diff mbox

[v3,0/8] scalar: enable built-in FSMonitor

Message ID pull.1324.v3.git.1660858853.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show

Commit Message

Elijah Newren via GitGitGadget Aug. 18, 2022, 9:40 p.m. UTC
This series enables the built-in FSMonitor [1] on 'scalar'-registered
repository enlistments. To avoid errors when unregistering an enlistment,
the FSMonitor daemon is explicitly stopped during 'scalar unregister'.

Maintainer's note: this series has a minor conflict with
'vd/scalar-generalize-diagnose'. Please let me know if there's anything else
I can provide (in addition to [2]) that would make resolution easier.

Changes since V2

 * Updated prerequisites for FSMonitor in Scalar to include
   'fsm_settings__get_reason(the_repository) == FSMONITOR_REASON_OK' to
   handle cases where the platform is supported, but the repository is not.
 * Gated enabling the 'core.fsmonitor' on FSMonitor compatibility with the
 * Replaced 'die()' failures in 'delete_enlistment()' with 'error()'s.
 * Replaced 'BUILTIN_FSMONITOR' test prerequisite with already-existing
   'FSMONITOR_DAEMON' for FSMonitor.
 * Rewrote Scalar enlistment/repo search in 'setup_enlistment_directory()'
   to avoid unconstrained search and respect 'GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES'.
   Added tests to show the new expected behavior.

Changes since V1

 * Added a patch to fix 'unregister_dir()'s handling of return values > 0
   from 'toggle_maintenance()' and 'add_or_remove_enlistment()'.
 * Added a patch to print error messages in 'register_dir()' and
   'unregister_dir()' indicating which of their internal steps fail.
 * Moved check of 'fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported()' to '[un]register_dir()' to
   avoid calling '(start|stop)_fsmonitor_daemon()' when the feature is not
   supported. Added assertion of 'fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported()' to
   '(start|stop)_fsmonitor_daemon()' to enforce that they are not called
   when the feature is unavailable.
 * Simplified '(start|stop)_fsmonitor_daemon()' implementation. Now, if
   FSMonitor is already running/stopped (respectively), the function simply
   returns 0; otherwise, it runs 'git fsmonitor--daemon (start|stop)' and
   returns the exit code.
   * Note that the "could not (start|stop) the FSMonitor daemon: <err_msg>"
     error messages are no longer printed by
     '(start|stop)_fsmonitor_daemon()'. Instead, "<err_msg>" is printed to
     stderr by swapping 'pipe_command()' out for 'run_git()', and
     '[un]register_dir()' prints the "could not (start|stop) the FSMonitor
     daemon" message.


 * Victoria


[2] The conflict is a result of both series updating the Scalar roadmap doc.
For reference, my merge resolution (from git diff <merge commit> <merge
commit>^1 <merge commit>^2, where <merge commit>^1 is
'vd/scalar-generalize-diagnose' and <merge commit>^2 is this series) looks

+++ b/Documentation/technical/scalar.txt
@@@ -84,20 -84,26 +84,23 @@@ series have been accepted
  - `scalar-diagnose`: The `scalar` command is taught the `diagnose` subcommand.
 +- `scalar-generalize-diagnose`: Move the functionality of `scalar diagnose`
 +  into `git diagnose` and `git bugreport --diagnose`.
+ - 'scalar-add-fsmonitor: Enable the built-in FSMonitor in Scalar
+   enlistments. At the end of this series, Scalar should be feature-complete
+   from the perspective of a user.
  Roughly speaking (and subject to change), the following series are needed to
  "finish" this initial version of Scalar:
- - Finish Scalar features: Enable the built-in FSMonitor in Scalar enlistments
-   and implement `scalar help`. At the end of this series, Scalar should be
-   feature-complete from the perspective of a user.
 -- Generalize features not specific to Scalar: In the spirit of making Scalar
 -  configure only what is needed for large repo performance, move common
 -  utilities into other parts of Git. Some of this will be internal-only, but one
 -  major change will be generalizing `scalar diagnose` for use with any Git
 -  repository.
  - Move Scalar to toplevel: Move Scalar out of `contrib/` and into the root of
-   `git`, including updates to build and install it with the rest of Git. This
-   change will incorporate Scalar into the Git CI and test framework, as well as
-   expand regression and performance testing to ensure the tool is stable.
+   `git`. This includes a variety of related updates, including:
+     - building & installing Scalar in the Git root-level 'make [install]'.
+     - builing & testing Scalar as part of CI.
+     - moving and expanding test coverage of Scalar (including perf tests).
+     - implementing 'scalar help'/'git help scalar' to display scalar
+       documentation.
  Finally, there are two additional patch series that exist in Microsoft's fork of
  Git, but there is no current plan to upstream them. There are some interesting

