@@ -1348,6 +1348,148 @@ class VM:
return self.serial_login(internal_timeout)
+ def migrate(self, timeout=3600, protocol="tcp", cancel_delay=None,
+ offline=False, stable_check=False, clean=True,
+ save_path="/tmp", dest_host="localhost", remote_port=None):
+ """
+ Migrate the VM.
+ If the migration is local, the VM object's state is switched with that
+ of the destination VM. Otherwise, the state is switched with that of
+ a dead VM (returned by self.clone()).
+ @param timeout: Time to wait for migration to complete.
+ @param protocol: Migration protocol ('tcp', 'unix' or 'exec').
+ @param cancel_delay: If provided, specifies a time duration after which
+ migration will be canceled. Used for testing migrate_cancel.
+ @param offline: If True, pause the source VM before migration.
+ @param stable_check: If True, compare the VM's state after migration to
+ its state before migration and raise an exception if they
+ differ.
+ @param clean: If True, delete the saved state files (relevant only if
+ stable_check is also True).
+ @save_path: The path for state files.
+ @param dest_host: Destination host (defaults to 'localhost').
+ @param remote_port: Port to use for remote migration.
+ """
+ def mig_finished():
+ o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ return "status: active" not in o
+ else:
+ return o.get("status") != "active"
+ def mig_succeeded():
+ o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ return "status: completed" in o
+ else:
+ return o.get("status") == "completed"
+ def mig_failed():
+ o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ return "status: failed" in o
+ else:
+ return o.get("status") == "failed"
+ def mig_cancelled():
+ o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ return ("Migration status: cancelled" in o or
+ "Migration status: canceled" in o)
+ else:
+ return (o.get("status") == "cancelled" or
+ o.get("status") == "canceled")
+ def wait_for_migration():
+ if not kvm_utils.wait_for(mig_finished, timeout, 2, 2,
+ "Waiting for migration to finish..."):
+ raise VMMigrateTimeoutError("Timeout expired while waiting "
+ "for migration to finish")
+ local = dest_host == "localhost"
+ clone = self.clone()
+ if local:
+ if stable_check:
+ # Pause the dest vm after creation
+ extra_params = clone.params.get("extra_params", "") + " -S"
+ clone.params["extra_params"] = extra_params
+ clone.create(migration_mode=protocol, mac_source=self)
+ try:
+ if protocol == "tcp":
+ if local:
+ uri = "tcp:localhost:%d" % clone.migration_port
+ else:
+ uri = "tcp:%s:%d" % (dest_host, remote_port)
+ elif protocol == "unix":
+ uri = "unix:%s" % clone.migration_file
+ elif protocol == "exec":
+ uri = '"exec:nc localhost %s"' % clone.migration_port
+ if offline:
+ self.monitor.cmd("stop")
+ self.monitor.migrate(uri)
+ if cancel_delay:
+ time.sleep(cancel_delay)
+ self.monitor.cmd("migrate_cancel")
+ if not kvm_utils.wait_for(mig_cancelled, 60, 2, 2,
+ "Waiting for migration "
+ "cancellation"):
+ raise VMMigrateCancelError("Cannot cancel migration")
+ return
+ wait_for_migration()
+ # Report migration status
+ if mig_succeeded():
+ logging.info("Migration completed successfully")
+ elif mig_failed():
+ raise VMMigrateFailedError("Migration failed")
+ else:
+ raise VMMigrateFailedError("Migration ended with unknown "
+ "status")
+ # Switch self <-> clone
+ temp = self.clone(copy_state=True)
+ self.__dict__ = clone.__dict__
+ clone = temp
+ # From now on, clone is the source VM that will soon be destroyed
+ # and self is the destination VM that will remain alive. If this
+ # is remote migration, self is a dead VM object.
+ if local and stable_check:
+ try:
+ save1 = os.path.join(save_path, "src-" + clone.instance)
+ save2 = os.path.join(save_path, "dst-" + self.instance)
+ clone.save_to_file(save1)
+ self.save_to_file(save2)
+ # Fail if we see deltas
+ md5_save1 = utils.hash_file(save1)
+ md5_save2 = utils.hash_file(save2)
+ if md5_save1 != md5_save2:
+ raise VMMigrateStateMismatchError(md5_save1,
+ md5_save2)
+ finally:
+ if clean:
+ if os.path.isfile(save1):
+ os.remove(save1)
+ if os.path.isfile(save2):
+ os.remove(save2)
+ finally:
+ # If we're doing remote migration and it's completed successfully,
+ # self points to a dead VM object
+ if self.is_alive():
+ self.monitor.cmd("cont")
+ clone.destroy(gracefully=False)
def send_key(self, keystr):
Send a key event to the VM.