Show patches with: Submitter = Chen-Yu Tsai       |    State = Action Required       |   881 patches
« 1 2 3 48 9 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[GIT,PULL] Allwinner device tree changes for 6.15 [GIT,PULL] Allwinner device tree changes for 6.15 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RESEND,net-next,v2] net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Provide FIFO sizes for DWMAC 1000 [RESEND,net-next,v2] net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Provide FIFO sizes for DWMAC 1000 - 1 - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[netdev,v2] net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Provide FIFO sizes for DWMAC 1000 [netdev,v2] net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Provide FIFO sizes for DWMAC 1000 - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[8/8] platform/chrome: of_hw_prober: Support touchscreen probing on Squirtle arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[7/8] platform/chrome: of_hw_prober: Support trackpad probing on Corsola family arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[6/8] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8186: Add Squirtle Chromebooks arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[5/8] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8186: Merge Voltorb device trees arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[4/8] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8186-steelix: Mark second source components for probing arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/8] dt-bindings: arm: mediatek: Add MT8186 Squirtle Chromebooks arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/8] dt-bindings: arm: mediatek: Merge MT8186 Voltorb entries arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/8] dt-bindings: HID: i2c-hid: elan: Introduce Elan eKTH8D18 arm64: mediatek: mt8186-corsola: Consolidate and add new devices - - - --- 2025-03-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
nvmem: mtk-efuse: Enable GPU speed bin post-processing for MT8188 nvmem: mtk-efuse: Enable GPU speed bin post-processing for MT8188 - - - --- 2024-12-23 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[6/6] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8173: Add GPU device nodes powervr: MT8173 GPU support - 1 - --- 2024-05-30 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[5/6] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8173: Fix MFG_ASYNC power domain clock powervr: MT8173 GPU support - 1 - --- 2024-05-30 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[4/6] drm/imagination: Add compatible string entry for Series6XT powervr: MT8173 GPU support - 1 - --- 2024-05-30 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/6] dt-bindings: gpu: powervr-rogue: Add MediaTek MT8173 GPU powervr: MT8173 GPU support - 2 - --- 2024-05-30 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/6] clk: mediatek: Add mt8173-mfgtop driver powervr: MT8173 GPU support - - - --- 2024-05-30 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/6] dt-bindings: clock: mediatek: Add mt8173 mfgtop powervr: MT8173 GPU support - 1 - --- 2024-05-30 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8183-kodama: Split into base and overlays [RFC] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8183-kodama: Split into base and overlays - - - --- 2024-04-09 Chen-Yu Tsai New
clk: meson: meson8b: Simplify notifier clock lookup clk: meson: meson8b: Simplify notifier clock lookup - - - --- 2023-07-31 Chen-Yu Tsai New
clk: mediatek: Check if clock ID is larger than clk_hw_onecell_data size clk: mediatek: Check if clock ID is larger than clk_hw_onecell_data size - - - --- 2023-07-19 Chen-Yu Tsai New
arm64: dts: rockchip: nanopi4: decrease Bluetooth UART baud rate arm64: dts: rockchip: nanopi4: decrease Bluetooth UART baud rate - - - --- 2021-09-20 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[5/5] ARM: dts: sun7i: Add MSI Primo73 tablet ARM: sunxi: Add support for MSI Primo73 tablet - - - --- 2020-07-14 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[4/5] ARM: dts: sun7i: Add LCD0 RGB888 pins ARM: sunxi: Add support for MSI Primo73 tablet - - - --- 2020-07-14 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/5] dt-bindings: arm: sunxi: Add compatible for MSI Primo73 tablet ARM: sunxi: Add support for MSI Primo73 tablet 1 - - --- 2020-07-14 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/5] drm/panel: simple: Set bpc from bits-per-color DT property for panel-dpi ARM: sunxi: Add support for MSI Primo73 tablet - - - --- 2020-07-14 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/5] dt-bindings: display: panel-dpi: Add bits-per-color property ARM: sunxi: Add support for MSI Primo73 tablet - - - --- 2020-07-14 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2,5/6] ARM: dts: sun7i: add pinmux setting for RGB888 output for LCD0 drm/sun4i: Support color dithering for LCD panels - - - --- 2018-09-07 Chen-Yu Tsai New
mmc: sunxi: Use new timing mode for A64 eMMC controller - - - --- 2018-07-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
ARM: sun8i: a83t: Add device tree for Sinovoip Bananapi BPI-M3 - - - --- 2017-08-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[linux-sunxi,2/2] mmc: sunxi: fix new timings mode on A64 EMMC (MMC2) controller - - - --- 2017-08-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
ARM: Use WFI when possible when halting a core - - - --- 2017-07-27 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC] drm/sun4i: rgb: Add 5% tolerance to dot clock frequency check - - - --- 2016-11-24 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v4,2/2] ARM: dts: sun6i: hummingbird-a31: Enable display output through VGA bridge - - - --- 2016-11-16 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v4,1/2] drm/bridge: dumb-vga-dac: Support a VDD regulator supply 1 - - --- 2016-11-16 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2,3/3] ARM: dts: sun7i: bananapi-m1-plus: Enable USB OTG - - - --- 2016-11-15 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2,2/3] ARM: dts: sun7i: bananapi-m1-plus: Add PMIC regulators - - - --- 2016-11-15 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2,1/3] ARM: dts: sun7i: bananapi-m1-plus: Enable USB PHY for USB host support - - - --- 2016-11-15 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3,3/3] pinctrl: sunxi: Make sunxi_pconf_group_set use sunxi_pconf_reg helper 1 - - --- 2016-11-11 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3,2/3] pinctrl: sunxi: Add support for fetching pinconf settings from hardware 1 - - --- 2016-11-11 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3,1/3] pinctrl: sunxi: Fix PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_PULL_{DOWN, UP} argument 1 - - --- 2016-11-11 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/4] drm/sun4i: rgb: Declare RGB encoder and connector as MIPI DPI - - - --- 2016-09-15 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3] clocksource: sun4i: Clear interrupts after stopping timer in probe function 1 - - --- 2016-08-25 Chen-Yu Tsai New
ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: Rename sinovoip-bpi-m2-plus to bananapi-m2-plus - - - --- 2016-07-08 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[8/9] ARM: dts: sun7i: bananapi-m1-plus: Add PMIC regulators and OPPs for cpufreq - - - --- 2016-07-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2] ARM: dts: sun5i: q8-common: Enable USB-based WiFi - - - --- 2016-06-23 Chen-Yu Tsai New
ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: sinovoip-bpi-m2-plus: Fix LED and switch labels - - - --- 2016-06-08 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3,2/2] ARM: dts: sun9i: cubieboard4: Drop sunxi-common-regulators.dtsi - - - --- 2016-06-03 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3,1/2] ARM: dts: sun9i: a80-optimus: Drop sunxi-common-regulators.dtsi - - - --- 2016-06-03 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/3] ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: Add dts file for Sinovoip BPI-M2+ - - - --- 2016-06-02 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/3] ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: Add uart1 pinmux setting - - - --- 2016-06-02 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/3] ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: move uart0 pins to sort pinmux list in proper order - - - --- 2016-06-02 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/3] mmc: sunxi: Re-enable eMMC HS-DDR modes on Allwinner A80 - - - --- 2016-05-29 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/3] mmc: sunxi: Fix DDR MMC timings for A80 1 - - --- 2016-05-29 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/3] mmc: fix mmc mode selection for HS-DDR and higher 1 2 1 --- 2016-05-29 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[6/6] ARM: dts: sun5i: q8-common: Enable display pipeline and LCD display - - - --- 2016-05-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[5/6] ARM: dts: sun5i: q8-common: Enable audio codec - - - --- 2016-05-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[4/6] ARM: dts: sun5i: q8-common: Enable USB power supply - - - --- 2016-05-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/6] ARM: dts: sun5i: q8-common: Enable USB-based WiFi - - - --- 2016-05-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/6] ARM: dts: axp209: Disable ldo5 by default - - - --- 2016-05-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/6] drm: sun4i: do cleanup if RGB output init fails - - - --- 2016-05-17 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/2] ARM: dts: sun6i: yones-toptech-bs1078-v2: Drop constraints on dc1sw regulator - - - --- 2016-05-11 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/2] ARM: dts: sun6i: primo81: Drop constraints on dc1sw regulator - - - --- 2016-05-11 Chen-Yu Tsai New
mmc: sunxi: Disable eMMC HS-DDR (MMC_CAP_1_8V_DDR) for Allwinner A80 - - - --- 2016-04-26 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,5/5] ARM: dts: sun8i: Enable Ethernet controller on the Orange PI PC - - - --- 2016-04-04 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,4/5] ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: Add Ethernet controller device node to sun8i-h3.dtsi - - - --- 2016-04-04 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,3/5] ARM: dts: sun8i-h3: Add H3 Ethernet PHY device node to sun8i-h3.dtsi - - - --- 2016-04-04 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,2/5] net: phy: sun8i-h3-ephy: Add driver for Allwinner H3 Ethernet PHY - - - --- 2016-04-04 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,1/5] net: phy: sun8i-h3-ephy: Add bindings for Allwinner H3 Ethernet PHY - - - --- 2016-04-04 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v3] clk: sunxi: Fix sun8i-a23-apb0-clk divider flags - - - --- 2016-02-15 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2,2/2] ARM: dts: sun9i: Fix apbs clock compatible - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2,1/2] clk: sunxi: Add support for A80 APBS clock - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,10/10] ARM: dts: sun8i: q8-common: Add AXP223 PMIC device and regulator nodes - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,09/10] ARM: dts: sun8i: sinlinx-sina33: Add AXP223 PMIC device and regulator nodes - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,08/10] regulator: axp20x: Support new AXP223 PMIC - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,07/10] mfd: axp20x: Add support for RSB based AXP223 PMIC - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,06/10] mfd: axp20x: Whitespace, open parenthesis alignment code style fixes - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,05/10] mfd: axp20x: Split the driver into core and i2c bits - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,04/10] mfd: axp20x: Add missing copyright notice - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,03/10] mfd: axp20x: use dev->driver->of_match_table in axp20x_match_device() - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,02/10] mfd: axp20x: Remove second struct device * parameter for axp20x_match_device() - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v8,01/10] mfd: axp20x: Add AXP223 to list of supported PMICs in DT bindings - - - --- 2016-02-12 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[v2] ARM: sunxi_defconfig: Enable MUSB HDRC driver with Allwinner glue - - - --- 2016-02-09 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[6/6] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable MUSB HDRC driver with Allwinner glue - - - --- 2016-02-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[5/6] ARM: multi_v7_defconfig: Enable A10 audio codec driver as module - - - --- 2016-02-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[4/6] ARM: sunxi_defconfig: Enable INPUT_EVDEV so axp20x-pek can be used - - - --- 2016-02-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/6] ARM: sunxi_defconfig: Enable MUSB HDRC driver with Allwinner glue - - - --- 2016-02-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/6] ARM: sunxi_defconfig: Enable A10 audio codec driver - - - --- 2016-02-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/6] ARM: sunxi_defconfig: Enable sunxi IR driver - - - --- 2016-02-06 Chen-Yu Tsai New
ARM: dts: sun9i: a80-optimus: Remove i2c3 and uart4 - - - --- 2016-02-01 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/2] ARM: dts: sun9i: Fix apbs clock compatible - - - --- 2016-02-01 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/2] clk: sunxi: Add support for A80 APBS clock - - - --- 2016-02-01 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[3/3] mmc: sunxi: Enable eMMC HS-DDR (MMC_CAP_1_8V_DDR) support - - - --- 2016-01-29 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[2/3] mmc: sunxi: Support 8 bit eMMC DDR transfer modes - - - --- 2016-01-29 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[1/3] mmc: sunxi: Support MMC_DDR52 timing modes - - - --- 2016-01-29 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,11/11] clk: sunxi: rewrite sun8i-a23-mbus-clk using the simpler composite clk - - - --- 2016-01-25 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,10/11] clk: sunxi: rewrite sun6i-ar100 using factors clk - - - --- 2016-01-25 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,09/11] clk: sunxi: rewrite sun6i-a31-ahb1-clk using factors clk with custom recalc - - - --- 2016-01-25 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,08/11] clk: sunxi: factors: Drop round_rate from clk ops - - - --- 2016-01-25 Chen-Yu Tsai New
[RFC,07/11] clk: sunxi: factors: Support custom formulas - - - --- 2016-01-25 Chen-Yu Tsai New
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