@@ -28,6 +28,19 @@ Finally, the list of matching commits is shown in the order of the
second commit range, with unmatched commits being inserted just after
all of their ancestors have been shown.
+There are three ways to specify the commit ranges:
+- `<range1> <range2>`: Either commit range can be of the form
+ `<base>..<rev>`, `<rev>^!` or `<rev>^-<n>`. See `SPECIFYING RANGES`
+ in linkgit:gitrevisions[7] for more details.
+- `<rev1>...<rev2>`. This resembles the symmetric ranges mentioned in
+ the `SPECIFYING RANGES` section of linkgit:gitrevisions[7], and is
+ equivalent to `<base>..<rev1> <base>..<rev2>` where `<base>` is the
+ merge base as obtained via `git merge-base <rev1> <rev2>`.
+- `<base> <rev1> <rev2>`: This is equivalent to `<base>..<rev1>
+ <base>..<rev2>`.