diff mbox series

[v3] userdiff: recognize 'macro_rules!' as starting a Rust function block

Message ID pull.865.v3.git.git.1602077171751.gitgitgadget@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Commit 949063bcae23e589cce56cc6f9df9c3486386e7a
Headers show
Series [v3] userdiff: recognize 'macro_rules!' as starting a Rust function block | expand

Commit Message

Philippe Blain via GitGitGadget Oct. 7, 2020, 1:26 p.m. UTC
From: Konrad Borowski <konrad@borowski.pw>

Signed-off-by: Konrad Borowski <konrad@borowski.pw>
    userdiff: support Rust macros
    Changes since v1:
     * Changed macro_rules! to be considered to use the same rule as rest of
       keywords to reduce the size of a change as suggested by Phillip Wood.
       This means that 'pub macro_rules!` (a syntax error) is considered to
       be a hunk header.
     * Written commit message in imperative mood as suggested by Johannes
    Changes since v2:
     * Updated the commit message as suggested by Junio C Hamano.
     * Removed handling for 'macro_rules !' with a space in-between tokens.
       While it is allowed by the compiler to have a space between
       'macro_rules' and '!' it's pretty much never done.

Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-git-865%2Fxfix%2Fuserdiff-macro-rules-rust-v3
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-git-865/xfix/userdiff-macro-rules-rust-v3
Pull-Request: https://github.com/git/git/pull/865

Range-diff vs v2:

 1:  a3fd67d84f ! 1:  0d8e6e06d4 userdiff: permit Rust's macro_rules! keyword in hunk headers
     @@ Metadata
      Author: Konrad Borowski <konrad@borowski.pw>
       ## Commit message ##
     -    userdiff: permit Rust's macro_rules! keyword in hunk headers
     -    Changes since v1:
     -    - Changed macro_rules! to be considered to use the same
     -      rule as rest of keywords to reduce the size of a change
     -      as suggested by Phillip Wood. This means that
     -      'pub macro_rules!` (a syntax error) is considered to be
     -      a hunk header.
     -    - Written commit message in imperative mood as suggested by
     -      Johannes Sixt.
     +    userdiff: recognize 'macro_rules!' as starting a Rust function block
          Signed-off-by: Konrad Borowski <konrad@borowski.pw>
     @@ userdiff.c: PATTERNS("ruby", "^[ \t]*((class|module|def)[ \t].*)$",
      -	 "^[\t ]*((pub(\\([^\\)]+\\))?[\t ]+)?((async|const|unsafe|extern([\t ]+\"[^\"]+\"))[\t ]+)?(struct|enum|union|mod|trait|fn|impl)[< \t]+[^;]*)$",
     -+	 "^[\t ]*((pub(\\([^\\)]+\\))?[\t ]+)?((async|const|unsafe|extern([\t ]+\"[^\"]+\"))[\t ]+)?(struct|enum|union|mod|trait|fn|impl|macro_rules[\t ]*!)[< \t]+[^;]*)$",
     ++	 "^[\t ]*((pub(\\([^\\)]+\\))?[\t ]+)?((async|const|unsafe|extern([\t ]+\"[^\"]+\"))[\t ]+)?(struct|enum|union|mod|trait|fn|impl|macro_rules!)[< \t]+[^;]*)$",
       	 /* -- */

 t/t4018/rust-macro-rules | 6 ++++++
 userdiff.c               | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 t/t4018/rust-macro-rules

base-commit: d98273ba77e1ab9ec755576bc86c716a97bf59d7
diff mbox series


diff --git a/t/t4018/rust-macro-rules b/t/t4018/rust-macro-rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec610c5b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/rust-macro-rules
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ 
+macro_rules! RIGHT {
+    () => {
+        // a comment
+        let x = ChangeMe;
+    };
diff --git a/userdiff.c b/userdiff.c
index fde02f225b..2903037724 100644
--- a/userdiff.c
+++ b/userdiff.c
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@  PATTERNS("ruby", "^[ \t]*((class|module|def)[ \t].*)$",
-	 "^[\t ]*((pub(\\([^\\)]+\\))?[\t ]+)?((async|const|unsafe|extern([\t ]+\"[^\"]+\"))[\t ]+)?(struct|enum|union|mod|trait|fn|impl)[< \t]+[^;]*)$",
+	 "^[\t ]*((pub(\\([^\\)]+\\))?[\t ]+)?((async|const|unsafe|extern([\t ]+\"[^\"]+\"))[\t ]+)?(struct|enum|union|mod|trait|fn|impl|macro_rules!)[< \t]+[^;]*)$",
 	 /* -- */