@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ More specifically:
import time, os, logging, re, commands
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils, error
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
import kvm_utils, kvm_vm, kvm_subprocess
@@ -203,3 +204,36 @@ def get_time(session, time_command, time_filter_re, time_format):
s = re.findall(time_filter_re, s)[0]
guest_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(s, time_format))
return (host_time, guest_time)
+def get_memory_info(lvms):
+ """
+ Get memory information from host and guests in format:
+ Host: memfree = XXXM; Guests memsh = {XXX,XXX,...}
+ @params lvms: List of VM objects
+ @return: String with memory info report
+ """
+ if not isinstance(lvms, list):
+ raise error.TestError("Invalid list passed to get_stat: %s " % lvms)
+ try:
+ meminfo = "Host: memfree = "
+ meminfo += str(int(utils.freememtotal()) / 1024) + "M; "
+ meminfo += "swapfree = "
+ mf = int(utils.read_from_meminfo("SwapFree")) / 1024
+ meminfo += str(mf) + "M; "
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not fetch host free memory info, "
+ "reason: %s" % e)
+ meminfo += "Guests memsh = {"
+ for vm in lvms:
+ shm = vm.get_shared_meminfo()
+ if shm is None:
+ raise error.TestError("Could not get shared meminfo from "
+ "VM %s" % vm)
+ meminfo += "%dM; " % shm
+ meminfo = meminfo[0:-2] + "}"
+ return meminfo
@@ -713,6 +713,22 @@ def generate_random_string(length):
return str
+def generate_tmp_file_name(file, ext=None, dir='/tmp/'):
+ """
+ Returns a temporary file name. The file is not created.
+ """
+ while True:
+ file_name = (file + '-' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-") +
+ generate_random_string(4))
+ if ext:
+ file_name += '.' + ext
+ file_name = os.path.join(dir, file_name)
+ if not os.path.exists(file_name):
+ break
+ return file_name
def format_str_for_message(str):
Format str so that it can be appended to a message.
@@ -760,6 +760,23 @@ class VM:
return self.process.get_pid()
+ def get_shared_meminfo(self):
+ """
+ Returns the VM's shared memory information.
+ @return: Shared memory used by VM (MB)
+ """
+ if self.is_dead():
+ logging.error("Could not get shared memory info from dead VM.")
+ return None
+ cmd = "cat /proc/%d/statm" % self.params.get('pid_' + self.name)
+ shm = int(os.popen(cmd).readline().split()[2])
+ # statm stores informations in pages, translate it to MB
+ shm = shm * 4 / 1024
+ return shm
def remote_login(self, nic_index=0, timeout=10):
Log into the guest via SSH/Telnet/Netcat.
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Auxiliary script used to allocate memory on guests.
+@copyright: 2008-2009 Red Hat Inc.
+@author: Jiri Zupka (jzupka@redhat.com)
+import os, array, sys, struct, random, copy, inspect, tempfile, datetime
+PAGE_SIZE = 4096 # machine page size
+class MemFill(object):
+ """
+ Fills guest memory according to certain patterns.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, mem, static_value, random_key):
+ """
+ Constructor of MemFill class.
+ @param mem: Amount of test memory in MB.
+ @param random_key: Seed of random series used for fill up memory.
+ @param static_value: Value used to fill all memory.
+ """
+ if (static_value < 0 or static_value > 255):
+ print ("FAIL: Initialization static value"
+ "can be only in range (0..255)")
+ return
+ self.tmpdp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ ret_code = os.system("mount -o size=%dM tmpfs %s -t tmpfs" %
+ ((mem + 25), self.tmpdp))
+ if ret_code != 0:
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ print ("FAIL: Unable to mount tmpfs "
+ "(likely cause: you are not root)")
+ else:
+ print "FAIL: Unable to mount tmpfs"
+ else:
+ self.f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='mem', dir=self.tmpdp)
+ self.allocate_by = 'L'
+ self.npages = (mem * 1024 * 1024) / PAGE_SIZE
+ self.random_key = random_key
+ self.static_value = static_value
+ print "PASS: Initialization"
+ def __del__(self):
+ if (os.path.ismount(self.tmpdp)):
+ self.f.close()
+ os.system("umount %s" % (self.tmpdp))
+ def compare_page(self, original, inmem):
+ """
+ Compare pages of memory.
