new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+import logging, time, re
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+import kvm_test_utils, kvm_utils
+def run_vlan(test, params, env):
+ """
+ Test 802.1Q vlan of NIC, config it by vconfig command.
+ 1) Create two VMs
+ 2) Setup guests in 10 different vlans by vconfig and using hard-coded
+ ip address
+ 3) Test by ping between same and different vlans of two VMs
+ 4) Test by TCP data transfer, floop ping between same vlan of two VMs
+ 5) Test maximal plumb/unplumb vlans
+ 6) Recover the vlan config
+ @param test: KVM test object.
+ @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
+ @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
+ """
+ vm = []
+ session = []
+ vm_ip = []
+ digest_origin = []
+ vlan_ip = ['', '']
+ ip_unit = ['1', '2']
+ subnet = params.get("subnet")
+ vlan_num = int(params.get("vlan_num"))
+ maximal = int(params.get("maximal"))
+ file_size = params.get("file_size")
+ vm.append(kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm")))
+ vm.append(kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, "vm2"))
+ def add_vlan(session, id, iface="eth0"):
+ if session.get_command_status("vconfig add %s %s" % (iface, id)) != 0:
+ raise error.TestError("Fail to add %s.%s" % (iface, id))
+ def set_ip_vlan(session, id, ip, iface="eth0"):
+ iface = "%s.%s" % (iface, id)
+ if session.get_command_status("ifconfig %s %s" % (iface, ip)) != 0:
+ raise error.TestError("Fail to configure ip for %s" % iface)
+ def set_arp_ignore(session, iface="eth0"):
+ ignore_cmd = "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore"
+ if session.get_command_status(ignore_cmd) != 0:
+ raise error.TestError("Fail to set arp_ignore of %s" % session)
+ def rem_vlan(session, id, iface="eth0"):
+ rem_vlan_cmd = "if [[ -e /proc/net/vlan/%s ]];then vconfig rem %s;fi"
+ iface = "%s.%s" % (iface, id)
+ s = session.get_command_status(rem_vlan_cmd % (iface, iface))
+ return s
+ def nc_transfer(src, dst):
+ nc_port = kvm_utils.find_free_port(1025, 5334, vm_ip[dst])
+ listen_cmd = params.get("listen_cmd")
+ send_cmd = params.get("send_cmd")
+ #listen in dst
+ listen_cmd = listen_cmd % (nc_port, "receive")
+ session[dst].sendline(listen_cmd)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ #send file from src to dst
+ send_cmd = send_cmd % (vlan_ip[dst], str(nc_port), "file")
+ if session[src].get_command_status(send_cmd, timeout = 60) != 0:
+ raise error.TestFail ("Fail to send file"
+ " from vm%s to vm%s" % (src+1, dst+1))
+ s, o = session[dst].read_up_to_prompt(timeout=60)
+ if s != True:
+ raise error.TestFail ("Fail to receive file"
+ " from vm%s to vm%s" % (src+1, dst+1))
+ #check MD5 message digest of receive file in dst
+ output = session[dst].get_command_output("md5sum receive").strip()
+ digest_receive = re.findall(r'(\w+)', output)[0]
+ if digest_receive == digest_origin[src]:
+"file succeed received in vm %s" % vlan_ip[dst])
+ else:
+"digest_origin is %s" % digest_origin[src])
+"digest_receive is %s" % digest_receive)
+ raise error.TestFail("File transfered differ from origin")
+ session[dst].get_command_status("rm -f receive")
+ for i in range(2):
+ session.append(kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm[i],
+ timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))))
+ if not session[i] :
+ raise error.TestError("Could not log into guest(vm%d)" % i)
+"Logged in")
+ #get guest ip
+ vm_ip.append(vm[i].get_address())
+ #produce sized file in vm
+ dd_cmd = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=file bs=1024k count=%s"
+ if session[i].get_command_status(dd_cmd % file_size) != 0:
+ raise error.TestFail("File producing failed")
+ #record MD5 message digest of file
+ s, output =session[i].get_command_status_output("md5sum file",
+ timeout=60)
+ if s != 0:
+ raise error.TestFail("File MD5_checking failed" )
+ digest_origin.append(re.findall(r'(\w+)', output)[0])
+ #stop firewall in vm
+ session[i].get_command_status("/etc/init.d/iptables stop")
+ #load 8021q module for vconfig
+ load_8021q_cmd = "modprobe 8021q"
+ if session[i].get_command_status(load_8021q_cmd) != 0:
+ raise error.TestError("Fail to load 8021q module on VM%s" % i)
+ try:
+ for i in range(2):
+ for vlan_i in range(1, vlan_num+1):
+ add_vlan(session[i], vlan_i)
+ set_ip_vlan(session[i], vlan_i, "%s.%s.%s" % \
+ (subnet, vlan_i, ip_unit[i]))
+ set_arp_ignore(session[i])
+ for vlan in range(1, vlan_num+1):
+"Test for vlan %s" % vlan)
+"Ping between vlans")
+ interface = 'eth0.' + str(vlan)
+ for vlan2 in range(1, vlan_num+1):
+ for i in range(2):
+ dest = subnet +'.'+ str(vlan2)+ '.' + ip_unit[(i+1)%2]
+ s, o =, count=2,
+ interface=interface,
+ session=session[i], timeout=30)
+ if ((vlan == vlan2) ^ (s == 0)):
+ raise error.TestFail ("%s ping %s unexpected" %
+ (interface, dest))
+ vlan_ip[0] = subnet + '.' + str(vlan) + '.' + ip_unit[0]
+ vlan_ip[1] = subnet + '.' + str(vlan) + '.' + ip_unit[1]
+"Flood ping")
+ def flood_ping(src, dst):
+ # we must use a dedicated session becuase the kvm_subprocess
+ # does not have the other method to interrupt the process in
+ # the guest rather than close the session.