Johannes Schindelin (1):
  scalar unregister: stop FSMonitor daemon

Matthew John Cheetham (1):
  scalar: enable built-in FSMonitor on `register`

Victoria Dye (6):
  scalar: constrain enlistment search
  scalar-unregister: handle error codes greater than 0
  scalar-[un]register: clearly indicate source of error
  scalar-delete: do not 'die()' in 'delete_enlistment()'
  scalar: move config setting logic into its own function
  scalar: update technical doc roadmap with FSMonitor support

 Documentation/technical/scalar.txt |  17 ++-
 contrib/scalar/scalar.c            | 201 +++++++++++++++++------------
 contrib/scalar/t/t9099-scalar.sh   |  93 +++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

base-commit: 4af7188bc97f70277d0f10d56d5373022b1fa385
Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-1324%2Fvdye%2Fscalar%2Fadd-fsmonitor-v3
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-1324/vdye/scalar/add-fsmonitor-v3
Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/1324

Range-diff vs v2:

 -:  ----------- > 1:  2f6cad83613 scalar: constrain enlistment search
 1:  36fc3cb604d = 2:  a6bb0113b9c scalar-unregister: handle error codes greater than 0
 2:  4bacf8bce8a = 3:  aea8723e718 scalar-[un]register: clearly indicate source of error
 -:  ----------- > 4:  aced836aaa3 scalar-delete: do not 'die()' in 'delete_enlistment()'
 -:  ----------- > 5:  f8471e94e83 scalar: move config setting logic into its own function
 3:  5fdf8337972 ! 6:  fb379fd2097 scalar: enable built-in FSMonitor on `register`
     @@ Commit message
          file system monitor such as e.g. Watchman).
          Helped-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
     +    Helped-by: Derrick Stolee <derrickstolee@github.com>
          Signed-off-by: Matthew John Cheetham <mjcheetham@outlook.com>
          Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
          Signed-off-by: Victoria Dye <vdye@github.com>
     @@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c
       #include "run-command.h"
      +#include "simple-ipc.h"
      +#include "fsmonitor-ipc.h"
     ++#include "fsmonitor-settings.h"
       #include "refs.h"
       #include "dir.h"
       #include "packfile.h"
     +@@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int set_scalar_config(const struct scalar_config *config, int reconfigure
     + 	return res;
     + }
     ++static int have_fsmonitor_support(void)
     ++	return fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported() &&
     ++	       fsm_settings__get_reason(the_repository) == FSMONITOR_REASON_OK;
     + static int set_recommended_config(int reconfigure)
     + {
     + 	struct scalar_config config[] = {
      @@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int set_recommended_config(int reconfigure)
     - 		{ "core.autoCRLF", "false" },
     - 		{ "core.safeCRLF", "false" },
     - 		{ "fetch.showForcedUpdates", "false" },
     -+		/*
     -+		 * Enable the built-in FSMonitor on supported platforms.
     -+		 */
     -+		{ "core.fsmonitor", "true" },
     - 		{ NULL, NULL },
     - 	};
     - 	int i;
     + 				     config[i].key, config[i].value);
     + 	}
     ++	if (have_fsmonitor_support()) {
     ++		struct scalar_config fsmonitor = { "core.fsmonitor", "true" };
     ++		if (set_scalar_config(&fsmonitor, reconfigure))
     ++			return error(_("could not configure %s=%s"),
     ++				     fsmonitor.key, fsmonitor.value);
     ++	}
     + 	/*
     + 	 * The `log.excludeDecoration` setting is special because it allows
     + 	 * for multiple values.
      @@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int add_or_remove_enlistment(int add)
       		       "scalar.repo", the_repository->worktree, NULL);
      +static int start_fsmonitor_daemon(void)
     -+	assert(fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported());
     ++	assert(have_fsmonitor_support());
      +	if (fsmonitor_ipc__get_state() != IPC_STATE__LISTENING)
      +		return run_git("fsmonitor--daemon", "start", NULL);
     @@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int register_dir(void)
       	if (toggle_maintenance(1))
       		return error(_("could not turn on maintenance"));
     -+	if (fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported() && start_fsmonitor_daemon())
     ++	if (have_fsmonitor_support() && start_fsmonitor_daemon()) {
      +		return error(_("could not start the FSMonitor daemon"));
     ++	}
       	return 0;
       ## contrib/scalar/t/t9099-scalar.sh ##
     -@@ contrib/scalar/t/t9099-scalar.sh: PATH=$PWD/..:$PATH
     - GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="crontab:test-tool crontab ../cron.txt,launchctl:true,schtasks:true"
     -+test_lazy_prereq BUILTIN_FSMONITOR '
     -+	git version --build-options | grep -q "feature:.*fsmonitor--daemon"
     - test_expect_success 'scalar shows a usage' '
     - 	test_expect_code 129 scalar -h
     +@@ contrib/scalar/t/t9099-scalar.sh: test_expect_success 'scalar enlistments need a worktree' '
     + 	grep "Scalar enlistments require a worktree" err
     -+test_expect_success BUILTIN_FSMONITOR 'scalar register starts fsmon daemon' '
     ++test_expect_success FSMONITOR_DAEMON 'scalar register starts fsmon daemon' '
      +	git init test/src &&
      +	test_must_fail git -C test/src fsmonitor--daemon status &&
      +	scalar register test/src &&
     -+	git -C test/src fsmonitor--daemon status
     ++	git -C test/src fsmonitor--daemon status &&
     ++	test_cmp_config -C test/src true core.fsmonitor
       test_expect_success 'scalar unregister' '
 4:  fc4aa1fde31 ! 7:  bb58a78fdb2 scalar unregister: stop FSMonitor daemon
     @@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int start_fsmonitor_daemon(void)
      +static int stop_fsmonitor_daemon(void)
     -+	assert(fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported());
     ++	assert(have_fsmonitor_support());
      +	if (fsmonitor_ipc__get_state() == IPC_STATE__LISTENING)
      +		return run_git("fsmonitor--daemon", "stop", NULL);
     @@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int start_fsmonitor_daemon(void)
       static int register_dir(void)
       	if (add_or_remove_enlistment(1))
     -@@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int unregister_dir(void)
     - 	if (add_or_remove_enlistment(0))
     - 		res = error(_("could not remove enlistment"));
     +@@ contrib/scalar/scalar.c: static int delete_enlistment(struct strbuf *enlistment)
     + 	strbuf_release(&parent);
     + #endif
     -+	if (fsmonitor_ipc__is_supported() && stop_fsmonitor_daemon() < 0)
     -+		res = error(_("could not stop the FSMonitor daemon"));
     ++	if (have_fsmonitor_support() && stop_fsmonitor_daemon())
     ++		return error(_("failed to stop the FSMonitor daemon"));
     - 	return res;
     - }
     + 	if (remove_dir_recursively(enlistment, 0))
     + 		return error(_("failed to delete enlistment directory"));
 5:  dd59caa2e5a = 8:  7cee014e2d2 scalar: update technical doc roadmap with FSMonitor support