+ @param original: Data that was expected to be in memory.
+ @param inmem: Data in memory.
+ """
+ for ip in range(PAGE_SIZE / original.itemsize):
+ if (not original[ip] == inmem[ip]): # find which item is wrong
+ originalp = array.array("B")
+ inmemp = array.array("B")
+ originalp.fromstring(original[ip:ip+1].tostring())
+ inmemp.fromstring(inmem[ip:ip+1].tostring())
+ for ib in range(len(originalp)): # find wrong byte in item
+ if not (originalp[ib] == inmemp[ib]):
+ position = (self.f.tell() - PAGE_SIZE + ip *
+ original.itemsize + ib)
+ print ("Mem error on position %d wanted 0x%Lx and is "
+ "0x%Lx" % (position, originalp[ib], inmemp[ib]))
+ def value_page(self, value):
+ """
+ Create page filled by value.
+ @param value: String we want to fill the page with.
+ @return: return array of bytes size PAGE_SIZE.
+ """
+ a = array.array("B")
+ for i in range(PAGE_SIZE / a.itemsize):
+ try:
+ a.append(value)
+ except:
+ print "FAIL: Value can be only in range (0..255)"
+ return a
+ def random_page(self, seed):
+ """
+ Create page filled by static random series.
+ @param seed: Seed of random series.
+ @return: Static random array series.
+ """
+ random.seed(seed)
+ a = array.array(self.allocate_by)
+ for i in range(PAGE_SIZE / a.itemsize):
+ a.append(random.randrange(0, sys.maxint))
+ return a
+ def value_fill(self, value=None):
+ """
+ Fill memory page by page, with value generated with value_page.
+ @param value: Parameter to be passed to value_page. None to just use
+ what's on the attribute static_value.
+ """
+ self.f.seek(0)
+ if value is None:
+ value = self.static_value
+ page = self.value_page(value)
+ for pages in range(self.npages):
+ page.tofile(self.f)
+ print "PASS: Mem value fill"
+ def value_check(self):
+ """
+ Check memory to see if data is correct.
+ @return: if data in memory is correct return PASS
+ else print some wrong data and return FAIL
+ """
+ self.f.seek(0)
+ e = 2
+ failure = False
+ page = self.value_page(self.static_value)
+ for pages in range(self.npages):
+ pf = array.array("B")
+ pf.fromfile(self.f, PAGE_SIZE / pf.itemsize)
+ if not (page == pf):
+ failure = True
+ self.compare_page(page, pf)
+ e = e - 1
+ if e == 0:
+ break
+ if failure:
+ print "FAIL: value verification"
+ else:
+ print "PASS: value verification"
+ def static_random_fill(self, n_bytes_on_end=PAGE_SIZE):
+ """
+ Fill memory by page with static random series with added special value
+ on random place in pages.
+ @param n_bytes_on_end: how many bytes on the end of page can be changed.
+ @return: PASS.
+ """
+ self.f.seek(0)
+ page = self.random_page(self.random_key)
+ random.seed(self.random_key)
+ p = copy.copy(page)
+ t_start = datetime.datetime.now()
+ for pages in range(self.npages):
+ rand = random.randint(((PAGE_SIZE / page.itemsize) - 1) -
+ (n_bytes_on_end / page.itemsize),
+ (PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize) - 1)
+ p[rand] = pages
+ p.tofile(self.f)
+ p[rand] = page[rand]
+ t_end = datetime.datetime.now()
+ delta = t_end - t_start
+ milisec = delta.microseconds / 1e3 + delta.seconds * 1e3
+ print "PASS: filling duration = %Ld ms" % milisec
+ def static_random_verify(self, n_bytes_on_end=PAGE_SIZE):
+ """
+ Check memory to see if it contains correct contents.
+ @return: if data in memory is correct return PASS
+ else print some wrong data and return FAIL.
