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[0/2] t5516/t5601: avoid using localhost for failing HTTPS requests

Message ID pull.1399.git.1667245638.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series t5516/t5601: avoid using localhost for failing HTTPS requests | expand


Elijah Newren via GitGitGadget Oct. 31, 2022, 7:47 p.m. UTC
While trying to figure out why the current CI builds fail in the Windows
jobs [https://github.com/git/git/actions/runs/3358829078#annotations], I
noticed that I cannot really run the offending test cases on my box because
the supposedly failing connection to https://localhost never seems to time
out as intended.

This patch fixes that, and incidentally also seems to fix the CI failures.

Johannes Schindelin (2):
  t5516/t5601: avoid using `localhost` for failing HTTPS requests
  t5516/t5601: be less strict about the number of credential warnings

 t/t5516-fetch-push.sh | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 t/t5601-clone.sh      | 18 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

base-commit: c03801e19cb8ab36e9c0d17ff3d5e0c3b0f24193
Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-1399%2Fdscho%2Favoid-using-localhost-in-url-tests-v1
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-1399/dscho/avoid-using-localhost-in-url-tests-v1
Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/1399