From patchwork Thu Mar 6 15:08:31 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Patrick Steinhardt X-Patchwork-Id: 14004651 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B2DA31DE4EC for ; Thu, 6 Mar 2025 15:08:43 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741273725; cv=none; b=WLU3bfwUTX4eL8XhG+rlKrX2EJDGFHSiRycx26EHAGsrC+BVR0pWphWZeEQ8NLYeV1n0SjQX2iB90hl+6bVK7xeqCETzUsS19m8RruuTjvwMT87gftnkCqRdJnPPGxm3Em3QSQcrWOQ2DEVhLkmZVPJwl4OVoqFnbFVdq3DNMW8= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741273725; c=relaxed/simple; bh=2Ljxulho/Xmv7XaTUtJLrvZk0fXcglLyLNyCBSgz/i4=; h=From:Subject:Date:Message-Id:MIME-Version:Content-Type: In-Reply-To:References:To:Cc; b=UYQcJ122OYXjPA6HhiBDxm04ZuJme3ISALV7eoe1kWs7uTvWWbEgV2A1w2UoQkHWGJII2tlCrzU5Kc4lb8MuIycdcDrGfnvNJp+2FJVNfSFBTtXmq+GCRzAMgPZFvmMfPh53CjskAU1gszR4Oqy4SZfqW3Ws+gpkaKeu7e7emPY= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=KoWPCzu7; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=l3ZSx2RT; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="KoWPCzu7"; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="l3ZSx2RT" Received: from phl-compute-02.internal (phl-compute-02.phl.internal []) by mailfout.stl.internal (Postfix) with ESMTP id B01441140106; Thu, 6 Mar 2025 10:08:42 -0500 (EST) Received: from phl-mailfrontend-01 ([]) by phl-compute-02.internal (MEProxy); Thu, 06 Mar 2025 10:08:42 -0500 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=cc:cc :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:content-type:date:date :from:from:in-reply-to:in-reply-to:message-id:mime-version :references:reply-to:subject:subject:to:to; s=fm1; t=1741273722; x=1741360122; bh=8kQv+Eia+uNWbN+Tjmk8+gPKZiXn1j5ql18CZSZx8PA=; b= KoWPCzu7auYi4kqTJnpUOZO9lFt5vno32fXrY+u4SJZlAVD/Z3qfwsHSqwP80xCw wbALo5EKc7z944Xm2rb3qhw/UypeIrIz/jyj4MO7ZnDXN6Z0uc66Q/x6Eo9wAsYb NaaA4O6NZDQqeaM5VYfHMe1lMqKAgEBkAeMlGqHHFBc+AEixphG1o9bNHsKJIWcd 7A2l+mCvDiPRRpXvwciSTtGETFa3Wd1IE/xoxtIdUdm6YIuqZhUv7xljjXil3aG1 4+sJRjeCbJneBRWgp8AUqTC9aZrUs5sMFjlKjCJXEsiA/1wPGgywU8btTAEoWXXX Tr5Cz7NTOHbNkwVBEBM6BQ== DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=; h=cc:cc:content-transfer-encoding :content-type:content-type:date:date:feedback-id:feedback-id :from:from:in-reply-to:in-reply-to:message-id:mime-version :references:reply-to:subject:subject:to:to:x-me-proxy :x-me-sender:x-me-sender:x-sasl-enc; s=fm1; t=1741273722; x= 1741360122; bh=8kQv+Eia+uNWbN+Tjmk8+gPKZiXn1j5ql18CZSZx8PA=; b=l 3ZSx2RTkTQq5Ajp6XQpv9BgFgyK4mvfh0fOboi64VuS1HuDnMX4cCzLS3FTTzUIv NevHU0RqDHBluodkCTsJVHMjkcoytpUgbbq4VyqvmigbYP22iX0oM0DZZlNeph8Q gL2yBDaFybgF/XxbyADIavI3XuBG9fdpcyTTr4dfd6min1geVf7WY5HkDAntgVjE 7U0mCYE5Q+/MSF/EgMGZm8d7uIasfW34I6q+Uycb7zJhby+tJk3x0YQBhWxO1lej Rihmd+BXTux58Up0b/6sWMZaqsyvF7iQZ9XDD1/ayWmi/2S3nYHO51txIj6xvrGc DSTo1eYnroyGvvnI8W00w== X-ME-Sender: X-ME-Received: X-ME-Proxy-Cause: gggruggvucftvghtrhhoucdtuddrgeefvddrtddtgddutdektdekucetufdoteggodetrf dotffvucfrrhhofhhilhgvmecuhfgrshhtofgrihhlpdggtfgfnhhsuhgsshgtrhhisggv pdfurfetoffkrfgpnffqhgenuceurghilhhouhhtmecufedttdenucesvcftvggtihhpih gvnhhtshculddquddttddmnecujfgurhephffufffkgggtgfgjfhfvvefosehtkeertder tdejnecuhfhrohhmpefrrghtrhhitghkucfuthgvihhnhhgrrhguthcuoehpshesphhksh drihhmqeenucggtffrrghtthgvrhhnpeduudevjeffffegjeegheeiteeuffdtvdehleeg feefvedtgeetlefhkeevtedtheenucffohhmrghinhepkhgvrhhnvghlrdhorhhgnecuve hluhhsthgvrhfuihiivgeptdenucfrrghrrghmpehmrghilhhfrhhomhepphhssehpkhhs rdhimhdpnhgspghrtghpthhtohepjedpmhhouggvpehsmhhtphhouhhtpdhrtghpthhtoh epphgvfhhfsehpvghffhdrnhgvthdprhgtphhtthhopehsrghnuggrlhhssegtrhhushht