+ session_flood = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm[src],
+ timeout = 60)
+[dst], flood=True,
+ interface=interface,
+ session=session_flood, timeout=10)
+ session_flood.close()
+ flood_ping(0,1)
+ flood_ping(1,0)
+"Transfering data through nc")
+ nc_transfer(0, 1)
+ nc_transfer(1, 0)
+ finally:
+ for vlan in range(1, vlan_num+1):
+ rem_vlan(session[0], vlan)
+ rem_vlan(session[1], vlan)
+"rem eth0.%s" % vlan)
+ #Plumb/unplumb maximal unber of vlan interfaces
+ i = 1
+ s = 0
+ try:
+"Testing the plumb of vlan interface")
+ for i in range (1, maximal+1):
+ add_vlan(session[0], i)
+ finally:
+ for j in range (1, i+1):
+ s = s or rem_vlan(session[0], j)
+ if s == 0:
+"maximal interface plumb test done")
+ else:
+ logging.error("maximal interface plumb test failed")
+ session[0].close()
+ session[1].close()
deleted file mode 100644
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-import logging, time
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-import kvm_subprocess, kvm_test_utils, kvm_utils
-def run_vlan_tag(test, params, env):
- """
- Test 802.1Q vlan of NIC, config it by vconfig command.
- 1) Create two VMs.
- 2) Setup guests in different VLANs by vconfig and test communication by
- ping using hard-coded ip addresses.
- 3) Setup guests in same vlan and test communication by ping.
- 4) Recover the vlan config.
- @param test: KVM test object.
- @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
- @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
- """
- subnet = params.get("subnet")
- vlans = params.get("vlans").split()
- vm1 = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
- vm2 = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, "vm2")
- timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
- session1 = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm1, timeout=timeout)
- session2 = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm2, timeout=timeout)
- try:
- ip_cfg_base = "vconfig add eth0 %s && ifconfig eth0.%s %s.%s"
- ip_cfg_cmd1 = ip_cfg_base % (vlans[0], vlans[0], subnet, "11")
- ip_cfg_cmd2 = ip_cfg_base % (vlans[1], vlans[1], subnet, "12")
- # Configure VM1 and VM2 in different VLANs
- ip_cfg_vm1 = session1.get_command_status(ip_cfg_cmd1)
- if ip_cfg_vm1 != 0:
- raise error.TestError("Failed to config VM 1 IP address")
- ip_cfg_vm2 = session2.get_command_status(ip_cfg_cmd2)
- if ip_cfg_vm2 != 0:
- raise error.TestError("Failed to config VM 2 IP address")
- # Trying to ping VM 2 from VM 1, this shouldn't work
- ping_cmd = "ping -c 2 -I eth0.%s %s.%s" % (vlans[0], subnet, "12")
- ping_diff_vlan = session1.get_command_status(ping_cmd)
- if ping_diff_vlan == 0:
- raise error.TestFail("VM 2 can be reached even though it was "
- "configured on a different VLAN")
- # Now let's put VM 2 in the same VLAN as VM 1
- ip_cfg_reconfig= ("vconfig rem eth0.%s && vconfig add eth0 %s && "
- "ifconfig eth0.%s %s.%s" % (vlans[1], vlans[0],
- vlans[0], subnet, "12"))
- ip_cfg_vm2 = session2.get_command_status(ip_cfg_reconfig)
- if ip_cfg_vm2 != 0:
- raise error.TestError("Failed to re-config IP address of VM 2")
- # Try to ping VM 2 from VM 1, this should work
- ping_same_vlan = session1.get_command_status(ping_cmd)
- if ping_same_vlan != 0:
- raise error.TestFail("Failed to ping VM 2 even though it was "
- "configured on the same VLAN")
- finally:
- session1.get_command_status("vconfig rem eth0.%s" % vlans[0])
- session1.close()
- session2.get_command_status("vconfig rem eth0.%s" % vlans[0])
- session2.close()
@@ -341,17 +341,21 @@ variants:
- fmt_raw:
image_format_stg = raw
- - vlan_tag: install setup unattended_install.cdrom
- type = vlan_tag
+ - vlan: install setup unattended_install.cdrom
+ type = vlan
# subnet should not be used by host
- subnet = 192.168.123
- vlans = "10 20"
+ subnet = "192.168"
+ vlan_num = 5
+ file_size = 10
+ maximal = 4094
+ listen_cmd = "nc -l %s > %s"
+ send_cmd = "nc %s %s < %s"
nic_mode = tap
vms += " vm2"
extra_params_vm1 += " -snapshot"
extra_params_vm2 += " -snapshot"
+ kill_vm_vm2 = yes
kill_vm_gracefully_vm2 = no
- address_index_vm2 = 1
- ping: install setup unattended_install.cdrom
type = ping
@@ -1110,7 +1114,7 @@ variants:
# Windows section
- @Windows:
- no autotest linux_s3 vlan_tag ioquit unattended_install.(url|nfs|remote_ks) jumbo file_transfer nicdriver_unload nic_promisc multicast mac_change
+ no autotest linux_s3 vlan ioquit unattended_install.(url|nfs|remote_ks) jumbo file_transfer nicdriver_unload nic_promisc multicast mac_change
shutdown_command = shutdown /s /f /t 0
reboot_command = shutdown /r /f /t 0
status_test_command = echo %errorlevel%