+ """
+ self.f.seek(0)
+ e = 2
+ page = self.random_page(self.random_key)
+ random.seed(self.random_key)
+ p = copy.copy(page)
+ failure = False
+ for pages in range(self.npages):
+ rand = random.randint(((PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize) - 1) -
+ (n_bytes_on_end/page.itemsize),
+ (PAGE_SIZE/page.itemsize) - 1)
+ p[rand] = pages
+ pf = array.array(self.allocate_by)
+ pf.fromfile(self.f, PAGE_SIZE / pf.itemsize)
+ if not (p == pf):
+ failure = True
+ self.compare_page(p, pf)
+ e = e - 1
+ if e == 0:
+ break
+ p[rand] = page[rand]
+ if failure:
+ print "FAIL: Random series verification"
+ else:
+ print "PASS: Random series verification"
+def die():
+ """
+ Quit allocator.
+ """
+ exit(0)
+def main():
+ """
+ Main (infinite) loop of allocator.
+ """
+ print "PASS: Start"
+ end = False
+ while (not end):
+ str = raw_input()
+ exec str
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+import logging, time, random, string, math, os, tempfile
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
+import kvm_subprocess, kvm_test_utils, kvm_utils, kvm_preprocessing
+def run_ksm_overcommit(test, params, env):
+ """
+ Test how KSM (Kernel Shared Memory) act with more than physical memory is
+ used. In second part is also tested, how KVM can handle the situation,
+ when the host runs out of memory (it is expected to pause the guest system,
+ wait until some process returns the memory and bring the guest back to life)
+ @param test: kvm test object.
+ @param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
+ @param env: Dictionary with the test wnvironment.
+ """
+ def initialize_guests():
+ """
+ Initialize guests (fill their memories with specified patterns).
+ """
+ logging.info("Starting phase 1: filling with 0")
+ logging.info("Preparing the guests and fill in pages with 0")
+ for session in lsessions:
+ vm = lvms[lsessions.index(session)]
+ ret = session.get_command_status("swapoff -a", timeout=300)
+ if ret is None or ret:
+ raise error.TestFail("Failed to swapoff on VM %s" % vm.name)
+ # Start the allocator
+ session.sendline("python /tmp/allocator.py")
+ (ret, data) = session.read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ 60 * perf_ratio)
+ if ret is None or ret == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not run vksmd in %s errno: %s\n"
+ "Output:\n%s" % (vm.name, ret, data))
+ # Set allocator keys
+ for i in range(0, vmsc):
+ vm = lvms[i]
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem = MemFill(%d, %s, %s)" %
+ (ksm_size, skeys[i], dkeys[i]))
+ (match, data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ 60 * perf_ratio)
+ if match == 1 or match is None:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s\n"
+ "Output:\n%s" % (vm.name, data))
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)"% (skeys[0]))
+ (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ 120 * perf_ratio)
+ if match == 1 or match is None:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s\n"
+ "Output: %s" % (vm.name, data))
+ # Let kksmd works (until shared mem reaches expected value)
+ shm = 0
+ i = 0
+ while shm < ksm_size:
+ if i > 64:
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info(lvms))
+ raise error.TestError("SHM didn't merge the memory until "
+ "the DL on guest: %s"% (vm.name))
+ st = ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio
+ logging.debug("Sleep (%d)" % st)
+ time.sleep(st)
+ shm = vm.get_shared_meminfo()
+ i = i + 1
+ # Keep some reserve
+ time.sleep(ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio)
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info(lvms))
+ logging.info("Phase 1 => passed")
+ def separate_first_guest():
+ """
+ Separate memory of the first guest by generating special random series
+ """
+ logging.info("Starting phase 2: Split the pages on the first guest")
+ lsessions[0].sendline("mem.static_random_fill()")
+ (match, data) = lsessions[0].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ 120 * perf_ratio)
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by random on guest %s"
+ "\nOutput:\n%s" % (vm.name, data))
+ if match == None:
+ raise error.TestFail("Generating random series timeout on "
+ "guest %s" % vm.name)
+ r_msg = data.splitlines()[-1]
+ logging.debug("Return message of static_random_fill: %s", r_msg)
+ out = int(r_msg.split()[4])
+ logging.info("PERFORMANCE: %dMB * 1000 / %dms = %dMB/s", ksm_size, out,
+ (ksm_size * 1000 / out))
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info(lvms))
+ logging.info("Phase 2 => passed")
+ def split_guest():
+ """
+ Sequential split of pages on guests up to memory limit
+ """
+ logging.info("Starting phase 3a: Sequentional split of pages on "
+ "guests up to memory limit")
+ last_vm = 0
+ session = None
+ vm = None
+ for i in range(1, vmsc):
+ vm = lvms[i]
+ session = lsessions[i]
+ session.sendline("mem.static_random_fill()")
+ out = ""
+ try:
+ while not out.startswith("PASS") and not out.startswith("FAIL"):
+ free_mem = int(utils.read_from_meminfo("MemFree"))
+ if (ksm_swap):
+ free_mem = (free_mem +
+ int(utils.read_from_meminfo("SwapFree")))
+ logging.debug("FreeMem = %d" % (free_mem))
+ # We need to keep some memory for python to run.