hihtohhothhhphgrshhtvgdrnhgvthdprhgtphhtthhopehgihhtshhtvghrsehpohgsoh igrdgtohhmpdhrtghpthhtohepshhhvghjihgrlhhuohesghhmrghilhdrtghomhdprhgt phhtthhopegthhhrihhstghoohhlsehtuhigfhgrmhhilhihrdhorhhgpdhrtghpthhtoh epkhgrrhhthhhikhdrudekkeesghhmrghilhdrtghomhdprhgtphhtthhopehgihhtsehv ghgvrhdrkhgvrhhnvghlrdhorhhg X-ME-Proxy: Feedback-ID: i197146af:Fastmail Received: by (Postfix) with ESMTPA; Thu, 6 Mar 2025 10:08:40 -0500 (EST) Received: by vm-mail (OpenSMTPD) with ESMTPSA id 7fa8263f (TLSv1.3:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256:NO); Thu, 6 Mar 2025 15:08:39 +0000 (UTC) From: Patrick Steinhardt Subject: [PATCH v5 00/16] refs: batch refname availability checks Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 16:08:31 +0100 Message-Id: <> Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-B4-Tracking: v=1; b=H4sIAG+6yWcC/43Nyw6CMBAF0F8xXVtThj7Alf9hXJQy6sTwCEXiI /y7IxthQ1zeyb1n3iJiRxjFfvMWHQ4Uqak5mO1GhKuvLyip5CxAgVGQONneory3pe9RdniWTdt TRS/f804mJrjcoLUIhWCh5QY9Jv144nyl2Dfdc3o2JN/rf+6QSCU9FLbMnAftzwdu76gSX3SAO ZSvQ8AQ2tyiA1AFwAJKZxCYdShlyLmQ2syF0juzgPQcytYhzZDVYILSYLPiB43j+AFK8SRongE AAA== X-Change-ID: 20250217-pks-update-ref-optimization-15c795e66e2b In-Reply-To: <> References: <> To: Cc: Karthik Nayak , "brian m. carlson" , Jeff King , Junio C Hamano , shejialuo , Christian Couder X-Mailer: b4 0.14.2 Hi, this patch series has been inspired by brian's report that the reftable backend is significantly slower when writing many references compared to the files backend. As explained in that thread, the underlying issue is the design of tombstone references: when we first delete all references in a repository and then recreate them, we still have all the tombstones and thus we need to churn through all of them to figure out that they have been deleted in the first place. The files backend does not have this issue. I consider the benchmark itself to be kind of broken, as it stems from us deleting all refs and then recreating them. And if you pack refs in between then the "reftable" backend outperforms the "files" backend. But there are a couple of opportunities here anyway. While we cannot make the underlying issue of tombstones being less efficient go away, this has prompted me to have a deeper look at where we spend all the time. There are three ideas in this series: - git-update-ref(1) performs ambiguity checks for any full-size object ID, which triggers a lot of reads. This is somewhat pointless though given that the manpage explicitly points out that the command is about object IDs, even though it does know to parse refs. But being part of plumbing, emitting the warning here does not make a ton of sense, and favoring object IDs over references in these cases is the obvious thing to do anyway. - For each ref "refs/heads/bar", we need to verify that neither "refs/heads" nor "refs" exists. This was repeated for every refname, but because most refnames use common prefixes this made us re-check a lot of prefixes. This is addressed by using a `strset` of already checked prefixes. - For each ref "refs/heads/bar", we need to verify that no ref "refs/heads/bar/*" exists. We always created a new ref iterator for this check, which requires us to discard all internal state and then recreate it. The reftable library has already been refactored though to have reseekable iterators, so we backfill this functionality to all the other iterators and then reuse the iterator. With the (somewhat broken) benchmark we see a small speedup with the "files" backend: Benchmark 1: update-ref (refformat = files, revision = master) Time (mean ± σ): 234.4 ms ± 1.9 ms [User: 75.6 ms, System: 157.2 ms] Range (min … max): 232.2 ms … 236.9 ms 10 runs Benchmark 2: update-ref (refformat = files, revision = HEAD) Time (mean ± σ): 184.2 ms ± 2.0 ms [User: 62.8 ms, System: 119.9 ms] Range (min … max): 181.1 ms … 187.0 ms 10 runs Summary update-ref (refformat = files, revision = HEAD) ran 1.27 ± 0.02 times faster than update-ref (refformat = files, revision = master) And a huge speedup with the "reftable" backend: Benchmark 1: update-ref (refformat = reftable, revision = master) Time (mean ± σ): 16.852 s ± 0.061 s [User: 16.754 s, System: 0.059 s] Range (min … max): 16.785 s … 16.982 s 10 runs Benchmark 2: update-ref (refformat = reftable, revision = HEAD) Time (mean ± σ): 2.230 s ± 0.009 s [User: 2.192 s, System: 0.029 s] Range (min … max): 2.215 s … 2.244 s 10 runs Summary update-ref (refformat = reftable, revision = HEAD) ran 7.56 ± 0.04 times faster than update-ref (refformat = reftable, revision = master) We're still not up to speed with the "files" backend, but considerably better. Given that this is an extreme edge case and not reflective of the general case I'm okay with this result for now. But more importantly, this refactoring also has a positive effect when updating references in a repository with preexisting refs, which I consider to be the more realistic scenario. The following benchmark creates 10k refs with 100k preexisting refs. With the "files" backend we see a modest improvement: Benchmark 1: update-ref: create many refs (refformat = files, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = master) Time (mean ± σ): 478.4 ms ± 11.9 ms [User: 96.7 ms, System: 379.6 ms] Range (min … max): 465.4 ms … 496.6 ms 10 runs Benchmark 2: update-ref: create many refs (refformat = files, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = HEAD) Time (mean ± σ): 388.5 ms ± 10.3 ms [User: 52.0 ms, System: 333.8 ms] Range (min … max): 376.5 ms … 403.1 ms 10 runs Summary update-ref: create many refs (refformat = files, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = HEAD) ran 1.23 ± 0.04 times faster than update-ref: create many refs (refformat = files, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = master) But with the "reftable" backend we see an almost 5x improvement, where it's now ~15x faster than the "files" backend: Benchmark 1: update-ref: create many refs (refformat = reftable, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = master) Time (mean ± σ): 153.9 ms ± 2.0 ms [User: 96.5 ms, System: 56.6 ms] Range (min … max): 150.5 ms … 158.4 ms 18 runs Benchmark 2: update-ref: create many refs (refformat = reftable, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = HEAD) Time (mean ± σ): 32.2 ms ± 1.2 ms [User: 27.6 ms, System: 4.3 ms] Range (min … max): 29.8 ms … 38.6 ms 71 runs Summary update-ref: create many refs (refformat = reftable, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = HEAD) ran 4.78 ± 0.19 times faster than update-ref: create many refs (refformat = reftable, preexisting = 100000, new = 10000, revision = master) The series is structured as follows: - Patches 1 to 4 implement the logic to skip ambiguity checks in git-update-ref(1). - Patch 5 to 8 introduce batched checks. - Patch 9 deduplicates the ref prefix checks. - Patch 10 to 16 implement the infrastructure to reseek iterators. - Patch 17 starts to reuse iterators for nested ref checks. Changes in v2: - Point out why we also have to touch up the `dir_iterator`. - Fix up the comment explaining `ITER_DONE`. - Fix up comments that show usage patterns of the ref