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[v4,0/2] index-pack: fsck honor checks

Message ID pull.1658.v4.git.git.1706751483.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series index-pack: fsck honor checks | expand


Elijah Newren via GitGitGadget Feb. 1, 2024, 1:38 a.m. UTC
git-index-pack has a --strict mode that can take an optional argument to
provide a list of fsck issues to change their severity. --fsck-objects does
not have such a utility, which would be useful if one would like to be more
lenient or strict on data integrity in a repository.

Like --strict, Allow --fsck-objects to also take a list of fsck msgs to
change the severity.

Changes since V3:

 * clarification of --fsck-objects documentation wording

Changes since V2:

 * fixed some typos in the documentation
 * added commit trailers

Change since V1:

 * edited commit messages
 * clarified formatting in documentation for --strict= and --fsck-objects=

John Cai (2):
  index-pack: test and document --strict=<msg-id>=<severity>...
  index-pack: --fsck-objects to take an optional argument for fsck msgs

 Documentation/git-index-pack.txt | 26 +++++++++++++-------
 builtin/index-pack.c             |  5 ++--
 t/t5300-pack-object.sh           | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

base-commit: 186b115d3062e6230ee296d1ddaa0c4b72a464b5
Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-git-1658%2Fjohn-cai%2Fjc%2Findex-pack-fsck-honor-checks-v4
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-git-1658/john-cai/jc/index-pack-fsck-honor-checks-v4
Pull-Request: https://github.com/git/git/pull/1658

Range-diff vs v3:

 1:  cdf7fc7fe8a = 1:  cdf7fc7fe8a index-pack: test and document --strict=<msg-id>=<severity>...
 2:  a2b9adb93d8 ! 2:  f29ab9136fb index-pack: --fsck-objects to take an optional argument for fsck msgs
     @@ Documentation/git-index-pack.txt: default and "Indexing objects" when `--stdin`
      -	For internal use only.
     -+	Die if the pack contains broken objects. If the pack contains a tree
     -+	pointing to a .gitmodules blob that does not exist, prints the hash of
     -+	that blob (for the caller to check) after the hash that goes into the
     -+	name of the pack/idx file (see "Notes").
     ++	Die if the pack contains broken objects, but unlike `--strict`, don't
     ++	choke on broken links. If the pack contains a tree pointing to a
     ++	.gitmodules blob that does not exist, prints the hash of that blob
     ++	(for the caller to check) after the hash that goes into the name of the
     ++	pack/idx file (see "Notes").
      -Die if the pack contains broken objects. If the pack contains a tree
      -pointing to a .gitmodules blob that does not exist, prints the hash of
      -that blob (for the caller to check) after the hash that goes into the
      -name of the pack/idx file (see "Notes").
     -+Unlike `--strict` however, don't choke on broken links. An optional
     -+comma-separated list of `<msg-id>=<severity>` can be passed to change the
     -+severity of some possible issues, e.g.,
     ++An optional comma-separated list of `<msg-id>=<severity>` can be passed to
     ++change the severity of some possible issues, e.g.,
      +`--fsck-objects="missingEmail=ignore,badTagName=ignore"`. See the entry for the
      +`fsck.<msg-id>` configuration options in linkgit:git-fsck[1] for more
      +information on the possible values of `<msg-id>` and `<severity>`.


Christian Couder Feb. 2, 2024, 3:48 p.m. UTC | #1
(John, sorry for having already sent this only to you.)

On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 2:47 AM John Cai via GitGitGadget
<gitgitgadget@gmail.com> wrote:
> git-index-pack has a --strict mode that can take an optional argument to
> provide a list of fsck issues to change their severity. --fsck-objects does
> not have such a utility, which would be useful if one would like to be more
> lenient or strict on data integrity in a repository.
> Like --strict, Allow --fsck-objects to also take a list of fsck msgs to
> change the severity.
> Changes since V3:
>  * clarification of --fsck-objects documentation wording
> Changes since V2:
>  * fixed some typos in the documentation
>  * added commit trailers
> Change since V1:
>  * edited commit messages
>  * clarified formatting in documentation for --strict= and --fsck-objects=
> John Cai (2):
>   index-pack: test and document --strict=<msg-id>=<severity>...
>   index-pack: --fsck-objects to take an optional argument for fsck msgs

I reviewed internally on GitLab the initial versions of this series
and I reviewed this version 4. It looks great to me, so I am happy to
give my "Reviewed-by:".
