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[v2,03/13] t5319: fix bogus cat-file argument

Message ID 20190405180456.GC32243@sigill.intra.peff.net (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Series a rabbit hole of update-server-info (and midx!) fixes | expand

Commit Message

Jeff King April 5, 2019, 6:04 p.m. UTC
There's no such argument as "--unsorted"; it's spelled "--unordered".
But our test failed to notice that cat-file didn't run at all because:

  1. It lost the exit code of git on the left-hand side of a pipe.

  2. It was comparing two runs of the broken invocation with and without
     a particular config variable (and indeed, both cases produced no

Let's fix the option, but also tweak the helper function to check the
exit code.

Signed-off-by: Jeff King <peff@peff.net>
 t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh b/t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh
index 70926b5bc0..42f4d6cd01 100755
--- a/t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh
+++ b/t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh
@@ -86,13 +86,14 @@  test_expect_success 'write midx with one v1 pack' '
 midx_git_two_modes () {
+	git -c core.multiPackIndex=false $1 >expect &&
+	git -c core.multiPackIndex=true $1 >actual &&
 	if [ "$2" = "sorted" ]
-		git -c core.multiPackIndex=false $1 | sort >expect &&
-		git -c core.multiPackIndex=true $1 | sort >actual
-	else
-		git -c core.multiPackIndex=false $1 >expect &&
-		git -c core.multiPackIndex=true $1 >actual
+		sort <expect >expect.sorted &&
+		mv expect.sorted expect &&
+		sort <actual >actual.sorted &&
+		mv actual.sorted actual
 	fi &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@  compare_results_with_midx () {
 		midx_git_two_modes "log --raw" &&
 		midx_git_two_modes "count-objects --verbose" &&
 		midx_git_two_modes "cat-file --batch-all-objects --buffer --batch-check" &&
-		midx_git_two_modes "cat-file --batch-all-objects --buffer --batch-check --unsorted" sorted
+		midx_git_two_modes "cat-file --batch-all-objects --buffer --batch-check --unordered" sorted