@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
# dmapi/ binaries
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ _______________________
sudo apt-get install xfslibs-dev uuid-dev libtool-bin \
e2fsprogs automake gcc libuuid1 quota attr libattr1-dev make \
libacl1-dev libaio-dev xfsprogs libgdbm-dev gawk fio dbench \
- uuid-runtime
+ uuid-runtime python sqlite3
For Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS:
yum install acl attr automake bc dbench dump e2fsprogs fio \
gawk gcc indent libtool lvm2 make psmisc quota sed \
xfsdump xfsprogs \
libacl-devel libattr-devel libaio-devel libuuid-devel \
- xfsprogs-devel btrfs-progs-devel
+ xfsprogs-devel btrfs-progs-devel python sqlite
(Older distributions may require xfsprogs-qa-devel as well.)
(Note that for RHEL and CentOS, you may need the EPEL repo.)
- run make
@@ -93,7 +93,12 @@ Preparing system for tests:
unmounting to run the offline check.
- setenv LOGWRITES_DEV to a block device to use for power fail
+ - setenv PERF_CONFIGNAME to a arbitrary string to be used for
+ identifying the test setup for running perf tests. This should
+ be different for each type of performance test you wish to run so
+ that relevant results are compared. For example 'spinningrust'
+ for configurations that use spinning disks and 'nvme' for tests
+ using nvme drives.
- or add a case to the switch in common/config assigning
these variables based on the hostname of your test
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ export MAN_PROG="`set_prog_path man`"
export NFS4_SETFACL_PROG="`set_prog_path nfs4_setfacl`"
export NFS4_GETFACL_PROG="`set_prog_path nfs4_getfacl`"
export UBIUPDATEVOL_PROG="`set_prog_path ubiupdatevol`"
+export PYTHON2_PROG="`set_prog_path python2`"
+export SQLITE3_PROG="`set_prog_path sqlite3`"
# use 'udevadm settle' or 'udevsettle' to wait for lv to be settled.
# newer systems have udevadm command but older systems like RHEL5 don't.
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Common perf specific functions
+ if [ -z "$PERF_CONFIGNAME" ]
+ then
+ _notrun "this test requires \$PERF_CONFIGNAME to be set"
+ fi
+ _require_command $PYTHON2_PROG python2
+ $PYTHON2_PROG -c "import sqlite3" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && _notrun "this test requires python sqlite support"
+ $PYTHON2_PROG -c "import json" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && _notrun "this test requires python json support"
+ _require_command $SQLITE3_PROG sqlite3
+ cat $here/src/perf/fio-results.sql | \
+ $SQLITE3_PROG $RESULT_BASE/fio-results.db
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && _fail "failed to create results database"
+ [ ! -e $RESULT_BASE/fio-results.db ] && \
+ _fail "failed to create results database"
+ _testname=$1
+ _resultfile=$2
+ $PYTHON2_PROG $here/src/perf/fio-insert-and-compare.py \
+ -c $PERF_CONFIGNAME -d $RESULT_BASE/fio-results.db \
+ -n $_testname $_resultfile
@@ -122,3 +122,12 @@ _require_log_writes
The test requires the use of the device mapper target log-writes.
The test also requires the test program log-writes/replay-log is built
and will be skipped if either isn't available.
+ This test requires the supporting tools for saving and comparing fio based
+ perf test results.