+ if (free_mem < 64000) or (ksm_swap and free_mem < (450000*perf_ratio)):
+ vm.send_monitor_cmd('stop')
+ for j in range(0, i):
+ lvms[j].destroy(gracefully = False)
+ time.sleep(20)
+ vm.send_monitor_cmd('c')
+ logging.debug("Only %s free memory, killing 0 - %d hosts" %
+ (free_mem, (i-1)))
+ last_vm = i
+ break
+ out = session.read_nonblocking(0.1)
+ except OSError, (err):
+ vm.send_monitor_cmd('stop')
+ for j in range(0, i):
+ lvms[j].destroy(gracefully = False)
+ time.sleep(20)
+ vm.send_monitor_cmd('c')
+ logging.debug("Only %s free memory, killing 0 - %d hosts" %
+ (free_mem, (i-1)))
+ last_vm = i
+ if last_vm != 0:
+ break
+ logging.info("Memory filled by the guest %s" % (vm.name))
+ logging.info("Phase 3a => passed")
+ # Check if memory in max loading guest is right
+ logging.info("Starting phase 3b")
+ # Kill rest of machines
+ for i in range(last_vm + 1, vmsc):
+ lsessions[i].close()
+ if i == (vmsc - 1):
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([lvms[i]]))
+ lvms[i].destroy(gracefully = False)
+ # Verify last machine with randomly generated memory
+ session.sendline("mem.static_random_verify()")
+ (match, data) = session.read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+ if (match == 1):
+ raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([lvms[last_vm]]))
+ (status,data) = lsessions[i].get_command_status_output("die()",20)
+ lvms[last_vm].destroy(gracefully = False)
+ logging.info("Phase 3b => passed")
+ def split_parallel():
+ """
+ Parallel page spliting
+ """
+ logging.info("Phase 1: parallel page spliting")
+ # We have to wait until allocator is finished (it waits 5 seconds to
+ # clean the socket
+ session = lsessions[0]
+ vm = lvms[0]
+ for i in range(1,max_alloc):
+ lsessions.append(kvm_utils.wait_for(vm.remote_login, 360, 0, 2))
+ if not lsessions[i]:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not log into guest %s" %
+ lvms[i].name)
+ ret = session.get_command_status("swapoff -a", timeout=300)
+ if ret is None or ret:
+ raise error.TestFail("Failed to swapoff in the %s" % (vm.name))
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("python /tmp/allocator.py")
+ (ret,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (60 * perf_ratio))
+ if ret == None:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not run vksmd in guest %s" %
+ vm.name)
+ if ret == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not run allocator in %s errno: %d"
+ "\nOutput:\n%s" % (vm.name, ret, data))
+ logging.info("Phase 4a: Simultaneous merging")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ logging.info("Memory to guest allocator = %dMB" %
+ (ksm_size / max_alloc))
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem = MemFill(%d, %s, %s)" %
+ ((ksm_size / max_alloc), skeys[i], dkeys[i]))
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match, data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (60 * perf_ratio))
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s"
+ "\nOutput:\n%s" % (vm.name, data))
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)" % (skeys[0]))
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (90 * perf_ratio))
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not allocate memory on guest %s"
+ "\nOutput:\n%s" % (vm.name, data))
+ # Wait until kksmd merges the pages (3 * ksm_size / 3)
+ shm = 0
+ i = 0
+ while shm < ksm_size:
+ if i > 64:
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info(lvms))
+ raise error.TestError("SHM didn't merge the memory until DL")
+ logging.debug("Sleep(%d)" % (ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio))
+ time.sleep(ksm_size / 200 * perf_ratio)
+ shm = vm.get_shared_meminfo()