Derrick Stolee Aug. 19, 2022, 6:45 p.m. UTC | #1
On 8/18/2022 5:40 PM, Victoria Dye via GitGitGadget wrote:
> This series enables the built-in FSMonitor [1] on 'scalar'-registered
> repository enlistments. To avoid errors when unregistering an enlistment,
> the FSMonitor daemon is explicitly stopped during 'scalar unregister'.
> Maintainer's note: this series has a minor conflict with
> 'vd/scalar-generalize-diagnose'. Please let me know if there's anything else
> I can provide (in addition to [2]) that would make resolution easier.
> Changes since V2
> ================
>  * Updated prerequisites for FSMonitor in Scalar to include
>    'fsm_settings__get_reason(the_repository) == FSMONITOR_REASON_OK' to
>    handle cases where the platform is supported, but the repository is not.
>  * Gated enabling the 'core.fsmonitor' on FSMonitor compatibility with the
>    repo.
>  * Replaced 'die()' failures in 'delete_enlistment()' with 'error()'s.
>  * Replaced 'BUILTIN_FSMONITOR' test prerequisite with already-existing
>    'FSMONITOR_DAEMON' for FSMonitor.
>  * Rewrote Scalar enlistment/repo search in 'setup_enlistment_directory()'
>    to avoid unconstrained search and respect 'GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES'.
>    Added tests to show the new expected behavior.

I wrote a couple "thinking out loud" replies, but the series looks
good to me without any changes.

Junio C Hamano Aug. 19, 2022, 9:06 p.m. UTC | #2
Derrick Stolee <derrickstolee@github.com> writes:

> On 8/18/2022 5:40 PM, Victoria Dye via GitGitGadget wrote:
>> This series enables the built-in FSMonitor [1] on 'scalar'-registered
>> repository enlistments. To avoid errors when unregistering an enlistment,
>> the FSMonitor daemon is explicitly stopped during 'scalar unregister'.
>> ...
> I wrote a couple "thinking out loud" replies, but the series looks
> good to me without any changes.

Thanks, both.  Queued.

Let's mark it for 'next' and merge it down soonish.
diff mbox


diff --cc Documentation/technical/scalar.txt
index f6353375f0,047390e46e..0600150b3a
--- a/Documentation/technical/scalar.txt