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+default_keys = [ 'iops', 'io_bytes', 'bw' ]
+latency_keys = [ 'lat_ns_min', 'lat_ns_max' ]
+main_job_keys = [ 'sys_cpu', 'elapsed' ]
+io_ops = ['read', 'write', 'trim' ]
+def _fuzzy_compare(a, b, fuzzy):
+ if a == b:
+ return 0
+ if a == 0:
+ return 100
+ a = float(a)
+ b = float(b)
+ fuzzy = float(fuzzy)
+ val = ((b - a) / a) * 100
+ if val > fuzzy or val < -fuzzy:
+ return val;
+ return 0
+def _compare_jobs(ijob, njob, latency, fuzz, failures_only):
+ failed = 0
+ for k in default_keys:
+ for io in io_ops:
+ key = "{}_{}".format(io, k)
+ comp = _fuzzy_compare(ijob[key], njob[key], fuzz)
+ if comp < 0:
+ print(" {} regressed: old {} new {} {}%".format(key,
+ ijob[key], njob[key], comp))
+ failed += 1
+ elif not failures_only and comp > 0:
+ print(" {} improved: old {} new {} {}%".format(key,
+ ijob[key], njob[key], comp))
+ elif not failures_only:
+ print("{} is a-ok {} {}".format(key, ijob[key], njob[key]))
+ for k in latency_keys:
+ if not latency:
+ break
+ for io in io_ops:
+ key = "{}_{}".format(io, k)
+ comp = _fuzzy_compare(ijob[key], njob[key], fuzz)
+ if comp > 0:
+ print(" {} regressed: old {} new {} {}%".format(key,
+ ijob[key], njob[key], comp))
+ failed += 1
+ elif not failures_only and comp < 0:
+ print(" {} improved: old {} new {} {}%".format(key,
+ ijob[key], njob[key], comp))
+ elif not failures_only:
+ print("{} is a-ok {} {}".format(key, ijob[key], njob[key]))
+ for k in main_job_keys:
+ comp = _fuzzy_compare(ijob[k], njob[k], fuzz)
+ if comp > 0:
+ print(" {} regressed: old {} new {} {}%".format(k, ijob[k],
+ njob[k], comp))
+ failed += 1
+ elif not failures_only and comp < 0:
+ print(" {} improved: old {} new {} {}%".format(k, ijob[k],
+ njob[k], comp))
+ elif not failures_only:
+ print("{} is a-ok {} {}".format(k, ijob[k], njob[k]))
+ return failed
+def compare_individual_jobs(initial, data, fuzz, failures_only):
+ failed = 0;
+ initial_jobs = initial['jobs'][:]
+ for njob in data['jobs']:
+ for ijob in initial_jobs:
+ if njob['jobname'] == ijob['jobname']:
+ print(" Checking results for {}".format(njob['jobname']))
+ failed += _compare_jobs(ijob, njob, fuzz, failures_only)
+ initial_jobs.remove(ijob)
+ break
+ return failed
+def default_merge(data):
+ '''Default merge function for multiple jobs in one run
+ For runs that include multiple threads we will have a lot of variation
+ between the different threads, which makes comparing them to eachother
+ across multiple runs less that useful. Instead merge the jobs into a single
+ job. This function does that by adding up 'iops', 'io_kbytes', and 'bw' for
+ read/write/trim in the merged job, and then taking the maximal values of the
+ latency numbers.
+ '''
+ merge_job = {}
+ for job in data['jobs']:
+ for k in main_job_keys:
+ if k not in merge_job:
+ merge_job[k] = job[k]
+ else:
+ merge_job[k] += job[k]
+ for io in io_ops:
+ for k in default_keys:
+ key = "{}_{}".format(io, k)
+ if key not in merge_job:
+ merge_job[key] = job[key]
+ else:
+ merge_job[key] += job[key]
+ for k in latency_keys:
+ key = "{}_{}".format(io, k)
+ if key not in merge_job:
+ merge_job[key] = job[key]
+ elif merge_job[key] < job[key]:
+ merge_job[key] = job[key]
+ return merge_job
+def compare_fiodata(initial, data, latency, merge_func=default_merge, fuzz=5,
+ failures_only=True):
+ failed = 0
+ if merge_func is None:
+ return compare_individual_jobs(initial, data, fuzz, failures_only)
+ ijob = merge_func(initial)
+ njob = merge_func(data)
+ return _compare_jobs(ijob, njob, latency, fuzz, failures_only)
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import json
+class FioResultDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
+ """Decoder for decoding fio result json to an object for our database
+ This decodes the json output from fio into an object that can be directly
+ inserted into our database. This just strips out the fields we don't care
+ about and collapses the read/write/trim classes into a flat value structure
+ inside of the jobs object.