+ i = i + 1
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([vm]))
+ logging.info("Phases 4b: Simultaneous spliting")
+ # Actual splitting
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_fill()")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"], (90 * perf_ratio))
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory with random "
+ "pattern on guest %s\n"
+ "Output:\n%s" % (vm.name, data))
+ if match == None:
+ raise error.TestFail("Generating rantime.sleepdom series timeout on "
+ "guest %s" % (vm.name))
+ data = data.splitlines()[-1]
+ logging.debug(data)
+ out = int(data.split()[4])
+ logging.info("PERFORMANCE: %dMB * 1000 / %dms = %dMB/s" %
+ ((ksm_size / max_alloc), out,
+ (ksm_size * 1000 / out / max_alloc)))
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([vm]))
+ logging.info("Phase 4c: Simultaneous verification")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_verify()")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match, data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+ if (match == 1):
+ raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+ logging.info("Phases 4d: Simultaneous merging")
+ # Actual splitting
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)" % (skeys[0]))
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match, data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ (120 * perf_ratio))
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by random on guest "
+ "%s\nOutput:\n%s" % vm.name)
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([vm]))
+ logging.info("Phase 4e: Simultaneous verification")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.value_fill(%d)" % (skeys[0]))
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match, data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+ logging.info("Phases 4f: Simultaneous spliting last 96B")
+ # Actual splitting
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_fill(96)")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match, data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ (60 * perf_ratio))
+ if match == 1:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not fill memory by zero on guest "
+ "%s\nOutput:\n%s" % (vm.name))
+ if match == None:
+ raise error.TestFail("Generating random series timeout on "
+ "guest %s" % vm.name)
+ data = data.splitlines()[-1]
+ out = int(data.split()[4])
+ logging.info("PERFORMANCE: %dMB * 1000 / %dms = %dMB/s",
+ ksm_size/max_alloc, out,
+ (ksm_size * 1000 / out / max_alloc))
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([vm]))
+ logging.info("Phase 4g: Simultaneous verification last 96B")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].sendline("mem.static_random_verify(96)")
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ (match,data) = lsessions[i].read_until_last_line_matches(
+ ["PASS:","FAIL:"],
+ (mem / 200 * 50 * perf_ratio))
+ if (match == 1):
+ raise error.TestError("Memory error dump: %s" % data)
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info([vm]))
+ logging.info("Phase 4 => passed")
+ # Clean up
+ for i in range(0, max_alloc):
+ lsessions[i].get_command_status_output("die()", 20)
+ session.close()
+ vm.destroy(gracefully = False)
+ # Main test code
+ logging.info("Starting phase 0: Initialization")
+ # host_reserve: mem reserve kept for the host system to run
+ host_reserve = 256
+ # guest_reserve: mem reserve which is not used by allocator on the
+ # guests
+ guest_reserve = 256
+ max_vms = params.get("max_vms")
+ if max_vms:
+ max_vms = int(max_vms)
+ else:
+ max_vms = 2
+ overcommit = params.get("ksm_overcommit_ratio")
+ if overcommit:
+ overcommit = float(overcommit)
