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[v4,07/16] refs/files: batch refname availability checks for initial transactions

Message ID 20250228-pks-update-ref-optimization-v4-7-6425c04268b5@pks.im (mailing list archive)
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Series refs: batch refname availability checks | expand

Commit Message

Patrick Steinhardt Feb. 28, 2025, 9:26 a.m. UTC
The "files" backend explicitly carves out special logic for its initial
transaction so that it can avoid writing out every single reference as
a loose reference. While the assumption is that there shouldn't be any
preexisting references, we still have to verify that none of the newly
written references will conflict with any other new reference in the
same transaction.

Refactor the initial transaction to use batched refname availability
checks. This does not yet have an effect on performance as we still call
`refs_verify_refname_available()` in a loop. But this will change in
subsequent commits and then impact performance when cloning a repository
with many references or when migrating references to the "files" format.

This doesn't yet have an effect on performance as the underlying
logic simply calls This will improve performance when cloning a repository with
many references or when migrating references from any format to the
"files" format.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt <ps@pks.im>
 refs/files-backend.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
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diff --git a/refs/files-backend.c b/refs/files-backend.c
index 6ce79cf0791..11a620ea11a 100644
--- a/refs/files-backend.c
+++ b/refs/files-backend.c
@@ -3056,6 +3056,7 @@  static int files_transaction_finish_initial(struct files_ref_store *refs,
 	size_t i;
 	int ret = 0;
 	struct string_list affected_refnames = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+	struct string_list refnames_to_check = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 	struct ref_transaction *packed_transaction = NULL;
 	struct ref_transaction *loose_transaction = NULL;
@@ -3105,11 +3106,7 @@  static int files_transaction_finish_initial(struct files_ref_store *refs,
 			BUG("initial ref transaction with old_sha1 set");
-		if (refs_verify_refname_available(&refs->base, update->refname,
-						  &affected_refnames, NULL, 1, err)) {
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
+		string_list_append(&refnames_to_check, update->refname);
 		 * packed-refs don't support symbolic refs, root refs and reflogs,
@@ -3145,8 +3142,19 @@  static int files_transaction_finish_initial(struct files_ref_store *refs,
-	if (packed_refs_lock(refs->packed_ref_store, 0, err) ||
-	    ref_transaction_commit(packed_transaction, err)) {
+	if (packed_refs_lock(refs->packed_ref_store, 0, err)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if (refs_verify_refnames_available(&refs->base, &refnames_to_check,
+					   &affected_refnames, NULL, 1, err)) {
+		packed_refs_unlock(refs->packed_ref_store);
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if (ref_transaction_commit(packed_transaction, err)) {
 		goto cleanup;
@@ -3167,6 +3175,7 @@  static int files_transaction_finish_initial(struct files_ref_store *refs,
 	transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
 	string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
+	string_list_clear(&refnames_to_check, 0);
 	return ret;