+ For example
+ "write" : {
+ "io_bytes" : 313360384,
+ "bw" : 1016,
+ }
+ Get's collapsed to
+ "write_io_bytes" : 313360384,
+ "write_bw": 1016,
+ Currently any dict under 'jobs' get's dropped, with the exception of 'read',
+ 'write', and 'trim'. For those sub sections we drop any dict's under those.
+ Attempt to keep this as generic as possible, we don't want to break every
+ time fio changes it's json output format.
+ """
+ _ignore_types = ['dict', 'list']
+ _override_keys = ['lat_ns', 'lat']
+ _io_ops = ['read', 'write', 'trim']
+ _transform_keys = { 'lat': 'lat_ns' }
+ def decode(self, json_string):
+ """This does the dirty work of converting everything"""
+ default_obj = super(FioResultDecoder, self).decode(json_string)
+ obj = {}
+ obj['global'] = {}
+ obj['global']['time'] = default_obj['time']
+ obj['jobs'] = []
+ for job in default_obj['jobs']:
+ new_job = {}
+ for key,value in job.iteritems():
+ if key not in self._io_ops:
+ if value.__class__.__name__ in self._ignore_types:
+ continue
+ new_job[key] = value
+ continue
+ for k,v in value.iteritems():
+ if k in self._override_keys:
+ if k in self._transform_keys:
+ k = self._transform_keys[k]
+ for subk,subv in v.iteritems():
+ collapsed_key = "{}_{}_{}".format(key, k, subk)
+ new_job[collapsed_key] = subv
+ continue
+ if v.__class__.__name__ in self._ignore_types:
+ continue
+ collapsed_key = "{}_{}".format(key, k)
+ new_job[collapsed_key] = v
+ obj['jobs'].append(new_job)
+ return obj
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import sqlite3
+def _dict_factory(cursor, row):
+ d = {}
+ for idx,col in enumerate(cursor.description):
+ d[col[0]] = row[idx]
+ return d
+class ResultData:
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.db = sqlite3.connect(filename)
+ self.db.row_factory = _dict_factory
+ def load_last(self, testname, config):
+ d = {}
+ cur = self.db.cursor()
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fio_runs WHERE config = ? AND name = ?ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1",
+ (config,testname))
+ d['global'] = cur.fetchone()
+ if d['global'] is None:
+ return None
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fio_jobs WHERE run_id = ?",
+ (d['global']['id'],))
+ d['jobs'] = cur.fetchall()
+ return d
+ def _insert_obj(self, tablename, obj):
+ keys = obj.keys()
+ values = obj.values()
+ cur = self.db.cursor()
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({}".format(tablename,
+ ",".join(keys),
+ '?,' * len(values))
+ cmd = cmd[:-1] + ')'
+ cur.execute(cmd, tuple(values))
+ self.db.commit()
+ return cur.lastrowid
+ def insert_result(self, result):
+ row_id = self._insert_obj('fio_runs', result['global'])
+ for job in result['jobs']:
+ job['run_id'] = row_id
+ self._insert_obj('fio_jobs', job)
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import FioResultDecoder
+import ResultData
+import FioCompare
+import json
+import argparse
+import sys
+import platform
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('-c', '--configname', type=str,
+ help="The config name to save the results under.",
+ required=True)
+parser.add_argument('-d', '--db', type=str,
+ help="The db that is being used", required=True)
+parser.add_argument('-n', '--testname', type=str,
+ help="The testname for the result", required=True)
+parser.add_argument('result', type=str,
+ help="The result file to compare and insert")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+result_data = ResultData.ResultData(args.db)
+compare = result_data.load_last(args.testname, args.configname)
+json_data = open(args.result)
+data = json.load(json_data, cls=FioResultDecoder.FioResultDecoder)
+data['global']['name'] = args.testname
+data['global']['config'] = args.configname
+data['global']['kernel'] = platform.release()
+if compare is None:
