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[v6,0/1] Advertise multiple supported proto versions

Message ID cover.1545342797.git.steadmon@google.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Advertise multiple supported proto versions | expand


Josh Steadmon Dec. 20, 2018, 9:58 p.m. UTC
Add a registry of supported wire protocol versions that individual
commands can use to declare supported versions before contacting a
server. The client will then advertise all supported versions, while the
server will choose the first allowed version from the advertised

Every command that acts as a client or server must now register its
supported protocol versions.

Changes since V4: remove special cases around advertising version=0.

Changes since V5: no code changes, but corrected and clarified commit
  message regarding changes around advertising version=0.

Josh Steadmon (1):
  protocol: advertise multiple supported versions

 builtin/archive.c           |   3 +
 builtin/clone.c             |   4 ++
 builtin/fetch-pack.c        |   4 ++
 builtin/fetch.c             |   5 ++
 builtin/ls-remote.c         |   5 ++
 builtin/pull.c              |   5 ++
 builtin/push.c              |   4 ++
 builtin/receive-pack.c      |   3 +
 builtin/send-pack.c         |   3 +
 builtin/upload-archive.c    |   3 +
 builtin/upload-pack.c       |   4 ++
 connect.c                   |  52 +++++++--------
 protocol.c                  | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 protocol.h                  |  23 ++++++-
 remote-curl.c               |  27 +++++---
 t/t5551-http-fetch-smart.sh |   1 +
 t/t5570-git-daemon.sh       |   2 +-
 t/t5601-clone.sh            |  38 +++++------
 t/t5700-protocol-v1.sh      |   8 +--
 t/t5702-protocol-v2.sh      |  16 +++--
 transport-helper.c          |   6 ++
 21 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

Range-diff against v5:
1:  60f6f2fbd8 ! 1:  10039ca163 protocol: advertise multiple supported versions
    @@ -22,10 +22,12 @@
         select the first allowed version from this advertisement.
         Additionally, remove special cases around advertising version=0.
    -    Previously we avoided adding version negotiation fields in server
    -    responses if it looked like the client wanted v0. However, including
    -    these fields does not change behavior, so it's better to have simpler
    -    code.
    +    Previously we avoided adding version advertisements to the client's
    +    initial connection request if the client wanted version=0. However,
    +    including these advertisements does not change the version negotiation
    +    behavior, so it's better to have simpler code. As a side effect, this
    +    means that client operations over SSH will always include a
    +    "SendEnv=GIT_PROTOCOL" option on the SSH command line.
         While we're at it, remove unnecessary externs from function declarations
         in protocol.h.