+ else:
+ overcommit = 2.0
+ max_alloc = params.get("ksm_parallel_ratio")
+ if max_alloc:
+ max_alloc = int(max_alloc)
+ else:
+ max_alloc = 1
+ # vmsc: count of all used VMs
+ vmsc = int(overcommit) + 1
+ vmsc = max(vmsc, max_vms)
+ if (params['ksm_test_size'] == "serial"):
+ max_alloc = vmsc
+ host_mem = (int(utils.memtotal()) / 1024 - host_reserve)
+ ksm_swap = False
+ if params.get("ksm_swap") == "yes":
+ ksm_swap = True
+ # Performance ratio
+ perf_ratio = params.get("ksm_perf_ratio")
+ if perf_ratio:
+ perf_ratio = float(perf_ratio)
+ else:
+ perf_ratio = 1
+ if (params['ksm_test_size'] == "parallel"):
+ vmsc = 1
+ overcommit = 1
+ mem = host_mem
+ # 32bit system adjustment
+ if not params['image_name'].endswith("64"):
+ logging.debug("Probably i386 guest architecture, "
+ "max allocator mem = 2G")
+ # Guest can have more than 2G but
+ # kvm mem + 1MB (allocator itself) can't
+ if (host_mem > 3100):
+ mem = 3100
+ if os.popen("uname -i").readline().startswith("i386"):
+ logging.debug("Host is i386 architecture, max guest mem is 2G")
+ # Guest system with qemu overhead (64M) can't have more than 2G
+ if mem > 3100 - 64:
+ mem = 3100 - 64
+ else:
+ # mem: Memory of the guest systems. Maximum must be less than
+ # host's physical ram
+ mem = int(overcommit * host_mem / vmsc)
+ # 32bit system adjustment
+ if not params['image_name'].endswith("64"):
+ logging.debug("Probably i386 guest architecture, "
+ "max allocator mem = 2G")
+ # Guest can have more than 2G but
+ # kvm mem + 1MB (allocator itself) can't
+ if mem - guest_reserve - 1 > 3100:
+ vmsc = int(math.ceil((host_mem * overcommit) /
+ (3100 + guest_reserve)))
+ mem = int(math.floor(host_mem * overcommit / vmsc))
+ if os.popen("uname -i").readline().startswith("i386"):
+ logging.debug("Host is i386 architecture, max guest mem is 2G")
+ # Guest system with qemu overhead (64M) can't have more than 2G
+ if mem > 3100 - 64:
+ vmsc = int(math.ceil((host_mem * overcommit) /
+ (3100 - 64.0)))
+ mem = int(math.floor(host_mem * overcommit / vmsc))
+ logging.debug("Checking KSM status...")
+ ksm_flag = 0
+ for line in os.popen('ksmctl info').readlines():
+ if line.startswith('flags'):
+ ksm_flag = int(line.split(' ')[1].split(',')[0])
+ if int(ksm_flag) != 1:
+ logging.info("KSM module is not loaded! Trying to load module and "
+ "start ksmctl...")
+ try:
+ utils.run("modprobe ksm")
+ utils.run("ksmctl start 5000 100")
+ except error.CmdError, e:
+ raise error.TestFail("Failed to load KSM: %s" % e)
+ logging.debug("KSM module loaded and ksmctl started")
+ logging.info("overcommit = %f", overcommit)
+ logging.info("true overcommit = %f ", (float(vmsc * mem) /
+ float(host_mem)))
+ logging.info("host mem = %dM", host_mem)
+ logging.info("mem = %dM", mem)
+ logging.info("using swap = %s", ksm_swap)
+ swap = int(utils.read_from_meminfo("SwapTotal")) / 1024
+ logging.info("swap = %dM", swap)
+ logging.info("max_vms = %d", max_vms)
+ logging.info("vmsc = %d", vmsc)
+ logging.info("performance_ratio = %f", perf_ratio)
+ # Generate unique keys for random series
+ skeys = []
+ dkeys = []
+ for i in range(0, max(vmsc, max_alloc)):
+ key = random.randrange(0, 255)
+ while key in skeys:
+ key = random.randrange(0, 255)
+ skeys.append(key)
+ key = random.randrange(0, 999)
+ while key in dkeys:
+ key = random.randrange(0, 999)
+ dkeys.append(key)
+ lvms = []
+ lsessions = []
+ # As we don't know the number and memory amount of VMs in advance,
+ # we need to specify and create them here (FIXME: not a nice thing)
+ vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
+ params['mem'] = mem
+ params['vms'] = vm_name
+ # Associate pidfile name