and dir iterator interfaces. - Start batching availability checks in the "files" backend, as well. - Improve the commit message that drops the ambiguity check so that we also point to 25fba78d36b (cat-file: disable object/refname ambiguity check for batch mode, 2013-07-12). - Link to v1: Changes in v3: - Fix one case where we didn't skip ambiguity checks in git-update-ref(1). - Document better that only the prefix can change on reseeking iterators. Other internal state will remain the same. - Fix a memory leak in the ref-cache iterator. - Don't ignore errors returned by `packed_ref_iterator_seek()`. - Link to v2: Changes in v4: - A couple of clarifications in the commit message that disabled ambiguity warnings. - Link to v3: Changes in v5: - Improve a couple of commit messages. - Align `GET_OID_*` flag values. - Link to v4: Thanks! Patrick [1]: --- Patrick Steinhardt (16): object-name: introduce `repo_get_oid_with_flags()` object-name: allow skipping ambiguity checks in `get_oid()` family builtin/update-ref: skip ambiguity checks when parsing object IDs refs: introduce function to batch refname availability checks refs/reftable: batch refname availability checks refs/files: batch refname availability checks for normal transactions refs/files: batch refname availability checks for initial transactions refs: stop re-verifying common prefixes for availability refs/iterator: separate lifecycle from iteration refs/iterator: provide infrastructure to re-seek iterators refs/iterator: implement seeking for merged iterators refs/iterator: implement seeking for reftable iterators refs/iterator: implement seeking for ref-cache iterators refs/iterator: implement seeking for packed-ref iterators refs/iterator: implement seeking for files iterators refs: reuse iterators when determining refname availability builtin/clone.c | 2 + builtin/update-ref.c | 15 ++-- dir-iterator.c | 24 +++--- dir-iterator.h | 11 +-- hash.h | 23 +++--- iterator.h | 2 +- object-name.c | 18 +++-- object-name.h | 6 ++ refs.c | 186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- refs.h | 12 +++ refs/debug.c | 20 +++-- refs/files-backend.c | 117 +++++++++++++++++---------- refs/iterator.c | 145 +++++++++++++++++---------------- refs/packed-backend.c | 92 ++++++++++++--------- refs/ref-cache.c | 88 ++++++++++++-------- refs/refs-internal.h | 53 +++++++----- refs/reftable-backend.c | 85 +++++++++++--------- t/helper/test-dir-iterator.c | 1 + 18 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 361 deletions(-) Range-diff versus v4: 1: 0d104cd63d5 = 1: 0fa8574b155 object-name: introduce `repo_get_oid_with_flags()` 2: 3fc310597db ! 2: 9bc87107e05 object-name: allow skipping ambiguity checks in `get_oid()` family @@ Commit message ## hash.h ## @@ hash.h: struct object_id { - #define GET_OID_ONLY_TO_DIE 04000 - #define GET_OID_REQUIRE_PATH 010000 - #define GET_OID_HASH_ANY 020000 + int algo; /* XXX requires 4-byte alignment */ + }; + +-#define GET_OID_QUIETLY 01 +-#define GET_OID_COMMIT 02 +-#define GET_OID_COMMITTISH 04 +-#define GET_OID_TREE 010 +-#define GET_OID_TREEISH 020 +-#define GET_OID_BLOB 040 +-#define GET_OID_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS 0100 +-#define GET_OID_RECORD_PATH 0200 +-#define GET_OID_ONLY_TO_DIE 04000 +-#define GET_OID_REQUIRE_PATH 010000 +-#define GET_OID_HASH_ANY 020000 ++#define GET_OID_QUIETLY 01 ++#define GET_OID_COMMIT 02 ++#define GET_OID_COMMITTISH 04 ++#define GET_OID_TREE 010 ++#define GET_OID_TREEISH 020 ++#define GET_OID_BLOB 040 ++#define GET_OID_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS 0100 ++#define GET_OID_RECORD_PATH 0200 ++#define GET_OID_ONLY_TO_DIE 04000 ++#define GET_OID_REQUIRE_PATH 010000 ++#define GET_OID_HASH_ANY 020000 +#define GET_OID_SKIP_AMBIGUITY_CHECK 040000 #define GET_OID_DISAMBIGUATORS \ 3: f702ed7ece6 = 3: 345af4b7012 builtin/update-ref: skip ambiguity checks when parsing object IDs 4: eead30e64d7 = 4: f1422bc1ef6 refs: introduce function to batch refname availability checks 5: 1bd5eb82167 ! 