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[v3,3/8] refs/files: remove duplicate duplicates check

Message ID 20250305-245-partially-atomic-ref-updates-v3-3-0c64e3052354@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series refs: introduce support for partial reference transactions | expand

Commit Message

Karthik Nayak March 5, 2025, 5:38 p.m. UTC
Within the files reference backend's transaction's 'finish' phase, a
verification step is currently performed wherein the refnames list is
sorted and examined for multiple updates targeting the same refname.

It has been observed that this verification is redundant, as an
identical check is already executed during the transaction's 'prepare'
stage. Since the refnames list remains unmodified following the
'prepare' stage, this secondary verification can be safely eliminated.

The duplicate check has been removed accordingly, and the
`ref_update_reject_duplicates()` function has been marked as static, as
its usage is now confined to 'refs.c'.

Signed-off-by: Karthik Nayak <karthik.188@gmail.com>
 refs.c               | 9 +++++++--
 refs/files-backend.c | 6 ------
 refs/refs-internal.h | 8 --------
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/refs.c b/refs.c
index ab69746947..69f385f344 100644
--- a/refs.c
+++ b/refs.c
@@ -2303,8 +2303,13 @@  int refs_update_symref_extended(struct ref_store *refs, const char *ref,
 	return ret;
-int ref_update_reject_duplicates(struct string_list *refnames,
-				 struct strbuf *err)
+ * Write an error to `err` and return a nonzero value iff the same
+ * refname appears multiple times in `refnames`. `refnames` must be
+ * sorted on entry to this function.
+ */
+static int ref_update_reject_duplicates(struct string_list *refnames,
+					struct strbuf *err)
 	size_t i, n = refnames->nr;
diff --git a/refs/files-backend.c b/refs/files-backend.c
index 85ed85ad87..7c6a0b3478 100644
--- a/refs/files-backend.c
+++ b/refs/files-backend.c
@@ -3016,12 +3016,6 @@  static int files_transaction_finish_initial(struct files_ref_store *refs,
 	if (transaction->state != REF_TRANSACTION_PREPARED)
 		BUG("commit called for transaction that is not prepared");
-	string_list_sort(&transaction->refnames);
-	if (ref_update_reject_duplicates(&transaction->refnames, err)) {
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
 	 * It's really undefined to call this function in an active
 	 * repository or when there are existing references: we are
diff --git a/refs/refs-internal.h b/refs/refs-internal.h
index 92db793026..6d3770d0cc 100644
--- a/refs/refs-internal.h
+++ b/refs/refs-internal.h
@@ -142,14 +142,6 @@  int refs_read_raw_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store, const char *refname,
 		      struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *referent,
 		      unsigned int *type, int *failure_errno);
- * Write an error to `err` and return a nonzero value iff the same
- * refname appears multiple times in `refnames`. `refnames` must be
- * sorted on entry to this function.
- */
-int ref_update_reject_duplicates(struct string_list *refnames,
-				 struct strbuf *err);
  * Add a ref_update with the specified properties to transaction, and
  * return a pointer to the new object. This function does not verify