated in a separate component
+ providing a safe API for other driver code to use.
+All rules of the Rust for Linux project as documented in
+:doc:`../../rust/coding-guidelines` apply.
+For a submit checklist, please also see the `Rust for Linux Submit checklist
+addendum <https://rust-for-linux.com/contributing#submit-checklist-addendum>`_.
+The availability of proper documentation is essential in terms of scalability,
+accessibility for new contributors and maintainability of a project in general,
+but especially for a driver running as complex hardware as Nova is targeting.
+Hence, adding documentation of any kind is very much encouraged by the project.
+Besides that, there are some minimum requirements.
+- Every non-private structure needs at least a brief doc comment explaining the
+ semantical sense of the structure, as well as potential locking and lifetime
+ requirements. It is encouraged to have the same minimum documentation for
+ non-trivial private structures.
+- uAPIs must be fully documented with kernel-doc comments; additionally, the
+ semantical behavior must be explained including potential special or corner
+ cases.
+- The APIs connecting the 1st level driver (nova-core) with 2nd level drivers
+ must be fully documented. This includes doc comments, potential locking and
+ lifetime requirements, as well as example code if applicable.
+- Abbreviations must be explained when introduced; terminology must be uniquely
+ defined.
+- Register addresses, layouts, shift values and masks must be defined properly;
+ unless obvious, the semantical sense must be documented. This only applies if
+ the author is able to obtain the corresponding information.
+Acceptance Criteria
+- Patches must only be applied if reviewed by at least one other person on the
+ mailing list; this also applies for maintainers.
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
+nova NVIDIA GPU drivers
+The nova driver project consists out of two separate drivers nova-core and
+nova-drm and intends to supersede the nouveau driver for NVIDIA GPUs based on
+the GPU System Processor (GSP).
+The following documents apply to both nova-core and nova-drm.
+.. toctree::
+ :titlesonly:
+ guidelines
+The nova-core driver is the core driver for NVIDIA GPUs based on GSP. nova-core,
+as the 1st level driver, provides an abstraction around the GPUs hard- and
+firmware interfaces providing a common base for 2nd level drivers, such as the
+vGPU manager VFIO driver and the nova-drm driver.
+.. toctree::
+ :titlesonly:
+ core/guidelines
+ core/todo
@@ -7458,6 +7458,7 @@ Q: https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/project/nouveau/
B: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/nova/-/issues
C: irc://irc.oftc.net/nouveau
T: git https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/nova.git nova-next
+F: Documentation/gpu/nova/
F: drivers/gpu/nova-core/