Show patches with: Submitter = Krzysztof Kozlowski       |    State = Action Required       |   4081 patches
« 1 2 ... 38 39 40 41 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v2] ARM: dts: Fix LEDs on exynos5422-odroidxu3 - - - --- 2015-09-13 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
ARM: dts: Fix LEDs on exynos5422-odroidxu3 - - - --- 2015-09-02 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v2,3/3] ARM: dts: Fix power off method on exynos5422-odroidxu3 - - - --- 2015-08-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v2,2/3] mfd: s2mps11: Add manual shutdown method for Odroid XU3 - - - --- 2015-08-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v2,1/3] mfd: documentation: dt: Document grounded ACOKB pin on S2MPS11 - - - --- 2015-08-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/2] ARM: dts: Fix power off method on exynos5422-odroidxu3 - - - --- 2015-08-03 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/2] mfd: s2mps11: Add manual shutdown method for Odroid XU3 - - - --- 2015-08-03 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[RFT] net: axienet: Fix devm_ioremap_resource return value check - - - --- 2015-07-09 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
Documentation: ARM: EXYNOS: Extend boot loader interface documentation - - - --- 2015-07-05 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
ARM: EXYNOS: Remove duplicated define of SLEEP_MAGIC - - - --- 2015-06-15 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-universal - - - --- 2015-06-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
Documentation: ARM: EXYNOS: Describe boot loaders interface - - - --- 2015-06-06 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
ARM: EXYNOS: pmu: Make local function static - - - --- 2015-05-30 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v2] ARM: dts: odroidxu3: Enable wake alarm of S2MPS11 RTC - - - --- 2015-05-30 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/2] ARM: dts: Add Odroid XU3 Lite support - - - --- 2015-05-25 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/2] of: Add vendor prefix for Hardkernel - - - --- 2015-05-25 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
ARM: dts: odroidxu3: Enable wake alarm of S2MPS11 RTC - - - --- 2015-05-25 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[RESEND,2/2] ARM: dts: s3c2416: Use labels for overriding nodes in SMDK2416 - - - --- 2015-05-19 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[RESEND,1/2] ARM: dts: s3c2416: Add labels to S3C2416 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-19 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[RESEND,1/2] ARM: dts: tegra: Add labels to Tegra114 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-19 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,13/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-tiny4412 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,12/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-origen - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,11/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-trats2 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,10/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-smdk4412 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,8/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5422-odroidxu3 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,7/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5440 boards - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,6/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5420-smdk5420 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,5/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos542x - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,4/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5420-arndale-octa - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,3/8] ARM: dts: Remove duplicated I2C7 nodes in exynos5250-snow - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,2/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5250 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,1/8] ARM: dts: Add labels to exynos5 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,09/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-odroid - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,08/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,07/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4x12 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,06/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4212 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,05/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-trats - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[4/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable OHCI on Exynos - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,04/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-smdkv310 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[3/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable TMU for Exynos - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,03/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-origen - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable PMIC and MUIC drivers for Exynos boards - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,02/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210 - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable CPU idle for Exynos - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v6,01/13] ARM: dts: Add labels to exynos4 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-17 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[4/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable OHCI on Exynos - - - --- 2015-05-15 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[3/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable TMU for Exynos - - - --- 2015-05-15 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable PMIC and MUIC drivers for Exynos boards - - - --- 2015-05-15 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/4] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable CPU idle for Exynos - - - --- 2015-05-15 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,8/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5422-odroidxu3 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,7/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5440 boards - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,6/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5420-smdk5420 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,5/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos542x - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,4/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5420-arndale-octa - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,3/8] ARM: dts: Remove duplicated I2C7 nodes in exynos5250-snow - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,2/8] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos5250 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v3,1/8] ARM: dts: Add labels to exynos5 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,13/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-tiny4412 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,12/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-origen - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,11/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-trats2 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,10/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-smdk4412 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,09/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412-odroid - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,08/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4412 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,07/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4x12 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,06/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4212 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,05/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-trats - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,04/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-smdkv310 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,03/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210-origen - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,02/13] ARM: dts: Use labels for overriding nodes in exynos4210 - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v5,01/13] ARM: dts: Add labels to exynos4 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-14 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,13/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Tiny4412 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,12/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Exynos4412 Origen - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,11/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Trats2 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,10/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in SMDK4412 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,09/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Odroid - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,08/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Exynos4412 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,07/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Exynos4x12 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,06/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Exynos4212 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,05/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Trats - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,04/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in SMDKv310 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,03/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Exynos4210 Origen - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,02/13] ARM: dts: exynos4: Use labels for overriding nodes in Exynos4210 - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[v4,01/13] ARM: dts: Add labels to Exynos4 nodes - - - --- 2015-05-11 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
drm/exynos: Fix build breakage on !DRM_EXYNOS_FIMD - - - --- 2015-05-02 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/2] clk: s3c2410: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/2] clk: s3c2410: Staticize local symbols - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[4/4] ASoC: samsung: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[3/4] ASoC: fsl: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/4] ASoC: bt-sco: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/4] ASoC: au1x: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
ARM: plat-samsung: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
drm/exynos: mixer: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[4/4] i2c: s4c2410: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[3/4] i2c: rcar: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/4] i2c: mxs: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/4] i2c: imx: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[2/2] input: s3c2410_ts: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[1/2] input: samsung-keypad: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[4/4] media: platform: sp5: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
[3/4] media: platform: s3c-camif: Constify platform_device_id - - - --- 2015-05-01 Krzysztof Kozlowski New
« 1 2 ... 38 39 40 41 »