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[v2,0/2] eol/autocrlf doc clarifications

Message ID 20190129124031.GA13084@sigill.intra.peff.net (mailing list archive)
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Series eol/autocrlf doc clarifications | expand


Jeff King Jan. 29, 2019, 12:40 p.m. UTC
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 07:38:10AM +0000, Torsten Bögershausen wrote:

> > Yeah, I think the word "property" is unnecessarily confusing. Here's
> > another patch (meant to go on top of the other).
> The property was originally meant to say:
> - Either the "text" attribute is set in .gitattributes
>   or
> - The "text=auto" attribute is set in .gitattributes and
>   Git auto-detects the file as text (and not as binary).

Thanks, that makes it much more clear what the original was trying to

> > +	conversion. Note that this value is ignored if `core.autocrlf`
> > +	is set to `true`.
> Should that be
>  > +	conversion. Note that this value is ignored if `core.autocrlf`
>  > +	is set to `true` or `input`.

Yes (and ditto in the other patch).

Here's a re-roll of both patches addressing these issues.

  [1/2]: doc/gitattributes: clarify "autocrlf overrides eol"
  [2/2]: docs/config: clarify "text property" in core.eol

 Documentation/config/core.txt   | 7 +++++--
 Documentation/gitattributes.txt | 4 +++-
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
