@@ -21,21 +21,12 @@ def run_migration_with_file_transfer(test, params, env):
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
- timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
- session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
+ login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
+ session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout)
mig_timeout = float(params.get("mig_timeout", "3600"))
mig_protocol = params.get("migration_protocol", "tcp")
- # params of transfer test
- username = vm.params.get("username", "")
- password = vm.params.get("password", "")
- client = vm.params.get("file_transfer_client")
- address = vm.get_address(0)
- port = vm.get_port(int(params.get("file_transfer_port")))
- log_filename = ("migration-transfer-%s-to-%s-%s.log" %
- (vm.name, address,
- kvm_utils.generate_random_string(4)))
host_path = "/tmp/file-%s" % kvm_utils.generate_random_string(6)
host_path_returned = "%s-returned" % host_path
guest_path = params.get("guest_path", "/tmp/file")
@@ -46,33 +37,26 @@ def run_migration_with_file_transfer(test, params, env):
utils.run("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=%s" % (host_path,
+ def run_and_migrate(bg):
+ bg.start()
+ try:
+ while bg.is_alive():
+ logging.info("File transfer not ended, starting a round of "
+ "migration...")
+ vm.migrate(mig_timeout, mig_protocol)
+ finally:
+ bg.join()
logging.info("Transferring file from host to guest")
- bg = kvm_utils.Thread(kvm_utils.copy_files_to,
- (address, client, username, password, port,
- host_path, guest_path, log_filename,
- transfer_timeout))
- bg.start()
- try:
- while bg.is_alive():
- logging.info("File transfer not ended, starting a round of "
- "migration...")
- vm = kvm_test_utils.migrate(vm, env, mig_timeout, mig_protocol)
- finally:
- bg.join()
+ bg = kvm_utils.Thread(vm.copy_files_to,
+ (host_path, guest_path, 0, transfer_timeout))
+ run_and_migrate(bg)
logging.info("Transferring file back from guest to host")
- bg = kvm_utils.Thread(kvm_utils.copy_files_from,
- (address, client, username, password, port,
- host_path_returned, guest_path, log_filename,
+ bg = kvm_utils.Thread(vm.copy_files_from,
+ (guest_path, host_path_returned, 0,
- bg.start()
- try:
- while bg.is_alive():
- logging.info("File transfer not ended, starting a round of "
- "migration...")
- vm = kvm_test_utils.migrate(vm, env, mig_timeout, mig_protocol)
- finally:
- bg.join()
+ run_and_migrate(bg)
# Make sure the returned file is indentical to the original one
orig_hash = client_utils.hash_file(host_path)
@@ -81,7 +65,6 @@ def run_migration_with_file_transfer(test, params, env):
raise error.TestFail("Returned file hash (%s) differs from "
"original one (%s)" % (returned_hash,
if os.path.isfile(host_path):
@@ -19,65 +19,23 @@ def run_migration_with_reboot(test, params, env):
@param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
@param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
- def reboot_test(client, session, address, reboot_command, port, username,
- password, prompt, linesep, log_filename, timeout):
- """
- A version of reboot test which is safe to be called in the background as
- it doesn't need a VM object.
- """
- # Send a reboot command to the guest's shell
- session.sendline(reboot_command)
- logging.info("Reboot command sent. Waiting for guest to go down...")
- # Wait for the session to become unresponsive and close it
- if not kvm_utils.wait_for(lambda: not session.is_responsive(timeout=30),
- 120, 0, 1):
- raise error.TestFail("Guest refuses to go down")
- session.close()
- # Try logging into the guest until timeout expires
- logging.info("Guest is down. Waiting for it to go up again, timeout "
- "%ds", timeout)
- session = kvm_utils.wait_for_login(client, address, port, username,
- password, prompt, linesep,
- log_filename, timeout)
- logging.info("Guest is up again")
- session.close()
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
- timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
- session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
- # params of reboot
- username = vm.params.get("username", "")
- password = vm.params.get("password", "")
- prompt = vm.params.get("shell_prompt", "[\#\$]")
- linesep = eval("'%s'" % vm.params.get("shell_linesep", r"\n"))
- client = vm.params.get("shell_client")
- address = vm.get_address(0)
- port = vm.get_port(int(params.get("shell_port")))
- log_filename = ("migration-reboot-%s-%s.log" %
- (vm.name, kvm_utils.generate_random_string(4)))
- reboot_command = vm.params.get("reboot_command")
+ login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
+ session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout)
mig_timeout = float(params.get("mig_timeout", "3600"))
mig_protocol = params.get("migration_protocol", "tcp")
- mig_cancel = bool(params.get("mig_cancel"))
+ mig_cancel_delay = int(params.get("mig_cancel") == "yes") * 2
# Reboot the VM in the background
- bg = kvm_utils.Thread(reboot_test, (client, session, address,
- reboot_command, port, username,
- password, prompt, linesep,
- log_filename, timeout))
+ bg = kvm_utils.Thread(kvm_test_utils.reboot, (vm, session))
while bg.is_alive():
- vm = kvm_test_utils.migrate(vm, env, mig_timeout, mig_protocol)
+ vm.migrate(mig_timeout, mig_protocol, mig_cancel_delay)
- bg.join()
+ session = bg.join()