5: 1aa1b95b5d8 refs/reftable: batch refname availability checks @@ Commit message refs/reftable: batch refname availability checks Refactor the "reftable" backend to batch the availability check for - refnames. This does not yet have an effect on performance as we - essentially still call `refs_verify_refname_available()` in a loop, but - this will change in subsequent commits. + refnames. This does not yet have an effect on performance as + `refs_verify_refnames_available()` effectively still performs the + availability check for each refname individually. But this will be + optimized in subsequent commits, where we learn to optimize some parts + of the logic when checking multiple refnames for availability. Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt 6: 02d02c9c219 = 6: 2cf0c6a3bbe refs/files: batch refname availability checks for normal transactions 7: a3c4a4f751d ! 7: 84d7830c5e5 refs/files: batch refname availability checks for initial transactions @@ Commit message subsequent commits and then impact performance when cloning a repository with many references or when migrating references to the "files" format. - This doesn't yet have an effect on performance as the underlying - logic simply calls This will improve performance when cloning a repository with - many references or when migrating references from any format to the - "files" format. + This will improve performance when cloning a repository with many + references or when migrating references from any format to the "files" + format once the availability checks have learned to optimize checks for + many references in a subsequent commit. Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt 8: 595d98a6cd3 = 8: a0d99e8a3a0 refs: stop re-verifying common prefixes for availability 9: 7dd99377266 = 9: b73d1ffa761 refs/iterator: separate lifecycle from iteration 10: 8935bed6fcb = 10: a1de5c7819c refs/iterator: provide infrastructure to re-seek iterators 11: c9bfdde3c89 = 11: 90698a9237b refs/iterator: implement seeking for merged iterators 12: 25fe519bff6 ! 12: 420d6e08fa9 refs/iterator: implement seeking for reftable iterators @@ Commit message - We do not support seeking on reflog iterators. It is unclear what seeking would even look like in this context, as you typically would want to seek to a specific entry in the reflog for a specific ref. - There is not currently a usecase for this, but if there ever is we - can implement seeking in the future. + There is currently no use case for this, but if one arises in the + future, we can still implement seeking at that later point. - We start to check whether `reftable_stack_init_ref_iterator()` is successful. 13: 8e8d5b4b91e = 13: 0f16f1bc5f6 refs/iterator: implement seeking for ref-cache iterators 14: 1670074af7c = 14: 01c6a5bf45d refs/iterator: implement seeking for packed-ref iterators 15: 537ff4ae54c = 15: 4179771a9cb refs/iterator: implement seeking for files iterators 16: 93084536803 = 16: e51b3985882 refs: reuse iterators when determining refname availability --- base-commit: e2067b49ecaef9b7f51a17ce251f9207f72ef52d change-id: 20250217-pks-update-ref-optimization-15c795e66e2b