@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ _cleanup()
local ts=`date +'%H_%M_%S_%N'`
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ create_file()
-c "pwrite -S 0xaa -b 32K 0 32K" \
-c "fsync" \
-c "pwrite -S 0xbb -b 32770 16K 32770" \
- -c "truncate 90123" \
+ -c "truncate $truncate_offset" \
@@ -81,6 +83,12 @@ _scratch_mkfs "$mkfs_options" >>$seqres.full 2>&1
+# Create a file while no snapshotting is in progress so that we get the expected
+# digest for every file in a snapshot that caught the truncate operation (which
+# sets the file's size to $truncate_offset).
+create_file "gold_file"
+expected_digest=`_md5_checksum "$SCRATCH_MNT/gold_file"`
# Run some background load in order to make the issue easier to trigger.
# Specially needed when testing with non-debug kernels and there isn't
# any other significant load on the test machine other than this test.
@@ -103,24 +111,20 @@ for ((i = 0; i < $num_procs; i++)); do
for f in $(find $SCRATCH_MNT -type f -name 'foobar_*'); do
- digest=`md5sum $f | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
- case $digest in
- "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")
- # ok, empty file
- ;;
- "c28418534a020122aca59fd3ff9581b5")
- # ok, only first write captured
- ;;
- "cd0032da89254cdc498fda396e6a9b54")
- # ok, only 2 first writes captured
- ;;
- "a1963f914baf4d2579d643425f4e54bc")
- # ok, the 2 writes and the truncate were captured
- ;;
- *)
- # not ok, truncate captured but not one or both writes
- _fail "Unexpected digest for file $f"
- esac
+ file_size=$(stat -c%s "$f")
+ # We want to verify that if the file has the size set by the truncate
+ # operation, then both delalloc writes were flushed, and every version
+ # of the file in each snapshot has its range [0, 16K) full of bytes with
+ # a value of 0xaa and the range [16K, 49154) is full of bytes with a
+ # value of 0xbb.
+ if [ "$file_size" -eq "$truncate_offset" ]; then
+ digest=`_md5_checksum "$f"`
+ if [ "$digest" != "$expected_digest" ]; then
+ echo -e "Unexpected content for file $f:\n"
+ _hexdump "$f"
+ _fail "Bad file content"
+ fi
+ fi
# Check the filesystem for inconsistencies.