+ params['pid_' + vm_name] = kvm_utils.generate_tmp_file_name(vm_name,
+ 'pid')
+ if not params.get('extra_params'):
+ params['extra_params'] = ' '
+ params['extra_params_' + vm_name] = params.get('extra_params')
+ params['extra_params_' + vm_name] += (" -pidfile %s" %
+ (params.get('pid_' + vm_name)))
+ params['extra_params'] = params.get('extra_params_'+vm_name)
+ # ksm_size: amount of memory used by allocator
+ ksm_size = mem - guest_reserve
+ logging.info("ksm_size = %dM" % (ksm_size))
+ # Creating the first guest
+ kvm_preprocessing.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, vm_name)
+ lvms.append(kvm_utils.env_get_vm(env, vm_name))
+ if not lvms[0]:
+ raise error.TestError("VM object not found in environment")
+ if not lvms[0].is_alive():
+ raise error.TestError("VM seems to be dead; Test requires a living "
+ "VM")
+ logging.info("Booting the first guest %s", lvms[0].name)
+ lsessions.append(kvm_utils.wait_for(lvms[0].remote_login, 360, 0, 2))
+ if not lsessions[0]:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not log into first guest")
+ # Associate vm PID
+ try:
+ tmp = open(params.get('pid_' + vm_name), 'r')
+ params['pid_' + vm_name] = int(tmp.readline())
+ except:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not get PID of %s" % (vm_name))
+ # Creating other guest systems
+ for i in range(1, vmsc):
+ vm_name = "vm" + str(i + 1)
+ params['pid_' + vm_name] = kvm_utils.generate_tmp_file_name(vm_name,
+ 'pid')
+ params['extra_params_' + vm_name] = params.get('extra_params')
+ params['extra_params_' + vm_name] += (" -pidfile %s" %
+ (params.get('pid_' + vm_name)))
+ params['extra_params'] = params.get('extra_params_' + vm_name)
+ # Last VM is later used to run more allocators simultaneously
+ lvms.append(lvms[0].clone(vm_name, params))
+ kvm_utils.env_register_vm(env, vm_name, lvms[i])
+ params['vms'] += " " + vm_name
+ logging.info("Booting guest %s" % lvms[i].name)
+ if not lvms[i].create():
+ raise error.TestFail("Cannot create VM %s" % lvms[i].name)
+ if not lvms[i].is_alive():
+ raise error.TestError("VM %s seems to be dead; Test requires a"
+ "living VM" % lvms[i].name)
+ lsessions.append(kvm_utils.wait_for(lvms[i].remote_login, 360, 0, 2))
+ if not lsessions[i]:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not log into guest %s" %
+ lvms[i].name)
+ try:
+ tmp = open(params.get('pid_' + vm_name), 'r')
+ params['pid_' + vm_name] = int(tmp.readline())
+ except:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not get PID of %s" % (vm_name))
+ # Let systems take a rest :-)
+ time.sleep(vmsc * 2 * perf_ratio)
+ logging.info(kvm_test_utils.get_memory_info(lvms))
+ # Copy allocator.py into guests
+ pwd = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'],'tests/kvm')
+ vksmd_src = os.path.join(pwd, "scripts/allocator.py")
+ dst_dir = "/tmp"
+ for vm in lvms:
+ if not vm.copy_files_to(vksmd_src, dst_dir):
+ raise error.TestFail("copy_files_to failed %s" % vm.name)
+ logging.info("Phase 0 => passed")
+ if params['ksm_test_size'] == "parallel":
+ split_parallel()
+ elif params['ksm_test_size'] == "serial":
+ initialize_guests()
+ separate_first_guest()
+ split_guest()
@@ -273,6 +273,24 @@ variants:
type = physical_resources_check
catch_uuid_cmd = dmidecode | awk -F: '/UUID/ {print $2}'
+ - ksm_overcommit:
+ # Don't preprocess any vms as we need to change its params
+ vms = ''
+ image_snapshot = yes
+ kill_vm_gracefully = no
+ type = ksm_overcommit
+ ksm_swap = yes
+ no hugepages
+ # Overcommit of host memmory
+ ksm_overcommit_ratio = 3
+ # Max paralel runs machine
+ ksm_parallel_ratio = 4
+ variants:
+ - ksm_serial
+ ksm_test_size = "serial"
+ - ksm_parallel
+ ksm_test_size = "parallel"
# NICs
- @rtl8139: