Show patches with: Series = ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 device tree changes       |   3 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[3/3] ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 add fixed partitions ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 device tree changes - - - --- 2020-10-07 Vivek Unune Superseded
[2/3] ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 add port 5 and port 7 ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 device tree changes - - - --- 2020-10-07 Vivek Unune Superseded
[1/3] ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 make use of pinctrl ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Linksys EA9500 device tree changes - - - --- 2020-10-07 Vivek Unune Superseded