Show patches with: Submitter = Marc Zyngier       |    Archived = No       |   318 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[02/17] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Add __vgic_put_lpi_locked primitive [01/17] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Add LPI translation cache definition - 1 1 --- 2019-09-09 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[01/17] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Add LPI translation cache definition [01/17] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Add LPI translation cache definition - 1 1 --- 2019-09-09 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v2] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Allow more than 256 vcpus for KVM_IRQ_LINE [v2] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Allow more than 256 vcpus for KVM_IRQ_LINE - 2 - --- 2019-09-05 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[3/3] arm64: KVM: Kill hyp_alternate_select() arm64: KVM: Kiss hyp_alternate_select() goodbye - - - --- 2019-09-01 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[2/3] arm64: KVM: Replace hyp_alternate_select with has_vhe() arm64: KVM: Kiss hyp_alternate_select() goodbye - - - --- 2019-09-01 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[1/3] arm64: KVM: Drop hyp_alternate_select for checking for ARM64_WORKAROUND_834220 arm64: KVM: Kiss hyp_alternate_select() goodbye - - - --- 2019-09-01 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[2/2] KVM: arm: Don't write junk to CP15 registers on reset KVM: arm/arm64: Revamp sysreg reset checks - - - --- 2019-08-05 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[1/2] KVM: arm64: Don't write junk to sysregs on reset KVM: arm/arm64: Revamp sysreg reset checks - - 1 --- 2019-08-05 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,10/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-irqfd: Implement kvm_arch_set_irq_inatomic KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,09/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Check the LPI translation cache on MSI injection KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,08/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Cache successful MSI->LPI translation KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,07/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Invalidate MSI-LPI translation cache on vgic teardown KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,06/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Invalidate MSI-LPI translation cache on ITS disable KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,05/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Invalidate MSI-LPI translation cache on disabling LPIs KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,04/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Invalidate MSI-LPI translation cache on specific commands KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,03/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Add MSI-LPI translation cache invalidation KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,02/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Add __vgic_put_lpi_locked primitive KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
[v3,01/10] KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Add LPI translation cache definition KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: ITS translation cache - 1 - --- 2019-07-25 Marc Zyngier Mainlined
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