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[v8,04/15] t1092: expand repository data shape

Message ID d38b66e9ee4607b22c0473f23243a979e4880ab5.1626112556.git.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series Sparse-index: integrate with status | expand

Commit Message

Derrick Stolee July 12, 2021, 5:55 p.m. UTC
From: Derrick Stolee <dstolee@microsoft.com>

As more features integrate with the sparse-index feature, more and more
special cases arise that require different data shapes within the tree
structure of the repository in order to demonstrate those cases.

Add several interesting special cases all at once instead of sprinkling
them across several commits. The interesting cases being added here are:

* Add sparse-directory entries on both sides of directories within the
  sparse-checkout definition.

* Add directories outside the sparse-checkout definition who have only
  one entry and are the first entry of a directory with multiple

* Add filenames adjacent to a sparse directory entry that sort before
  and after the trailing slash.

Later tests will take advantage of these shapes, but they also deepen
the tests that already exist.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <dstolee@microsoft.com>
 t/t1092-sparse-checkout-compatibility.sh | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/t/t1092-sparse-checkout-compatibility.sh b/t/t1092-sparse-checkout-compatibility.sh
index 87f1014a1c9..0e71a623619 100755
--- a/t/t1092-sparse-checkout-compatibility.sh
+++ b/t/t1092-sparse-checkout-compatibility.sh
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@  test_expect_success 'setup' '
 		echo "after folder1" >g &&
 		echo "after x" >z &&
 		mkdir folder1 folder2 deep x &&
-		mkdir deep/deeper1 deep/deeper2 &&
+		mkdir deep/deeper1 deep/deeper2 deep/before deep/later &&
 		mkdir deep/deeper1/deepest &&
 		echo "after deeper1" >deep/e &&
 		echo "after deepest" >deep/deeper1/e &&
@@ -25,10 +25,23 @@  test_expect_success 'setup' '
 		cp a folder2 &&
 		cp a x &&
 		cp a deep &&
+		cp a deep/before &&
 		cp a deep/deeper1 &&
 		cp a deep/deeper2 &&
+		cp a deep/later &&
 		cp a deep/deeper1/deepest &&
 		cp -r deep/deeper1/deepest deep/deeper2 &&
+		mkdir deep/deeper1/0 &&
+		mkdir deep/deeper1/0/0 &&
+		touch deep/deeper1/0/1 &&
+		touch deep/deeper1/0/0/0 &&
+		>folder1- &&
+		>folder1.x &&
+		>folder10 &&
+		cp -r deep/deeper1/0 folder1 &&
+		cp -r deep/deeper1/0 folder2 &&
+		echo >>folder1/0/0/0 &&
+		echo >>folder2/0/1 &&
 		git add . &&
 		git commit -m "initial commit" &&
 		git checkout -b base &&
@@ -56,11 +69,17 @@  test_expect_success 'setup' '
 		mv folder1/a folder2/b &&
 		mv folder1/larger-content folder2/edited-content &&
 		echo >>folder2/edited-content &&
+		echo >>folder2/0/1 &&
+		echo stuff >>deep/deeper1/a &&
 		git add . &&
 		git commit -m "rename folder1/... to folder2/..." &&
 		git checkout -b rename-out-to-in rename-base &&
 		mv folder1/a deep/deeper1/b &&
+		echo more stuff >>deep/deeper1/a &&
+		rm folder2/0/1 &&
+		mkdir folder2/0/1 &&
+		echo >>folder2/0/1/1 &&
 		mv folder1/larger-content deep/deeper1/edited-content &&
 		echo >>deep/deeper1/edited-content &&
 		git add . &&
@@ -68,6 +87,9 @@  test_expect_success 'setup' '
 		git checkout -b rename-in-to-out rename-base &&
 		mv deep/deeper1/a folder1/b &&
+		echo >>folder2/0/1 &&
+		rm -rf folder1/0/0 &&
+		echo >>folder1/0/0 &&
 		mv deep/deeper1/larger-content folder1/edited-content &&
 		echo >>folder1/edited-content &&
 		git add . &&
@@ -262,13 +284,29 @@  test_expect_success 'diff --staged' '
 	test_all_match git diff --staged
-test_expect_success 'diff with renames' '
+test_expect_success 'diff with renames and conflicts' '
 	init_repos &&
 	for branch in rename-out-to-out rename-out-to-in rename-in-to-out
 		test_all_match git checkout rename-base &&
 		test_all_match git checkout $branch -- . &&
+		test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+		test_all_match git diff --staged --no-renames &&
+		test_all_match git diff --staged --find-renames || return 1
+	done
+test_expect_success 'diff with directory/file conflicts' '
+	init_repos &&
+	for branch in rename-out-to-out rename-out-to-in rename-in-to-out
+	do
+		git -C full-checkout reset --hard &&
+		test_sparse_match git reset --hard &&
+		test_all_match git checkout $branch &&
+		test_all_match git checkout rename-base -- . &&
+		test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
 		test_all_match git diff --staged --no-renames &&
 		test_all_match git diff --staged --find-renames || return 1