+ sys.exit(0)
+if FioCompare.compare_fiodata(compare, data, False):
+ sys.exit(1)
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ `kernel` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `config` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
+ `name` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
+ `time` datetime NOT NULL
+ `run_id` int NOT NULL,
+ `read_bw_dev` float,
+ `trim_lat_ns_mean` float,
+ `read_runtime` int,
+ `trim_runtime` int,
+ `read_io_bytes` int,
+ `read_short_ios` int,
+ `write_lat_ns_stddev` float,
+ `minf` int,
+ `read_drop_ios` int,
+ `trim_iops_samples` int,
+ `trim_iops_max` int,
+ `trim_bw_agg` float,
+ `write_bw_min` int,
+ `latency_percentile` float,
+ `read_bw_max` int,
+ `write_bw` int,
+ `read_bw_min` int,
+ `trim_bw_dev` float,
+ `read_iops_max` int,
+ `read_lat_ns_mean` float,
+ `write_iops` float,
+ `latency_target` int,
+ `trim_bw` int,
+ `write_iops_samples` int,
+ `read_bw_samples` int,
+ `trim_io_kbytes` int,
+ `read_iops_samples` int,
+ `write_drop_ios` int,
+ `trim_iops_min` int,
+ `write_bw_samples` int,
+ `read_iops_stddev` float,
+ `write_io_kbytes` int,
+ `groupid` int,
+ `trim_bw_mean` float,
+ `write_bw_agg` float,
+ `write_bw_dev` float,
+ `read_bw` int,
+ `trim_lat_ns_stddev` float,
+ `read_bw_mean` float,
+ `latency_depth` int,
+ `trim_short_ios` int,
+ `read_lat_ns_stddev` float,
+ `read_io_kbytes` int,
+ `latency_window` int,
+ `write_iops_stddev` float,
+ `trim_bw_samples` int,
+ `trim_lat_ns_min` int,
+ `error` int,
+ `trim_iops_mean` float,
+ `elapsed` int,
+ `write_iops_mean` float,
+ `write_bw_mean` float,
+ `write_short_ios` int,
+ `write_io_bytes` int,
+ `usr_cpu` float,
+ `trim_drop_ios` int,
+ `read_iops_min` int,
+ `jobname` varchar(256),
+ `write_iops_min` int,
+ `trim_bw_min` int,
+ `read_bw_agg` float,
+ `trim_lat_ns_max` int,
+ `write_lat_ns_min` int,
+ `read_iops_mean` float,
+ `trim_iops_stddev` float,
+ `write_lat_ns_max` int,
+ `majf` int,
+ `write_total_ios` int,
+ `ctx` int,
+ `read_lat_ns_min` int,
+ `trim_bw_max` int,
+ `read_total_ios` int,
+ `write_runtime` int,
+ `trim_io_bytes` int,
+ `eta` int,
+ `read_iops` float,
+ `trim_total_ios` int,
+ `write_lat_ns_mean` float,
+ `write_iops_max` int,
+ `write_bw_max` int,
+ `sys_cpu` float,
+ `read_lat_ns_max` int,
+ `trim_iops` float
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import json
+import argparse
+import FioResultDecoder
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+def is_date(string):
+ try:
+ parse(string)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def print_schema_def(key, value, required):
+ typestr = value.__class__.__name__
+ if typestr == 'str' or typestr == 'unicode':
+ if (is_date(value)):
+ typestr = "datetime"
+ else:
+ typestr = "varchar(256)"
+ requiredstr = ""
+ if required:
+ requiredstr = " NOT NULL"
+ return ",\n `{}` {}{}".format(key, typestr, requiredstr)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('infile', help="The json file to strip")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+json_data = open(args.infile)
+data = json.load(json_data, cls=FioResultDecoder.FioResultDecoder)
+# These get populated by the test runner, not fio, so add them so their
+# definitions get populated in the schema properly
+data['global']['config'] = 'default'
+data['global']['kernel'] = '4.14'
+data['global']['name'] = 'alrightalrightalright'
+print("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fio_runs` (")
+for key,value in data['global'].iteritems():
+ outstr += print_schema_def(key, value, True)
+required_fields = ['run_id']
+job = data['jobs'][0]
+job['run_id'] = 0
+print("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fio_jobs` (")
+for key,value in job.iteritems():
+ outstr += print_schema_def(key, value, key in required_fields)